isrrrsi arrrprii Sbl H I9ili f3 sfrnWOfsf , m 2018 Manatee Protection Plan Implementation Report T»" ' \t'ki V f -■ City of Jacksonville *^11 ' Planning and Development Department November 2018 Executive Summary This is a Summary of the 2018 Manatee Protection Plan Implementation Report that reflects on the City ofJacksonville's efforts towards protecting manatees in Duval County. The third revision to the Duval County Manatee Protection Plan(MPP) was adopted by the Jacksonville City Council in 2014 and requires an annual report ofthe progress on implementation ofthe MPP. The MPP is a comprehensive planning document that addresses the long-term protection of the Florida manatee through law enforcement, education, boat facility siting, and habitat protection initiatives on a county-wide basis. The purpose of revising the MPP was to collect and evaluate updated information on manatee use and boat activity in the City of Jacksonville (COJ) and provide guidance targeted at reduction ofhuman-related threats to manatees and manatee habitat. The MPP attempts to balance boater access to Jacksonville waterways with impact to manatees from boat traffic, and is intended to increase the predictability of permitting outcomes for boat facility development. The 2018 MPP Implementation Report is a compilation ofthe efforts of a wide variety ofagencies that reflect the effort expended to protect manatees in Duval County waters. The report is divided into five (5) sections: Meeting Minutes, Law Enforcement Reports, Education, Awareness and Environmental Reports. The Meeting Minutes subsection report is an assemblage of the appropriate minutes of the Jacksonville (Duval County) Waterways Committee and the Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange (JAXMTX) Harbor Safety Committee, This section serves as a good review of the activities ofthe year and demonstrates the importance that manatee protection has within the City and JAXPORT. The Law Enforcement Report subsection includes quarterly reports from Jacksonville Sheriffs Office Law Enforcement Task Force, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) Law Enforcement, and Multi-Agency Deployments. The City has improved communication and coordination between federal and state Law Enforcement agencies since the development ofa L.E. Task Force in December of 2009 that has fostered improved efforts in manatee protection. The involvement of the City's Waterways Coordinator, a former JSO marine officer, has been very helpful in a variety of ways. His efforts have resulted in the buy-in of all law enforcement agencies and improved the coordinated multi agency deployment weekends. The Manatee Education Report contains the extensive effort made on behalf of manatee protection within the City of Jacksonville. Included is the COJ's Park Naturalist Education Program, presentations made by Jacksonville University faculty on manatees, and the FWC Northeast Lab outreach programs. The City also completed a 30 second public service announcement, which will be sent to local television stations for broadcast again in the beginning of manatee season 2019. The Awareness subsection contains the Updated Boat Facility Inventory, a list of DEP Dock permits. Manatee Mortality Information, along with Aerial Sighting Maps. It should be noted that three(3) flights/year are fUnded by the City of Jacksonville. In summary, the MPP Implementation Report offers an up to date review of manatee protection efforts in the City of Jacksonville (Duval County). Table of Contents ■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I MPP Section 8.8 Implementation Task Update page I Manatee Data Report Summary page 5 Manatee Mortality Summary page 9 Marine Facilities Inventory Summary page 13 Waterways Meetings Summaries page 17 Law Enforcement Report Summaries page 27 Jacksonville Sheriffs Office Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission M j U-S- Coast Guard ^ / Multi-Agency Deployments Education and Awareness Summary page 42 Implementation Summary (Section 8.8 MPP) MPP Policies and Action Items Progress in 2017-2018 Tasks for 2018-2019 Tasks Comprehensive Plan The comprehensive Resolve downtown Submit Comprehensive changes approved by City plan will be DRI marina request Plan amendment to Council. Requested an amended to then send Comp Department of Economic additional 6 months incorporate the changes to DEO Development and FWC extension from DEO due revised MPP March 2018. to downtown DRI request. COJ will The Planning and incorporate the use Development Department of the revised MPP Distribution of revised has created a GIS boat in their Planning Continue to use the MPP within COJ once facility layer for use by the and Development GIS layer. approved zoning, land use and Department developmental services reviews for sections. development Keep the The City's consultant, JU Jacksonville COJ will attend monthly has attended monthly JU's 2017-2018 Waterways meetings and provide meetings. See Waterways contract has this task Commission up to updates on manatee related Commission meeting identified date on manatee issues minutes related issues Report updated information, manatee mortality, Draft and submit an annual Submitting 1 st required Continue to collect and status of MPP Implementation and summarize data report. implementing the Report for 2018 report recommendations in the MPP Representatives of COJ will COJ will actively be members of JMTX and City Waterways engage with the the Port Safety Committee, Continue to attend Coordinator attends shipping/Port attend meetings and assist JMTX meetings quarterly meetings industry with implementing manatee awareness initiatives Representatives of COJ will City Waterways Have Waterways COJ will actively monitor and track special engage USCG and events in the waterways Coordinator has worked Coordinator closely with USCG - they summarize and report Special Events and assist with now attend the LE Task on special events in Office implementing manatee Force meetings. Duval County. awareness initiatives MPP Policies and Action Items Progress in 2017-2018 Tasks for 2018-2019 Tasks COJ will inspect and COJ will create replace manatee Sign database completed. Continue to report awareness within educational signs that are Working with other the County and work with other their responsibility, develop agencies for sign and buoy regarding manatee agencies for sign and a maintenance plan and a replacement protection issues buoy replacement database of locations COJ will develop policies or incentives to increase Continue to develop Manatee education educational signs at private New Comp plan policies incentives for Section marinas and multi-family will help address this issue. educational signage docks where signs are not required by permit COJ will work with FWC- Manatee education ISM, and FWRI to update Guide is completed and Continue to distribute Section the Boating and Angling being handed out the guides Guide COJ will maintain and The City does not have a Continue to have JU Manatee education document manatee hotline. JU does. Info document calls to the Section sightings reported through reported by JU hotline the COJ hotline COJ will produce multimedia information PSA has been given Manatee education such as PSAs, billboards, to Public Information PSA has been developed Section social media and on a Office to promote website to promote manatee awareness information and awareness COJ or representatives will present manatee awareness Information collected from Continue to provide Manatee education programs to local schools, Park Naturalist. Waterways manatee info through Section community groups, boating Coordinator also promotes the Parks Department groups and clubs awareness MPP Policies and Action Items Progress in 2017-2018 Tasks for 2018-2019 Tasks COJ will coordinate with USCG when special Law enforcement manatee messages are On-going On-going section needed in the "Notice to Mariners" COJ will facilitate improved law enforcement participation in Implementation of the MPP Plan has been Continue to manatee protection, Law Enforcement Plan and implemented. Efforts are implement plan including improved the action items within it being documented coordination between multiple agencies JSO commits to a minimum Continue to collect Law enforcement of 25 deployments for only quarterly reports from Section manatee speed zone JSO continues JSO enforcement deployments to manatee speed zone enforcement A minimum of six coordinated, multi-agency Completed in 2015. Efforts Six deployments have Law enforcement weekend deployments from reported in yearly been scheduled for section April to October implementation report this year. specifically for manatee speed zone enforcement Review the MPP periodically in conjunction COJ will keep the with FWC and USFWS to Continue to update MPP current, with Continue to update determine whether manatee data through JU the best available manatee data through revisions are needed; contract. Submit yearly data and wildlife Requires COJ analysis and implementation reports JU contract. protection practices compilation of information from the annual reports The City is now revising Work to complete Implementation Complete a Manatee Speed this study protocol study protocol in section Zone Compliance Study suggestions provided by 2018-2019. Find FWC funding next year Develop a Boat Activity Study Protocol between Implementation The City will send to FWC Work to complete Recreational and Shipping section for approval traffic, and complete the study when funded. Study MPP Policies
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