PAGE TWENTY - MAfJQHRSTRR EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., Oof. 1, 1973 Andover Notes Bolton > ANNE EMT The Living Water become in him a spring which Correspondent For the Thirsty will provide him with living Tel. 228-3971 water, and give him eternal Choicest Meeds In Town! The next meeting of the An­ "If you only knew what God life.” — Jesus SuTnittg Ipralb Town Meeting Tonight dover League of Arts and Crafts gives, and who it is that is (John 4:10,14-Good News For will be Tuesday evening at 8 at asking you for a drink, you Modern Man) the Andover Elementary would have asked him and he Submitted by TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! version were scored by Mark team will play Portland in a MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCT. ?,1973- VOL. XCIII, No. 2 Manchester-^A City of Village Charm SIXTEEN PAGES PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS DONNA HOLLAND School. would have given you Ih Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson LEAN Ouellette. Head Coach Leon home game Tuesday. water. Whoever drinks the CorrupondenI Bolton's varsity soccer team The guest for the evening, Rivers said the team was Woodsen Kane of Parker water that I will give him will ' Tel. 646-0375 will play Portland. Tuesday. Pastor <■ revitalized holding Manchester Bridge Rd., will present an never be thirsty again. For the Bolton’s Annual Town Girl’s Gross Goiintry Calvary Church of the tGROUND\ to 12 points. exhibition of photography and water that I will give him will Meeting will be held tonight at 8 Girl’s cross country team will Assemblies of God Heating Fuel Plan Expected Soon at the Town Hall. Doubleheailer color slides showing pictures compete against the Hebron that can be used by artists for 3 lb$. or more Along with hearing reports Beginning at 1:30 p.m. Sun­ Rham s Tuesday in Hebron. IBEEF frorh town boards and com­ day the Tigers will lead the first their own paintings. Happiness Is . (tsny, 84b. UnM) Bulletin Board A missions several items are on game of a double-header The Bolton Cooperative AllEAUYGlEiUlLAUNlEALLY CLEAN LAUNDROMAT the agenda. against Coventry in Coventry. Nursery will meet Tuesday Colter Urges Voters will be asked to ap­ AIR CONDITIONED HIGHLAND PARK MARKET Government To Allocate ITiis will be the Tigers third night at 8 at the Education Fertilizer prove an appropriation of 845,- 317 HighiMd St, ManciiMttr Phom SUM277 game in the Southern Division Building of Bolton Export Controls TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 000 for the purchase of the Conference. Congregational Church. Guest Maxwell property. Following the Tigers the speaker will be Bolton Elemen­ WASHINGTON (AP) - 8 Lbs. DRY CLEANING - $1.50 Voters will also be asked to Bulldogs will vie for their Democratic Congressman tary School Principal John Quality Speed Queen Eguipment -iWWWsW.V.NV Prophane Gas Supplies accept as town roads Rolling fourth victory, against Coven­ Eagles. William Cotter says there’s Hills Trail, Brookside Lane and only one decision the ad­ try. The Charter Commission will WASHINGTON (AP) - The Rosewood Lane. ministration can make to pre­ Read Herald Advertisements propane gas and said a man­ Soccer meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at BELCON LAUNDROMAT- 309 Green Rd. I White House today imposed a heating in New England and the They will be asked to act on vent a crop failure next datory allocation system for "necessary and appropriate on Bolton’s junior varsity soccer the Town Hall. mandatory allocation system upper Midwest, where winters a short-term basis.” an ordinance concerning the year-curtail fertilizer exports. home heating oil will put into are severe. possession and consumption of on wholesale supplies of But he said that fuel shor­ effect “in the near future.” Love said the attempt to dis­ alcoholic liquor on public tages are expected this winter John A. Love, director of the tribute fuels fairly by voluntary property. "and perhaps over the next few President’s Energy Policy Of­ cooperation from the petroleum Also on the agenda is a years,” hinting that "short Escapees fice, said the mandatory alloca­ industry was a failure and that resolution authorizing the term” may be a very flexible tion programs are necessary mandatory allocations are phrase. Selectmen to accept a certain “to ensure that no home or parcel of land to clarify street Slay Six hospital goes without adequate lines along Tinker Pond Rd., heat and no farm is without Birch Mt. Rd., and Viiia Louisa adequate propane" this winter. Nixon Still Plans Rd. Persons Love said the regulations for Also, they will be asked to act heating oil allocation would be on an ordinance enabling the FORT THOMAS, Ky. (AP) - announced and put into effect To Tour Europe town to become a memb^ of Two prison escapees who police ” in the near future.” The , the Capital Region Council of said killed six persons during a propane allocation system was WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon, breaking the Governments. flight across Kentucky in stolen put into effect immediately. news to curious Italian tourists, says he plans to visit Pony League cars were captured early today. The mandatory allocation Western Europe “in about two or three months.” systems are based on the dis­ Paul Grove’s scored five The victims included a minister Nixon disclosed his ap­ touchdowns in Sunday’s Pony and his two children. tribution pattern of the fuels proximate timetable Monday met with the president of the League game against Windsor Police identified the two men during the past year, Love said. night as he emerged from a European Common Market. to lead the Bulldogs to their as WHmer Scott, 35, of Chat­ However, the allocation downtown restaurant after a Nixon, relaxed and smiling, third victory for the season, 464). tanooga, Tenn., and William systems include provisions for day in which he also took a one- stopped to chat and pose for pic­ Groves scored on a 58-yard Sloan, 24, of Louisville. They priority distribution to users in hour, 50-minute drive through tures with some of the 150 per­ run, 10-yard run, 50-yard in­ fled from custody in Lexington particular need, such as home suburban Northern Virginia and sons waiting outside Trader terception of a pass and a 25- on Monday and were arrested Vic’s Restaurant. Among them yard punt return. shortly before 2 a.m. EDT at were Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Groves, on 16 carries, totaled Fort Thomas, just across the DiMarco, who asked when he 160 yards. Ohio River from Cincinnati. planned to visit their Italian Craig Jensen scored a Scott and Sloan were held in Austria To Hold homeland. touchdown on a 19-yard run on a the Campbell County jail, "In about two or three pass from Dane Ward and a EXPERIENCE Private Drive Signs Posted charged with willful murder. months,” he replied, but gave two-point conversion also on a Police said that after Scott no elaboration. pass from Ward. and Sloan escaped from Firm To Pledge Nixon had proclaimed 1973 Ward scored a touchdown on SAVINGS Sign painter Brian Frederick posts notice on Parker St., at Colonial Rd. and Mitchell Dr, and to re-route Parker St. custody, they forced a "the year of Europe” and had a 56-yard pass from Groves in a Colonial Rd., informing the public that the street to traffic by way of Colonial Rd., through the industrial park. Lexington woman to drive them proposed a declaration of prin­ VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Chancellor Bruno Kreisky beautifully executed play. Mitchell Dr. is a private way, for use by Lydall Inc. The same action instructed the town manager to provide to her home, tied up her family ciples designed to patch cracks Three passes out of seven were Another sign was posted near the railroad tracks, now a traffic-safety signs on Colonial Rd. and to explore the and stole her car, a gun and declared today there is no chance he will accede to in transatlantic relations. John W. Thompson PERFORMANCE Pascal A. Prignano completed, one for a private crossing by order of the state PUC (Public feasibility of constructing an entirely new substitute road, some kitchen knives along with Premier Golda Meir’s personal plea for reversal of his Progress on the proposal has Mayor Deputy Mayor touchdown. Utilities Commission). The PUC specified also that the parallel to Colonial Rd. An easement from the Penn Cen­ a small amount of money. pledge to close a transit camp for emigrating Soviet Jews. been slow, leading to specula­ Brett Hussey scored a railroad crossing at Colonial Rd., in Green Manor’s in­ tral R.R. will permit Lydall Inc. to use the old railroad Later, police said, they killed He< made the statement to tion the trip might be postponed touchdown on a 21-yard pass until early next year. dustrial park, is for public use. On June 5, the Manchester crossing. Lydall has plans to erect barriers and manual the minister and his two newsmen as Mrs, Meir was steps” his government plans to from Groves. Board of Directors voted to abandon Parker St., between children at their Lexington flying to Vienna to intercede take so that emigratidh of With three months left in the John Stamp scored two points controls at the crossing. (Herald photo^bj^ Pinto) home, then shot to death three with Kreisky and ask that the Soviet Jews can continue via year it still is possible Nixon on a conversion. persons at Fishers Motel in Schoenau (Castle facility be Austria. These have not been will make the trip before 1974. Head Coach Gil Boisoneau Falmouth, 25 miles south of allowed to remain open despite made public, but the chancellor Earlier, after what he cited Ward as playing his usual here.
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