
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 156 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 No. 128 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was last day’s proceedings and announces school. He has brought together people called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the House his approval thereof. of diverse socioeconomic, cultural, ra- pore (Mr. CUELLAR). Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- cial, and religious backgrounds to pro- f nal stands approved. mote dialogue, social justice, and hope. f On behalf of the 20th Congressional DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER District and my colleagues in this PRO TEMPORE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE House, I thank Father Doug for his The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the work on behalf of our community and fore the House the following commu- gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. WAMP) for his invocation here today. nication from the Speaker: come forward and lead the House in the f Pledge of Allegiance. WASHINGTON, DC. COMMUNICATION FROM THE Mr. WAMP led the Pledge of Alle- September 22, 2010. CLERK OF THE HOUSE I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY giance as follows: CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- this day. United States of America, and to the Repub- fore the House the following commu- NANCY PELOSI, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, nication from the Clerk of the House of Speaker of the House of Representatives. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Representatives: f f OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, PRAYER WELCOMING REVEREND DOUGLAS Washington, DC, September 16, 2010. Reverend Douglas Fisher, Grace Epis- FISHER Hon. NANCY PELOSI, copal Church, Millbrook, New York, of- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Speaker, House of Representatives, fered the following prayer: objection, the gentleman from New Washington, DC. Gracious God, these elected leaders DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the York (Mr. MURPHY) is recognized for 1 permission granted in Clause 2(h) of rule II of of our Nation gather together today in minute. the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- anticipation of Your guidance. They There was no objection. tives, the Clerk received the following mes- want to do what is right and good and Mr. MURPHY of New York. Mr. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on holy. They want to be an inspiration to Speaker, I rise today to honor and September 16, 2010 at 4:39 p.m.: Your people in a trying time. Fill them thank Father Doug Fisher from That the Senate passed without amend- with Your creative, dynamic Spirit. Millbrook, New York, for serving as ment H.R. 6102. Outside these walls Your people— With best wishes, I am the guest chaplain today for the House Sincerely, among them immigrants, the unem- of Representatives. LORRAINE C. MILLER. ployed, the brave men and women of For over 10 years, Father Doug has f our Armed Forces—live in hope of wise served as the rector of Grace Episcopal decisions from this body. Indeed, Your Church, which is located in the 20th COMMUNICATION FROM THE whole creation itself is profoundly af- District in Millbrook, New York. Pre- CLERK OF THE HOUSE fected in so many ways by what hap- viously, he served as the Episcopal The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- pens here. Compassionate God, en- Chaplain at the United States Military fore the House the following commu- lighten us, show us Your will, and give Academy at West Point, and he con- nication from the Clerk of the House of us the courage to fulfill it. tinues to correspond with many of the Representatives: At the end of this day, may the graduates who are serving their coun- OFFICE OF THE CLERK, United States of America be closer to try throughout the world. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, being a light unto the nations, a bea- Father Doug has been a leader for Washington, DC, September 21, 2010. con of hope in this world. Living God, our community in difficult times, serv- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, we ask Your blessing upon this House ing on the board of directors of Rural Speaker, House of Representatives, and upon this Nation. Amen. and Migrant Ministry. Grace Church is Washington, DC. known throughout Dutchess County for DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the f permission granted in Clause 2(h) of rule II of its many outreach programs, including THE JOURNAL the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- its food pantries, service and support tives, the Clerk received the following mes- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The groups for the unemployed and under- sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Chair has examined the Journal of the employed, its AA groups, its nursery September 21, 2010 at 2:40 p.m.: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6811 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:58 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H22SE0.REC H22SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H6812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 22, 2010 That the Senate passed without amend- care entitlement program that the than $1 million would get a tax cut of ment H.R. 4505. American people don’t want. $104,000 next year, he forgot about the That the Senate passed S. 624. H.R. 5297, the small business bill the households of working poor people who With best wishes, I am House will take up tomorrow, makes a count on the earned income tax credit Sincerely, LORRAINE C. MILLER. bad situation even worse. Instead of re- and the child tax credit. pealing this burdensome requirement, Why? Because the GOP plan extends f the bill actually increases penalties the estate tax cuts but doesn’t extend ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and expands the number of trans- improvements to the tax credits for PRO TEMPORE actions subject then to 1099 reporting low-income working families, which The SPEAKER pro tempore. The requirements. The Congressional Budg- the Congress passed last year. In Mas- Chair will entertain up to 15 further re- et Office estimates this proposal will sachusetts alone, 210,000 families will quests for 1-minute speeches on each raise over $2.5 billion. That’s $2.5 bil- lose some or all of the child credit side of the aisle. lion that will go to the government in- under the Republican plan and 167,000 stead of job creators. Massachusetts families will lose all or f How long will it take our friends on some of the earned income tax credit. ON THE SELECTION OF THE STATE the other side to figure out you can’t I urge our Republican friends here to OF HAWAII AS A RECIPIENT OF increase the burden on our Nation’s reject this plan from their Senate lead- THE FREEDOM AWARD FOR ITS small businesses and then expect them er and to stand up for working fami- OUTSTANDING SUPPORT OF to hire more Americans? lies. MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL f f GUARD AND RESERVE b 1410 OBAMA-NOMICS (Ms. HIRONO asked and was given HONORING JOHN ELKINGTON (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House minute.) (Mr. WAMP asked and was given per- for 1 minute.) Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, every mission to address the House for 1 Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the year the Secretary of Defense recog- minute and to revise and extend his re- proposed administration tax hikes are nizes employers for their support of marks.) the largest tax increases in American employees serving in the National Mr. WAMP. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- history. The government spends money Guard and Reserve. This year, the Gov- ored to recognize the induction of John that we don’t have; 42 cents of every ernment of the State of Hawaii was se- Elkington of Memphis, Tennessee, into dollar spent is borrowed money. lected for the Freedom Award, the the Beale Street Brass Note Walk of Now the plan is to hike taxes sky highest employer recognition award Fame. The Walk of Fame recognizes high and how is that going to create given by the Defense Department. Ha- the accomplishments of nearly 100 indi- those jobs? It has been said ‘‘you can’t waii Army National Guardsman K. viduals and groups who have had a sig- legislate the poor into freedom by leg- Mark Takai submitted the nomination. nificant influence on American music, islating the wealthy out of freedom. The State of Hawaii provides credit particularly blues music. When the government gives money to toward retirement for the time their As a developer with an extraordinary one person, the government first has to Guard and Reserve employees are acti- vision, Elkington revitalized a two- take that money from somebody else.’’ vated and offers preferential hiring for block section of historic Beale Street ‘‘When half the people get the idea those who have been deployed. The that had fallen into disrepair during that they do not have to work because State also held a farewell ceremony the urban renewal of the 1970s. When they think the other half is going to and a welcome home parade for our Elkington started the project, only one take care of them, and when the work- 29th Brigade.
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