COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Brussels,14.8.2006 SEC(2006)1073 COMMISSIONSTAFFWORKINGDOCUMENT Backgrounddocumentstothe COMMUNICATIONFROMTHECOMMISSIONTOTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT,THECOUNCIL,THEEUROPEANECONOMIC ANDSOCIAL COMMITTEEANDTHECOMMITTEEOFTHEREGIONS Seventhcommunicationontheapplicationof Articles4and5ofDirective89/552/EEC "Television withoutFrontiers",asamendedbyDirective97/36/EC, fortheperiod20032004 {COM(2006)459final} EN EN TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT1–Performanceindicators.................................................... 3 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT2–ChartsandTableson theapplicationofArticles4and5.............................................................................................. 6 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT3–Applicationof Articles4and5ineachMemberState.. .................................................................................. 16 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT4Summaryof thereportsfromtheMemberStates ......................................................................................... 45 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT5Summaryofthereportsfrom theMemberStatesoftheEuropeanFreeTradeAssociationparticipating intheEuropeanEconomicArea............................................................................................. 164 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT6 Listoftelevisionchannelsin theEuropeanUnionMemberStateswhichfailedtoachievethemajority proportionaccordingtoArticle4 ........................................................................................... 167 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT7averagetransmissiontime* ofeuropeanworks by primary channels(“de-minimis-criterion”) ........................................ 180 BACKGROUNDDOCUMENT8–Listoftelevisionchannelsin theEuropeanUnionMemberStateswhichfailedtoachievetheminimum proportionaccordingtoarticle5 ............................................................................................ 187 EN 2 EN BACKGROUND DOCUMENT1–Performanceindicators The followingindicators facilitate the evaluationof the televisionprogrammes’ achievement of the proportions referredtoinArticle 4 and5of the Directive.Indicators 2–5are basedon criteria which are set out in Articles 4 and 5. All performance indicators allow assessing achievementsatMemberStateandatCommunity level. Generalindicator • Indicator1 :numberof reported channels covered byArticles4and5.1 Indicator1wascalculatedforeachMemberState andforallMemberStatestakentogether. These figures were obtainedby determining the total number of channels reportedby Member States less the number of nonoperative channels (NO) and the number of channels which were exempted (EXC) due to the nature of their programmes (news, sports events, games, advertising,teletextservicesorteleshopping)orduetolegalexceptions: - Article 9of the Directive: televisionbroadcasts that are intendedfor local audiences anddo notform partofanationalnetwork; -Article2(6) oftheDirective: broadcastsintendedexclusivelyforreceptioninthirdcountries, andwhicharenotreceiveddirectlyorindirectly by the publicinoneormoreMemberStates; -Recital29of Directive 97/36/EC: channels broadcasting entirely in a language other than those of the MemberStatesshouldnot becoveredbythe provisionsofArticles4and5. Channels for whichMember States failedtocommunicate data relating toArticle 4or 5(NC) wereincluded. IndicatorsconcerningArticle4(Europeanworks) 2 • Indicator2:averagetransmissiontimereservedfor European works . Indicator 2is presentedas average proportionfor eachindividual channel,for eachMember StateandforallMemberStatestakentogether. It is obtainedby determining the average transmissiontime reservedby eachreportedchannel covered by Article 4(cf. Indicator 1) for Europeanworks inthe meaning of Article 6andby applyingthatfiguretothetotalqualifyingtransmissiontime. 3 The Member States’ averages are basedon the average proportions of all coveredchannels reportedbytheMember Stateconcerned. 1 Cf. Chart 1 and Table 1 in Annex 2. 2 Cf. Table 2 in Annex 2. 3 I.e. total transmission time excluding the time appointed to news, sports events, games, advertising, teletext services and teleshopping. EN 3 EN TheEU-averagesare basedontheMemberStates’averages. • Indicator 3: compliance rate of all channels achieving or exceeding the majority proportion. Indicator3is presentedforeachMemberState andforallMemberStatestakentogether. It is obtained by determining the number of channels achieving the majority proportion of more than 50% under Article 4 and applying that figure to the total number of reported channelscoveredby Article4(Indicator1). TheEU-averagesare basedontheMemberStates’averages. IndicatorsconcerningArticle5(Europeanworks made byindependent producers) 4 • Indicator 4: average transmissiontime,or alternatively,depending onthe choice made by the Member State when transposing the Directive, the average proportion of the programmingbudget allocatedto European works by independent producers (independent productions). Indicator 4is presentedas average proportionfor eachindividual channel,for eachMember StateandforallMemberStatestakentogether. It is obtainedby determining the average transmissiontime,or programming budget,reserved by each reported channel covered by Article 5 (cf. Indicator 1) for European works by independent producersandbyapplyingthatfiguretothetotalqualifyingtransmissiontime. The Member States’ averages are basedon the average proportions of all coveredchannels reportedbytheMember Stateconcerned. TheEU-averagesare basedontheMemberStates’averages. • Indicator5: compliance rate ofchannelsachievingorexceedingtheminimum proportion. Indicator5is presentedforeachMemberState andforallMemberStatestakentogether. It is obtainedby determining the number of channels achieving or exceeding the minimum proportion of at least 10% under Article 5 and applying that figure to the total number of reportedchannelscoveredbyArticle5(Indicator 1). TheEU-averagesare basedontheMemberStates’averages. • Indicator 6 : average transmissiontime allocatedtorecent Europeanworks by independent producers (recentworks). Indicator 6is presentedas average proportionfor eachindividual channel,for eachMember StateandforallMemberStatestakentogether. 4 Confer Table 3 and 4 in Annex 2. EN 4 EN It is obtainedby determining the average transmissiontime reservedby eachreportedchannel covered by Article 5 (cf. Indicator 1) for recent European works by independent producers andby applyingthatfiguretothetransmissiontimereservedforallindependent productions. The Member States’ averages are basedon the average proportions of all coveredchannels reportedbytheMember Stateconcerned. The EU-averages are basedonthe Member States’ averages.Inorder to better evaluate the actual development inthe broadcasting of recent works,the EU-averages figures for recent workswerealsoappliedtothetotalqualifyingtransmissiontime. EN 5 EN BACKGROUND DOCUMENT2: Charts and Tables on the application of Articles 4 and5 Chart 1 Indicator 1: Reported channels covered by Articles 4 and 5 (Community level) 900 800 767 700 654 600 584 500 503 472 400 300 Number of channels 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 EU-25 (2004) 472 503 584 767 EU-15 472 503 584 654 EU-25 (2004) EU-15 EN 6 EN Table1 Indicator1: Reportedchannelscovered 5byArticles4and5(MemberState-level) Table1 Indicator 1 IND1 Numberofreportedchannels covered year 2001 2002 2003 2004 growth MS BE 15 19 22 33 18 BE CY 7 n.a. CY CZ 12 n.a. CZ DK 6 6 15 16 10 DK DE 26 26 26 28 2 DE EE 3 n.a. EE GR 33 35 12 12 -21 GR ES 48 51 45 46 -2 ES FR 70 75 84 89 19 FR IE 4 4 4 4 0 IE IT 53 69 95 87 34 IT LV 10 n.a. LV LT (4) 4 0 LT LU 10 10 10 10 0 LU HU 15 n.a. HU MT (5) 5 0 MT NL 41 41 49 55 14 NL 5 Cf. Indicator 1, Annex 1 Not covered are the following broadcasts: television broadcasts that are intended for local audiences and do not form part of a national network (Article 9 of the Directive; broadcasts intended exclusively for reception in third countries, and which are not received directly or indirectly by the public in one or more Member States (Article 2(6) of the Directive), channels broadcasting entirely in a language other than those of the Member States should not be covered by the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 (Recital 29 of Directive 97/36/EC). EN 7 EN Table1 Indicator 1 IND1 Numberofreportedchannels covered year 2001 2002 2003 2004 growth MS AT 7 7 8 11 4 AT PL 44 n.a. PL PT 12 12 12 15 3 PT SI (9) 9 0 SI SK 4 n.a. SK FI 4 4 6 7 3 FI SE 18 21 11 16 -2 SE UK 125 123 185 225 100 UK 472 503 584 654 182 EU-15 Total 113 EU-10 472 503 584 767 295 EU-25 EN 8 EN Chart2 Development of main indicators from 2001-2004 (Community-level) e) 80 71,66 70 69,09 66,95 66,10 65,18 61,78 61,96 63,32 60 50 40 37,75 34,03 30 31,39 31,50 23,32 22,50 20 21,09 21,77 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 EW (IND 2) 66,95 66,10 65,18 63,32 IP (IND 4) 37,75 34,03 31,39 31,50 RW (IND 6) 23,32 21,09 22,50 21,77 RW (% of IP) 61,78 61,96 71,66 69,09 proportions (% of total qualifying transmissiontim EW (IND 2) IP (IND 4) RW (IND 6) RW (% of IP) EN 9 EN Table2 Indicators2and3: Europeanworks(MemberState-level) Table 2 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 IND 2, 3 EW(European works) (Article 4) Compliance rate (Article 4) year 2001 2002 2003 2004 growth 2003 2004 MS BE 60,00 68,42 58,32 53,50 -6,50 50 55 BE CY 50,34 n.a. 60 CY CZ 49,12 n.a. 58 CZ DK 77,13 64,60 86,20 86,33 9,20 87 88 DK DE 59,41 59,82 63,57 65,53 6,12 54 61 DE EE 61,77 n.a. 100 EE GR 77,02 73,53 68,44 71,04 -5,98 83 92 GR ES 56,06 61,71 60,92 59,87 3,81 69 74 ES FR 70,98 71,73 69,90 70,40 -0,58 88 96 FR IE 49,17 48,67 52,75 52,25 3,58 50 50 IE IT 62,66 60,72 58,81
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