1 1 Daniel Chosen Chairman Chamber of Commerce Week COURIER OF THE EAST KENTUCKY COAl FIELDS Mr Dewey Daniel has been chosen Perry help create better opportunities for our new County Chairman for Kentucky Chamber of generation. VOLUME 48—NO. 105 HAZARD, PERRY COUNTY, KENTUCKY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1958 Commerce Week—November 17-21. Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Week has COPY— 10c been officially The State Chairman of this special week proclaimed by Governor A B Chandler to pay tribute to Statement to boost the Kentucky Chamber of the Kentucky Cham by Bert T. Combs Commerce, ber for the work it has done in bringing Relative to Joe Leary's Thomas A. Ballantine of Louisville, all Appoint- in announc- forces in Kentucky together ment ing the to develop more as Campaign Manager for appointment of Chairman Daniel, urged 12 Local Students opportunities for Kentuckians through Lieutenant all more Governor Harry Lee Perry County businessmen to cooperate with manufacturing jobs, more tourist Waterfield. the local income, great- chairman during the time that Kesi- er utilization of natural resources, expanded tucky Chamber of Commerce Week is in prog- markets for agricultural ress products and an In creased Enrolled Mr interest in public affairs. At Ballantine asked all businessmen Union to Other members of the local consider seriously Kentucky Cham their financial support of the ber of Commerce Week Committee are L. O. Three students from Knott County and nine Kentucky Chamber in addition to participating from Davis, Fred Bullard, Bill Gorman and Perry in the program of the State C A have enrolled at Union College this fall. Chamber that will Zoellers. Talmadge Tyler Cornett, a graduate of Carr Creek high school is enrolled in the freshman class The son George of Combs, 62 , M. Dennis ( ornett, Smithsboro, Cornett was a mem- ber of the Glee Club, Beta Club Ohio, 41; Massachusetts, 24; and Dies Suddenly Two Students Get and played basketball and base- Virginia. 19 Eight foreign coun- George lries Curtis Combs. 62 years ball while attending high - forty-six Kentucky coun- of age and for 43 years a valued ^e ® an<* f wen ty'diree states are school He is preparing for the Accepting employee of the LAN Railroad . represented. voucher for $83,962.74 in payment of taxes by the Co., died at the Mount Mary Scholarships ,ro Louisville A Nashville Railroad, is Hugh Hospital early this morning. srsz css"™*. Stanford, left, deputy Al- vrM° rton sheriff. Perry County. C. W. though gradual, ol Hindman high Watson, Mr. Combs had been in Announcement SSf SL5 L AN. trainmaster, right, is making has been made by Radio Corpora- 0 the pres- poor health, school ha, enrolled In the fre,h- entation. his death came as a tion of d V-C'ne T. T. Yancy, L.AN. inspector of police looks America, New York City, of the award man elaa, severe shock to his of two He la the son ol Mr £[££• T£f" L, on. immediate The L AN. presentation is the biggest single tax scholarships to students at Eastern Kelly Fields. Hindman While family and friends Mr Combs, Kentucky State Col- I Fred S. Grigsby, Bulan; Tommy lege. in high school he was the treas- had been on sick leave since Johnson, Hazard; Johnny Elbert Stanley Abner, urer of the Newspaper Club and August of this year from his junior, of Cky is the ton of Mr and Leverage, Combs; David Manchester, president of the D job. was granted $800 Mrs. Methodist Porter, Daley Clay, Aflais Road, Hazard; and David W. Abner Barger Dies Bulan The deceased, for his junior and 9e*iior years Youth Fellowship He is prepar- Woman Dies a Mason, who Hazard, Robinson, “I am glad that Mr. and is a graduate of Hazard. Leary has also belonged to several to complete his teacher train- ing for the profession of law. of the Hazard High School. He entered come out in 1 At Walkertown the open. am glad branches of Masonry, was a ing course in mathematics. Wil- Mr Richard Wayne Parks, a At Home of Son Eastern in September. 1957, and it is now public that his influ- member of the Highland Presby liam V. Clay, sophomore, of graduate of Carr Creek high Abner Barger, a resident of Eliza Godsey, lives in Beckham Hall 88. of Bulan, terian on the school, has Walkertown ence in the Chandler Adminis Church at Guerrant, Ky., Hazard, received the award of enrolled in the ! for 32 years passed died Nov. 14 at the home of campus. He is survived freshman tration by his wife Pearl $250 during his freshman year class The son of Mr. away on Nov. 8, 1958 her son, Sam Godsey. will continue during the The recipient of the at Miners and one daughter, junior | Mrs Isaac and also for his sophomore Raymond L. Parks, Smithsboro, She is campaign year award Memorial Hospital, after a ling- survived by two daugh- of Chandler’s puppet Fugate, last year was Parks I and one grand daughter year He plans to teach chemis- la • member of the Un- ters; Mrs. Millie Combs and candidate, Harry Thomas S. Logsdon, of Spring- ering illness. Water- Jane Curtis Fugate. Also Three try and mathematics. ion College Christian Associa- Mrs field, who will Harriett Miller both of field. sisters, graduate in June Mr. Barger was born Feb. 23, The people of Kentucky Mrs. Jessie Amerine of Abner graduated from Clay tion and is preparing for the Fairborn, Ohio; 1959 He received the . three sons, Baltimore, grant of 1884 at Brutus, Ky., in will now have an opportunity to Md.; Kate Combs of County high school and attend- engineering profession. Clay coun- Markam $800 to enable him to Godsey of Lumbar; Port Wright, Ky.; complete ty. be on guard and Leola ed Berea College in 1950-51 be- Kentucky counties leading in He had long been a faithful Sam and Drew for another cam- his college work in mathematics Godsey of Bulan. Combs, of Louisville, and one enrollment are paign fore entering military service. teacher Knox, 159; Har member of the Petrey Memorial Also surviving are 32 grand- of torturing the truth. brother. training He is the son Bill, of Baltimore, Md. After his Army discharge lan. 78: and Bell, 45. Total en- Baptist Church children and “While we see the hands of in of Mr and Mrs Stanley Logs- in Walkertown. 23 great grand- Funeral services will be held 1956 rollment figures give Waterfield, he entered Sue Bennett 538 full- _He was children. we will know that at 2:00 don, Lebanon Hill, Springfield retired from the LAN P. M., Wednesday, at Junior College time students with 188 part- we hear the voice of Chandler and transferred Mrs Godsey had been ill a- the Presbyterian Railroad, Feb. 17, 1954, after Church with to Eastern In 1957. time persons for a total of 726 bout three and Leary when their candidate He will grad- having served years years with a heart Reverends Ernest Stricklin and Out-of-state 31 and 8 speaks. uate in August, 1959 His point enrollment totals condition. She was a Bill Brown, months. He leaves to mourn his member of officiating. Burial Weather Box 203 persons. Leading “It’s the same song — same standing is 2 78 of a possible states are passing the Clear Creek Regular Bap- will take place in the Date his wife Della Burns Englewood 3.0. High Low Rain tist Church. dance -same director—same ac- Barger, 4 children: Edward Bar- Cemetery with Engle Funeral tors as in 1955 It’s the He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Funeral services same Home in charge. Thursday 80 36 ger of Walkertown, Mrs. E. J. were Nov. Chandler • Waterfield Leary Ben Abner, of Manchester. He Friday Regular Members of 72 40 Neville of Norwood, Ohio; Mr I® Baptist the Masonic Fra and team on the field again Their his wife, the former Fredie Saturday 72 54 Oakley Barger of Jackson, Mich Church at Dwarf. Burial was In temity will be in charge of the .07 Keefer To ; pious professions of good willl White, live in the Village on Sunday 73 Speak Mrs. the Engle graveside services, 56 At John Batista Cemetery at Dwarf. of Walker- and dedication to the public | Monday 76 57 town; 15 grand children and Rev Ode Smith was the officiat- .09 one good merely serve as a cloak for great grand child.; 1 brother, ing minister. an administration of hypocrisy, Dewey Barger, of The Engle Funeral Home Hamilton. O.; was favoritism, and deceit 4 in J. B. Camp sisters, Mrs Ollie McIntosh of charge of arrangements. Wells Announces For Nathanael "These three have saddled up- Demosville, Ky. on Kentucky the most expensive, It’s for you another Thanks- — corrupt, and selfish administra- Lieutenant Governor Retired Miner Dies ! The Hazard Service Station, giving Conference for the whole tion in our history. Their prom- located on East Main Street, family at Camp Nathanael. You ises of 1955 have a unique rec- At Hospital was the scene of will not want to miss the good ord—almost broken. an explosion Mr Patrick Lee preaching of Dr. Karl E Keener Bryant, 80 “It is no secret that Mr. Leary’s at approximately 9:58 am., years of age, died at the Min- law and the special musk of the practice has profited im- where a boy was cleaning the men’s quartet er’s Memorial Hospital Sunday measurably during the Chand- from Bryan Uni- i tile floor with gasoline. , morning Mr. - Bryant i versity, Dayton, Tennessee.
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