MANCHESTER HERALD, Fridtiy, Sept. 16, 1983 - ■ . I Rooming house Storms are brewing Heist suspect REAl tor women only for economy In 1984 a folk hero? ESTATE ... page 11 ... page 20 .. page 10 Hom« of the Week is sponsored by the Manchester Herald Manchester, Conn. Blue Trails Estates Rain tapering NMtIed In th« woods, this 7 room contomporary Is Saturday, Sept. 17, 1983 (Off Birch Mt. Rd.) to showers roady for dacoraling. Wrap around dock, small dock oft Single copy: 254 mastor badroom, two ear garago, walkout basamant, — See page 2 sScluslon, aro faaturas on tha axtarlor. Insida this gor- Hrralb SNEAIL gaous homo foaturos sunkon living room with formal HOME dining room, sunkan family room with ftraplaca and PREVIEW sliding doors to dock, thraa ganorous sizad bodrooms, master badroom with two huge walk-out Inclosatsand THIS SATURDAY! full bath. Also full bath servicing tha othorS bedrooms, Creating ‘premier bank’ kHchan has plenty of cabtijats, storage, dishwasher and stove. Good size laundry tacllltlas on 1st floor. 1-3 PM ' Canter staircase to bedroom, with open railings ex­ OF THE posed to family room. Must be saani Stop by— Hartford National HERM FRECHETTE H f £ 0 H.M. FRECHETTE OFFICE 644-3481 WEEK -------------- REAL ESTATE, INC. Now Being Built — Lot #13 497 BUCKLAND ROAD, P.O. BOX 623, SOUTH WINDSOR, C T 06074 plans new merger 3 By Suson E. kinsman holding company with branches in Bancorp common stock and a r United Press International all of Connecticut's six major majority of the shares of Hartford metropolitan areas. National common stock. H AR TFO R D - Hartford Na­ In 1982, Hartford National com­ The agreement calls for Hart­ tional Corp. Friday signed an pleted a merger between Hartford ford National to exchange common agreement to acgyice-^rstBan- National and Connecticut National stock having an aggregate value corp Inc. and merge its subsidiary banks to form the current Connec­ equal to 1.54 times the sum of the banks into Connecticut National ticut National Bank. Earlier this book value of FirstBancorp and Bank, creating Connecticut’s year, it acquired Mattatuck Bank $4.9 million for all of FirstBancorp M A N C H ESTE R $59,5M "premier bank.” and Trust Co, of Waterbury and on common stock. NEW LISTING “11.8 G O R G E O U S A CR ES” The merged bank would have Sept. 1 announced a takeover The exchange ratio will he based Not one stitch of work is needed on this immaculate 3 Charming starter home in excellent condition. Living IN COVENTRY nearly 170 branches and assets agreement with Arllru bedroom Colonial. Formal dining room, fireplaced on the value of Hartford National robm. bath and front bedroom newly redone with totaling $5,252 billion. Bancorporation. living room, lovely, sunny Florida room right off the 6 room Antique Colonial, wide floor boards, five common stock over 30 trading days new insulation, wallboard and windows. Quiet resi­ FirstBancorp, with headquar­ Arltru is the holding company kitchen. Aluminum sided exterior and attached gar­ working fireplaces, one with Dutch oven, stenciled before the closing, but not less than age. See it today! $65,00d dential area. ters in New Haven, is the parent for Arlington Trust Co., an 18- walls. .1 St floor utility rodm. Lots of road frontage too. $34.75 or mo/e than $41 per share. company of First Bank, New branch commercial bank in nor­ Asking $80,000. FirstBancorp will be valued at Britain Bank and Trust Co. and the theastern Massachusetts, with an June 30, 1984 or the end of the Terryville Trust Co. equity capital base of $35 million, month preceding the closing. “ The merged bank, with almost assets of $782 million and a net DESIRABLE AREA 170 branches, will be Connecticut's income of $3.2 million at June 30. As part of the transaction, ' premier bank. The merger will l^irstBancorp had an equity Hartford National has an option to particularly increase our strength capital base of $56 million, assets buy New Britain Bank and Trust Extremely large lot on quiet in central Connecticut,", said Ro­ of $852 million anti net income of Co. and the Terryville Trust Co. AND TE E N S M A N C H ESTE R $81,900 NEW LISTING IN COVEP bert L. Newell, chairman and chief $3.8 million, or $2.53 per share, at from FirstBancorp for $19,562,000 As well as Mom and Dad will love this attractiveCape and and stock options from holders of Cod. The whole family will love the convenience, New Listing! 6-6 Duplex in gocxi condition. 3 street. Aluminum sided Cape executive officer of Hartford Na­ June 30. PRETTY AS CAN BE, Six room Cape with 2 car approximately 17 percent of the walk to school, shopping and bus. Three bedrooms, bedrooms each, dining room, large living with 2 full baths, appliances tional Corp. The merger between Hartford den, fireplaced living room, formal dining roorr^wo garage, too 3 bedrooms formal dining room, Hartford National Corp. had an National and FirstBancorp' still FirstBancorp common stock. full baths, screened porch and attached gaa||^. room, separate utilities. fireplaced living room, all large rooms, sits Gather up the kiddies and come see — but pIR ^e and air conditioner to stay. equity capital base of $229 million must be approved by the Office of F. Patrick Mcf aaaen, Jr., presi­ call first. $72,500 across street from state forest. Asking and assets of $4.4 billion at June30, the Comptroller of the Currency, dent of FirstBancorp, will become $69,900. Large rooms. Priced to sell at W8 cin help you become a with a net income $17.5 million, or state regulatory authorities and vice chairman and board member FACE $ 72,900. «9 an tw*r share. It is the nnlv henU holders of two-thirds of the First­ of Hartford National Corp. "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! MARKET , TEDFORD Call 646.4525. and ask lor Oan. SENTRYEVALUATtON REAL ESTATE, INC. Real Estate Services ik . D.F. REALE, INC. 223 East C«nt$r S t, ManchMtor 1644 STRAND r eal ESTATE Raal Eaiata Hartford Tpka. Ilia. 30 Vaman l U M ^ ^ T - 9 9 1 4 156 EAST CENTER STREET ITS Balia It.. B aa ilrn tf. <t. 29 Cormacticut Blvd. East Hartford, Commuter lot set to open 646-4525 60 Poquonocfc Ava.. WIndaor i Rt. 44A Bolton MANCHESTER, C T. 646-2000 Bv James P. Socks the process of being torn up by bikes. A Z’ Herald Repoorter construction workers. A bus shelter has been erectqd at In addition, don't take the local the lot and, according to the DOT, If you're one of the hundreds of "Z " bus if you want to get lo the lighting will be operational by the Manchester residents who com­ new lot — it will continue to run end of September. mute to work in Hartford every along Tolland Turnpike, which morning on Connecticut Transit doesn’t connect with the new The old lots at Burr Comers, buses, the state Department of location. According to DOT spo­ which are open through Monday, Transportation has a message for keswoman Susan Kirker. there are serve about 800 commuters in a you: Beginning Monday, don’t go as yet no plans to extend bus average of 430 vehicles, a figure to the Burr Comers parking lots service lo the new lot. the DOT expects to remain stable. near Caldor and the J.C. Penney I warehouse. T H E NEW commuter facility, Though there's how no direct Instead, go to the new commuter part of the transportation improve­ access to the new lot from the lot between Windsor and Buckland ment program associated with the highway, new ramps — which will streets on Pleasant Valley Road, $60-million Interstate 86 project, serve a relocated Exit 93 off of 1-86 which officially opens Monday. has 665 parking spaces, more than — will serve it next summer. Until MANCHESTER Buses will leave on the same a sufficient number lo serve then, commuters using the inter­ schedule, beginning at 6:47 a.m. Manchester-area commuters. state should continue to' exit at Tolland Turnpike. • Just the right price MANCHESTER The two Burr Corners lots, Eleven spaces are reserved for MANCHESTER 2,000 DOW N according to a DOT spokeswoman, handicapped commuters and a • Great starter home will be closed, and possibly even in Please turn to page 10 Desirable investment property. 2 — E A S T H A R TFO R D $49,900 bicycle locker at the site holds 16 • 2 bedrooms Looking for your first home? This is • Wood stove two famiiy homes, si^bated in one of priced especially for you! 3 bedrms.. • Low heat costs Manchester's finest iocations, 32-34 Secondary financing available — FHA kitchen with pantry, living room, dining • Nicely treed lot approved — living room, dining room, Linden St., 5-7 Chestnut St. Drive by, room, with hardwood floors. Alum, sided. • Aluminum sided 3 bedrooms, completely renovated fenced yard. Call Althea Roberts, 872- Inside Today • Fenced yard and cai! us for appointment to in­ with new counter, sink, bathroom and 7777/649-4324. 20 pages, 2 sections • Convenient location spect. Asking $145,000. w/w carpeting. Plus, screened porch, 59,500 erald photo by Tarquinio Advice .................... 13 • $ garage, treed lot. Asking $62,900. Business.................................................20 Churches................................................14 MHS wins opener Classified.......................................18-19 ED GORMAN _ H. M.FRECHETTE Merrill Lynch Comics.................................. 9 U&R REALTY CO. Real Estate. Inc. .. * . a_ . Entertainment....................................7-8 Associates USj 1l^ 643-2692 Realty Manchester High quarterback Jim afternoon handing off to running backs Lottery.......................................
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