OTTOMAN CORSAIRS IN THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN AND THEIR PLACE IN THE OTTOMAN-HABSBURG RIVALRY (1505-1535) A Master’s Thesis by EMRAH SAFA GÜRKAN Department of History Bilkent University Ankara June 2006 OTTOMAN CORSAIRS IN THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN AND THEIR PLACE IN THE OTTOMAN-HABSBURG RIVALRY (1505-1535) The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University by EMRAH SAFA GÜRKAN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS in THE DEPARMENT OF HISTORY BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA June 2006 I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the Master of Arts in History. Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık Thesis Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the Master of Arts in History. Assist. Prof. Oktay Özel Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the Master of Arts in History. Assoc. Prof. Gümeç Karamuk Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Erdal Erel Director ABSTRACT OTTOMAN CORSAIRS IN THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN AND THEIR PLACE IN THE OTTOMAN-HABSBURG RIVALRY (1505-1535) Gürkan, Emrah Safa M.A., Department of History Supervisor: Halil İnalcık June 2006 This thesis analyses the political deeds of the Ottoman corsairs in the Western Mediterranean between the years, 1505 and 1535. It tries to evaluate their place in the broader framework of the European politics of the time. It aims to analyze the perception of the both sides of the international struggle for the covered period, namely that of the Habsburgs and the Ottomans. Neither the preferences of the decision-makers of two sides, nor the power and effectiveness of the corsair rule established in the Western Mediterranean is immune to reconsideration for each period covered. Hence, both issues are tried to be discussed by calculating the changing balances of power as the division into three chapters also proves. In order to do that, in this period of the struggle of the 16 th century Europe in which not only the Ottomans and the Habsburgs, but also all major or minor powers of the era were forced to take sides; we should not only analyze how Khayr al-Din Barbarossa rose to prominence to the extent that he could achieve the rank of a Kaptan-ı Derya, but also the reaction of the strongest ruler of iii Western Mediterranean and of the Catholic World against this growing importance. Key Words: The Ottoman Empire, the Habsburg Dynasty, Arudj Reis, Khayr al- Din Pasha, Barbarossa, Charles V, Süleyman the Magnificent, Ottoman-Habsburg Rivalry, Algiers, Tunis, Kaptan-ı Derya. iv ÖZET BATI AKDEN İZ’DE OSMANLI KORSANLI ĞI VE OSMANLI-HABSBURG REKABET İNDEK İ YER İ (1505-1535) Gürkan, Emrah Safa Yüksek Lisans, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Halil İnalcık Haziran 2006 Bu tez, 1505 ve 1535 yılları arasında Osmanlı korsanlarının Batı Akdeniz’deki siyasi faaliyetlerini konu almaktadır. Zamanın avrupa siyasetinin şu daha geni ş çerçevesinde bu korsanların yerini saptamaya çalı şmaktadır. Ele alınan dönemdeki uluslarası mücadelenin iki tarafının, yani Habsburg ve Osmanlı karar mercilerinin korsanlı ğı nasıl algıladı ğını analiz etmek amacındadır. Ne iki tarafın karar mercilerinin öncelikleri, ne de Batı Akdeniz’de kurulan korsan egemenli ğinin gücü ve etkinli ği, ele alınan her dönem için yeniden de ğerlendirmeden mu’af de ğildir. Bu sebeble, her iki mevzu, bu tezin üç bölüme ayrılmasının da kanıtlayaca ğı gibi, de ğişen güç dengelerinin hesaba katılmasıyla atrtı şılmaya çalı şılacaktır. Bunu ba şarmak için, 16. yüzyıl Avrupası’nın, sadece Osmanlıları ve Habsburgları de ğil, dönemin irili ufaklı bütün kuvvetlerini taraf almaya zorlayan bir mücadelenin bu evresinde Hayreddin Pa şa’nın nasıl Osmanlı İmparatorlu ğu’nda Kaptan-ı Deryalı ğa yükselebilecek kadar önem kazandı ğını ara ştırmanın yanısıra, Batı Akdeniz’in ve Katolik Dünyası’nın en güçlü v hükümdarının bu artan öneme gösterdi ği tepkiyi incelemek gerekmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanlı İmparatorlu ğu, Habsburg Hanedanı, Oruç Reis, Hayreddin Pa şa, Barbaros, Be şinci Karl, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, Osmanlı- Habsburg Rekabeti, Cezayir, Tunus, Kaptan-ı Derya. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Halil İnalcık for his support and guidance in the last three years. His constant enthusiasm and intimate attention in my studies became the basic motive behind the appearance of this thesis. Without his guidance, I would never be able to complete this humble piece. Moreover, I would like to thank to Oktay Özel, Eugenia Kermeli, Evgeni Radushev, Stanford Shaw, İlber Ortaylı and Paul Latimer for their attention, Giampiero Bellingeri and Vera Costantini for their support in Venice, staff of Archivio di Stato di Venezia and Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana for facilitating my research, Ali Yaycıo ğlu for his comments and Hakan Kırımlı for his tempting a small number of students including me to become historians 4 years ago. No less gratitude deserves my family who had supported me during my entire life. Among my colleagues, I would like to express my greatest sympathy towards Nahide I şık Demirakın whose insightful and invaluable remarks as well as her patience had been very decisive. I feel more obliged to indicate my appreciation for the contributions of Polat Safi. Cenk Erkan and Melis Süzer also had been loyal friends and fervent supporters of my choice of an academic career since from the very beginning, so vii they should be hailed as well. I also thank Ali Kibar and Yusuf Gürses for their entertaining friendship. Kıvanc Co ş, Mehmet U ğur Ekinci and Nevzat Sava ş Erkan have furthermore played an active part in the realisation of this thesis. Last but not the least; I should not forego İlker Demir because of our acquaintance since the first day I have set foot in a school. Finally, it is hard to neglect Mücella Karcı, Atasoy Kaya, Hikmet Pehlivan, Akın Ünver, Defne Günay, Yalçın Murgul, Eren Safi, Giulia Pezzato, Taylan Tezcan, Imane Bounoun, Mehmet Tarkan Kocakurt, Marianella Gutierrez Erdem, Özgür Sezer, Erica Ianiro, Harun Altun, Tu ğba Özden, Süheyl Jaber, Hakan Arslanbenzer, Lyuba Hristova, Bahadır Akın, Fatma Do ğuş Özdemir, Halil İbrahim Kalkan, Stefano Bragato, Mariya M. Kiprovska, Erdem Özkan, Sanem Onat, Özgür Kellecio ğlu, Ali Gültekin, Melike Tokay, Selim Tezcan, Murat Önsoy, Fatih Durgun, Mehmet Çelik, Duygu Kaplangil, Muhsin Soyudo ğan, Haluk Metin, Fatma Özden Mercan, Emrah Şahin, Itır Alada ğ, Jason Joseph Warehouse, I şıl Acehan, Grigor Atanasov Boykov, Aylin Özet, Muhammed Burak Özdemir, Emrah Öngören, Vjeran Kursar and Taylan Koçtürk. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………….…………iii ÖZET ………………………….………………………………………….………...v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …..………………………………………..…………vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ……..…………………………………………………...ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ………………………………………….…………xi INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………..…………………..1 The Rise of a New World Power: The Habsburgs.....................................................1 Ottoman-Habsburg Rivalry…………………………………………..……………..9 CHAPTER I (1505-1516): THE WAR COMMENCES ………….…………....18 1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….…...18 1.2 Reconquista and its aftermath…………………………………….…...24 1.3 Spanish attacks to North Africa: 1505-1511……………………….….33 1.4 The advent of Barbarossas……………………………………….…....44 1.5 Settlement in Algiers (1516)...………………………………….……..51 CHAPTER II (1516-1528): STRUGGLE FOR ALGERIA ...............................54 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................54 2.2 Spanish response: (1516)………………………………………….…..56 2.3 The conquest of Tlemsen and the death of Arudj (1517-1518)…….…61 2.4 Incorporation of Algiers into the Ottoman Empire (1519)……….…...68 ix 2.5 Redefined Foreign Policies…………………………………………....72 2.5.1. Spain’s decreasing interest in the region…….…………..72 2.5.2. Ottoman’s foreign policy analysis in the third decade of the century………………………………………………………….77 2.6 Khayr al-Din’s retreat from Algiers (1520)….……………….……….83 2.7 Re-consolidation of Khayr al-Din’s power in the region….…………86 CHAPTER III (1529-1535): AT THE SERVICE OF THE SULTAN ……...92 3.1 Introduction……………………………………………….………......92 3.2 The conquest of Peñon of Algiers (1529)……………………….……94 3.3 Ottoman Habsburg rivalry (1529-1533)……….………….………….97 3.4 Khayr al-Din’s promotion (1533)…………………………………...102 3.5 Conquest of Tunis (1534)…………………………………………...110 3.6 Charles’ Tunis Expedition (1535)…………………………………..113 CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………...137 The Place of Corsairs in the Ottoman-Habsburg Rivalry……………………….137 Charles’ Mediterranean Policy………………………………………………….146 BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………...150 APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………….158 x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BOA: Ba şbakanlık Osmanlı Ar şivleri ASV: Archivio di Stato di Venezia EI 2: Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd Edition İA: İslam Ansiklopedisi Gazavât: Seyyid Murâdi Re’îs, Gazavât-ı Hayreddin Pa şa, ed. Mustafa Yıldız, (Aachen, 1993) xi “Bella gerant alii, tu felix austria nube” INTRODUCTION The Rise of a New World Power: The Habsburgs The Ottoman Empire had already reached to the status of a world power in the sixteenth century when a new dynasty in the West rose to prominence. Having been founded in the marches of North-western Anatolia, Ottomans had succeeded in a gradual but steady expansion. In the
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