B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< A13<3 5CBB3@:A:CB 4@33 :=>@=47:3 :=D3167:2 9C0/@ 2B>; AC5/0/03A AB/@B7<5=D3@/5/7< 7<A723AB3>63<8=<3A4/BB=<G¸A:=<2=< A7;=<B/G:=@ABC23<B>@723;/@D3::=CA;G9=<=A EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC3B67@BG<7<3! =CbT`]\b PAGE 22 PAGE 43 SUGABABES OUT THERE EDITORIAL// Upcoming scene ADVERTISING highlights for March, plus coverage of Love Editor Child, DTPM, Lo-Profi le David Hudson and Ku Bar [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1943 PAGE 67 Staff writer OUTREACH John Kelly Age Concern Camden’s [email protected] Opening Doors Design Concept befriending project Boutique Marketing and community www.boutiquemarketing.co.uk listings Graphic Designer Ryan Beal PAGE 68 Sub Editor OUTNEWS Kathryn Fox All the gay news from Contributors IMAGE © ELLIS PARRINDER home and abroad Richard Bevan, Adrian Foster, Daniel Fry, Edward Gamlin, PAGE 70 Knight Hooson, Paul Murphy, CAREER Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, Mark Palmer- Max Skjönsberg, Richard Edgecumbe on Tonks, Stephen Unwin CONTENTS homophobia in Photographer professional football Chris Jepson Publishers PAGE 04 Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley LETTERS ISDN: 1473-6039 Send your Head of Advertising correspondence to Rob Harkavy [email protected] [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 PAGE 08 Head of Business MY LONDON Development DJ Fat Tony gives us his Lyndsey Porter HUDSON’S LETTER capital highlights [email protected] PAGE 50 + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 I was intrigued to watch from an employment LO-PROFILE Senior Advertising Executive I Love You Phillip Morris, a point of view. Shockingly, PAGE 10 Dan Goodban new fi lm hitting cinemas the publicist Max Cliff ord SHOPPING [email protected] this month in which Jim recently advised two gay H&M T-shirts and the PAGE 32 PAGE 78 +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Carrey and Ewan McGregor Premier League footballers latest Sony Ericsson THEATRE PROPERTY Advertising Executive star as gay lovers. You can to keep quiet about their mobile phone The Little Dog Laughed Living in Leyton and Jacqueline Blake read a full review of the sexuality, warning them plus theatre news the latest products for [email protected] movie on page 28. It did that if they spoke out it PAGE 13 the home +44 (0)20 7258 1777 make me think how it has would bring their careers DIARY PAGE 34 Advertising Executive becoming increasingly to an end. March’s cultural ART PAGE 88 Nicole Clowes common for straight actors It’s hugely disappointing highlights in and Simon Taylor and his MOTORING [email protected] to throw themselves into that in a world where around London fi lm-inspired canvases We test drive the new +44 (0)20 7258 1777 gay roles. The fact that gay rights are protected Volkswagen Golf GTi both Tom Hanks and Sean by equality laws, and PAGE 22 PAGE 36 Penn have won Oscars gay politicians operate SUGABABES STEPHEN JONES PAGE 90 for their portrayals of gay at the highest levels of We catch up with The acclaimed hat TRAVEL men (in Philadelphia and government, there remain Heidi, Amelle and new designer talks to us Mykonos Milk respectively) shows careers where being member Jade about his career Square Peg Media Ltd. that Hollywood certainly openly gay is actively PAGE 97 37 Ivor Place has no problem with discouraged. If audiences PAGE 26 PAGE 38 HEALTH London NW1 6EA straight actors playing are happy to accept a MUSIC FOOD The Gym – Covent Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 gay. However, the industry straight person playing New albums from Mayfair’s Benares and Garden and 56 Dean Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, still seems to have a gay, why does Hollywood Sharleen Spitiri, Babbo reviewed Street either in whole or in part may not problem with openly gay think that same audience Turn Brakes and Ellie be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any actors – as examined in would have such a Goulding PAGE 8 form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission the play The Little Dog problem with a gay MY LONDON from the publishers. Opinions Laughed (also reviewed person playing a straight, PAGE 30 expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. in this issue). Also in this romantic role? FILM © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. month’s edition, Mark Enjoy this month’s issue I Love You Phillip Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In Palmer-Edgecumbe and keep sending us your Morris, The Girl With The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim looks at the problem of correspondence. The Dragon Tattoo and resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. homophobia in football [email protected] Motherhood reviewed PHOTOCHRIS© JEPSON ! =C :3BB3@A bT`]\b !gSO`a0cbWTg]c aOWRUWdS[SbS\e]`Ra b]RSaQ`WPSg]c`aSZT ON FIRE UOge]cZR\¸bPS]\S]T bVS[¸¶ 7Y\]ebS\e]`Ra7¸R caSb]RSaQ`WPSVW[ DANDY ANDY FT. abO`bW\UeWbV^ObVSbWQ CARMEN CASTRO Andrew Brettell, Canterbury From enigmatic French act Dandy Andy, the brilliant ‘My Lonely Valentine’ (out 21 March) is one of our favourite new tunes. FORD FAUX PAS BOZYW\UW\O\Sea^O^S` `SQS\bZgBVSAc\ROg STAR LETTER THE APPLE IPAD BW[Sa³%OP]cb We’re not entirely sure why VWaTWZ[/AW\UZS;O\ DOWN MEXICO WAY we need it, but as Apple bVSTWZ[¸a2W`SQb]` 4OaQW\ObSRbV]cUV7eOaPgbVSO`bWQZS]\ devotees, our lives will not B][4]`ReV]Wa UOg[O``WOUSW\/`US\bW\OO\R;SfWQ]I=7B1 be complete until we have OZa]OTO[]caTOaVW]\ 4SP`cO`g KWbeOaa][SeVOb[O``SRPgbVS PRECIOUS MAN one. Due to hit the market RSaWU\S`aOgaµWb¸a\]b aS\bS\QS(µ1WdWZc\W]\aVOdSPSS\ZSUOZW\;SfWQ] BVO\Yg]cT]`bVS in late March. OUOgab]`gVSXcab aW\QS $Pcb;SfWQ]1Wbg¸a[]dSb]ZSUOZWaS W\bS`dWSeeWbV:SS VO^^S\ab]PSUOg¶ [O``WOUSS\ac`SabVOb4`Sg`SO\R2S0SZZ]¸a 2O\WSZa7RWR\¸bY\]e EVgR]TWZ[RW`SQb]`a QS`S[]\geWZZPST]ZZ]eSRPg[O\g]bVS`aW\ bVObVSeOaUOg7 BETTE BOURNE TSSZbVS\SSRb]ORR A]cbV/[S`WQO¶ bV]cUVb>`SQW]ca A living legend. Just a few bVSaS_cOZWTWQObW]\a BVWaW[^ZWSabVOb;SfWQ]WaW\A]cbV/[S`WQO eOaO\O[OhW\UTWZ[ more days to catch his b]e]`YaOP]cbUOg BVS\O[S]TbVSb`ORW\U^OQbPSbeSS\1O\ORO ³W\QZcRW\U;O`WOV brilliant A Life In Three Acts QVO`OQbS`a-/AW\UZS bVSCA/O\R;SfWQ]WaQOZZSRbVS<]`bV/[S`WQO 1O`Sg show with Mark Ravenhill ;O\eOae`WbbS\ 4`SSB`ORS/U`SS[S\bT]`U]]R`SOa]\);SfWQ] D, King’s Cross at the Soho Theatre (until Pg1V`Wab]^VS` WaOQbcOZZgW\<]`bV/[S`WQO 27 February). 7aVS`e]]ROdS`g =bVS`eWaSO\SfQSZZS\bWaacS7^O`bWQcZO`Zg ]cbUOg[O\O\R S\X]gSR`SORW\UbVSO`bWQZSµ/1VO\US]TAQS\S¶ SCENEITALL bVS[OW\QVO`OQbS` I^OUS"KeVWQV7bV]cUVbUOdSO`ST`SaVW\UO\R 7eOadS`gW\bS`SabSR 5S]`USWaUOgBVS ^S`VO^a[]`S`SOZWabWQ^S`a^SQbWdS]\bVSZWdSa]T b]`SORbVS^WSQS·/ WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT TWZ[¸aabO`1]ZW\4W`bV bVS[OX]`Wbg]TUOg[S\O\R 1VO\US=TAQS\S¸ THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL eOabVS\_c]bSROa e][S\eV]ZWdSW\:]\R]\ ³Wbd]WQSR[O\g]T aOgW\UµeVS\VS¸a Jan Altus [g]e\aS\bW[S\ba OaYSR\]bb]Q][S @SORW\Ua][S]T THE RECESSION b]VWaZ]dS`¸aTc\S`OZ WIN! bVSUOg^`Saag]c¸R Apparently, according to ³bVObQ]cZRPSO\g /\g]\SeV] PSZWSdSbVObUOgZWTS official statistics, it’s over. aSQ`Sb]`W\O^^`]^`WObS VOaOZSbbS` PSUW\aO\RS\Ra However, we think we’ll Z]dS`¶BVWaWU\]`SabVS ^cPZWaVSRW\ W\PO`aO\RQZcPa7 still be living on a budget TOQbbVObbVSTWZ[WaaSb bVS/^`WZWaacS ^S`a]\OZZgR]\¸bU] for some time to come. W\bVS$¸aO\Rc\bWZ ]T=cb7\BVS ]cb[cQV]\bVS bVSW\b`]RcQbW]\]T 1WbgeWZZeW\ UOgaQS\S2]SabVOb bVS1WdWZ>O`b\S`aVW^ OQ]^g]T0WUBc\Sa(0OQY BVS&a³Ob`W^ZS [OYS[SO\gZSaa /QbW\ #bVSTSO` 12Q][^WZObW]\T`][bVS2O\QS<ObW]\ZOPSZ ]TOUOg^S`a]\-=` UGLY BETTY ]TPSW\UPO``SRT`][ 1`O[[SReWbVa][S]TbVS[]ab^]^bOabWQ R]Sa]\SVOdSb]PS It’s been announced by bVSTc\S`OZ]`V]a^WbOZ RO\QSTZ]]`T`WS\RZgVWbaT`][bVS'&aOQba OZcQ`ObWdSQ]\ac[S` American channel ABC that PSRaWRS]TOZ]dS` TSObc`SRW\QZcRS9gZWS;W\]UcS;SZ9W[BOgZ]` ]TSdS`gbVW\U·UOg¸b] it plans to drop Ugly Betty. eOaOdS`g`SOZbV`SOb 2O\SA^OU\O2SOR=`/ZWdSBVS0SZZSAbO`a PSO^`]^S`^O`b]TbVS Farewell to one of the O\RW\[O\gQOaSaO 2]ZZO`BVS@Sg\]ZRa5W`ZaO\R[O\g]bVS`aBVWa UOgQZcP- campest shows on TV. TOQbT]`UOg^S]^ZS b`W^ZS12^OQYOUSeWZZPS`SZSOaS /^`WZ BVO\Yg]cT]`O\ BVSaSQ][[S\ba BVSe`WbS`]T/^`WZ¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdSOQ]^g _cSabW]\W\UO`bWQZS RW[W\WaVbVS^`]PZS[a ]T0WUBc\Sa(0OQY BVS&aO\ROQ]^g]T\Se O\RYSS^c^bVSU]]R bVObTOQSRbVS:50B 2D27BVW\YES¸`S/Z]\S<]eBVWaQ]\b`]dS`aWOZ e]`Y THE POPE Q][[c\WbgObbVOb PcbU`W^^W\UR]Qc[S\bO`gZ]]YaObbe]^S]^ZS Elliot, WC1 Has again spoken out bW[Sb]USbVS`eWbVbVS P`O\RSRabOZYS`a³P]bV]PaSaaSReWbVT]`[S` against equality, this time PObbZSabVSgVORO\R &a^]^abO`BWTTO\gBVS2D2Wa`SZSOaSR&;O`QV criticising the UK’s Equality abWZZR]VOdSb]UOW\ B]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS]TeW\\W\UO^`WhS^ZSOaS Bill as being “against b`cSS_cOZWbg PSac`Sb]W\QZcRSg]c`TcZZ\O[SO\R^]abOZ natural order”.
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