US 20160130682A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0130682 A1 Bakke (43) Pub. Date: May 12, 2016 (54) METHODS FOR RECOVERING CESUMOR Publication Classification RUBDIUMIVALUES FROM ORE OR OTHER MATERLALS (51) Int. Cl. C22B 26/10 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: Cabot Corporation, Boston, MA (US) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ...................................... C22B 26/10 (2013.01) (72) Inventor: Bart F. Bakke, Houston, TX (US) (57) ABSTRACT Appl. No.: 14/868,415 (21) A method to liberate and recover cesium, rubidium, or both from ore or other material is described. The method involves (22) Filed: Sep. 29, 2015 heating the ore or other material in the presence of at least one reactant. The heating is such that it liberates at least a portion Related U.S. Application Data of the cesium or rubidium or both from the ore. Cesium or (60) Provisional application No. 62/078,431, filed on Nov. rubidium or both resulting from the method are further 12, 2014. described. Patent Application Publication May 12, 2016 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2016/O130682 A1 FIG. 1 Cesium/Rubidium Bearing Ore/Material Cesium/Rubidium Ore/Material and Reactant in Owen Or Furnace Liberate Cs and/or Rb from Ore/Material Convert to Cs/Rb Salts/Products Patent Application Publication May 12, 2016 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2016/O130682 A1 FIG. 2 Cesium/Rubidium Bearing Ore/Material Cesium/Rubidium Ore/Material and - Reactant H-> Reactant in Oven 16 or Furnace Liberate Cs and/or Rb from Ore/Material React Salt with Cesium and/or Rubidium Scrub with Water or Acid Convert to Liquid Salt Solution or Salt of 42 the Acid added --------Y-------- | Evaporate/Concentrate 44-?: the Solution US 2016/0130682 A1 May 12, 2016 METHODS FOR RECOVERING CESUMOR method involves heating ore or other material containing at RUBDIUMIVALUES FROM ORE OR OTHER least cesium, rubidium, or both with at least one reactant. The MATERALS reactant is an oxide of a metal, or a carbonate of a metal, or a hydroxide of a metal, or a hydrate of a metal, that is capable 0001. This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. of displacing cesium oxide, rubidium oxide, or both from the S119(e) of prior U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. ore or other material. The heating is at a temperature Sufficient 62/078,431, filed Nov. 12, 2014, which is incorporated in its to liberate at least a portion of the cesium, rubidium, or both entirety by reference herein. from the ore or other material. For instance, this temperature BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION can be 1.000°C. or higher. Examples of the reactant include, but are not limited to, lime, hydrated lime, lime in solution, or 0002 The present invention relates to liberating and/or calcium carbonate, or any combinations thereof. recovering at least one metallic element from ore. More par 0010. The present invention further relates to cesium ticularly, the present invention relates to methods for recov oxide or rubidium oxide or both obtained from any of the ering cesium, rubidium, or both from ore or other material. methods of the present invention. 0003 Cesium salts, such as cesium formate, are increas 0011. It is to be understood that both the foregoing general ingly being discovered as useful components or additives for description and the following detailed description are exem a variety of industrial applications, such as in the hydrocarbon plary and explanatory only and are intended to provide a recovery areas. However, deposits of “primary' ore, that is, further explanation of the present invention, as claimed. ore that contains high amounts of cesium with insignificant 0012. The accompanying drawings, which are incorpo amounts of undesirable impurities, are rare, and operators rated in and constitute a part of this application, illustrate have long sought techniques to enhance recovery of cesium some of the features of the present invention and together with and/or rubidium from known deposits of ore, such as primary the description, serve to explain the principles of the present ore and secondary ore, or other materials containing cesium invention. The descriptions are not intended to limit the scope and/or rubidium. It would be highly desirable to develop or the spirit of the invention. methods that work well no matter what the cesium and/or rubidium content is in the ore. In other words, it would be BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS useful to have methods that work well with primary ore and/or secondary ore, or other materials containing cesium and/or 0013 FIG. 1 is a flow diagram showing one process of the rubidium. present invention for recovering cesium, rubidium, or both, 0004. However, cesium-containing secondary ore, while from ore. available, presents major problems with regard to recovering 0014 FIG. 2 is a flow diagram showing a further process the cesium from Such ore. For instance, the expense of recov of the present invention for recovering cesium, rubidium, or ering significant amounts of cesium from low yield ore can be both. quite time consuming and expensive based on known meth ods. These same problems also can exist with rubidium con DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT taining ore or ore containing cesium and rubidium. INVENTION 0005 Accordingly, there is a need in the industry to 0015 The present invention relates to methods for recov develop methods for recovering the highly sought and valued ering at least cesium, rubidium, or both from ore or other minerals bearing cesium, rubidium, or both, from ore, such as material containing cesium and/or rubidium. The present primary and/or secondary ore (also referred to as cesium invention also relates to cesium oxide or rubidium oxide containing secondary ore) or other materials. obtained from these methods. 0016. In more detail, the cesium and/or rubidium can be of SUMMARY OF THE PRESENT INVENTION any form in the ore or other material containing the cesium 0006. A feature of the present invention is to provide a and/or rubidium. For instance, the cesium can be present in method to effectively recover cesium, rubidium, or both, from any ore or other material as a cesium oxide. The rubidium can all types of cesium bearing ore and/or rubidium ore, whether be present in any ore or other material as rubidium oxide. high yield bearing ore or low yielding bearing ore. Preferably, the ore includes cesium, such as pollucite (a 0007. A further feature of the present invention is to pro cesium aluminosilicate ore) with the preferred formula of vide methods to utilize the cesium, rubidium, or both, recov CSAlSiO. In many cases, the cesium aluminosilicates also ered from ore in the production of cesium-containing fluids, include rubidium. The ore can be a high-assay ore or a low Such as cesium formate and the like. assay ore. A low-assay ore, also considered a secondary ore, 0008. Additional features and advantages of the present can comprise 25 wt % Cs-O or less based on the overall invention will be set forth in part in the description that weight of the ore. follows, and in part will be apparent from the description, or (0017. The ore (overall) can be or include 20 wt % Cs-O or may be learned by practice of the present invention. The less, 15 wt % Cs-O or less, 10 wt % Cs-O or less, from 1 wt features and other advantages of the present invention will be % to 15 wt % Cs-O, from 1 wt % to 10 wt % Cs-O, from 0.25 realized and attained by means of the elements and combina wt % to 5 wt % Cs-O, less than 1 wt % Cs-O or about 0.1 wt tions particularly pointed out in the description and appended % Cs-O or more or other low amounts of cesium containing claims. ore, or other amounts within or outside of any one of these 0009. To achieve these and other advantages, and in accor ranges based on the total wt % of the ore. The Rb O can be dance with the purposes of the present invention, as embodied present in these same amounts alone or with the CSO. and broadly described herein, the present invention relates to (0018. The ore (overall) can be or include 20 wt % Cs-O or methods to recover cesium, rubidium, or both from ore and/or more, 25 wt % Cs-O or more, 35 wt % Cs-O or mores, from other materials containing cesium and/or rubidium. The 20 wt % to 35 wt % Cs-O, from 21 wt % to 35 wt % Cs-O, US 2016/0130682 A1 May 12, 2016 from 25 wt % to 35 wt % Cs-O or more or other higher 0025. In lieu of ore, examples of “other material’ that amounts of cesium containing ore, or other amounts within or contain at least cesium and/or rubidium that can be subjected outside of any one of these ranges based on the total wt % of to the methods of the present invention include, but are not the ore. The RbC) can be present in these same amounts alone limited to, tailings, and recycled material. or with the CSO. 0026 Regarding the at least one reactant that is heated 0019. The ore can include, comprise, consist essentially with the ore or other material containing cesium and/or of or consist of pollucite, nanpingite, carnallite, rhodozite, rubidium, as indicated, this reactant can be one or more reac peZZottaite, rubicline, borate ramanite, beryls, Voloshonite, tants. The reactant can be an oxide of a metal, or a carbonate cesstibtantite, avogadrite, margaritasite, kupletskite, naliv of a metal, or a hydroxide of a metal, or a hydrate of a metal.
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