Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55317-9 - The Outlaw Legend: A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia Graham Seal Index More information Index Page numbers in italicsrefer to 16, 103-106, 107, 108-109, 193, illustrations. 196 Bonny and Clyde, 115, 191 Borden, Lizzie, 194 Abene, Mark (Phiber Optic), 195 Botkin, Benjamin, 105 aboriginal traditions regarding outlaw Boulter, Thomas, 63 heroes, 145 Brady, Mathew, 16, 120 Adam Bell, ballad of, 21 'Brennan on the Moor' (ballad), 73-74 Adventures ofRobin Hood, The, 187 Brennan, William, 15-16,72-76 Allison, Clay, 115 Britten, Fred, 143 Argus (Melbourne), 155 see also Ward, Frederick Arsena of Marabda, 2 broadside ballads, 27-28, 47-48, 56-57 Brown, Kitty, 127 Bulletin, The, 167, 173 Burke, John, 128, 139 Balcarek, Dagmar, 176-177 bush telegraph, 129-131, 154 'Ballad of Jesse James', 98-99 bushranging, 16-17, 119-146, 147-179 'Ballad of the Kelly Gang, The', 161-163 Bushranging Act, 125 Bankers Magazine, The, 170 see also Felons Apprehension Act Barrow, Clyde, 115, 191 Barry, Sir Redmond, 160-161 Bass, Sam, 109-111 Campbell, Joseph, 1 Bedford, Jean, 177 Capone, Al(phonse), 63, 112 Billy the Kid, see Bonney, William 'Captain Grant' (ballad), 77-78 Black Bess, 60-62, 73, 81 Carnegie, Margaret, 140 Black Francis, 11 carnivalesque, the, 183 Bliss, Henry, 190 Cash, Martin, 16, 120 'Bold Captain Freney' (ballad), 70-71 Cassidy, Butch, 115 'Bold Jack Donohoe' (ballad), 122-123 Chamberlain, Lindy, 194 'Bold Kelly Gang, The' (song), 158 charivari, 200 'Bold Nevison' (ballads), 50-51 Child, Francis James, 24-25 'Bold Robin Hood' (song), 26 Christie, Francis, see Gardiner, Frank bolters, 119 Civil War (American), 5, 6, 20, 79, 80, Bonney, William (Billy the Kid), 6, 12, 85-86, 87-88, 91, 112 242 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55317-9 - The Outlaw Legend: A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia Graham Seal Index More information INDEX common law, 64-65, 199-201 Friendship that Destroyed Ned Kelly, The, convenient fictions, 184-194 177 Cortez, Gregorio, 2, 3, 104 frontier Coyote, 1 America, 4, 13, 47, 68, 79, 80, 196 Crooked Mick, 1 Australia, 4, 13, 47, 68, 196 cultural analysis, 184-185 postmodern, 194-197 Curnow, Thomas, 159 Frontier Violence-Another Look, 114 customary behaviour, 29, 200 customary rights, seecommon law Gardiner, Frank, 127-129, 130, 131 Garrett, Pat, 10, 104, 106, 108, 196 Dacoits, 3 Gentlemen sMagazine, The, 62 Dalton gang, 94-95 'Geste of Robyn Hoode, The', 23 'Death of Ben Hall, The' (ballad), 136­ Gilbert, John, 128, 130, 139 137 Gilder, Roy, 66 'Death of Morgan, The' (ballad), 140- Girl Who Helped Ned Kelly, The, 170 142 Glenrowan Affair, The, (film), 170 'Dick Turpin' (ballad), 55-56 Grainger, Percy, 51,201 Dillinger, John, 112, 115 Grant, Jeremiah, 15-16, 76-78 Dobson, R. B., 5, 6 Guiliano, Salvatore, 2 Donohoe, Jack, 121-124 Guthrie, Woody, 116 Drew, Robert, 177 Dunn, John, 129 Hall Ben(jamin), 5, 10, 128, 131-132, Duval, Claude, 52 133, 134-139 Harrison, W. A., 52 Hawke, William, 63 Easter, Thomas, 9 Herald (Melbourne), 166 Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, 15 Hereward the Wake, 2 Eve, 194 highwayman ballads, 31-45, 47-78 negative, 39-45 FBI, 196 positive, 31-39 Felons Apprehension Act see also under individual ballad titles New South Wales, 131, 134-135, 152 'Highwayman, The' (ballad), 32-33 Victoria, 152, 154 'Highwayman, The' (poem), 52 see also Bushranging Act 'Highwayman Outwitted, The' (ballad), female 'highwaymen', 194 43-44 First Fleet, the, 119 Hind, Captain James, 75 Fisk, James, 112-114 Hitler, Adolf, 11 Fitzpatrick, Constable, 151-152 Hobsbawm, Eric, 2-3, 4, 5 Floyd, Charles Arthur 'Pretty Boy', 116­ Hollon, Eugene, 114 117 Hood, Robin, 2, 5, 6, 21-31,47-48, 'Flying Highwayman, The' (ballad), 120, 186-188 35-37 'How He Died' (poem), 138 folklore and history, interaction of, 15- Howe, Mike, 16, 120 18, 19, 181-183 Howitt, Richard, 120 Folville family, 20-21 Ford, Robert, 92, 98 I Am Ned Kelly, 177 'Frank Gardiner' (ballad), 129 'Idle 'Prentice Executed at Tyburn, The' free selection, 5, 124, 134, 150-151 (engraving), 68 French, Percy, 70 Internet, 4, 117, 194, 195, 196, 197, Freney, James, 69-72 199 243 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55317-9 - The Outlaw Legend: A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia Graham Seal Index More information INDEX Irish highwaymen, 15, 69-78 Kuroghli,2 see also under names ofindividuals; outlaw hero(es) Last Outlaw, The (TV series), 169 Lawson, Henry, 144 Jack Donohoe in death, 122 le Blanc, Abbe, 53-54 Jagger, Mick, as Ned Kelly, 169, 178 Lefroy, Jack, 144 James, jessev S, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 87-88, Levee, John, 65 89, 89-93, 94, 95-103 Liberty Tribune, The, 96 and family, 87-88, 95, 98 Linebaugh, Peter, 64, 67-68 and politics, 89-90, 96-97 Lives ofthe Most Remarkable Criminals, career as outlaw, 88-92 65 development of legend, 97-103 Lloyd, A. L., 27 media productions about, 100-102 London Gazette, 49, 53 syrnpathisers, 95-97 Lowry, Fred, 144 James-Younger gang, 12, 81, 88 'Jesse James' (ballad), 92-93 MacLean, James, 63 'Jim Fisk' (ballad), 112-114 'Maltman and the Highwayman, The' 'Johnny Troy' (ballad), 82-85 (ballad), 34-35 Johns, Joseph 'Moondyne Joe', 144 Manifold, John, xiv 'JoIly Highwayman, The' (ballad), 33 Mar Stig, ballad of, 21 Jones, Ian, 166, 177 McGregor, Rob Roy, 52, 66, 74, 120 McGuire, John, 131, 137, 138 Kain, Van'ka, 2 McLynn, Frank, 67, 213 n.26 Kelly, Dan, survival legends, 10-11, McQuilton, John, 177 166-167 media and folklore, interaction of, 14, Kelly, Ellen, 177 25, 29-30, 183, 184-194 Kelly, Kate, 12, 177 American badmen, 80, 95-96, 97­ Kelly, Ned (Edward), 8-9, 12, 17, 147- 103, 106-109 148, 149, 150-179 British highwaymen, 48-49, 51-52, Aboriginal traditions about, 179 63 armour, 159, 173 Kelly, Ned, 164-179 centenary of his death, 175 medieval outlaws, 20-21 country and western songs about, 169, Meredith, John, 138 173 Mery Geste ofRobyn Hoode, A, 21, 22 family, 148-150, 151-152 Meyer, R., 3, 14, 85 films and theatrical productions about, Mitnick, Kevin, 195-196 168, 169, 170, 173-174 mob, the, 66-68, 131 murder trial of, 160-161, 176 Moir, J. K., 173 relations with police, 148-149, 149­ Moloney, John, 177 150, 151-152 monarchy, British, 14-15 reward for, 158-159 'Moondyne Joe' (ballad), 144 sympathisers, 154-155, 156-157 Morgan, Daniel 'Mad Dog', 139-140, Kelly Outbreak, The, 177 140, 141, 142, 193 'Kelly was their Captain' (ballad), 165- Murieta, joaquim, 2, 104 166 'My Bonnie Black Bess' (ballad), 81-82 King, Tom, 53 'My Name is Ben Hall' (ballad), 135 Kirklees, Abbess of, 10 Klapp, 0., 85 NASA, 195 Knight, Stephen, 28-29 Neale, Dennis, 63 Kooistra, Paul, 85 Neary, Henry H., 174-175 244 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55317-9 - The Outlaw Legend: A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia Graham Seal Index More information INDEX Ned Kelly: A Tale of Trooper and Porter, Kenneth, 82 Bushranger, 170 Power, Jack, 144 Ned Kelly (film, 1969), 169, 170, 178 Pratt, Ambrose, 167 Ned Kelly (radio play), 172 Presley, Elvis, 11 Ned Kelly, the IroncladAustralian Propp, V., 186 Bushranger (serial), 170, 171 'Ned Kelly Was a Gentleman' (poem), 'Quantrell' (ballad), 86-87 172 Quantrill, William Clarke, 85-87 Nevison, William, 8, 49-52, 201 New South Wales Police Force, 125-126 Raglan, Lord, 1 Nolan, Sidney, 147, 173 Rann, John ('Sixteen-String Jack'), 63 Noted Guerillas, 91 rapparees, 69, 77 Noyes, Alfred, 52 Razin, Sten'ka, 2 Reckless Kelly (film), 147, 177 Oakley, Annie, 194 Reece, Robert, 176 oicotype, 106 Ribbonmen, 69, 77 O'Meally, John, 140 Roberts, J. W., 3, 85 O'Sullivan, Sean, 75 'Robin Hood and Little John' (song), 27 Our Sunshine, 177 Rookwood: A Romance, 52, 188 outlaw herofes) and criminality, 20-21, 63-66, 98, Sadlier, Superintendent, 160 114-115,124-126,133-135,197­ 'Sam Bass' (ballad), 111 201, 152 Schinderhannes, 2 and family, 12-14, 98-99 Scott, Mr and Mrs, 156, 164 and gender, 7, 8-9, 48, 194, 229 Scott, Sir Walter, 187 n.l1, n.12 Seccombe, Thomas, 55 and politics, 11, 14-18,28-29,65­ Serious, Yahoo, 147, 177 68, 89-90, 103-104, 120-121, Settle, W. A. Jnr, 97, 100, 102 125-126, 131, 197-201 Sharp, Cecil, 59 as computer hacker, 194-197 Sheppard, Jack, 63, 155 as trickster, 1, 10, 11, 23, 186 Sheriff of Nottingham, 21, 22 discontinuities, 12-15 Sherritt, Aaron, 164 expressions antagonistic to, 14 Simeone, W. E., 3, 85 Irish influence on, 15,69-78, 121 SisterKate, 177 motifs, 4-11, 31-32,48, 62, 95, 106, Sloane, Sally, 138-139 110, 181-182 Smith, Scotty, 74 Outlaw, The, 101 social banditry, 3, 5 outlawry as a legal state, 20-21, 152 'Song of Billy the Kid' (ballad), 105 Speewah, 1 Paredes, Amerigo, 2, 3 Springfield Leader (Missouri), 93 Parker, Bonny, 115, 191 Starr, Belle, 194 Pemulway, 145 Statute of Westminster, 21 Pentagon, the, 195 Steckmcsser, Kent L., 3, 85, 95 Piers Plowman, 23-24 'Sticking up of the Euroa Bank' (ballad), Pigeon, 145 156-157 Pinkerton detective agency, 12, 90 Story ofthe Kelly Gang, The (film), 168, Place, Francis, 64 169 Poll Tax rioters, 24 'Street Ballad', 72 'Poor Ben Hall' (oral tradition), 139 'Streets of Forbes, The' (ballad), 137-138 'Poor Black Bess' (ballad), 60-61 'Stringybark Creek' (ballad), 153 245 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55317-9 - The Outlaw Legend: A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia
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