Colorado State Forest Service Insect and Disease Quarterly Report May 2010 Volume 2, Issue 2 Inside this Issue: Aerial Detection Survey Program Feature: Aerial Detection As summer approaches, the cover large areas in a short period Survey Program 1 Colorado State Forest Service will of time at an average cost of less begin participating in the 2010 than a penny per acre. Flights can aerial detection survey program in cover around 200,000 acres per Meet Pheidole stephensi, cooperation with the USFS. The day, much of which may be other- aka “Ant Sky” 1 aerial detection survey (ADS) pro- wise inaccessible. ADS flights are gram is one of the tools forest man- typically flown as grid flights agers use to assess, monitor and over large areas of relatively level Statewide Forest Resource track changes in forest conditions terrain or contour flights over Assessment 2 on a landscape level. more mountainous terrain. Fixed-wing aircraft. History Spotlight: Tiger Moth 3 ADS programs have been used and GPS systems are advancing ADS and help make the ADS data since the 1920s and were formally established as part of the 1947 transferable to users in more for- Things to Watch For 4 Federal Forest Pest Control Act, mats including: printed maps, GIS which authorized surveys and re- shapefiles and tabular summaries. ADS observers undergo consid- Events and Announcements 4 porting on forest insect and disease conditions. This long history of erable training on the ground and ADS has provided invaluable in- in the air and need a specific skill sight into impacts of insects and set to be qualified observers. Ob- diseases on forests in the U.S. We servers receive extensive flight operations and safety training. can use historical survey data to Example contour flight map. better understand changes in forest They also need to be able to recog- health and see patterns of pest Observers nize tree species and insect and disease signatures, so observers emergences. ADS observers visually assess must also have normal color vision. Operations the forested areas flown to map Each tree species, insect and dis- ADS is conducted from small insect and disease activity. Re- ease impact has a unique aerial fixed-wing aircraft that are capable cently, digital sketch mapping sys- signature. of making low-level flights over tems have replaced traditional pa- the landscape. Aerial observers can per maps. Digital sketch mapping (continued page 3) Meet Pheidole stephensi, aka “ A nt Sky ” CSFS Forest Entomologist Sky ter’s program in Arizona, so was Sky came across the work of Dr. Stephens recently had a species of familiar with ant taxonomy (she’s Brian Taylor, who was working on African ant named after here, fol- also a self-professed “ant geek”). a compilation of ant taxonomy lowing research she had conducted She soon learned that the diver- keys for Africa. Sky corresponded in Ghana, West Africa. sity of ants she was collecting in with him and was able to obtain In 2004, Sky Stephens started Africa was at least tenfold greater early versions of the key. Sky and her doctoral research in West Af- than the diversity of ants in Ari- Dr. Taylor kept in touch through rica. One component of her work zona, with more morphospecies her doctoral program, and she often involved using ants as indicators of and genera than she had previously sent him specimens or digital pho- land use, forest type and as general been exposed to. While collecting tos of ants. measures of biodiversity. Sky had the few and generally very old worked with ants during her mas- taxonomic works on African ants, (continued page 2) CSFS I&D Quarterly Statewide Forest Resource Assessment The 2010 Colorado Statewide The report includes: • Forest Industry Profile Forest Resource Assessment is now • Overview of Colorado's Forests available on the CSFS website. The • Departure from Modeled Histori- assessment is the first geospatial • Opportunities for Positive Man- cal Conditions assessment ever completed by the agement Action Colorado State Forest Service. This • Urban Influence Areas in Colo- report contains the complete set of • Priority Landscapes rado data used to generate the assess- • Outreach Presentations & Work- • Wildlife Action Plan ment, as well as the process fol- lowed and a list of the people en- shops gaged. • Data Methods and Sources View the full report at: The objective of the assessment http://csfs.colostate.edu/pages/wide- is to provide a spatial overview of • Data Gaps Colorado's forests and display areas forest-assessment.html • Spatial Analysis Project The Statewide Forest Re- in the state where resources would source Assessment. be best focused to achieve desired • Forest Legacy Program Lands future conditions. • Assessment of Need Meet Pheidole stephensi, aka “ A nt Sky ” ( c ontinued from page 1 ) Once, she sent him a collection sure I’ve ever felt so ridiculously spiracle; postpetiole from above of particularly difficult ants to iden- flattered.” As evidence of her ex- smoothly ovoid; with faint rugae on tify, and about eight months later, citement, Sky did the happy ento- the anterior dorsum of the head; when Sky was returning to Arizona mologist dance in her office. other sculpturation restricted to from Ghana, she spent 10 days The irony of this story is that the weak spiculation on the lateral working with Dr. Taylor at the Pheidole genus is one of Sky’s least mesonotum and propodeum; erect Natural History Museum in Oxford. favorites. According to Sky, hairs relatively long, fine and mod- While there, she improved her ant “they’re a great group of ants, but erately abundant. Colour yellow- taxonomy skills and looked at refer- the taxonomy is a complete bear.” brown, gaster darker.” ence collections. She also enjoyed Pheidole stephensi apparently If you understood all that, then several local pubs in the company doesn’t have any crazy spines or you speak ant geek too! of, as the British like to say, “the stylish hairs, so it might not be the charming Dr. Taylor” while talking most impressive ant on the block, ants. but it does have a strong median Fast forward to February 2010, tooth and “Appears to be completely Pheidole stephens, soldier or when Sky arrived at her desk and unique in having the frontal carinae major form. found an email regarding the recent excavated so as to expose the base naming of a number of new species of the scape and the torus, also in of African ants. The message indi- having quite distinct antennal cated that a number of the new spe- scrobes; the scape itself has a well cies had been named in recognition developed basal expansion or of collectors. Sky looked at the list flange; scapes and frontal carinae and under new species in 2010 was reaching three-quarter point of face; Some unique characteristics of Pheidole stephensi. When she antennal scrobes while superficial Pheidole stephensi including scape clicked on the link, there it was – an quite distinct; alitrunk with trans- insertion and hypostomal and ant named in recognition of our very verse mesonotal welt; propodeum median teeth. own Sky Stephens! To say that Sky with sharp lateral margination and was beaming would be a gross un- quite deeply longitudinally concave; Special thanks to Katherine derstatement. As she says, “I’m not with large distinctive propodeal Timm for writing this story. CSFS I&D Quarterly 2 Aerial Detection Survey Program ( c ontinued from page 1 ) Tree and Damage Signatures disease agent. Numerous areas are It is important to remember that Knowing where you are observ- ground-truthed post flight to con- ADS data are meant to give a broad ing on the landscape (i.e., elevation, firm diagnosis made during flight. landscape-level assessment of forest aspect, riparian zone) is key to rec- Uses for ADS Data condition. ADS numbers are often ognizing tree signatures. Tree signa- After ADS data is collected and misused as more specific. The num- tures are identified by color, crown compiled it becomes a very useful bers given in ADS data have at least shape/margin, branching pattern and tool for land managers. ADS data a 10 percent error margin. ADS data a b c foliage texture. Insect and disease can help develop future forest man- are a powerful tool when used ap- signatures are indentified by the agement activities, can be used in propriately and when you under- host trees’ responses including de- education and outreach programs stand the nature of the data pre- foliation and foliage discoloration. and can illustrate landscape level sented. During flights, ADS observers impacts on forests by insects and Look up this summer and you sketch polygons on maps and code diseases. might just see ADS in action! Example tree shapes seen by aerial them for tree species and insect or observers: a) ponderosa pine, b) lodgepole pine and c) subalpine fir. Tiger Moth Multiple species of tiger disperse from the tent and be- years. While the specific factors moths occur in the Western U.S. come solitary feeders. In June, contributing to outbreak events and several are common in the one can find these caterpillars on are unknown, tiger moth popula- southern Rocky Mountains. Two the ground preparing to pupate tions are generally controlled by species (L. ingens and L. argen- among branches, litter or along cold winter temperatures, patho- tata) have conspicuous silver trunks. After emerging, the noc- gens, and the presence of their spots on the adult moth and are turnal adults are in flight from natural parasitoid enemy: a Bra- sometimes called silver-spotted late July through mid-August, at conid wasp. tiger moths. The caterpillars which time they will mate and Recent studies have focused search for suitable host plants.
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