284 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. AYL.WIN, a township on the western side of BACK LANDS GRAND RIVER (NORTH the Gatineau River. Its chief vililage is onazu- Side), a settlement in the dist. of St. George, bazua. There are also two post offices within Nfld. Pop (1901), 51. this township, and the celebrated fenazubazua BACK MEADOWS, a post village noted for Plains, an extensive tract of sand which was its beautiful scenery, situated between the once a rich pinery, known as the "Alder- Rivers Black Branch and Cariboo in Pictou shot" of Canada. Pop. 900. CO., N.S., on Oxford and Pictou branch of the AYR, an incorporated village in Waterloo I.C.R., 14 miles from Pictou, and 2 miles from CO., Ont., on the Nith River, 8 miles from post office. Pop. 225. Paris, 10 miles from Gait, on the C.P.R. It BACK RIVER, Hochelaga co.. Que. See contains 2 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist Sault-au-Recollet. churches, 8 stores, 2 good hotels. 2 flour mills, BACK, or GREAT FISH RIVER, in Mac- 4 factories, 1 bank, 1 printing office which kenzie dist., N.W.T., rises in Sussex Lake issues the "Ayr News," 2 express and 2 tele- north of Lake Aylmer, fiows north and north- graph offices. Ayr possesses a beautiful na- east through a granite and sandy region, tra- tural park on bank of the river which is the verses Lakes Peily and Garry, and enters a popular resort for picnicking and boating par- bay in the Arctic Ocean (north of Keewatin ties. Pop. 827. dist.), lat. 62° 7' 31" .N., Ion. 98° 39' 45" W. AYTON, a post settlement in Grey co., Ont., BACK SHORE, a post office in Pictou co., on the south brancii of the Saugeen River, N.S., 2y2l miles from River John station, on the and a station on the Georgian Bay and Lake I.C.R. It contains an Episcopal church and 3 Erie branch of the G.T.R., 10 miles from lobster canneries. Pop. 200. Harrison. Its port is Owen Sound. It contains BACK'S LAND, in the Polar regions of 5 churches (2 Lutheran, 1 Evangelical, 1 Pres- Franklin district, is a name applied to the byterian, and 1 Roman Catholic), 5 stores, 3 region around the Arctic Circle, between Ion. hotels, 1 flour mill, 1 saw mill, 2^ planing mills, 95° and 108^ W., explored by Captain Back, in 1 cider mill, 1 cordage factory, 1 brancn bank, 1818-37. telegraph and express offices, and a printing BACON COVE (Upper and Lower), a fishing office issuing a weekly newspaper. Pop. 500. settlement in Harbor Main dist., Nttd., at the AZILDA, a post office in Nipissing dist., Ont., head of Conception Bay, 42 miles from St. and a station on the main line of the C.P.R., John's Pop. (1901), 137. 7 miles west of Sudbury. BADDECK, a river of Nova Scotia, takes its BABINE LAKE, a considerable body of water rise near the source of the Middle River, in in Cassiar dist., B.C., on which there is a post what is called the Moose Forest Island of Cape of the Hudson Bay Co. It is reached from Breton, and flowing through a fine agricultural Victoria and Vancouver by steamer on the country, empties itself into St. Patrick's Chan- the Pacific to Port E«sington, at the mouth of nel, an arm of Bras d'Or Lake, at the town miles) thence up the river Skeena River (589 of Baddeck. It is frequented by salmon and then rail east- to Hazleton (150 miles), and by trout. ward' (65 miles), in all 800 miles. Babine Lake post town in Victoria co., N.S., lies west of Cross and Stuart Lakes. Its area BADDECK. a from Tona, or Grand Narrows Station, is 196,000 acres. See Nata-Punket. 12 miles north side BABINE RIVER, the outlet of Babine Lake, on the of Big Bras d'Or Lake, 40 in Cassiar dist, B.C., which empties north- miles from Sydney and 43 miles from Mabou. westward into the Skeena. It contains Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist BABINGTON, a liaml«t in Queens co., N.B., and Roman Catholic chnrches, 7 stores, 2 near Young's Cove Road, on the Central Ry. hotels, post office savings bank, and Union Halifax, telegraph and express offices. of New Brunswick. Bank of lona BACCALIEU, a settlement in the dist of Bay- A steam ferry connects it with and Grand It is popular resort. Pop. de-Verde, Nfld. Pop. (1901). 19. Narrows. a summer BACCARO, a post village In Shelburne ;co., 1,000. N.S., 15 miles from Barrington Passage, the BADDECK BAY. a post settlement on the terminus of the Halifax & Yarmouth Ry. It north side of the bay of that name, 3 miles contains 1 Methodist church, 4 stores, and 1 east of Baddeck, Victoria co., N.S., 12 miles lobster cannery. Pop. 200. from Grand Narrows Station, on the I.C.R. BACCARO POINT, a fishing settlement in It possesses a school house, temperance hall Shelburne co., N.S., on the sea coast adjoin- and 2 or 3 blacksmith shops. Pop. 200. ing Cape Sable Island, 12 miles from Shel- BADDECK BRIDGE, a post settlement in point) burne. A lighthouse on this exhibits a Victoria co., N.S., 4 miles from Baddeck. The level fixed red light, 49 feet above the of the nearest station is Alba, on the I.C.R. Pop., sea. Pop., about 225. about 300. BACK BAY. a post village on an arm of Bay BADDECK RIVER, a settlement near the of Fundy, in Charlotte co., N.B., 8 miles from Bras d'Or Lakes in Victoria co.. Cape Breton 6t. George, the nearest railway station, it Island, N.S., on Gillis Brook and the North contains 1 church (Dis. of Christ). 3 stores, 1 Branch River, 12 miles from Grand Narrows small hotel. Its chief industry is that of fish- Station, on the I.C.R., 33 miles south-west of ing. Pod. 200. North Sydney Jet. It has 1 Presbyterian BACK COVE, a fishing settlement in the church, 1 board and shingle mill, and 1 bank district of Fogo, on Fogo Island, Nfid. It is Pop., under 100. separated from Fogo Harbor merely by a nar- (Merchants of Halifax). row neck of land. Pop. (1901), 48. BADDELY, a river in Chicoutimi co.. Que., BACK LANDS, a post office in Antigonish named after Its explorer, Lieut. Baddely. It is CO., N.S. Afton, on the I.C.R.. is the nearest between 7 and 8 miles long, and runs into Lake railway station. Kenogamichiche. LOVELUS GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 285 BADDOW, a post settlement in Victoria co,, bers of high, sharp, conical rocks, so artificial Ont., situated in south-west corner of Somer- in form and appearance that they are called vill©. It is 6 miles north-west of Fenelon Falls, monuments. Both sides of the bay are indent- on the G.T.R., and 5 miles from Coboconk. It ed with numerous sounds, creeks and inlets, contains I Baptist and 1 Methodist chapel. few of which, however, have yet been ex- Pop. 100. plored. It abounds in black whales of a large size, and in seals. BADEN, a thriving post village in Waterloo BAFFIN CO., Ont., on the G.T.R., 10 miles west of Ber- ISLAND, a small island in Fox Channel, north inlet lin. It contains 3 churches, 1 large iron of Hudson Bay, in lat, 65° 40' N., Ion. 83° 29' W. foundry, woollen mill, flax mill, linseed mill, BAFFIN ISLANDS, flouring mill, cigar box and stave factories, a three small islands in Baffin Bay, and so called tannery, 1 bank agency, post and telegraph by Captain Ross. They are in lat. 74° 4' N., 58° offices, 3 hotels, and 5 stores. Pop., under 600. and Ion. W. BAFFIN LAND, a great Peninsula north of station on the Gan. Northern BADEN, a Hudson Strait, in the Franklin dist., N.E.T., div.), in Marquette co., RR. (Prince Albert bounded on the east by Davis Strait and Baffin Man., 50 miles north of Swan River, and 43 Bay, and on the west by Fox Channel and miles south-east of Erwood. Cockburn Island, BADENOCH, a post office in Bruce co., Ont, BAGDAD, a settlement in Queens co., N.B., 41/. miles from Mildmay, a station on the Hamil- on the Washadamoak River, 3 miles from ton & Southampton branch of the G.T.R., 6 Young's Cove Road station on the Central Ry» miles south-east of Walkerton. of N.B. It contains 1 Anglican church. BAGLEY, a post office BADGER, a settlement in the dist. of Twil- in Humboldt dist, Prov. of Saskatchewan. lingate, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 23. The nearest station la Prince Albert a station on the C.P.R., and the BADGER, a station on the Port Arthur and Can. Northern RR. branch of the Can. Northern RR., Winnipeg BAGNALL LAKE, a small lake in Renfrew and a post office in Provencher co., Man., 20 CO., Ont. Sprague and 75 miles miles north-west of BAGOT, a post village and station on the Winnipeg. south-east of I.C.R., in Bagot co., Que., 13 miles north-east BADGER BAY, a settlement in the dist. of of St. Hyacinthe, and 16 miles south-west of Twillingate, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 42. Drummondville. See Ste. Helene de Bagot BADGER BAY, a settlement in the dist. of BAGOT, a county in the southern part of Bonavista, Nfld.
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