University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons The Pacifican University of the Pacific Publications 4-6-1956 Pacific eeklyW , April 6, 1956 University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican Recommended Citation University of the Pacific, "Pacific eeklyW , April 6, 1956" (1956). The Pacifican. 832. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican/832 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific Publications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Pacifican by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PI KAPPA DELTA PROVINCIAL SPEECH TOURNAMENT IS HELD ON COLLEGE PACIFIC CAMPUS Over 125 speech students from throughout California and Arizona are at present participating in the annual Pi Kappa Delta Provincial Tournament on the College of the Vol. 52 C.O.P. — STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA April 6, 1957 — No. 8 Pacific's campus. The meet, which commenced Thursday and will run through Saturday, is held every other year and "•'will include events in debate, ex- |-v a T~\T -r a r-r-irj temporaneous speaking, oratory PACIFIC SPRING BAND TOUR I7K Al Jl J r\ I 1""!. and discussion. This is the second consecutive SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 11 -13 time that our college has been College of the Pacific band will leave on the annual DEGREES selected as the site for the tour­ spring tour on April 11, and return April 13. The eighty band ney. It is open this year only to members participating will travel to Reno, Nevada, and the EARNED schools which are official mem­ California towns of Wheatland, Gridley, Oroville, Redding, Doctor Willis Potter, dean of bers of the national honorary speech fraternity, Pi Kappa Del­ Sutter, Williams, and Travis Air Force Base. the Division of Graduate Studies, made public this week the tenta­ ta, it was stated by Edward Some of the selections in- ' tive list of those who will be Betz, tournament director. eluded in the program are: Ro­ Bill Saunders, and John Sylvester awarded graduate degrees this The members of Pacific's de­ man Carnival Overture, Pictures compose the sextet. This is the June. bate squad who are participating at an Exhibition, Capriccio only group of its kind in the Of the 47 degrees that are ex­ are: David King and John Var- Espagnol, and Tschaikovsky's United States. It is patterned pected to be conferred, 37 are ner, both of whom are seniors Filth Symphony. after a group in Paris, France. Master of Arts degrees, 4 are and residents of Stockton; Jane There will also be three special­ The purpose of the band tour Master of Music degrees, 3 are Curry and Susan Vanderlaan, is three-fold. It promotes one of ty numbers: the first, Mozart's Master of Science degrees, and juniors and of Stockton and Rip- the campus activities, provides Clarinet Concerto, will feature 3 are Doctor of Philosophy de­ on respectively. Eva Lu Tarr, a Pacific senior musical entertainment where grees. Both teams received top honors there would otherwise be none, who was listed in the college Master of Arts degrees will be at the Pepperdine tournament and attracts future Pacific stu­ "Who's Who." Eva Lu is from awarded to Margaret Aldridge, last month. In addition, Mel dents. Micky Babb Sacramento and plays in the Phil­ Urmila Agarwal, George Bada- Nickerson and Gale Jordan will harmonic Orchestra of that city. racco, William Bates, Eunuel Ber- round out our school's represen­ The second specialty number AKPhi Belle bano, William Berck Jr., Henry tation of six participations. Last will be the Clarinet Concerto by CONVOCATION Alpha Theta Tau pledge Mary Blaud, Clyde Boyle, Jack Daseler, year Mr. Nickerson received top Weber, played by Ray Lippert. Beth "Micky" Babb became Marian Duckworth, Bernice Fer­ honors in oratory, and Miss Van­ Ray is a Pacific senior from FEATURES SC Belle of Archania No. 25 here in ris, Harry Fischer, Donald Giles, derlaan, in extempore speaking, Lodi. He is a member of the traditional style to cap Prefer­ Katherine Gleeson, Clarence Hall, at the National Pi Kappa Delta Stockton Symphony Orchestra. ence Day in which 59 coeds were Marian Herbert, Malcolm Holm- Convention held in Redlands. Finally, a clarinet sextet is PRESIDENT received as pledges into Pacific's berg, John Jennings, Sami Ju- In 1954, when Pacific again featured. Don Olson, Ray Lip- The president's convocation on three Pan-Hellenic sororities dah, James Kaneko, Julius Leh- played host to the present tour­ pert, Eva Lu Tarr, John TeSelle, Thursday, April 12, will feature Thursday, March 22. feldt, Russell Manchester, Nick nament, the College of Pacific as speaker Dr. Julio Bortolazzo, An estimated 180 sorority mem­ Mariani, Alberta Martone, David team of Bud Sullivan and Shel­ president of Stockton College, bers and pledges attending the Montgomery, Louise Murray, don Nicolaysen obtained a super- who has recently returned from semi-annual ceremony found Howard Runion, Joseph Stan- lor rank in debate, as also did Miss Vanderlaan in extempore Parents' Day Italy. space at a general premium. ford Jr., Sigurd Stautland, Way We'll have to bust out a wall man Steed Jr., Raymond Stuck, speaking. Among the schools entered are: Set For May 5 next year," predicted president Robert Thomas, Clarence Wal- Arizona State College, University Lloyd Thorsen. (Continued on Page 2) Meetings are now being held by of Redlands, California Institute committees for the planning of Thorsen presented Miss Babb a of Technology, College of the Parents' Day, May 5. silver bell-shaped medallion in­ Pacific, University of California, scribed "Belle of Archania, Spring Planning of details of the event Asian Academy George Pepperdine College, San 1956," a crown of white carna­ is being worked on under the Diego College, Pasadena College, tions, and one dozen American Chico State College, Upland Col­ general plan of the faculty steer­ Beauty roses while members ser­ Offers Lectures ing committee. On this central lege and Los Angeles State Col­ enaded the new Belle with the lege. committee are Mr. Robert Win- "Sweetheart" song. "I've never Open To Public terberg, Mr. Jesse Rudkin, Dr. been so happy in my life!" ex­ Charles Norman, Mr. Elliot Tay­ claimed the 18-year old freshman, Public lectures on the culture Kabuki Troup lor, Dean Catherine Davis, Mr. general education major from of Asia are now starting at the Arthur Farey, Dean Edward Corning, Calif. "It's all so won­ American Academy of Asia Betz, • and Miss Ellen Deering. derful!" Studies in San Francisco. Alan In Stockton Watts, head of the school, starts The two committees working Entertainment preceding the on details of the day include the public lectures tonight. He announcement included a song will speak on The Trends in Psy­ both a parent and student com­ and dance number by Alpha The­ chotherapy. mittee. On the parent committee ta Tau, a brief melodrama en­ Lectures begin at 8:30 p.m. at are Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Achil­ titled "She Wouldn't Say Yes" by 2030 Broadway. General admis­ les, James H. Corson, Marvin Epsilon Lambda Sigma, and a sion is $1, but university students Hench, J. R. Jordan, Donald La- Speaking on the conditions in pantomime sketch by Tau Kap­ Italy today and her efforts to may attend free. The lecture Riviere, and Marlitt Stark. pa Kappa. maintain her liberties, President schedule is as follows: On the student committee, rep­ Special guests received by resentatives include the class Bortolazzo will base his talk on April 8, Cecil G. Osborne, Pres­ the information he gathered and Archania housemother Mrs. Ora ent and Future of the Arab presidents, Noel Bran, freshman; Dubois were Dean of Women the observations he made while World. Dick Easterbrook, sophomore; Katherine P. Davis, Registrar he was in Italy making a survey April 9, Haridas Chaudhuri, Donald Post, junior; and Jane Ellen L. Deering, North Hall head of the schools for the Italian and Logical Positivism and Atmavid- Barrett, senior. Mel Nickerson, residents Rev. and Mrs. Troutner United States governments. Dur­ ya. PSA president, and Ces Ciatti and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. ing this time, he had an oppor­ April 12, Ritasarani Moises, vice-president, are members. Lola Doris J. Troutner, Alpha Theta tunity to talk with ministers of The Culture of Ceylon. Johnson, AWS president; Rob­ Tau housemother Mrs. Eva Koer- the Italian cabinet, Claire Booth April 19, Bidyut Sarkar, Basic ert Hardman, Blue Key; Pat ber, Epsilon Lambda Sigma Luce, and other government offi­ Problems in Indo-American Rela­ Pagel, Spurs; and Dorothy Fish­ housemother Mrs. Lillian Con­ cials. tions. er, Knolens, represent their ner, and Tau Kappa Kappa house­ Chancellor Knoles recently de­ April 20, Alan Watts, The Nat­ groups. Representatives from liv­ mother Mrs. Mary Shaw Costel- ing groups are Barbara Webber, scribed Dr. Bortolazzo's speaking ural Life. lo. Epsilon; Royanne Fefley, Tau style as "dynamic and effective." April 23, Jeanne Dumas, A House historian Cliff Wheldon (Continued on Page 2) Dr. Bortolazzo, a native of Psychologist in India. Santa Barbara, became president reviewed for guests the history April 25, Sabro Hasegawa, Ba- Internationally famous Kabuki of Stockton College in 1952. He is of the Belle ceremony, reportedly sho. The hearing tests for cred­ dancers and musicians will ap­ a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Phi perpetuated by the kidnapping of April 27, Alan Watts, Man and ential candidates, both elemen­ pear in Stockton on April 7. Delta Kappa, and Phi Kappa Phi. (Continued on Page 2) Nature. tary and secondary, will be Performances of the famous He is serving as president of the April 20, Haridas Chaudhuri, given by the speech depart­ Japanese artists will be held in Stockton chapter of the United Psychic Relaxation in the Sank- ment from April 16-20.
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