426 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS [i82- Vellum, ii£x8, ff. 179+1, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xv, clearly written in a rather current hand. Collation: i flyleaf, I8 (6, 7 of cent, xvi) 2" (1-6 of cent, xvi) 38-228 (6-8 of cent, xvi) 23 (three). f. i a is finely bordered in gold and colour in characteristic English style and has decorative initial on gold ground, somewhat rubbed. Contents: Here begynneth a booke in Englissh tonge called Brute of Englonde or the cronicles of Englonde compilinge and treatynge of the saide lande etc. f. I —conteynyng cc and xxxvij chapiters. The pr(o)loge of this booke declareth and tellith howe }>is lande was furst callid Albioun —and slowe many of hem Sum tyme in the noble lande of Surr'. A fragment of the original fol. 6 (see collation above) is inserted after f. 60. At f. 151 (ch. 239: death of Edward III) is a note by Parker: hie terminatur unus liber (a reference to no. 174). Ends with ch. 245: restid him in the castell tille the toun was sette in Rule and Goueranase (!). Colophon (xvi). Expl. usque ad annum 7m Henrici quinti. The last edition is by Dr F. Brie (E. E. T. S.). On a fly-leaf is a Parkerian note from Goscelin's Life of St Augustine, and the Scala Chronica. 183. BEDAE VITA CUTHBERTI. J Under D. 5 GENEALOGIAE ETC. \ T. James 369 Codex membranaceus in 4*°, vetustioribus literis Saxonicis Latine scriptus, in quo continentur, Vellum, 11^ x 7^, ff. 96, mostly with 26 lines to a page. Cent, ix (Bradshaw), in a very beautiful Anglo-Celtic hand: two scribes are distinguishable. 2 fo. Incipit prefatio or Scripta erant. Collation: A8-!8 (wants 6) K8 L8 (4, 5 are singles) M8 (+ i). f. i a is blank but for the letter W at top (xvi), possibly indicating that Nich. Wotton was the donor. On i b is a fine full-page picture. The frame is of yellow, enclosing panels of conventional foliage with birds and a lion, in white on deep-red ground, exceedingly sharp and good. The ground of the picture is plain. On L. a king in short dark (purple) mantle over lighter tunic, red hose, crown, yellow hair and beard, stands 183] CORPUS CHRIST! COLLEGE 427 i. Liber Bedae presbiteri de vita et miraculis S. Cuthberti. under an arch with tiled dome: he bends over to R. and holds an open book. On R. a church with tiled roof, clerestory and aisles (tiled): rect- angular window in W. gable : ornament at the summit of each gable. In front of it (at W. end) stands a nimbed beardless saint, tonsured, in chasuble (red) over alb, holding up his R. hand, a book in L. On the identification of the figures see below. It can hardly be doubted that the book is from Durham Priory, but I cannot identify it with anything in the Catalogi Veteres. See further below. Contents: Inc. prefatio bede presbiteri de uita sci cuSberhti lindisfarnensis episcopi ad eadfridum episcopum (P. L. xciv 575) . f. 2 Domino sancto ac beatissimo (capitals, filled in with red and yellow : large initial, principally in red and yellow, with bird's head) —dilectissimi fratres et domini mei. Amen. Expl. prol. libri sequentis deo gratias. fiat. Inc. capitule (corr. to a) libri sequentis (xlvi) ... 3^ fine, liber de vita et miraculis sci cuthberhti lindisfarnensi episcopi (in fine red capitals) 5 b i. Principium nobis scribendi de uita beati cuSberhti. Fine initial: framework in red : panels of acanthus and other patterns in white on yellow. Numerals of chapters are in red, usually placed central, in a line by themselves. Initials of chapters are very prettily done in red, green, and blue, sometimes in single colours : sometimes with heads of beasts. The number xviii is written xiiiiiiii. Cap. xlv ends : misericordia et miseratione coronat. Amen, xlvi. Expl. liber de uita et miraculis s. cudberhti lindisfarnensis aecclesie, episcopi feliciter. Amen. Item ex libro historiae aecclesiastice, gentis anglorum quarto kapitulo uicesimo nono (H. E. IV 31 edd.) .... 56 Erat in eodem vnonasterio frater quidam. xlvii (H. E. IV 32). Nee silentio praetereundum quod ante triennium........... 57 —tumoris apparuisset. deo gratias. f. 58 b blank. Then follow lists of the Popes, of the 70 disciples, and of English Bishops and Kings. I give the text of these in full (excepting that of the Popes) and also a collation with the earliest MS. of the lists, Vespasian B. 6 (V). This, though often differing in spelling, agrees with 183 in some of its most curious errors. 428 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS [183 Hunc tractatum excipiunt plurimi catalogi regum et pontificum, viz. (1) Pontificurn sedis apostolicee. (2) Septuaginta duorum discipulorum Christi. (i) f. 59 «. Nomina pontificum sedis (apostolice erased) Col. i. i. Petrus ii. Linus to XXV. Xistus Col. 2. xxvi. Dionisius to 1. Felix f. 59 b. Col. i. li. Gelasius to Ixxvi. Martinus Col. 2. Ixxvii. Eugenius V. xcviii. Hadrianus hadrianus xcviiii. Leo leo c. Stephanus stephanus ci. Pascual pascualis. Here the original hand of Vends cii. Eugenius Another hand cc f. 60 a. Col. i. ciii. Ualentinus Adtianus (cviiii) ciiii. Gregorius cv. Sergius cvi. Leo cvii. Benedictus cviii. Nicolaus cviiii. Adrianus ex. lohannis cxi. Marinus cxii. Adrianus The numbering is continued, without names, to cxviii. (2) f. 60 a. Col. 2. Nomina septuaginta duorum V (f. 107 £, col. 2) discipulorum Christi title faint, but seemingly the same i. lacobus Justus ii. Mathias Maththias iii. loseph iiii. alius loseph losep v. Marcus euuang vi. barnabas vii. lucas euuang viii. cleophas cleopas viiii. seneca x. symeon xi. lucius xii. manain xiii. sostenes xiiii. caefas xv. thaddeus 183] CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE 429 (3) Archiepiscoporum Dorobernensis ecclesise. xvi. ermen (qui) et pastor xvii. andronicus xviii. lohannas xviiii. Amplias xx. Urbanus xxi. erodiones xxii. asyncritis xxiii. lasonem V. xxiiii. Stephanus pri martir p'mus mr f. bob. Col. i. V. Col. 2. V. xxv. Philippus li. barnabas xxvi. Prochorus Hi. lohannes xxvii. Nicanor liii. barnabas xxviii. Timon liiii. Stephanus xxviiii. Parmena Iv. chorisius xxx. Aquilas Ivi. milichus xxxi. ludas qui uocabatur barsabbas Ivii. gaius barnabas xxxii. Silas Iviii. Flegonta [V. f. loSa] xxxiii. Siluanus Iviiii. Ermen xxxiiii. Symon cleophe, cleopae Hi sunt qui electi fuerunt xxxv. Nason ab apostolis in ordinem xxxvi. Agabas pro quibus(dam) qui re- q#*bus qui cesserunt xxxvii. Ananias Ix. appellen probabilis Appellem probauilis xxxviii. Ignatius Ixi. dyonisius ariopagita dionysius ariop... xxxviiii. Symon xxxviiii. Symon quirenense Ixii. aspenetus xl. quirenense Ixiii. lesus qui dicitur lustus xli. Alexander xl. Ixiiii. Stachin Stachyn xlii. Rufus xli. Ixv. Ponplius xliii. Nathanael xlii. nathanahel Ixvi. Aristobolus -bulus xliiii. Nichodemus xliii. nicodemus Ixvii. Stephanus Corinthi- ensis xlv. Cleophas xliv. cleopas Ixviii. Erodius xlvi. Symon xlv. Simon Ixviiii. Rufus xlvii. ludas xlvi. Ixx. Olymphus 'Olympus xlviii. lacobus xlvii. xlviii. Simon Ixxi. Titus xlviiii. Symon Coriarius xlviiii. Simon Coriarus Ixxii. Filimonem 1. Lucas (3) f. 61 a. Nomina archiepiscoporum dorobernensis ecclesie V. title re-inked i. Agustinus Aug- ii. Laurentius iii. Mellitus 430 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS [183 (4) Episcoporum Hrofensis ecclesiae. \J/ AHorientalium Saxonum. iiii. Justus V. Honorius vi. Deus dedit vii. Theodorus viii. berhtuuald^j berhtpaldus viiii. Tatuuinus Tatuinus X. NoShelmus xi. CuSberhtus xii. laenberhtus breguinus xiii. breguuinus laenberhtus xiiii. aeSelheardus XV. uulfredus At this point Vadds: suiSredus ceolnoSus xvi. feologeldus and so ends xvii. ceolnoSus xviii. aeSelredus xviiii. plegmundus xx. aefcelhelmus xxi. Uulfhelmus xxii. (The number original: the name Odo added in cent, xvi) xxiii. „ „ „ Dunstanus „ xxiiii. „ „ „ Athelgarus „ Col. 2. xxv. The last original number. The series is continued to no. 70 (Matt. Parker). Dates are added for all the Archbishops in the same hand of cent. xvi. (4) f. 6i£ V. .(5) V. Nomina episcoporum title re- Nomina episcoporum title re-inked hrofen's ecc\^\e, inked horientalium saxonum orient- i. Paulinus i. Mellitus ii. Ithamar ii. Cedd iii. Putta iii. Ercnuuald Erconpald iiii. Guuichelm Cuich- iiii. Uualdhere Uald- v. Gebmund v. Inguuald Incpald re-inked. Tobias vi. Ecguulf Alduulf vii. Sighaeh viii. Dunn viii. Eadberht viiii. Earduulf viiii. Eadgar x. Deora Diora x. Coenuualh Coenpalh xi. Uuasrmund uaer- xi. Eadbald xii. beornmod xii. HaSoberht heaSoberht The numbering is continued to ii. xiii. Osmund x. aedilnoS xv. Ceolberht ceolberhtus added, and V ends The numbering is continued to xviii. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE 431 (6) Episcoporum Australium Saxonum. (7) Occidentalium Saxonum et Wentanae civitatis. (8) Scireburnensis ecclesiae. (9) Wellensis ecclesiae. (6) f. 62 a. V. (7) V. (f. 108 6). Nomina episcoporum title re-inked Nomina episcoporum title re-inked australium saxonum occidentalium saxonum i. Eadberht i. birinus fuit epis qui cum/ Primus occidentalium/ ii. Eolla consilio honorii pape ue/ saxo#um birinus fuit/ epis qui etc. iii. Sicgga nerat brittanniam brift iiii. Aluberht ii. Agilberht v. Osa iii. ^ine vi. Gislhere iiii. leutherius vii. Tota v. haedde haedde viii. ^iohthun uioht- deinde in duas parrochi parochias viiii. aepeluulf aedil- as diuisus est. altera uuenta uuentanaecium x. Cynred Cyneredus added, cenorum ecclesie altera scire ecclesiae.. .scirabur V ends burnensis ecclesie. ecclesiae xi. GuSheard (8) uuentane ciuitatis episcopi title re-inked The numbering is continued vi. Danihel In uenta ciuita to xviii. vii. HunfriS viii. Cynheard viiii. ^Epelheard aeSel- x. Ecgbald xi. dudd xii. Cynebryht -berht xiii. Alhmund alch- xiiii. J7igpegn -Segn added xv. HereferS -firS, in a 2nd hand, xvi. Eadhun and V ends xvii. Helmstan V. (9) Scireburnensis ecclesie episcopi In scira eccle (8 cont.) re-inked xviii. SpiShun Adhelm Ald- ForShere xviiii. xx. Denepulf iii. Hereuuald xxi. Fripestan iiii. ^ESelmod xxii. ^Elfheah v. DenefrrS xxiii. vi. pigbriht uuigberht xxiiii. Deinde uuintoni vii. [EJalhstan' Alhstan <&/<&</ xxv. ens eccla in duas and V ends xxvi.
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