Start Out Simple • • • .•• Begin To Assemble Your Motive Ie: :.:g)1 Power and Rolling Stock Roster Start with KATO locomotives and covered hopper sets. Precision Railroad Models are your The K 1 Standard Set KATO builds a basic: oval in best choice for detail, performance and realism. The K2 Turnout Set lets you add a passing siding to your layout. No ... Cross Over and Under need for The K3 complicated wiring Viaduct takes your for remote Set operation from a distant model railroading location - everything is to new heights. The bridge and pre-wired. Just plug and play! #20-832 elevated track sections take your trains up and over in an exciting figure eight • • • Add a Station Platform L2::::::::::::::_���� layout #20-833 Most UNITRACK structures and I platforms are ... CREATE YOUR OWN pre-assembled RAILROADING EMPIRE! and ready to drop into your layout for that wdh extra touch of realism. With a little weathering or detailing, most will fit #23-200 into any modeling scene. PRECISION RAILROAD MODELS �UNITRACK �The track plan is a combination of a K1, K2 and K3 sets with a handful of additional sections. Several UN/TRACK structures are also shown. This complete plan can be quickly assembled as either a temporary or permanent layout. No tools are needed and no special wiring is necessary. It can also be built with the inner yards omitted or with a two-track mainline. To begin building your own model railroad empire with UN/TRACK, visit your local hobby dealer or mail a large SASE to KATO U.S.A. for a free brochure. KATO U.S.A., INC. 100 IL 60173 Remington Road· Schaumburg, 'TO , ......................................... : .............................................. :........................................... , ......................................... www.katousa.com I IH::.A. It! II Take a Second Look There's never been a compressor like it - at this price! The new Aztek AC500 has a unique air-reserve tank that keeps pressure constant. No spits, splatters or splats. You'll get up to 32 psi consistently for virtually faultless work. No other comparable compressor delivers this seamless perfection, this precision, this power. And, at merely half the price of the competition... there really isn't any competition after all. For the name and location of your nearest dealer, visit us online. 14" 1 x 5-3/4" w x 12-1/2" h (35.56cm x 14.6cm x 31.75 cm ) . 1/8 HP . 32 PSI ma x Approx. 1.58 CFM (45L per min) @ 20 PSI whenairbrush ing . 120 v., 60 cycles, 1.1 amp www. (I· .. I ;. ·COM 1-800-TESTORS ©1999 Th e Te stor Cor por ation, an RPM Co m pany DECEMBER 1999 • Volume 11, Number 7 S SCALE: ON THE COVER: There's a "first" for Modem freight C.,.,. Modeling: everything, and Chris Zygmullt's HO scale ACF 50-foot IPD, Rai/box and others Diesels, One-DetaU-At-A-Time: 5039 is one of those 'breakthrough' models. from Ametican Models kits, Part ." EMD SD60'a5 UDioo Pacit'ic 6018 AI/ of the swrface details including the doors, byJim Eager .......................................10' f�om Atlas m.cWe�s, by LouiS Marre ••••••. 17 front and �ear hood, low hood, cab, nose, Diesels, One,..Detail-At-A-Time: 5uperdet-aifing the Atlas EMD S060 inertial filter intake and filter screen alld g�iIIes EMD 5D60 as UnioD Pacific 6028 from with scale-size haodrails, .. ......... .. ... ... are an Cannon components; Chris built a brass American models, by Louis Marr.e..... �.17 by Bill Pearce . .. .. " ......... 56 frame and styrene body. His· story begins 01<'1 Locomotive Perfonnance: Locomotive Performance: page 30. -Robert Sohleicher phGto on the Summary of an preMious locomotive Summary of all previous lacom.otive Midwest Mod�U-Track Layout Performance Test Reports ................. 47 Performance Test Reports .................47 DEPARTMENTS: ALL SCALES: Calendar ............................................64 Techniques What's New ...........................;.55, 65-6.7 Create photo mural backd�ops, by Charles C Haf'/t)antas..... ..............60 4 RAILMODEL OURNAL' DECEMBER 1999 Techniques: Create Photo mural Backdrops, page 60 HO SCALE: f!!'-a- fnigfltCar Mealing: Layout Tour: SO-flDClt IPDkRailbmc and others from the batcar hooll1ll of thes:eNemisk Modeling the Western Pacific byJim fag,eT ••••••• __• __•• _ ............ _ •••• 6 in HO scale, page 40 ACF 50-flDClt (PD. Ra� and others firom Athearnand Aeou/aill kits. Part: U. by)'iIn••• fsgeI _ ••• _ . ......_ ••••••••• _ •••••• l0 rnterm�1 Me4.eJin&: Stoughton 'IS-footwns from WallthefTS HO scalekits k by I!mem ...KreimeJfl.dllIirl 14 lecometiYePen. � Genesis. bJ Atheam. USAA 'Light' 2-8-2 'Ten RepC1l!t. ir1,yGuy 1fRrKQJI/ru..... .......... 2J) Summary of all previ'o.w: locom.QtiJ.ve Pedofll'l'ance Test Reports _ •••_ ........47 Modeling Steam: USRA 'light' 4-8-2 MQuntain f,om Spectrlllm. by Baeliu'naml ftlOd'els. byRmIiJerl. Sdrlec'dls(..... .............. .... 22 Oi_h. One-Detait-At-A-Tim� EMO SD6Cl as Unwn hafle:6 028, from Rail Power Pwd"lds parts, RAILMODEljOURNAl is published 12 timesa year by Golden Bell by louis ...................................27 Ma�fe o SCALE: Prell, 2403 Champa St., Denver, CO 80205. Price per single copy is Diesel Modeling Moctem Freight Car Modeling,: $4.50, or $36.00 per year in the U.S.A. Individual copy prices higher in SlIIperdetailing diesel.$;; SOllltnerlll hdfie ACf 50-(0011:IPD. Rairl!lox and otlltecs Canada and other countries. Foreign subscriptionl$48 .00 for 12 iSluel, 5039 from Cannon com.p:olil:ents-, from Weaver-rub. Part tC. payable in U.S. funds. RAILMODEljOURNAl, ISSN 1043·5441, copy· ..... ....... .. _ .•..••.•.. ............... .................. right 1999 by Golden Bell Prell. All right! reserved. Periodicals Postage by Chris ZygmUJfl.t.. lG ir1,yjlmfager _� l. Layout Tour: Diesefs� One-Detai.... At-A-lime: paid at Denver, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Railmodel journal, 2403 Champa St., Denver, CO 80205 MfDdeling the Westefn Pacific i.n EMD 5D6Q as- UniOlit Pa.ciiiic 602.& HO scale, by)im Pro'flide/llZ(l .••••.•••••.•••40 from MTH models, liJy Louit Marre•. _ • .2.7 Passenger Car Modeling: Locomotive Performance: Modeling interiOrs frCDm Rivarossi, Summary of all previous IfDcomotive PikestuH and Red Cap parts, Performance Test Reports .................47 by V.S. Roseman ..... .... .......... .. ..... 48 RAILMODELJOURNAL . DECEMBER 1999 5 [PAINT & DECALS] ------------ FROM THE BOX CAR BOOM OF THE 70s, PART I: 60,000 BOX CARS TO MODEL By Jim Eager The vast majority of the box cars still rolling on the rails were built during the seventies. You can duplicate most of these cars in HO, N, S or 0 scale. Part II, in this issue, describes and illustrates the ACF­ built cars. Part III, in the January issue, will continue with more of the ACF-built cars. Southern series 14000-15675, NS class B-182, former RBOX class XPF11, built by Pullman-Standard in 1975. Because of the resulting glut of box cars, in 1983 11,100 Railbox cars were also transferred to nine Class 1 railroads, like this hastily restencilled Southern car.-Jim Eager photo, November 1983 etween 1974 and 1981, well over 60,000 gener­ al- purpose, 50-foot box cars were con­ structed for Class 2 raill'Oads, shortlines, and the Railbox fleet-plus tens of thou­ • • \1-.' ..... } \, sands of similar cars built for Class 1 �- -. '��.'-:;,. �:-::,": built by FMC in,luly 1977. • ,...... ' ''-::'_ railroads during the same period! This e p MTW 4285 is representative of the.more than 6:0,000 gen ral-jiur ose, exterior-post box cars built between . turned out to be the last great hurrah of i l' 197;. • '.t ,· :\ 4..and 1981. Most, like thiS one, were built for shortlines, but identical car.s·were built.tor arge Class a x � the common box car in North America ",roads arid tor R ilbo a� well. -Ken Annett photo, i978', and almost all of these cars are still in service today, albeit working for second not a box car, after alL Since the cars All About IPO Box Cars or third owners in many cases. were built by several different car­ Most of the cars we'll be looking at Nearly aU of the box cars built during builders over a number of years, there are were built in response to a serious short­ this boom were of single-sheathed, exte­ numerous differences in their construc­ age in the number of general-purpose rior-post construction. At first glance tion-some of them obvious, some sub­ box cars that were available for loading, they all look roughly similar, but as is tle. Telling them apart can indeed be either under the ICC's Incentive Per often the case, first impressions can be challenging without a road map, so that's Diem (IPD) regulations, or for Trailer deceiving. A box car is not a box car is the purpose of this series of articles. Train's Railbox subsidiary. I'm sure most 6 RAILMODELjOURNAL'D ECEMBER 1999 B&O series 482800-482849, built by Pullman­ Standard in November 1968. The majority of cars built through the latter 1960s were double-sheathed cars, many specially equipped with load-restraining devices, such as B&O 482841, which has DFB bulkheads and an offset plug door to provide a flush interior wall. Such XML or XL cars were in assigned service rather than being used as free runners. -Gary Zuters photo, July 1988 SP series 699200-699499, class B-70-50, built by Pacific Car & Foundry in 1970. SP 699229 is typical of the large number of insulated loader-equipped box cars (RBLs) that were also con­ structed during the 1960s. Such cars were assigned to pools hauling groceries, beverages, and other temper­ ature-sensitive products. -Jim Eager photo, September 1981 In contrast, in 1970, 35% of the nation's fleet of gen­ eral purpose XM box cars were over 20 years old, and over 40% were obsolete 40-footers.
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