Non-Government Schools Per Capita Grant Rates (2020 and 2021) Compulsory Compulsory Middle Middle Upper Upper Kindergarten Kindergarten State Primary Primary School School Secondary Secondary needs-based (4 sessions) (4 sessions) (PP-Y6) (PP-Y6) (Y7-Y10) (Y7-Y10) (Y11-Y12) (Y11-Y12) funding 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 category $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ A 2,497 2,428 1,664 1,619 2,446 2,379 2,527 2,457 B 2,877 2,798 1,917 1,864 2,818 2,741 3,108 3,022 C 2,889 2,809 1,927 1,874 2,831 2,753 3,183 3,095 D 2,980 2,898 1,987 1,932 2,921 2,840 3,278 3,188 E 3,126 3,040 2,083 2,026 3,062 2,977 3,422 3,327 F 3,260 3,170 2,172 2,112 3,193 3,105 3,533 3,436 G 3,363 3,270 2,242 2,180 3,296 3,205 3,661 3,560 GA 5,010 4,872 3,341 3,249 4,911 4,775 5,450 5,300 H - - - - 4,911 4,775 5,450 5,300 I 6,666 6,482 4,445 4,322 6,534 6,354 7,200 7,002 J - - 9,661 9,394 14,201 13,809 15,646 15,215 The above categories can be generally described as follows: A High-Fee Schools G, GA Very low fee, predominantly rural schools B, C, D Mid to high-fee schools H Curriculum and Re-Engagement Schools E Mid-fee schools I Remote, sole provider Aboriginal community schools F Low-fee schools J Agricultural Schools General and special per capita grants paid to Non-Government Schools in 2020-21 School Suburb State Average Average Average Average Total Payments funding Kindergarten Primary Middle Upper in 2020-21 category enrolment enrolment School Secondary enrolment enrolment Catholic Education Western Australia Limited Aquinas College Salter Point F 13 245 698 354 $ 4,101,529 Aranmore Catholic College Leederville F 0 0 449 257 $ 2,223,914 Aranmore Catholic Primary School Leederville F 39 321 0 0 $ 832,834 Assumption Catholic Primary School Mandurah F 53 399 0 0 $ 1,055,243 Birlirr Ngawiyiwu Catholic School Ringer Soak I 4 26 0 0 $ 124,091 Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury F 0 0 647 205 $ 2,888,839 Chisholm Catholic College Bedford F 0 0 1187 513 $ 5,619,140 Christ the King Catholic School Djarindjin I 5 30 14 0 $ 318,856 Lombadina Christ the King School Beaconsfield F 34 272 0 0 $ 971,349 Christian Brothers' College Fremantle F 0 0 613 235 $ 2,896,851 Clontarf Aboriginal College Waterford H 0 0 107 67 $ 907,149 Corpus Christi College Bateman F 0 0 827 437 $ 4,397,536 Edmund Rice College Bindoon J 0 0 93 41 $ 2,091,683 Emmanuel Catholic College Success F 0 0 800 320 $ 3,775,157 Francis Jordan Catholic School Currambine F 32 311 0 0 $ 785,352 Geraldton Flexible Learning Centre Geraldton H 0 0 72 35 $ 604,917 Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kelmscott F 18 179 0 0 $ 464,200 Good Shepherd Catholic School Lockridge F 60 416 0 0 $ 1,208,770 Hammond Park Catholic Primary School Hammond Park F 56 339 0 0 $ 903,957 Holy Cross College Ellenbrook F 61 431 452 181 $ 3,397,727 Holy Rosary School Derby F 16 103 0 0 $ 289,443 Holy Rosary School Doubleview F 60 395 0 0 $ 1,307,644 Holy Spirit School City Beach F 25 157 0 0 $ 411,603 Infant Jesus School Morley F 61 428 0 0 $ 1,140,016 Iona Presentation College Mosman Park F 18 278 641 263 $ 3,686,748 Irene McCormack Catholic College Butler F 0 0 621 249 $ 2,933,108 John Paul College Kalgoorlie F 0 0 568 98 $ 2,220,823 John Pujajangka Piyirn School Mulan I 3 16 2 0 $ 75,408 John XXIII College Mt. Claremont F 50 402 750 348 $ 4,864,312 Kearnan College Manjimup F 16 135 130 40 $ 983,461 Kolbe Catholic College Rockingham F 0 0 851 325 $ 4,084,214 Kururrungku Catholic Education Centre Billiluna I 4 42 10 0 $ 197,796 La Salle College Middle Swan F 0 0 979 415 $ 4,861,147 Leschenault Catholic Primary School Australind F 54 385 0 0 $ 1,030,214 School Suburb State Average Average Average Average Total Payments funding Kindergarten Primary Middle Upper in 2020-21 category enrolment enrolment School Secondary enrolment enrolment Liwara Catholic Primary School Greenwood F 50 368 0 0 $ 959,438 Loreto Nedlands Nedlands F 18 169 0 0 $ 433,264 Lumen Christi College Martin F 0 0 665 302 $ 3,407,699 Luurnpa Catholic School Balgo I 9 75 27 0 $ 539,518 Majella Catholic Primary School Balga F 24 170 0 0 $ 423,772 Mandurah Catholic College Mandurah F 30 350 931 397 $ 5,486,364 Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School Ballajura F 60 432 0 0 $ 1,358,241 Mary's Mount Primary School Gooseberry Hill F 29 208 0 0 $ 554,369 Mater Christi Catholic Primary School Yangebup F 87 622 0 0 $ 1,685,853 Mater Dei College Edgewater F 0 0 595 245 $ 2,850,240 Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary School High Wycombe F 26 183 0 0 $ 488,083 Mazenod College Lesmurdie F 0 0 598 252 $ 2,860,416 Mel Maria Catholic Primary School Attadale F 94 671 0 0 $ 1,819,516 Mercedes College Perth F 0 0 569 269 $ 2,851,148 Mercy College Koondoola F 58 437 773 363 $ 4,986,218 Mother Teresa Catholic College Baldivis F 90 478 341 0 $ 2,518,945 Nagle Catholic College Geraldton F 0 0 818 297 $ 3,771,998 Newman College Churchlands F 61 593 776 359 $ 5,531,176 Ngalangangpum School Warmun I 6 43 23 0 $ 289,758 Notre Dame Catholic Primary School Cloverdale F 60 407 0 0 $ 1,116,336 Orana Catholic Primary School Willetton F 57 374 0 0 $ 1,021,761 Our Lady of Fatima School Palmyra F 23 186 0 0 $ 481,554 Our Lady of Good Counsel School Karrinyup F 26 172 0 0 $ 486,322 Our Lady of Grace School North Beach F 81 465 0 0 $ 1,304,962 Our Lady of Lourdes School Dardanup F 30 179 0 0 $ 505,303 Our Lady of Lourdes School Nollamara F 29 193 0 0 $ 544,867 Our Lady of Mercy College Australind F 0 0 500 129 $ 2,068,492 Our Lady of Mercy Primary School Girrawheen F 57 361 0 0 $ 964,183 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Hilton F 26 168 0 0 $ 444,993 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Mullewa F 6 59 0 0 $ 155,526 Our Lady of the Cape Primary School Dunsborough F 39 323 0 0 $ 846,434 Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School Esperance F 20 110 0 0 $ 318,338 Our Lady's Assumption School Dianella F 51 361 0 0 $ 945,686 Padbury Catholic Primary School Padbury F 58 415 0 0 $ 1,122,491 Prendiville Catholic College Ocean Reef F 0 0 790 348 $ 4,052,722 Queen of Apostles School Riverton F 27 205 0 0 $ 614,372 Sacred Heart Catholic School Goomalling F 6 47 0 0 $ 142,882 Sacred Heart College Sorrento F 0 0 968 464 $ 5,062,513 Sacred Heart Primary School Highgate F 31 157 0 0 $ 473,815 School Suburb State Average Average Average Average Total Payments funding Kindergarten Primary Middle Upper in 2020-21 category enrolment enrolment School Secondary enrolment enrolment Sacred Heart Primary School Thornlie F 55 404 0 0 $ 1,371,269 Sacred Heart School Beagle Bay I 6 53 14 0 $ 364,538 Sacred Heart School Mundaring F 20 149 0 0 $ 409,558 Salvado Catholic College Byford F 60 358 26 0 $ 1,119,232 Santa Clara School St James F 28 172 0 0 $ 474,730 Santa Maria College Attadale F 0 194 753 357 $ 4,081,762 Servite College Tuart Hill F 0 0 706 314 $ 3,566,564 Seton Catholic College Samson F 0 0 708 290 $ 3,582,037 St Andrew's Catholic Primary School Clarkson F 46 337 0 0 $ 890,945 St Anne's School Harvey F 19 146 0 0 $ 407,271 St Anthony's School Greenmount F 52 383 0 0 $ 1,007,888 St Anthony's School Wanneroo F 55 410 0 0 $ 1,154,744 St Augustine's School Rivervale F 30 171 0 0 $ 480,074 St Benedict's School Applecross F 48 345 0 0 $ 959,997 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School Port Kennedy F 47 387 0 0 $ 1,044,979 St Bernard's School Kojonup F 6 72 0 0 $ 180,144 St Brigid's College Lesmurdie F 33 320 332 179 $ 2,529,287 St Brigid's Primary School Middle Swan F 54 389 0 0 $ 1,118,961 St Brigid's School Bridgetown F 23 147 0 0 $ 453,475 St Brigid's School Collie F 24 162 0 0 $ 435,710 St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School Port Hedland F 28 161 0 0 $ 438,039 St Clare's School Lathlain H 0 0 16 23 $ 336,036 St Columba's Catholic Primary School South Perth F 55 338 0 0 $ 1,064,035 St Columba's School Bayswater F 61 401 0 0 $ 1,162,701 St Damien's Catholic Primary School Dawesville F 58 395 0 0 $ 1,077,765 St Denis School Joondanna F 29 197 0 0 $ 559,019 St Dominic's School Innaloo F 20 130 0 0 $ 354,175 St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School Hocking F 19 117 0 0 $ 331,400 St Emilie's Catholic Primary School Canning Vale F 60 406 0 0 $ 1,099,880 St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School Butler F 59 392 0 0 $ 1,071,739 St Francis' School Maddington H 0 0 9 27 $ 229,608 St Francis Xavier Primary School Geraldton F 59 384 0 0 $ 1,073,024 St Gerard's Primary School Westminster F 29 181 0 0 $ 469,908 St Helena's Catholic Primary School Ellenbrook F 59 419 0 0 $ 1,260,728 St Jerome's Primary School Lake Coogee F 79 555 0 0 $ 1,551,237 St John Bosco College Piara Waters F 60 409 137 0 $ 1,618,303 St John Paul II Catholic Primary School Banksia Grove F 32 250 0 0 $ 708,667 St John's School Scarborough F 28 191 0 0 $ 493,260 St John's School Rangeway F 26 181 0 0 $ 504,414 School Suburb State Average Average Average Average Total Payments funding Kindergarten Primary Middle Upper in 2020-21 category enrolment enrolment School Secondary enrolment enrolment St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pinjarra F 28 171 0 0 $ 506,639 St Joseph's College Albany F 35 305 215 68 $ 1,766,618 St Joseph's Primary School Bunbury F 46 375 0 0 $ 1,091,092 St Joseph's School Boulder F 28 166 0 0 $ 477,097 St Joseph's School Kununurra F 25 133 0 0 $ 373,670 St Joseph's School Moora F 15 140 0 0 $ 381,442 St Joseph's School Northam F 36 373 230 72 $ 1,978,037 St Joseph's School Pemberton F 4 36 0 0 $ 88,477 St Joseph's School Queens Park F 60 431 0 0 $ 1,211,631 St Joseph's School Southern Cross F 3 24 0 0 $ 64,510 St Joseph's School Waroona F 25 139 0 0 $ 409,709 St Joseph's School Wyndham F 9 54 0 0 $ 187,306 St Jude's Catholic School Langford F 24 185
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