MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine: " HEINU THE ANNlJAL REPORTS OF TH:E VARIOUS Public Officers~Institutions l:<'OR THE YEAR 1892. VOLUME I. AUGUSTA: BURLEIGH & J<'LYNT, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1892. ST A TE OF MAINE. Business Corporations, INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACTS AND Organized Under General Law, WITH CHANGES IN NAMES, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRECTORS, ETC. ; ALSO, LIST OF THOSE EXCUSED FROM MAKING ANNUAL RETURNS, AND DISSOLVED BY DECREE OF COURT. 1820 to 1892. AUGUSTA: BURLE1GH & FLYNT, PRINTERS TO THE STA.TE. 1891. STATE OF MAINE. Business Corpora tio11s, 1820 TO 1892. Corporations Chartered by Specir.1,l Act of Legislature, with Location ( when given) and Years when Incorporated and Amended; al.<w Changes of Names, Repeal of Acts of Inco1·puration, Etc. Augusta and Bangor Stage CompanJ, -, 1823, 1835. Anson Bridge, Proprietors of, 1829. Augusta Hotel, Proprietors of, 1831-1832. Austin Steam Grist Mill, Prorrietors of, 1831. Androscoggin Canal and Mills Corporation, Portland, 1836. Augusta India Rubber Hat Compacy, -, 1S36. Alfred Manufacturing Company, Alfred, 1836. Augusta Savings Institution, Augusta, 1836. Augusta and Boston Steam Mill C(Jmpany, Hallowell, 183 7. Augusta anJ New York Granite Company, Augusta, 1837. Augusta and Philadelphia Granite Company, Augusta, 1837. Astor Granite Company, Edgecomb. 1837. Augusta Blue Granite Company, Augusta, 1~37. Anson anil Solon Bridge Proprietors, Solon, 1837. Anson aud Madison Bridge, Proprietors of, 1838. Augu::;ta Company, Augusta, 1838, 1845. BUSINESS CORPORATIONS. Augusta Free Bridge, Augusta, 183K, 1858. 1860, 1867, 1868. Athens Flour and Grist l\Iill Company, Athens, 1839. Anson Woolen Manufacturing Company, -. 1839. Androscoggin l\ianufacturing .Company, Brunswick, 1841. Augusta Free Ferry, Augusta, 1841. Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad Company, -, 1845, 1846, 1850~ 1851: 1853, 1869, 1873, 1878. Androscoggin and Kenueb(·c Railroad Company,-, 1845, 1848. Augusta and Boston S·.eam Transportation Company, -, 1845. Auburn Manufacturing Company, Nason's Mills, 1846. Augusta Water Power Company,-, 1847, 1848, 1853, 1861, 1877. Allegash and East Branch Log Driving Company,-, 1817. Augusta Savings Bank, Augusta, 1848. Androscoggin Railroad Company, -, 1848, 1849, 1853, 1854, 1860,. 1862, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871. Atlantic and Pacific Mining, Lumbering and Trading Company,-~ 1849. Arrowsic Bridge, Proprietors of, -, 1849. Agawam Manufacturing Company, Lewiston, 1849. Allegash Dam Company, Bangor, 1851, 1855 Augusta Mutual Fire Insurance Company,-, 1851, 1861. } { Name cb'd from l\Iaine Mammoth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Atlantic Junction Railroarl, -, 1852, 1854. Androscoggin Company, Brunswick and Topsham. 1852. Aroostook Dam and Railroad Company. -, 18?>2. Augusta Gas- Light Company, Augusta. -. 1853, 1887. Atlantic Ship Wharf and Lime Manufa<~turing Company, Roekland,. 1853, 1854. Augusta Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, Augusta, 1853. Androscoggin Navigation Company, -. 1853, 1873. Augusta Ice Company, Angusta, 1853. Androscoggin Mills, 18,54, 1860, 1861. } {· Name cbanged from Arkwright Company, 1854. Atlantic and Pacifie Telegraph Company,-, 1854. Aroostook Company, Lewiston, 1854. Arkwright Company, Lewi:.;;ton, 1854-. } { Name changed to Androscoggin Mills, lt<54, 1860, 1861. Aroostook Railroad Company, -, 1854, 1858, 1860, 1863, 1866. 1867, 1873. Augusta and Hallowell Gas-Light Company, -, 1855. Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Portland, 1855. BUSINESS CORPORATIONS. ,5 Auburn Block Company, Auburn, 1855. Atlas Insurance Company, --, 1855. Augusta Shovel Company, Augusta, 1855. Augusta and New York Navigation Company,-, 1855. Alfred Mutual Fire Insurance Company,-. 1856. Achorn Lime Rock Company, Rockland, 1857, 18,)8. Augusta Free Bridge Company, Propridors ot,-, 1857. Aroostook and St. AIJdrews Branch Railroad Company,-, 185!), • 1862. Androscoggin Bridge Company, Bethd, ll'l59. Augusta Manufacturing and Water P.Jwer C,>1nµauy,-, 1860. Augusta Hutel Company, Angnsta, urn 1. Augusta Hotel Company, Augusta, 1864. Atwood Lead Company, Cape El1zaheth, 1865. Androscoggin Land and Petroleum Company,-, 1866. Albion Manufacturing Company, Alhion, 1866. Arrowsic Stone Dyke Company,-. 18ti6. Androscoggin Water l\JvVt~rCompany, Lisbon, 1867. Aug11sta and Hall iwt>ll li1ilroad Comp:tny,-, 1868. Appleton Farm1·rs' :\lutual Fire lnsurauce Company,--, 18G8. Auhurn Savrngs Brnk, Auburn, 1868. Androscoggin R:dug Park Association, Lewiston, 1869. Auburn Aqueduct Company, Auburn. 1869, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1879, 1880, 1881. Athens Railt'uad Company,-, 1869. Algre Fertilizer Company, Boothbay, 1870. Annebescuok Steamboat Company, Winthrop, 1870. Aurora Mills, Lewi::,tou, 1870. Androscoggin County Savings Bank, Lewiston, 1870. Androscoggin Valley Railroad Company,-, 1870. Andover Railroad Comµany, - 1870. Arctic Ice Company,-, 1870. Augusta Water Company, 1870~ 1885, 1887. Alfred and South Berwick Railroad Company,-, 1871. Aroostook Steamboat Company,-, 1872, 1874, 1877. 1878. Augusta Trotting Park Association, Augusta, 1872. Augusta Hotel Company, Augusta., 187i. Auburn Central Manufacturing Comµauy, Auburn, 1873. Auburn Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Auburn, 1873, 1874. Appleton Mutual Fire Insurance Company,-, 1873. 6 BUSINESS CORPORATIONS. Androscoggin and Oxford Railroad Company,-, 1873. Aroostook River Railroad Company,-,1873, 1876, 1881. Aroostook Valley Dairy Association, l\Iaysville, 1874. Androscoggin Insurance Company,-, 1874. Air Line Steamship Company, Eastport, 1874. Andover Dairy Association, Andover, 1875. Androscoggin Telegraph Company,-, 1879. Artesian Water Company, Rockland, 1880. Acton Consolidated Milling and Mining Company, 1880. Auburn Steam Heating Company, Auburn, 1881. • Atlantic Telegraph Company,-, 1883. Aroostook Improvement Company,-, 1883. Augusta Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Augusta, February 5, 1889. Agamenticus Water Company, York, February 13, 1889. Andover Agricultural Society, Andover, Februar,y 19, 1889, 1891. Aroostook Trust and Banking Company. Carihou, February 28, 1889. Auhurn Trust Company, Auburn, Marcil 2, 1889. Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner R':1.ilroad Company, Augusta, March 8, 1889. Androscoggin Trust Company, February 19, 1891. Augusta City Hospital, February 20, 1891. Alumni Association of Gorham Normal School, February 25, 1891. Aroostook Construction Company, February 28, 1891. Alder Stream Dam and Improvement Company, March 5, 1891. Austin Stream Dam Company, March 17, 1891. Bath Steam Mills Company, 1821. Burnt Meadow Brook Canal, Brownfield, 1822. Bath Marine Insurance Company, Batb, 1823. Bar Mill Bridge Proprietors, Bar Mills, 1823, 1824. Bar Mill Booms, Bar Mills, 1824. Brewer Meeting-House Corporation, 182i5. Brunswick Force Pump Works, Proprietors of, Brunswick, 1825. Boston Manufacturing Company, Lebanon, 1827. Buxton Manufacturing Company,-, 1827, 1857, 1865. Bangor Bridge Company, Bangor, 1828. Brunswick Ton tine Hotel, Proprietors of, Brunswick, 1828. Brunswick Fall:, Cotton Factory, Brunsvvick, 1829. Bath Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Bath, 1829. Bath Ferry Company, Bath, 1830, 1838. BUSINESS CORPORATIONS. 7 Bangor Pier Corporation, Bangor, 1830, 1831, 1834. Bucksport and Prospect Ferry Company, Bucksport, 1830, 1831, 1835, 18i56. Bethel Bridge, Proprietors of, Bethel, 1S31. Bangor and Brewer Ferry Company, Bang0r, 1831. Charter repealed, 1843. Bangor Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Bangor, 1832, 1858, 1868. Bangor and Oldtown Railway Company, Bangor, 1832, 1836, 1857, 1858, 1869, 1871. Bangor Savings Institution, Bangor, 1833. Bangor and Piscataquis Canal and Railroad Company,-, 1833, 1840, 1843, 184 7, 1855. Bangor and Pushaw Pond Canal Company,-, 1833. Baring Bridge, Proprietors of, Baring, 1833, 1835, 1870. Bangor Insurance Company, Bangor, 1833, 1835, 1838. Bangor House Proprietary, Bangor, 1833, lb35, 1845, 1857, 1873. Bath Railway, Bath, 1834 Bucksport and Calais Stage Company, -, 1834. Bangor and Dexter Stage Company,-, 1834. Brunswick Company, Brunswick, 1834, 1836. Belfast Fishing Company, Belfast, 1834. Belfast Marine Railway Company, Belfast, 1834. Belfast Screw Dock Company,-, 18M. Bangor and Skowhegan Stage Company, -, 1834. Brunswick Railroad Company, -, 1835. Bluebill Fishing Company, Bluebill, 1836. Belfast Paper Manufacturing Company, Belfast, 1836. Belfast Cordage Manufacturing Company, Belf~st, 1836. Bethel Bridge Company, Bethel, 1836. Bluebill Granite Company, Bluebill, 1836. Bridgton Manufacturing Company, Bridgton, 1836. Bangor and Lower Stillwater Manufacturing Company, Orono, 1836. Belfast Flannel Manufacturing Company, Belfast, 1836. Bangor Mill and Manufacturing Company, -, 1836. Belfast and Quebec Railroad Corporation, -, 1836, 1839, 1845. Buck's Harbor Mountain Granite Company, Brooksville, 1836. Bangor and Moosehead Lake Stage Company, -, 1836. Beauchamp Lime and Marble Company, Camden, 1837. Builders' Granite Association, Biddeford, 1837. Barnard Slate Quarrying Company, Barnard, 1837. 8 BUSINESS CORPORATIONS. Bowdoinham Steam Mill Corporation, Bowdoinham, 1837. Bath Savings Institution, Bath, 1837. Baring and Bog Brook Railway Company,-, 1837, 1847. Baskahegan Land and Mill Company, -, 1837. Brunswick Wharf Proprietors, Brunswick, 1838. Belfast Upper Bridge Company, re-chartered,
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