Vol. 125, Issue 1 Serving the Allegheny College Thursday community Sept. 13, 2001 MPUS since 1876 I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire 41. Terrorist Attacks Send Shockwaves Through Campus By ERICA ERWIN Trade Center. I wanted to call home Editor-in-Chief and make sure everything was ok," he said. Finally, his brother called Students, faculty and employees him with good news: The building of the College were reeling from his mother works in had been evacu- shock Tuesday after hearing news of ated, and she was safe. terrorist acts against the United "I feel very helpless being so far States. For many, the news hit close away," Klaman said. "I'm not sur- to home; for others, there was only prised that it happened because New stunned disbelief. York is a big target area, but I also Students crowded around televi- think that people here don't under- sions set up throughout campus ear- stand the full effect and devastation ly in the day, tensely watching as because most people are not from the each new development arose. city." Somber news anchors related the Junior Breonna Frisk stopped to tragedy: four commercial airplanes watch the news on her way to class. had been hijacked and crashed, two "I'm shocked, just shocked," she into each tower of the World Trade said. "It's a very sad day for our Center in New York City. one into country." the Pentagon in Virginia and another "I couldn't believe it," said se- in Somerset, about 80 miles south- nior Stephanie Svilar. "I think east of Pittsburgh. everyone likes to believe we're safe, For the first time, all U.S. air traf- that things like this won't happen. fic was indefinitely grounded, and We think of ourselves as this federal buildings throughout the na- supreme nation. It's awful when it HOPE — Students empty out of Ford Chapel after a service following Tuesday's attacks on the U.S. tion were closed. Washington, D.0 hits close to home...it's awful." —photo by Erica Erwin, Editor-in- turned into a ghost town as the White For some, the experience was House, State Department and other "I think it helped a lot of students. I surreal. "It looks like a movie when government offices were evacuated. don't think I've ever seen so many you watch the news," said sopho- VIEWPOINT Students packed into Ford Allegheny students in one place be- more Stephanie Rock. "When you Memorial Chapel Tuesday afternoon fore," she added. watch the news, like news about By NEETU SEHGAL, News Editor for a service of prayer and reflection, "It was nice to see so many peo- Kosovo, you think, 'Wow, I'm glad I Unfortunately this morning we are waking, up and realizing again that conducted by campus Chaplain John ple in the community come togeth- don't live there.' And then it hap- the events two days ago were not a nightmare, but reality. The tragic Colatch. The chapel, which seats er," said sophomore Bethany Cieply, pens in your backyard." scenes of the skyscrtipers crashing to the ground, the collapse of ‘a f)or- 300, was filled to capacity, and still who along with friend Allison Barr, Local colleges, including tion of the seemingly impenetrable _Pentagon, planes hijacked, people more students filled the foyer and attended the service to "give thanks Mercyhurst College, Gannon running, crying, screaming, leaping out of windows....all real. spilled out onto the walkway. for keeping my family safe, to give University and Edinboro University, I understand our need for an illSWC.r, our need fora. reason why. We. do "It's a kind of collective grief," support, and to try to find answers." cancelled classes. Classes here were need to find out who is responSible for murdering god knows how many said Colatch, who organized the ser- President of the College Richard optional. Secretary of the College people in this terrorist act. But -- there is no need to jump to conclusions. vice. "We knew right away we had Cook was traveling in California and Dean Mclnally said a major factor in As an aspiring journalist, I am disheartened by our country's media to provide an opportunity for the unavailable for comment. the decision to hold classes at all was coverage. As of Tuesday night, the only facts we had for certain were that community to come together. We The terrorist acts presumably to provide structure for students who this trtigedy really did litippen. We did not know if the Taliban or other don't have any answers, all we can over, the nation, and the College, needed it. so-called "Islamic" extremists were responsible. Yet. as I surfed through do is come together." must now deal with the aftermath of "We're making sure all essential the channels on my television and perused U.S. news web sites on Senior Davin Wilson, who lives what is being called the greatest student services go on," he said. Tuesday, I was reminded again that as much as America prides itself on about 20 minutes from Manhattan, tragedy since Pearl Harbor. "When things like this happen, we diversity ',Ind freedom, we at-e the first to judge and point fingers and was still waiting to hear from his sis- "I think it was an act of religious have to ask 'What's the College's stereotype. ter, who lives in New York. "She terrorism," said political science role? How can we help?' We'll do It was not what the media did say, it was what they showed. Images of works right next door to the World Assistant Professor Andrey anything we can to help people in Osama bin Laden and his followers holding guns, declaring, jihad agtiinst Trade Center," he said, shaking his Meleshevich, who teaches a course this situation, and they should take America were flashed incessantly as the afternoon progressed. Most head. "I tried to call her, but all the in terrorism. "Religious terrorists advantage of the friendship and sup- {WAN'S programs were at least somewhat ethical, however, as they made phone lines are either down or have a very different set of values. port here," he said. certain to mention that 1) we do not know who is responsible yet and 2) busy...I probably won't know if And, the statistics show this type of Dean of the College Lloyd all Islamic people are not terrorists. that bin Laden's group are extrem- she's ok for a day or two. I never terrorism is more lethal...they have Michaels, who attended the Ford ists. thought something like this would no restraints and just target human Chapel service, called it "very, very However, airtime was filled with interviews with terrorist experts who happen." lives indiscriminately. I don't mean powerful and therapeutic." "I hope pinpointed bin Utden's network as the only one tht:it has the genius capa- Mark Klarnan, a junior who lives Islamic terrorism in particular, this everyone maintains the feelings they bilities to mastermind such a disaster. Middle East euerts were calla d in in Long Island, N.Y., about 45 min- means all different kinds of religious had in that chapel throughout the to analyze the situation and the possible. repercussions, Others defini utes from Manhattan, was also anx- groups. days," he said. "I especially liked tively said that the U.S. needs to attach. Afghanistan (where bin Laden is iously trying to call home to family, "Another thing that was so strik- the message about not rushing to beliCVed to be in hiding), and others even said anticks should be made on but couldn't get through. His moth- ing was the target selection," judgment and universal compassion. any countries aiding A fghanistan. er works in a building on 34th Street, Meleshevich added. "It's a political That's important." GjVCII that We do not know who is responsible, why was the media, across frorrt the Empire State process for terrorists. They want to "I thought it was very nice and through its choice of interviews and experts and images, focusing on the Building. find targets that have symbolic very appropriate," first-year people of Islam'? Why not interview U.S. militia leaders? It certainly is "I wanted to know exactly how Shannon Scofece said of the service. close my mom was to the World — see TRAGEDY, page 8— — see VIEWPOINT, page 8 Page 2 News Sept. 13, 2001 Asks... CRIME BLOTTER THE CAMPUS •On Aug. 12 two students, an •On Sept. 2 an underage drinking in- of alcohol incident occurred at Allegheny College employee and cident occurred near Schultz Hall. Crawford. The incident involved "What was your reaction to Tuesday's two non-students were tresspassing Two students received citations for three students. This matter has been tragedy?" at Robertson Field. The students underage drinking. referred to Residence Life. were having a picnic dinner at the —compiled by Fara: Lail '03, and Neetu Sehgal, News Editor pavillion without a permit. Those •On Sept. 6 an underage drinking in- •Ori Sept. 8 an underage drinking in- involved chose to leave rather than -cident occurred at Baldwin Hall. cident occurred on Park Avenue. be arrested for tresspassing. No fur- The incident involved two students. College security assisted Meadville "I have a friend who ther action has been taken against This matter has been referred to city police in issuing a student with a is a police officer the students.
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