f£ 6, 1943 =-=:::::::, ,i · Ration Cal,ndar Showers Icanls 'VEL OIL .... p.D No. a 0>:,1 .... I.pl 811. IOWA - 8JMnren aIIIl aeeuIoul SROE" .... ""n 1T upl... Juu. 151 IbWlll........ lodar. uWa lobs Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ebaDce ID &.rmperatare ing repr~. Flvt= CENTS TOE A880ClATED r1lE8. IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY. JUNE 8. 1943 VOLUME XlJll NUMBER 211 State SClVil . I interview ,vern menl. ALLIES POUND ITALY'S PANTELLARIA ISLAND lhe we~ t ) n. m. 10 Iymenl ot. Du ilding. 'ovided 10 Argentina· to Stay Neutral Ig qUal'ters :Ie men In y at $3.50 nfurnlshed Returned Veterans Ie at frOm Soviets Bomb u. S. Warplanes Hit 6en. Pedro Ramirez Succeeds · All Units Ice of the Describe Altu Fight . Japs Along Yangtze I are open 400 Casualties Grin German Bases, In Support of Chinese Rawson as'Government Head J and \)n : I'king week Through Pain to Tell and a halt Of Aleutian Hardships High Command Says ) [ N'PEVIDE ,(AP) en. Pedro Ramirez ucceeded Gen. · 40 hours. Lose 1Plane Over 1,800 Japane.. Artul' Raw on a h ad of Arg ntina' n w pro\-i iona} govern· I shops. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- Near­ ment yt'. t l'day and. after huf()in~ the cabinet in a ri of ngaged In Killed or Wounded IDO\' which liberal llOped would maKe for a I r acti nary re- Ir agricui. Iy 400 veterans of Altu grinned Strong Nazi Thrusts th rough the pai n of evel'e rI'o t-I gime, jle dIal' d that hi e untl·y' policy w nld be one of ply. ApPII. Into Russian Lines CHUNGKING (AP) - United friena~h ip toward merican peopl . !lnd of nt'lltrality toward Ie accepted bUe nnd gunshot wounds yester­ Slales warplanes I hed out at the Jopnneiie all along the upper ot hers. 10sHions It day to tell het-oie ~tol'ies ot In ­ Repulsed in 3 Sectors Yangtze batLle(ront Sunday in Tn a pt'eeh broad a t from Bn n Aires imm diately aCter I selective credible hardships unt! biller 'cd. LON ~ON, Tuesday (AP)­ support of heartened Chines h wa Hworn in a pre id nt la t night, Ramirez said he intebded ' fighting on th aI nuw captured Strong German feeler thrusts into troops who continued to hurl the to Collow a "(!or dial policy toward Am r1(,8n peopl . with whoVi Aleutian oUlpost. Soviet lines were smashed back enemy back In one ot hi biggest we ha" ht'en unit d 'ill tim past. " ~ttend : Their worst enemies were damp- Monday on th"ee main sectors, the defeats in China. "A. regnd olh r couutrie ," he udd('d. "Arg('nfinll' policy ness nnd cold. Two hundred o[ Russians reported early today .. but The Chinese high command i~ at pres nt that of nel1trolity." the maill action on the long f.-o nt the fighters who arrived a I San said. mol' thnn 1,800 Japanese, 14Th de tini . of the Argentine ha\'e been pIaI' d by circum- renee still appeared to be In the air, lleetng In all dIrections from Itu, r~18nC('l! ill the bond or a ROIIT\pr Francisco army hospital Sunday with Red army and German air­ Yangtze port 18 miles below . will rl1lt' with rectitUde were surrel'ing rI'O m fl 'ost-blte, men trading especially heavy Jchang, were killed or wounded Ickes Says Walkouts wh o . ,: will leave Sunday in a mopping operation Immon enR~ and firmness, ne ll where moslly in the feel. The other 195 blows Sunday nighl. , Slale," a Soviet bombers sma shed nt the at that place and that a number C t U S 11 000 000 tht' npw PI' Ident declarpd. had stopped Jupunese lead or b en Nazi-held railway junction of or strategic pOints were seized In OS •• " tJpon h p 8 ri n g Ramirt',' to Irain injured in accidents. Unecha in the Orel district, pound­ the area south the Yanglze be- broadcast, foreign office sources ~ ipati onin ot T f C I D , Victims of the cold were unable ing ammunition, fuel and arms twecn Ichaog and Shasi, 70 miles ons 0 oa to ate and members of lIle diplomatic to walk. The reet of mnny were dumps and concentrations o( ene­ to lhe southeast. corps here told The Associated City ~Igh swoll en to twice their normal my trains moving troops up to the The Chinese continued to tHrust Press they preferred to withhold loward ni. (ront, a Moscow broadcast de- toward the river all along the Most Miners Return comment on the final constitution Id DOnald size. elared. line in southern Hupeh and north- To Work,. 3 CoUierie. of AreenUna', provisional gov- gh school; As CO I'p. Laddie Gargulak. 24 , of "Many fires broke out and heavy ern Hunan prov)nces and rep'orted ernment until after a clearer ALLlED b()M1\E1\S. of ihe Soulh African Air Foree have titen ,Ivln, Pantellerla, Italy's tiny Island It. Mary's; " Ohicago, explained: explosions were observed," said more' thon 200 of the enemy killed statement Its torelgn policy iI (ortress off the coast of Tunisia, a constan* poundln.. since ·the 1all of Tunisia. This photo. made dur- d d b Still Remain Idle ot St. Pat. "We got wet leet on lhe ori"inal said the broadcast, recor e y in widespread operations In which known. from Uni. ln' altaok, shows the airfield on the i~land as colUmns of black smoke Indicate two 011 fires. Smoke of Th P It d Id b landing and we got wet fe t very e Associated ress. reporte Japane e communlcatioO$ were WASHINGTON (AP) - Seere- One lorelen office source, puz- burstIng bombs almost obsourel the landln.... round while at. the' far ehd of the air '1 e can e seen only one Russian plane lost. ('ut and garrisons ralded. tary Ickes said last night lIlat Idle- zled over Ramirez' reference to lip of the ent~ances to underground han,ars and workshops on the side or the hilI. co uple houl's. Il was all right The I:adio declared 12 German ness in th nallon's mines had cost "0 the r countries," wondeJ:ed from the • t l -"-r-'- 1--- -or---~---- .,--,-...'- --'."-"~' ~' --.-. --. -------':--- 1when we co uld change socks regu- planes were shot down out or a 11,000,000 tons uf coal, and atked whether the phrase, "at present," el for the , . Yank Fliers Pound . " R 'p .. '. 'd' Di t;L .' H" t lal'ly, bUl when we could not, boy, force o( about 100 that struck at John L. Lewis to seek' an end to might conceivably be taken as I Dodge in Ber IIn;' ~me . ropaga~ a'; Ispa e,les · In the II'ost bite would set in." And Gorki, industrlal center on the Japs on Kiska Island scattered strikes which remained meanln, that the future policy .ell college. • . 1 • the grim business or fighting didn't Volga some 250 miles east of Mos- WASHINGTON, (AP)-Ameri­ in effect yesterday as most of the will be dlfterent. He added that rnment by ,:':' ·'Freedom' can pilots. flying through the 500,000 miners went back to the Ramirez obviously referred to ~ miniature AllietMaYJiI~ade.. Europ'e Jhrough ~ Spain .· ~~~~~!s. allow pauses for soc k cO;he Germans declared the raid perpetual fogs of the Aleutians, pits under a two-w ek truce In Germany, Italy and Japan in hll lhe conler. , Gorgulak's outfit was headed tor was the third consecutive nlghl at­ have pounded the Japs on Ki ka their wage dispute with the oper, mention ot "olher countries." a surprise allack on Q Japanese tack on Gorki, and that their again with their heavy bombs, ators. Rawson resigned suddenlY yes- Istruclional From Wanr Nerve War Spreads position in the Hollz bay region. planes set huge !ires with 500 tons the navy announced today. Ickes, federal operator of the terday after failing to reach an wo parties, As Italians S"tagg,er His group sneaked through the fog of explo ives and 100,000 Incendi­ Big army Liberators and lhe coal mines, sent this telegram to agreement on the constitution of elect their Food Confal? Brings. until the men were about a quar- aries. The Russians said bombs new and highly effective Ventura the president of the United Mine a new cabinet. In spite of Dew , represen. Under Aerir.il Brows .' WEST MLANA-Flre of un­ tel' of :l mile (rom the Japanese. I hit in residential areas, causing medium bombers joined in the at­ Workers of Amerlca: restrictions In an already severe Lis. New Hope- F. D. R. de t e r m In e d orl'ln swept Then the tog suddenly lifted, damu(le and casualties, while the tack. Not even anU-aircraft op­ "It is reported to me that Lane censorship, It was learned throuah LONDON (AP)-The axis was throu .. h the Amana SorJety and the Americans wel'e in plain G e r man r ported widespread position was reported. colliery, Glen Alden coal com- press dispatches and radio broad­ IIble study WAQHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ at pains yesterday to suggest that refri ..eration plant · here last sight. The enemy opened up with dnmage to industrial sections .. "Due to a heavy ov reast re­ pony, Plymouth, Pa.; Midland casts from Buenos Aires and tra­ Spain .might be the path, o.f allled nirht ,and early t)lis mornlnr dent · Roosevelt ~~clared yesterr,tay. dual-purpose guns and pinned Repulse of German scouting suits of the attack cOllld not be mine, PJttsburgh coal company, velers aellln4 here from Argen­ invasion .
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