Vol 11 / No 21 18 October 2019 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar GBGB Track Vet Training Day The Star Sports, ARC & LPS Greyhound Derby 2020 – Dates for the Diary Scott Goodsir (right) and Dave Lawrence of the ‘New Forest Lads’ syndicate hold the Kent Derby trophy after FOREST ALAN’S victory at Central Park. Also pictured (from left) - trainer Seamus Cahill, Kevin Wilks Photo: Steve Nash (syndicate member), Teresa Cahill and Adrian Osman (Ladbrokes/Coral Head of Sponsorship & Events). FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event Mon 21 Oct 500m British Bred Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Stakes Weds 23 Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger Thu 24 Oct 480m Newcastle Alconex All England Cup Sat 02 Nov 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar Sat 16 Nov 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger Mon 18 Nov 500m Nottingham The Carling Eclipse Fri 06 Dec 575m Romford Coral Essex Vase 7XH'HF P%ULWLVK%UHG 6KHIÀHOG %*%)%ULWLVK%UHG'HUE\ Thu 19 Dec 480m Puppies Newcastle Alconex Northern Puppy Derby Sat 28 Dec 515m Brighton & Hove Coral Olympic )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG$ERYHGDWHVPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH THE STAR SPORTS, ARC & LPS GREYHOUND DERBY 2020 1RWWLQJKDP6WDGLXPKDYHFRQÀUPHGGDWHVIRUWKH6WDU6SRUWV$5& /36*UH\KRXQG'HUE\DV follows: First Round Friday 10th April & Saturday 11th April Second Round Friday 17th April & Saturday 18th April Third Round Saturday 25th April Quarter-Finals Saturday 2nd May Semi-Finals Saturday 9th May Final Saturday 16th May (QWULHVIRUWKH6WDU6SRUWV$5& /36*UH\KRXQG'HUE\ZLOOFORVHDWSPRQ7XHVGD\ 31st March 2020 with the list of accepted runners and reserves to be announced 24 hours later at SPRQ:HGQHVGD\VW$SULO7KH)LUVW5RXQGGUDZZLOOWDNHSODFHDW1RWWLQJKDP*UH\KRXQG 6WDGLXPDWSPRQ)ULGD\UG$SULO (QWU\)RUPVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHIURP0RQGD\WK-DQXDU\ 7LFNHWVVDOHVGDWHVZLOOEHDQQRXQFHGLQGXHFRXUVH BACK TO SCHOOL FOR GBGB VETS ANNUAL TRACK VET TRAINING DAY HELD AT NOTTINGHAM 2Q7KXUVGD\UG1RYHPEHU9HWHULQDU\SURIHVVLRQDOVIURPWKHJUH\KRXQGLQGXVWU\KHDGHGWR 1RWWLQJKDPIRUWKH*%*%·VDQQXDO7UDFN9HWV7UDLQLQJ'D\ 7UDFNYHWVIURPDFURVV*%*%·VWUDFNVDWWHQGHGWKHHYHQWZKLFKLVDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRGLVFXVV latest research and best practice and hear updates from industry experts on all aspects of JUH\KRXQGFDUHZHOIDUHDQGVDIHW\ After presentations from Simon Gower (GBGB 9HWHULQDU\'LUHFWRU 3DXO,OOLQJZRUWK 6HQLRU Stipendiary Steward) and Polly Smith (track YHWDQG*UH\KRXQG$PEDVVDGRU WKHUHZHUH informative sessions by academics from the University of Nottingham on their research into 2VWHRVDUFRPDLQJUH\KRXQGVJUDFLOLVDQGKDUG WLVVXHLQMXU\SDWWHUQV This was followed by a seminar from Dr Richard 3D\QH$VVLVWDQW3URIHVVRURI9HWHULQDU\$QDWRP\ DWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI1RWWLQJKDPGXULQJZKLFKKH spoke about his latest work examining the impact RIKHDWDQGH[HUFLVH+HDOVRJDYHDQXSGDWHRQ 'U5LFKDUG3D\QHSUHVHQWVDWWKH*%*% 7UDFN9HWV7UDLQLQJ'D\ GLVHDVHVXUYHLOODQFH &RPPHQWLQJRQWKHGD\6LPRQ*RZHUVDLG ´7KLVGD\LVDIDQWDVWLFRSSRUWXQLW\IRUYHWVIURPDFURVVWKHFRXQWU\WRFRPHWRJHWKHUDQG GLVFXVVODWHVWUHVHDUFKDQGHQKDQFHRXUNQRZOHGJH$OOLQDOOLWZDVDYHU\LQIRUPDWLYHUHOD[HG DQGHQMR\DEOHGD\ ´&RQWLQXHGSURIHVVLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWLVDQLPSRUWDQWSDUWRIRXU*UH\KRXQG&RPPLWPHQWVRZH DUHUHDOO\SOHDVHGWKDWVRPDQ\RIRXU/LFHQFHG9HWVFRPPLWWHGWKHLUWLPHWRWKHGD\:HZRXOG HQFRXUDJHHYHU\RQHWRVLJQXSWRIXWXUHHYHQWVVXFKDVWKHVH ´,DPWKDQNIXOWRWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI1RWWLQJKDPZKRVHSUHVHQWDWLRQVWRGD\ZHUHH[WUHPHO\ LQIRUPDWLYHDQGZKRVHUHVHDUFKFRQWLQXHVWRHQVXUHWKDWZHPDNHWKHEHVWHYLGHQFHEDVHG GHFLVLRQVWRSURWHFWWKHKHDOWKDQGZHOOEHLQJRIRXUJUH\KRXQGVµ 6WHIDQR0DOHJRUL7UDFN9HWDW5RPIRUGVDLG ´$VXVXDOWKHWUDLQLQJGD\ZDVLQIRUPDWLYH,WZDVYHU\LQWHUHVWLQJWRXQGHUVWDQGKRZWKH YHWHULQDU\NHQQHOLQVSHFWLRQZLOOFKDQJHQH[W\HDUDQGWRKHDUKRZWKHLQGXVWU\WKDQNVWR WKHHIIRUWRI*%*%LVFRPPLWWHGWRHQVXULQJWKHZHOIDUHRIHYHU\JUH\KRXQGIURPUDFLQJWR UHWLUHPHQWµ 7LIIDQ\%ODFNHWW*%*%6WLSHQGLDU\6WHZDUGVDLG ´,WZDVDUHDOO\HQMR\DEOHGD\ZKLFK,·PVXUHEHQHILWWHGHYHU\RQHZKRDWWHQGHG,WSURYLGHG JUHDWLQGXVWU\UHOHYDQW&3'IRUDOOYHWHULQDU\VXUJHRQVZRUNLQJDVJUH\KRXQGWUDFNYHWVDQGWR WKRVHXQGHUWDNLQJ9HWHULQDU\,QVSHFWLRQVDWJUH\KRXQGNHQQHOVµ CALENDAR 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES Complaints 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900$OWHUQDWLYHO\ZULWHWR 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQ/WG *HQHVLV+RXVH *RGOLPDQ6WUHHW London EC4V 5BD Welfare Hotline ,I\RXDUHFRQFHUQHGDERXWWKHZHOIDUHRIDQ\UHJLVWHUHGUDFLQJJUH\KRXQGVSOHDVHFDOORXUFRQÀGHQWLDO:HOIDUH+RWOLQHRQ020 7822 09177KHOLQHLV DYDLODEOHKRXUVDGD\VHYHQGD\VDZHHN You will be prompted to leave a voicemail message giving as much information as you can so that our team can investigate your concerns fully and HQVXUHDSSURSULDWHDFWLRQLVWDNHQ The Above Inquiries DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRIES urine sample that had subsequently Mr Davy was in attendance. Martin tested positive for a hydroxylated The Disciplinary Committee of the Seal, racing manager of Perry Barr metabolite of cyclizine, a sedating GBGB were in attendance at a Stadium, participated for part of the antihistamine. At the Local Inquiry, meeting held on 10th October 2019:- hearing by telephone. Peter Rosney, Mr Davy had stated that he had no idea how a substance widely known Dr AJ Higgins (in the chair) stipendiary steward apologised for as a ‘stopper’ came to be in the Mr R Coughlan his non-attendance. Paul Illingworth, greyhound when the dog had run the Mr K Salmon senior stipendiary steward, and Professor Tim Morris, independent best race of his career. He said that 1 Perry Barr Stadium – BLING scientific adviser, were in attendance. he considered the dog must have BLING CHIP – Professional picked up a tablet in the emptying On behalf of GRB, Mr Gibson Trainer Mr D Davy paddock at Perry Barr or by cross referred to a letter dated 10th contamination from his wife who Professional Trainer Derek Davy was September 2019 in which Mr Davy occasionally took cyclizine. With found in breach of rules 49 (iv), 152 relinquished his licence. However, regard to the improved performance, (i) and (ii), 174 (i)(b), and 217 of the in accordance with Rule 2 of the Mr Davy suggested this was due GBGB Rules of Racing in that a urine GBGB Rules of Racing, the alleged to a gradual improvement in the sample taken from the greyhound breaches occurred when Mr Davy greyhound’s condition and that the BLING BLING CHIP at Perry Barr was licensed and so the GRB would dog was not cramping so much due Stadium on 18th April 2019 was be proceeding with the Inquiries. analysed by LGC Health Sciences to the warmer weather. Mr Gibson proposed that the as containing the presence of a Mr Gibson referred to the evidence Committee hear the two cases hydroxylated metabolite of cyclizine, of the GBGB Betting Investigator, together. Mr Davy confirmed that and that he had in his charge a Danny Jones, who stated that the procedure had been explained greyhound that showed the presence Betfair had reported a larger than to him by Mr Gibson and he had of a substance that by its nature normal volume of bets on the race no objection to this. To avoid any could affect the performance of a (£8739.36), of which more than half possible prejudice of one case greyhound or prejudice its wellbeing; had been placed by four accounts. influencing the other, Mr Gibson and failed to use his best endeavours Mr Jones reported that BLING BLING advised the Committee to hear the to ensure that the performance of the CHIP had recorded a time of 29.50 evidence relating to each inquiry greyhound was to the satisfaction of in his final qualifying trial and had separately and reach decisions on the GRB. been placed in A4 class, but his first each. four races after that were of a very 2 Perry Barr Stadium Mr Gibson said that no breaches had poor standard recording times of – CHINESE EMPEROR – been admitted in either case. 30.26 – 30.68. On 4th April 2019, Professional Trainer the dog having been dropped to A6 Mr D Davy BLING BLING CHIP class, recorded a time of 29.88, still some way below his trial form. In the Professional Trainer Derek Davy was Mr Gibson first referred to a Local race in question on 18th April 2019 found in breach of rules 19, 49 (iv), Inquiry held on 4th June 2019 into the time was 29.28, a significant 152 (i) and (ii), 173 (v) and 174 (xiv)(b) the running of the greyhound BLING improvement of 60 spots from his of the GBGB Rules of Racing in that BLING CHIP on 18th April 2019 in previous race. he refused to submit the greyhound a 480m A6 contest at Perry Barr in CHINESE EMPEROR for sampling at which the greyhound finished first The Committee viewed video Perry Barr Stadium following a race by six and three-quarter lengths in a recordings of the races on 25th on 9th May 2019; and failed to use time of 29.38 seconds. The betting March, 4th April and 18th April his best endeavours to ensure that opened at 5/2 returning at 5/4F. 2019 and took evidence from the performance of the greyhound Local Stewards on duty had called a Racing Manager, Mr Martin Seal, was to the satisfaction of the GRB. preliminary inquiry into the improved who explained that he had called performance of BLING BLING CHIP the preliminary inquiry to seek and ordered the collection of a an explanation for the time found 2 VOL 11 NO 21 18 OCTOBER 2019 by BLING BLING CHIP. He said of CHINESE EMPEROR racing poorly spoke to him on Friday 10th May. he would not generally expect a on 9th May and earlier races in which He said that he had not obtained a greyhound that had not been raced Mr Gibson claimed the
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