American Baptist Foreign Mission Society I929 ONE - HUNDRED - FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT Presented by the Board o f Managers at the Annual Meeting held in Denver, Colorado, June 14-19 , 1929 Foreign Mission Headquarters 276 Fifth Avenue New York Printed by THE JUDSON PRESS Philadelphia, Pa. CONTENTS PAGE O F F IC E R S ...................................................................................................................... 5 GENERAL AGENT, STATE PROMOTION DIRECTORS ................. 6 B Y -L A W S ........................................................................................................................ 7-9 P R E F A C E ........................................................................................................................ 11 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEAR ...................................................... 13-71 I ntroduction ...................................................................... 15 A Y ear of S ta b il it y a n d P rogress ....................................................... 16 E choes from Jeru sa lem ................................................................................... 18 I nterpreting t h e J eru salem C onference .............................................. 19 E van g elism A round t h e W orld ............................................................... 20 I mproved Co nditions in C h i n a ...................................................................... 21 E du cation al I nstitutions in C h in a ......................................................... 23 T h e F irst Y ear of P resident L iu at S h a n g h a i College ............. 24 A N ew L ibrary a t S h a n g h a i C o l l e g e .................................................... 25 » R eopening of A s h m o r e T heological S e m in a r y ............................... 26 D evelopments i n S ia m ..................................................................................... 27 A n I m pressive D edication in Y o k o h a m a .............................................. 27 T h e B r it is h G overnm ent C o m m issio n to I n d i a ................................. 28 N a t io n a l is m a n d P rosperity in B u r m a ................................................ 29 E ducation in B u r m a ........................................................................................ 30 T h e N ew J udson Co l l e g e ............................................................................... 31 A R evival of B u d d h ism ..................................... : ......................................... 32 T h e K aren M issio n C e n t e n n i a l ............................................................... 33 T h e S pecial D epu tation to B r it is h I n d i a ............................................ 35 Gro w th in S elf-S u p p o r t ................................................................................. 36 T h e B elgian C ongo J u b i l e e .......................................................................... 37 T h e S pecial D epu tatio n to B elgian C o n g o .......................................... 39 A S urvey of t h e B elgian C ongo M issio n ............................ 40 I m portan t R eadjustments .......................................................................... 40 N ew D evelopments in C ongo M issio n A dministration .................. 41 D r. J. H . R ushbrooke’ s N ew O f f i c e ......................................................... 42 R elationship w it h B apt ists in S weden ................................................ 43 R ecent D evelopments i n R u s s i a ........................•...................................... 44 S ervice of D r. W . O. L e w is ........................................................................... 45 The Board of Managers ................................................................................. 46 T h e S ecretarial St a f f ..................................................................................... 46 S ervice of t h e B udget a n d R esearch D e p a r t m e n t ............................. 47 F oreign M ission P olicies ............................................................................... 48 P u blicity ................................... 49 T h e J udson F u n d ..................... 50 G enerous G ifts to Judson Co l l e g e ........................................................... 51 T h e B o^rd of M is sio n a r y Co o p e r a t io n .................................................... 52 R eport of t h e S urvey Co m m i t t e e ............................................................... 53 D enominational D a y ....................................................................................... 54 T h e B a pt is t W orld A ll ian ce M eeting at T o r o n t o .......................... 56 I nterdenominational R elationships ...................................................... 57 D epu tation S ervice of M issionaries ......................................................... 57 4 CONTENTS PAGE L iterary S ervice of M issionaries an d S ecretaries ........................ 58 M edical S ervice D e p a r t m e n t ......................................................................... 59 ♦ T h e E nd of L ife’ s J o u r n e y ........................................................................... 60 C o n tin u ed D epletion of t h e M issio n a r y S t a f f ................................. 65 E m p t y B u n ga lo w s in S o u th I n d i a ............................................................ 66 S ervice of t h e C a n d idate D e p a r t m e n t ..................................................... 67 ♦ N ew M issionaries ............................................................................................... 68 I nterdenominational T r a in in g C o n f e r e n c e .......................................... 69 H o m es for M issionaries’ C hildren ............................................................ 69 T oward t h e G oal ................................................................................................. 70 FINANCIAL REVIEW OF THE YE A R ..................................................... 73-81 A S u m m a r y of F in a l F i g u r e s ....................................................................... 75 R eceipts in D e t a i l ............................................................................................... 75 R egular B udget E xpenditures .................................................................... 76 F oreign F ield A ppropriations ......................................................................... 76 H o m e E xpenditures ............................................................................................. 77 S pecifics ..................................................................................................................... 77 J udson F u n d ........................................................................., ................................. 77 L egacies a n d M atured A n n u it y A greements .........•........................... 78 N e w A n n u it y A greem ents ............................................................................. 79 P e r m a n e n t F u n ds ...................................................................................... 79 D esignated T em porary F u n ds ....................................................................... 79 B udget for 1929-30 ............................................................................................. 80 SUMMARY OF REPORTS FROM THE MISSIONS ..................... 83-178 T h e B u r m a M issio n ........................................................................................... 85 T h e A s sa m M issio n ........................................................................................... 103 T h e S o u th I n d ia M issio n ............................................................................. 120 T h e B engal-O r issa M issio n ......................................................................... 134 T h e E a s t C h in a M issio n ............................................................................... 138 - T h e S o u th C h i n a M i s s i o n ................. .. .................................................. 140 T h e W est C h in a M i s s i o n ................................................................................ 150 T h e J a p a n M issio n ........................................................................................... 157 T h e P h il ip p in e I slands M i s s i o n ................................................................ 162 T h e B elgian C ongo M issio n ................................... 164 E urope in 1928 ........................................................................................................ 174 F I N A N C I A L ............................ 179-247 R eport of t h e T r e a s u r e r .................................................................................. 179 C ertificate of t h e A uditors ......................................................................... 180 B a l a n c e S h eet ...................................................................................................... 184 I n v e st m e n ts of P e r m a n e n t F unds ............................................................ 221 MISCELLANEOUS ..................................................................................................
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