■■■- v - ; ..4-^'--............ ■- ■f ^ M, ■ \ THOTSDAY, MOTTARY 12, M «7 , f ■ PAGE TWENTY Ew nm g l|i?raliii AvengB Dnily Net Press Run^ The Weather For the Waek Ended Cloudy and continued m ild, from the church council wUl.be Jumniy 1,1067 tonight and tomorrow, low t«H presented, financial reports ^ v- night 30-36, high tomorrow tt About T o™ from Your Neighbor’s Kitchen en, as well as pastoral surveys. PJLC. high 40a. «ffnnii^iiitn ^ fViA moof^v>n ^ Church School progress and hn 15,04S; •“WlldUfe of the Eastern The annual congregational ouUlne of the musical program I Manchester— A City of VUktge Charm WV>odlands,’’ second of the ser- By DORIS BELDINO meeting of Eftianuel Lutheran will also be given. Resolutions Ms of five 'Audubon film lec- (Olaszitled Advertizing on page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Mrs. Roger Kennedy of 27 Church will be held Sunday at *■ budget wlU be ml^t- (TWENTY PAGES) ' MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 tttres, will be shown tonight at VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 87 Philip Rd. says Carmel Topped St p,m. In Luther Hall. The meet- ^ officers will t in' Bailey Auditorium of Man­ ' Chocolate Loaf Cake rates high tag was orlginaUy scheduled for Ue presented by the nominating chester High School. The ser­ S p.m. committee. BINGO ies is sponsored by Lutz Junior 'with her family and guests. 'It The Rev. Eric; Gothberg, as- Refreshments and a fellow; EVERY M ONDAY— 8 P.M. i^useum and the Manchester is,” she says, “exactly the kind State News elstant pastor, will open.: the ship hour will follow the regu- P. A. C. BALLROOM ISs Aplenty In Mekong to Stay Jhycees. of a cake which is easily trans- meeting with devotions, and the lar meeting. Mrs. Edward ------ jtorted to potlucks and picnics. Rev. C. Henry Anderson, pastor, Trares and Mrs. Leonard A. 26 VILLAGE STREET. R O C K V IU ^ "GHrcAGb (AP)-r-Retlred Members of the t^FW will as It Is baked, frosted and will conduct the business meet- Johnson are in charge o f the State Seeks ‘ police Sgt. Marahall Pldg- Uponsor a Sea F\x)d night to- stored, all in the same pan.” ing. A comprehensive report refreshments. eon is celebrating Friday inorrow from 7 to 11 p.m. at Carmel Topped Chocolate Loaf 3.3 the ISth by attaching hta Ihe Post Home, 608 E. Center 1% cups sifted flour $ Million new license, AV 1300, and U.S. Readies Bt. The event is open to mem- 1 teaspoon baking soda hia new city vehicle sticker, bers and guests. % teaspoon double action bak- College Aid 1313, to hia-auto. He already ____ _ ing powder has litinoia Police Associa­ The executive committee of ?■,, teaspoon salt HARTFORD (AP) — A state tion decal numbier 1313. 1% cups sugar USDA TOP CHOICE commission aimoi^ced today it In 1928, Pidgeotl startled Delta ‘Home’ Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of ^banon, will meet Monday at ^ cup cooking oil or solid is seeking $3.8 million from the police officials by acc^ting SAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) A short-range operation by 4,- shortening VALUE-WAY TRIMMED star 13. He was the first in jhso p.m. at Masonic Temple. federal government to help fi­ — A detachment of American 000 U.S. Marines and Vletnam- 16 years to accept the num­ 1 cup buttermilk or sour nance $24 million worth o fl^ ld - support troops — engtaeers, sig- ese was in its eighth day on the ' milk ber. ing projects at nine collegesJn nal and security forces — has; coastal ’Thanh Phu peninsula, 8B The executive board of Man­ 3 squares (3 ounces) choco­ He wore No. 13 until 1055 PORTERHOUSE Connecticut. set up shop in the Mekong River 'lndles south of Saigon and 40 chester PTA Council will meet late, melted and cooled ;hen he was promoted to m ' The money is available under delta in a movement expected miles from My ’Tho. A detach- tonight at 8 at the home of 2 eggs, unbeaten He had to ex­ r - ' Title I of tiie Federal Higher to commit at least a 15,000-man ment of 12 to 20 U.S. Leather- Mrs. Eugene Montany, 280 Fer­ 1 teaspoon vanilla OR badges and the best 'r- It, ^ Education Facilities ' Act, ac­ U.S. Infantry division to the war necks reported moderate casu- guson Rd. All ingredients should be at he-couldNdo was No. 213. cording to the Commission on in that waterlogged rice bowl. alUes in a clash with a Viet room temperature. If self-rising PidgeonN»tired from the Cooperation wdth Federal Auth­ The U.S. Command an- Cong force of undeitermined flour is used, baking powder police force in 1061 and is orities In Matters Pertaining to nounced today the detachment size in the first solid eng^age-. and salt should be omitted and T-BONE now employed. Bs, a deputy Police Report Higher Education. moved to.an area on the My ’Tho mei>t of this campaign. Enemy for the chief of the circuit baking soda reduced to % tea­ River at Dong Tan — about five casualties were not known. Break Attempts spoon. If solid shortening is The commission voted Thurs­ used (butter, margarine or day to ask the U.S. Commis­ ~ j miles southwest of the town of u.S. ccwnmanders have said sioner of Education for the fol­ He spends most of gouthwest the delta, laced b y-26,000 Allies Two attempted breaks, one lard), the total amount of milk lowing amounts: working hours at thee c csj ^ Saigon — and "is continuing navigable waterways and M the HoUday Lanes, the oth- be r^uced to % cup. center—on the 13th floor. preparation of the base site.” courAless miles of siframps and __ . ^ ^ _. .. Sift all dry ingredients to- — $500,(KX) for a $9.2 million •r at the Coronet Gas Station shortening (oU) science building at Wesleyan ’iW long-heralded shift of paddy fields, must be wrested at 868 Center S t, were report- and 2/3-cup buttermilk or sour University, Middletown. Ameri^a^ to the thickly pop- from Viet Cong control if the STEAK — $500,(XX> for a $3 million ulated d^lta, which could con- war is to be won by the ahied •d by police today. milk and beat for two minutes life sciences building at Trinity Tojq^o Army tribute to^'maklng 1967 the side. More than a third of South ' The custodian of the lanes at until batter is well blended and 3 College, Hartford. bloodiest year^qf the 'Vietnam Vietnam’s 16 million people live I© Spencer S t called poUce at “ electric mixer Is — $HOO,000 for a $3 million War, developed tbs. shells from In the delta and it 1s estimated, _ ^ used, beat at low to medium »:16 a.m. yesterday after hear- mathematics building at the Takes Over supporting artillery silled eight 1(X),(X)0 guerrillas are based Ing a noise at the rear door and remainder of milk, melted University of Connecticut, American soldiers and^wunded among them. Storrs. Spotting two cars, with park- chocolate, unbeaten eggs and In New Coup 34 In a company of the Is^In- Fear that the massive fire- (Herald photo by Ofiara) — $600,(X)0 for a $2.5 million tag lights on, leave the parking vanilla and beat for addition- fauitry Division In the Irs^ power of modem American physical education building ,^t COTONOU, Dahomey (AP) — ’Triangle north of Saigon. weapons might claim heavy toll ta t police reported. al two minutes. Pour into llght- MRS. KENNEDY AND CLAIRE Southern Connecticut State Cci- ’The tiny coffee-growing_ _ land___ of "Preliminary investigation ji^ong civilians was <me factor Tbey quoted the man as say- ly greased and floured 10x10x2 indicates error In plotting the <jei£tj^g the decdelon that the tag one car, a black four-door or 12x8x2 inch loaf pan. Bake brown and melted completely, munity College. The couple has —$188,000 for a firing data,” a spokesman said, goveri^ent forces must have Vord, contained two occupants, m moderate, 350-degree oven, Add hot water slowly and sim- two children, Michael, 15, a years today with the army re­ music and art building at Con­ A report from the field, where help. The other, a two-door Chevro- for 40 to 45 minutes or until mer until all the caramel is dis- sophomoi'e at East Catholic porting seizure of all dvll pow- necticut College,_ . New London, about 30,000 American and ’The A m e^an presence In the let hardtop, had three persons center o f cake springs back solved. Cream the butter with High School, and Claire, 10, a bringing the total federal grants south Vietnamese t ^ s are ta tt. when touched. Cool before Ic- confectioners sugar. Add cara- Grade 5 student at St. James’ to $500,000 for that project. (See Pa^^ Seven) mel syrup gradually and beat School. in a broadcast from Lome, the Police discovered pry marks ing with Caramel Frosting. — $400,000 for a $1.2 million • JA I 1. the war, sala 16 oi the loomm Bn the door, they said. Caramel Frosting well. Thin with cream if neces- Mrs. Kennedy admits to being arts building at Annhurst Col­ 'A t the gas station, a would- 1/3 cup sugar sary. Spread on cooled cake. a imwldng and bridge enthusiast, USDA lege, South WoodrioCk. chief d* s ^ . Lt. L a . Etienne 6e tWef attempted to pry a 1/3 cup hot water A native of New York City, and says she also enjoys golf, $387,000 for the $1 million n S ® m “ r e f r ^ concerning the delta covefed Bahamian Ne^i^o t drink machine sometime tablespoons butter Mrs.
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