MnmltrBttt Eitntftts Hrmlb VRIDAT, 8EPTTBMBEiR 1848 LeSten have been received In Robert Johnaton. aon of Deputy Beat the Axis Threat with Your War Bond Dollars this office from Pvt. Thomas Sherllf ai)d Mrs. James Johnston About Town Chars, Holabird Ordinance Motor of Miinro street has entered Base, Baltimore. Md., Pvt. Gerry Hobart University, Geneva, N; Y. McCourt. former Courant report­ M rio Anna Gannon of Birch Ayerage Deily Cirealation 'M r. •n d 'M n . Georpe M. Me­ er, who is at Camp Gruber, Musko- slreof^nd Mrs. "Mary Farrand of mew Mi For the Moath *C AagMt, 1942 The Weather at 92 West strsst and gse, Okls., and Nathan- Miller. Q. Foneast o< U. R Weather are at Watch IfM, R. M. 1 cl.. U.8.N.. who is based at North street are spending a few a'w M k. San Juan, P. R, dav* with friends'in New York 7,530 SUghtly wanner this aftemooB; City. '“ 1 J Clan >Uctaasi, O. <t. »rni The Epworto drde of toe Msinbsr o< the Audit ifttle chaage to twnmvature *»- night. "hoM Ita raguUr m aetii* tti* South Methodist W. 8. C. S. will Henry N. Hemenway. Jr., son Bweab of OIrealatlons meet Monday eveninr at'7 4,*> with -■•t' Binp at eight o-'etock to t t « « • - of Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Hemen- \ i aonle Temple. Mrs. Catherine Perkin* of 23 wa.v; .Sr,, has been promoted to Manchester— A.City of Village Charm Autumn street. .>»ergeant technicisn according to Victory letter* received by his ■ Mre. l*wrenoe C. Neff, of Chl- (Cbusiawd AdvesMalug aa Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN-,* SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) rxago, who hae..«wn epending toe Service men will be cordially wife and parents. He la at present .VOL. L X I„ NO. 198 PRICE THREE CENTS Bummer w ith , her parent*. Mr. welcome to .attend toe. Youth Fel­ with an Anti-Aircraft company in . and M ra.^ K. Camey, of 71 Gar­ lowship meeting Sunday evening Australia. den at^ect. *dU leave this ^ le r- at 6 o'clock at the South, Meth­ from Springfield, Maas., odist church. Member* of the H i' The Booster club of the North Toll in Plane Baldwin Accepts Nomitiation ento her eon, Lawrence C. Neff, League and Epworth League and Methodiat church will hold its first Push Toward Key ' Jr., for their home. Mre. Neff haa all young people.of High, school fall meeting Monday svehing, September^^ 21. been with her parent* einc* earjy age are Invited. Crash Rises la July. ... Mlantonomoh Tribe No. 68, Im- Points in Invasion To 10 Tpday sved Order of Red Men, will KId It* regular meeting In Tinker han Monday evening at eight '(sp Warm With Pilotless Cralt Plunges o'clock eharp. The entertainment Of French Island committee hae secured moving 'Through Roof of Fac^ . pictures showing several of Jack Sempeey'e championship fight* Begin To Moke Their British, African Units tory Building; Pilot to be shown after toe meeting. Marines Get Refreshments will be served at Making ^Considerable ’Chutes to Safety. the close of toe entertainment. Progress into Interior’ Appearance at Hale’s Hard Course Buffalo. N. Y.. Sept. 12-«flP) — Heavy Fighting Continu­ Battle, Perhapii Great ' The following cases have been Of Madagascar; Ocen* The death toll taken by a fiery Bright Color booked for trial In the September pilotless Curtiss plane which ing ^Within Fortifi- War, Overshadoi oesalon of Superior OOurt, sitting pation ^o f fVohemar A t I\eip Base plunged through the roof of l ; on Sept. 15, on appeals taken rations’ o f Stalin­ building at Curtlss-Wright A ir Five Others. Flaminj from the Manchester Town Court: Meets No Opposition. A nd Gutter plane Division rose to 10 early tO' grad, Germana Report; James Murphy, non-support; John Varied Terrain at Camp On Russian Front ol ntiaiMl* disposing of liquor with- day. with 38 other* Injured. London, Sept. 12.— (/P)— Although seriously burned be­ Supply CommiiniGa- In Fashions More Than ].,360| ^'out permit, and keeping liquor to Smart Pendleton Makes Pas- I British and African troops, fore jumping from the ship last . sell wfOiout permit; Leo A. Har- tions Heavily Attacked night. Test Pilot J. Bertrand Pur­ Miles; Menaced Mn. Intoxication, and Edward Sl- making “considerable n ro ^ sible Training Under nell parachuted to safety two snda, cainal knowledge and inde- ress into the interior** <n By. Nazi Ait*nien in Never Before by New| Any Global Condition. miles away. Designers Unveil Un-De- asnt assault. Madagascar against negligi­ Night Raids Upon City. Flying wild, toe plane was said pressed Assortment G e r m a n Activity. ble opposition, are swiftly by eyewitnesses to have done sev­ - RasldcnU of Middle Turnpike, Oceanside, Calif... Sept. 12— (IP) eral loops before It plummeted i.wsat, are complaining that skunks pushing toward Tananarive Berlin (From German O f Garments Spread­ — In a 114-year-old ranch house, Into the building with a roar Moscow, Sept. 12.— (/P)— | : ars digging up their lawns almost and other key points which which nearly p century ago boused which one of the workmen inside' Broadcasts), 'Bept. 12.— (ZPr ing Good Cheer, ‘ nightly. The ■ marauders ars hunt- Stalingrad’s defenders for the Axis might covet, a com­ OiUfomia's military governor, a described as like a "bombing.’' The German high com-^ tag Japanese beetle grubs. For mother and daughter. Pompadour pill bnjt, munique from the expeditionary whom, retreat wais declaredi new military regime le preparing Couldn’t Stand Heat niand • reported today that New York, Sept. 12.— (>P)— De­ bonnet.*, r^ets, and beautiful large briipa. In force announced today. A . com­ Purnell. 34, said in a hospital impossible held the besiefl .. Troop 12, Girl Scouts. Mr*. Mal- munique from the- commander-ln- a lot of trouble for the Japs. Interview he "stayeU up there un­ heavy fighting is continuing signers solemnly announced at th* Germans at bay today ii eolm Deacon, leader, arlll meet felt, velvet ah4 silk. New Fall shadfes. chlef, Gen. Sir William - Platt, It's toe headquarter* of Maj. til I couldn’t stand toe heat-any within the fortifications’’ of start of toe fall fashion season perhaps the greatest battlfi . TNiesday, September 16, at toe head o f toe British Elaat African Gen. Joseph Fegan,' commandant longer,” then “ baileo out.” It was Stalingrad, and said all So­ openings two weeks ago “ our of the war, a battle whic Second Congregational church. Command, said west coaat land­ of the vast new Marine . base on his first parachute jump. viet relief attacks had been clothes are going to be very quiet, " The meeting will begin at toe ings were supplemented ' by toe historic Rancho Santa Margarita. I'm trying to 'figure out what very practical, very war-con- overshadowed five oth* usual hour, seven o'clock. Two Fall wardrobe unopposed occupaUon of Vohemar Renamed Camp Joseph ,H. .Pendle­ happened - 1 couldn’t say definite­ repulsed. The brief report on clous" and then. flaming on a Russian front of on toe northeast coast, M miles ton. toe 141,000 acre ranch is the ly—just that' the engine caught on toe battle for toe big Volga cen­ • They came out "with riotous more than 1.300 miles. Deqplk suggestions, unmis^ T r ’ x s r ’ \ from the naval base of Diego nation's largest military establish­ lire,” he asserted. "I certainly ter said that Soviet supply coin- color and glitter, a most un-de- toe heroic stand of the Red A r Suarez. ment. tar 18 daya against toe batter tried to put out the flames before municatiohs were heavily attack­ pressed assortment of garments .9 5 takably new, de­ Nazi steel, apparently without TALL CEDARS Destroyed. Bridges Slow British It extends 22 mile* along toe I jumped. spreading good cheer all around. Destroyed bridges slowed up " I saw vapor coming up. I didn't ed by Nazi airmen with night backward step for toe past Kenwood Duration signed with dignity Pacific from Oceanaide to San If you agree with toe master a task force' moving- down toe think the plane, was on fire Raymohd E. Baldwin of Stratford, Conn., delivers his acceptance raids upon toe city itself and air hours, fresh German activity TSNIGHT . west coast from toe latter naval (Oonttaued on Page Ten) though. I tried to'shut it dowm but speech, at Bushnell Memorial auditorium In Hartford where he waa field* to toe north. ' (Continued on Page Ten) the north o f toe Volga river elt; and distinction -in it was too late. The plane' had menaced it aa never before. ■S:1S fTOoek baae area, which the British took nominated for goveriior by toe Republican State convention. Repeat Previous CUIms over early last May. This force is started to bum. The flames kept Leuncli Lenlngn^ Offenalvn BLANKETS I I J rich textured rayon The communique repeated the coming up and hitting me in the Even in toe midst of Orange H M 75% Wool ^ ^1^ seeking a junction with troops landed in the Nosy-Be region. face. 1 couldn’t stand toe heat - previous announcement of the struggle in which Joseph S t For figures needing crepes. Solons Attack Japs’ Supply A cotton,warp for atrength and a lOO'^'r wool filling which Is "By evening we were within 20 I had to jump. capture of the last Red Army baa ordered that toerq. be fto 20 Rcr. Ganes At napped up fo r the warmth and comfort’ for which Kenwood is miles of AmbanJa,” the major city Two Killed Outright forts south of Novoroesisk, occu­ treat, however, toS Ru special abdominal su|>- pied Soviet naval base on toe $3 li Game for 25c fsmous.
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