Panaji, 16th September, 1971 (Bhadra 25, 1893) S~RIES II No. 25 OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT OF· GOA, DAMAN AND. DIU : :: in the scale of Rs. 1300-60-16{){)-100-1800 from the date he GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN 'assumes charge cf the post and until further orders. AND DIU Sd/- Secretariat Administration Department S. N. SINHA, Under Secretary to the Government of India. Order BHARAT SARKAR No. SM);1PER/466 KRISHI MANTRALAYA :Shl1i O. iF. Gal'g, Laiw Secretary, is granted 45 days earned leave with effect fr.om 11th August. L971 to 24th Sep­ (Krishi Vibhag) tember, 197il. OertiidJi:ed th8lt IShlii O. P. IGarg would have continued to New Delhi, 19th August, 1971 officiate as Law Secretary but for his proceeding on leave. !During the ,leave perrodof Sh11i O. P. Garg, ·Sh11iPuran Notification Slingh, FLnance !Secretary iJs appointed '8:S Law Secretary. 1rhis supersedes 'this 'Department 10rdel'of even number No. 5-78/70-AIS dated 9th August,1911, and lCormgendum N'o. SAD/:PiER/503 dalted 2nd' September, 1971. The President is pleased to appoint Shri S. S.· Bhattee, an IFS Officer of the Union Territories Cadre, at present By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa. on deputation as Assistant Inspector General of Forests Daman and Diu. (General) in the Department of Agriculture, as Conservator of Forests, Goa,' Daman and Diu, Panaji, with effect from S. R. Sawant, Deputy Secretary (AppOintments). the forenoon of the 31st July, 1971 (AN) in an officiating capacity until further orders. P&nIaji', Bl'd S'eptembel', 1971. Sd/- S. N. SINHA, ••• Under Secretary to the Government of India. Special Department ••• Memorandum Finance (Control) Department No. SPL-CF-Tl Order The following order and notification from the Govern­ ment of India, Ministry of Agriculture (Krishi Mantralaya), iNo. 2-3-71-Fm(C)/1496 Department of Agriculture (Krishi Vibhag) regarding ap­ Shrl R .. V. KulkarIlli, ,officiating Accounts Officer of the pointment of Shri S. S. Bhattee, an I. F. S. Officer of the office of the Accountant General Maharashtra, on deputation Union Territories' Cadre as. Conservator of Forests, Goa, to Ithis Administl'at:10n, is Ibereby appointed ,as Deputy Di­ Daman and Diu is hereby republished for general informa­ r.ector of Accounts :in the scale of Rs. 590-30-830-35-90a tion. against one of the exisbing vacancies in the Directorate of Accounts, w.ith 'effect from 23-8-1971 (F.N.) until further S. R. B(JWant, Deputy Secretary (Appalintments). order8. Shri R. V. Kulkarni wtill be on deputation for a period of Panajl, 6th September, 1971. one year in the .first instance on terms and condibions con­ tained in Government of Indlia, Ministry of Home Affairs, letter No. F.1-33/64-Goa dated 29-5,,1965, as amended from time to time. BRARAT SARKAR By order and in the name of the AdministraJtor of Goa, Daman ood Ddiu. KRISHI MANTRALA YA V. G. Bathe, Under Secretary (Finance). (Krishi Vibhag) Panaji, 7th September 1971. NtJtJJ Del"., tat Ju'fy, 19'11 Order ••• Revenue Department No. 3-M/7()..AIS Subject: Fi11Jng up of the post of Conservator of Foresta, Office of the Collector of' Goa Goa, Daman and Diu, Panaji. Shri S. S. Bhattee, an IFS Officer of the Union Territories Notificlltion Cadre, on deputation 3iS Assistant Inspector General of No. COL/EST/Rev.Oode/71/139/I Forests (General) in this Department, is promoted and posted as officiating Conservator of Forests, Government In exercise of the powers conferred by 8ection 4 of the of GoIt. Dama.n and Diu. Panaji, in the Indian Forest Service Goa. Daman and iDlu (Land Revenue Code, 1968, read with 176 SERIES II No. SS Govt. Notification No. RlD/LRCj4,7j71-II, dated 26-2-19711 of Govt. hereby appoint the following Offllcers for the purpose published on page 440, ISel'ies II, No. 149 of GoVit. Gazette of La:nd Revenue Oode, 11008, ,in respect of their respeICtiive dated 5-3-1971, I, J-agdish ISagar, Oollector !Of Goa, on beha1f 'jurisdi~b£on mentioned lin column 4 lof the schedule:- SCHEDULE Jurisdiction in the Saza as Sr. Designation of the Offker and Officer under the Code constituted under Order No, the village where working at present No, RDB/REV /3/1970. dated 30-7-1971 2 1) Taluka Tiswadi 1. TaLathi of r.£1alei'gao 'DaHathi Taleigao 12. TaJlatlti of 'Daleigao 'DaJathi Calapur '3.'Dalathli ,0If Ourea, Barolbo~iIm & Talaulim 'DaJlathi Morombi-o-Pequeno (Merces) 4. Tal8lohli! of Mercurliirn TaJathi, Mercurim 5. 'Dalathi: of Goa~Velha 'Da[athi Go.a-Velha 6. Talathi of 'Batim. 'I1aJIathi Babim 7. Talallii of Curca, lBa:mbolll!m & TalauJlilm 'Da~athi Ourlca S. Tal'8!thiii of Chlim1bel 'Dadathi J?anajt 9. l'alathi of GoIUm, Navelim 'lblathi Goltim ,10. TallathIiJ of GOlitJim, Na;ve~iIm 'I1adathi Malar 111. Talathi oct' ChlimbeI 'I1aJlathi Chimbel 1~. Tatathi of Jua 'Dadathl Oumbarjua. 13. Talath'i of Jua 'I1alathl JU'a i14. Tallathi of Carambo~im, Corltlm 'I1aJIathi Carambolim 115. TalatM 'Of Azosslim, Mandur, Neura 'I1adathi Mandur 16. Ta:lathli of Chorao 'ThlIlathi 'Cho1'ao Bardez Taluka 1. Ta1athi of MliiPusa 'I1adathi Mrupusa 2. TaU:llIthj, of lMapusa 'I1aJ.athi ICuncheDian 3. Talath'iJ of Anjuna 'Daiathi Anjuna 4. 'Dalath:i of Assagao 'I1alathi Assagao 5. Talathi of Assonora 'DaJathi Ass'onora 6. Tatat'hIi 'Of UcassaJim, PaDtem PunQla 'Dailathi Ucassaim 7. Talathl of U'class'aim, Pa~tem, PunQIa. Talathi Baslora B. TaLathi ad: Oo;Jvale Ta'lathi Colvale 9. 'Dalat'hil of Parra 'DaQathi 'Parra '10. Talatb:i of lP'arra 'DaJlathi Verla 111. Tal81t:hJi 'of Sl1omm, M'arna 'D&~atht S'1olim 12. 'Dalath1 of O:lCel 'l1aiathi Oxel 1'3. Taaathi of Hevora, Nadora 'I1alathi Nadora 114. Talatht 'Of !R.evora, Nadora 'DaJlathi oFliorna '115. Talruthi ad: 'DiVlilm, S!i!roalian 'DaJ.athi 'I1ivim 16. Tlalat'hi of Aldona 'Daiathi Aldona 17. Tlafathi of SaLigao 'I1aiathi S'aligao 18. Tlalath!i: of Arpora, iNagoa Ta(lathi Al'pora 19. T3Jlal:!hft of OaJoangute 'Ila.lathi Calangwte 20. Talrutltr of So'corro 'DaJathi 8'0,corro 21. TaLathii of CandoHm 'Dalathi Oandolim 122. Talatlti:of 'Guirim, Bangolda 'I1alathi Gwlrim 23. Talathltof MOilra, NaJchli!nola 'I1alathi Moira 214. Tlrulathi of Relis Magos 'DaJIatht Re'i:s Magos 25. Talathi of Pomburpa, Ol:aulim 'DaJIathi Pomiburpa 26. TaJoathi of !pl1!erne, Marna 'Dalathi Plii/erne 27. Talathi of S'alvador do !Mundo 'DaJlathi Salvador do !Mundo 128. TaLathfil of iPenha de Fran!Oa 'I1alathi ,penha-de·Fran~ Pernem Taluka 1. Talathi: of Tuem, Vilirnol'a 'I1adathi Pernem 2. Talrubhi of Dargalim 'Ilalathl iDargalim 3. TalatMad: Oansarvornem, IOhandel, Ozor1mand Val'- '11alathi 'Cansarvornem. conda 4. Talathi 'Of Ararobol 'I1a;iathi .Morna 5. Ta1a:thli 'Of Ug>Uem, IPol'oscodem 'I1alathi Uguem 6. Talathlt of ,p'aliiem 'I1a[athi P Jaliem 7. Talathi of Corgao 'lblathi Corgao 8. Talathriof Mandrem Talathi Mandrem 9. Talathi of Parcem Taiathl P,arcem 10. Talatht of Morjim 'Dalathi Morjim BlchoHm TaJuka 1. Talathi of Salem, Menkure, Dumac;em 'DaQathi S~lem 2. Talathi of Latambarcem, Adwalpale Talathi Latambarcem 3. Talathi of Bordem 'I1a!lathi Mulgao 4. Talathii of Ona, Maulinguem, Curchirem 'I1a!lathi Maulinguem 5. 'Dalathi of Maem, Vafuguinim Ta;lathi Maem 6. Talathiof PHigao 'Dalathi Bicholim 7. Talathi of Naroa Taiathi PHigao 8. Talathi of Sanquelim, Arvalem 'Da::lathi .' :Sanquelim 9. Ta1athi of Carapur, Sarvona Talathi Carapur 10. Talathii of Cudnem Ta'lathi Cudnem ·111'. Talathi of Navelim Talathl Navelim 12. Talathi of Surla, Cotombi Talathi Surla ll3. Talathl of Pale, Velguem 1'allathi Pale ~4r. Tla.1'a.tltl Of :A.m.i:m&; VIti&. 'I1aila-tht Amana. 16TH SEPTEMBER, 1911 (BHADRA 25,1893) 177 1 3 Satari TaJuka 1. Talathi of Nagargao, Karambolim, Brama, Ambedem, 'l1a1lathi Nagargao lBombedem, Edorem, Sigonem Xelop-Buzruco, Naneli 2. Talathi of Sanvordem, Cudoem, Sonal, Caranzol, Pen­ 'l1a1lathi Savordem dral, Cudvol, Carambolflm-Buzruco 3. Tala:thi of Cod!qui, Velguem, SI~rang1uli, Assodem, 00- 'l1a1lathi Codqui vanem, Malpona, Ambeli, Xelopo-Curdo, Cotorem' 4. Talathi or Valipoi, Mrussordem, Velus, Satorem 'l1a1lathi Valpoi 5. Talathi of Mauxi, Compordem, Dabem, Zormen 'l1aJlathi Mauxi 6. Talathi of Dongurli, Choraundem, Icrem-Buzruco, 'l1a1lathi DongurDi Ivrem-Curdo, Golauli, Surla, RJivem, Pale 7. Talathi of Davem, Ustem, Maloli, Nanorem, Codal, 'l1allathi Davern Satrem, Derodem, Vainguinim, SaraDJi 8. Talathi of Birondem, Padeli, Vantem 'l1a1la tw. Birondem e. Talathi of Guleli, Damocem, Melauli, Conquirem 'l1a1lathi Gtileli 10. Talathi of ·NanUlS, Sanvorcem, Ansolem, Nauem 'l1aJlathi Nanill3 11. Talathi of Onda, Saloli, Buimpal, Sonus-Vonvotiem TaJlathi Onda 12. Talathi of Plissurlem, Cumarconda, Codiem, Advoi, '1;\alathi PissuTlem Ponocem, Vaguriem :13. Talathi of Portem, Morlem, Podocem, Rovona T8Jlathi Poriem 14. Talathi of Querim, Gonteli, lSIWOiJli, Anjunem, Quelau­ 'I1a;lathi Querim dem, Ponsuli, Gululem Ponda Ta.luka 1. Talathi of lBetqui. Ta1athi Candola 2. Talathi of Verem Talathi Savoi-Verem 3. Talathil of Boma 'I1a;lathi Boma 4. Talalhi of Tlurem 'I1aIathi Querim 5. Talathi of Velinga, Priol Ta,lathi Priol G. 'I1alathi of CundaJim 'I18Jlathi Cundaim 7. Talathi of Marcaim 'I1wlathi Marcaim 8. Talathi of Bandora 'I1aJlathi Bandora 9. Talathi.af Usgao 'I1wlathi Usgao 10. Talathi of Usgao 'I1wlathf Candepar H. Talathi of Betora 'I1alathi Betora ,12. Talathi of Volvoi 'I1a1athi Nir·ancal 13. Talathi of Queula Ta,lathi Queula <= :14. Talathi of Vadi, Talaulim, Durbhat Twlathi Talaulim 115·. Talathii: of Borim 'I1wlathi Borim 16. Talathi of Shiroda 'I1a;lathi Shliroda 17. Talathi of Ponchavadi 'I1aJlathi Ponchavadi Sanguem TaJuka 1. Ta;lathi of Sancordem 'I1aJlathi Sancordem 2. Talathi of Darbandora Ta,lathi Darbandora 3. Talathii of Colem Ta;lathi Calem 4. Talathi of Calem Talathi Calem '5. Talathi ,of iKltrl:apale TaJathi SanVlordem 6. T,a~athi of Bati Talathi Sanguem 7.
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