• -•.'••" a Talk by Murder Suspect Sal, Protested SEE STORIES PAGE | The Weather THEDMLY FINAL - ' '• Cloudy, windy and cold with . chance of showers today. Red Bank, Freehold Clear and cold tonight and to- Long Branch EDITION morrow. 7 40 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper TEN CENTS VOL. 95 NO. 194 KED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, APRIL 5,1973 mi i nniaii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii itiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiii II inn iiiiiiin i iiiniimiii iiiinii II iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimi Miimiiuiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii Local Uncertain of Action on Rents year ago when tenants in Riv- hikes in their rents under the tion it can." "But," he added, "we don't By BEN VAN VLIET enact and enforce rent con- In Red Bank, where rent However, he said, the ques- trols. control has been a recent tion of enforcing rent control erview Towers, a luxury high building's new ownership. With yesterday's court rul- want to get into the housing The court's action now question, Mayor Daniel J. would be a major problem re- rise, formed an association to Most of the residents in the ing, the mayor said, "I guess business." Concerned and uncertain. 30-unit apartment are elderly That's the predominant feel- places in doubt a bill passed O'Hern said the Borough quiring . additional municipal combat excessive rent in- we no longer have any con- Dr. Amone said he would be recently by the state Assem- Council probably will have to employes. • creases and to press for bet- and live on fixed incomes. venient excuses left." willing to agree to controls if ing among officials in munici- Twin Gables Case palities with apartment com- bly which would have accom- consider some form of rent "We just don't have the ter services. Dr. Michel Arnone, Red he felt they would be good for plexes in the wake of a state plished the same thing. That control. staff required to regulate At that'time, the association In regard to the situation at Bank Council president, said the community. was investigating the possi- Twin Gables, Mayor O'Hern he would be reluctant to enact Supreme Court decision yes- bill is being reviewed by a He said this could take the rents by any manner or "I want to read the deci- terday upholding the right of Senate committee. form of setting rent ceilings. means," he said, "but I think bility of local rent control and said "if rent increases are rent controls because "their had threatened to withhold grossly disproportionate to in- history is not one ol success." sion," he said, "and review the town to enact rent con- The court's action apparent- More Employes we will have to read the deci- what has happened in other trols. ly caught most municipal offi- "The problem of increasing sion before deciding if there's rents until services improved. creased costs, and if there ap- Dr. Arnone, who speaks for pears to be a constitutionally the Republican majority on towns with rent controls be- By a 6-to-l decision, the cials by surprise, and many rents," he said, "seems to be anything we can or should And on Monday, tenants of N Twin Gables Apartments, clear area in which we can the council, said rent controls fore considering anything for state's highest court ruled said they wanted time to read prevalent, and I think we will do." 'Red Bank." the court's ruling before con- have to consider some type of The possibility of rent con- next door to Riverview Tow- act, then the Borough Council would be anti-inflationary that municipalities are con- will consider taking what ac- which would be good. See Local, Page 2 stitutionally empowered to templating any local action. control." trols in Red Bank arose a ers complained of 50 per cent Municipality Can Impose Rent Control, Court Rules TRENTON (AP) - The North Bergen rent control provide a suggested formula was denied the city. "blockbusting" the court said, sponsor of a bill to authorize measure. for proposed local rent control The case went to court and "It may be useful to permit municipal rent control ordi- A measure that would au- ordinances. He agreed with Weinbraub ruled in Superior municipalities to act, for,, nances says he thinks a State thorize municipalities to enact Kean that the Legislature Court that municipalities had being nearer the scene, they Supreme Court ruling uphol- rent control laws has passed might yet decide to go ahead authority to adopt rent con- are more likely to detect the ding such measures may the Assembly and is pending with the bill in order to pro- trols. practice and may be better "take the steam out of the in the Senate. vide guidlines to municipal- situated to devise an ap- campaign" for adoption of the Martin Aranow, president of ities. In 1957, the Supreme Court proach to their special prob- legislation. the New Jersey Tenants Orga- The rent control con- under the late Chief Justice lem." Assembly Speaker Thomas nization, the leading suppor- troversy in New Jersey dates Arthur Vanderbilt reversed H. Kean, R-Essex, said yes- ter of the legislative proposal to 1953 when post-World War that decision and ruled that The court said the 1957 deci- terday, after the court an- said, "Now we don't really H controls expired. The Leg- rent controls could not be sion actually meant that rent nounced its decision, that he need the legislation at this islature then authorized New- delegated without express leg- control was a local option thought his bill was still worth- point." ark to impose its own controls islative intent. singe the special Newark au- while because it would pro- Sets Formula for three years and extended The latest ruling on the is- thoftzation delegated the rent vide "guidelines to municipal- Aranow pointed out that the the authorization for one year. sue noted that in a previous control power to the city gov- But in 1957 a second extension case involving the practice of ernment. FLOOD WATER STILL RISING — Flood water is continuing to creep up ities that would be fair to both Assembly-passed bill would on the homes at West Alton, Mo. Evacuation of most homes in West Alton tenants and landlords." took pldce early this week when levees along Mississippi and Missouri The court ruled that rent Rivers gave way. The rivers are expected to crest tomorrow at 40.5 feet, control ordinances are a valid the highest in 129 years. (See story page 2.) exercise of local police pow- ers during a housing shortage under the state constitution. Custodian Strike Closes Chief Justice Joseph Weint- raub.writing the 6-1 majority opinion, said, "We do not Meat Sales Down, doubt that municipalities may constitutionally be empo- Schools in Long Branch wered to act in this area." Reverses Ruling ly after 2 a.m., when a fruit- of the city's schools were can- dent of schools. He urged par- The ruling reversed a 1957 LONG BRANCH - Custo- dial employes of the Board of less nine-hour negotiating ses- celled for today in an an- ents to listen to local radio Most Prices Aren't Supreme Court order that said stations for instructions re- Education carried out their sion ground to a halt. nouncement by Herbert the power to authorize rent Sessions for students at all Korey, assistant superinten- garding future classes. By The Associated Press Surveys of stores around the Frank Register, the execu- control measures had been threatened strike today short- state indicated that the week- tive director of the National preempted by the state legis- Mr. Korey said the board New Jersey leaders of the long boycott was having a Association of Retail Grocers, lature. had offered the custodians a nationwide meat boycott have significant impact on the sale of said his organization has been There was a touch of irony $1,400 increase over a two- urged their followers to con- meat, down by as much as 70 making spot checks since the in the ruling yesterday, since year period before the talks tinue to refrain from purchas- per cent at some shops. boycott began and meat sales PATH Pact HopesDim, were halted. The offer was re- the 1957 opinion itself had ing meat even though a few However, some store- nationwide are down 40 per overturned an earlier decision jected. markets are slashing prices keepers said they were par- cent. by then Superior Court Judge The custodial workers are as an inducement to shoppers. tially compensated for lost He said, however, "At this .Joseph Weintraub. "The stores just want to get profits this week by a rush to time, the retail grocer has no seeking a pay range of $6,400 The latest decision was Commuters Returning to $8,500 in seven annual rid of the meat," Mrs. Lois purchase meat last week. cause for alarm because the Thornton, Monmouth County They attributed this to con- same amount of money is based on cases involving three steps. The board offered a recently enacted Bergen By The Associated Press The Port Authority of New the Tuesday morning rush. director of Until Prices Drop sumer attempts to stock up being spent." He said total York and New Jersey, which Many of PATH'S commuters range of $5,300 to $7,980 in 20 before the boycott began. sales are about the same, but County municipal rent control Giving up hope that there annual increases. (UPD), said yesterday. "It's would be an early settlement operates the trains connecting board the trains in Newark and impossible to buy meat and Some economists have in- meat spending has shifted to ordinances.
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