MINUTESOF PROCEEDINGS,JUNE 16, 1952 mi^^^^^ OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORIC HELD JUNE 16, 1952 AT THE CONFERENCE ROOM, HUNTER COLLEGE 695 PARK AVENUE-BOROUGI-I 01; MANHATTAN The Acting Chairman called the nieeting to order at 8:15 P. M. Henry E. Schultz, Actg. Chairman Howard C. Kelly James P. Murtagb, Secretary Lacvton Macltall Renato J. Azzari Generoso Pope, Jr. Harry J. Carman Arthur Rosencrans Josepli B. Cavallaro Fre.d H. Schildwachter Gladys M. Dorman Joseph Schlossberg Harry Gertz Ella S. Streator Mary S. Ingraham Charles H. Tuttle President Harry D. Gideon,se, Brooklyn College President George N. Shuster, Hunter College President Harry N. Wright, The City College President John J. Theobald, Queens College Pearl IMax, Administrator The absence of Bliss Douglass, Mrs. Shoup, Mr. Adikes and Dr. Tead was ex- Schultz presided as Acting Chairman in the absence of Dr. Tead. Mr. z .stated that Dr. Tea.d was unable to be present because he was receiving orary degree from Northwestern University in Chicago. pecial Committee on the Selection of a President for The City College: Mr. reported on the activities of the Special Committee on the Selection of a nt for The City College and presented tlle foll.owing resolution: EAS the Special Committee on The City College Presidency has unani- recommended the appointment of Dr. Buell Gordon Gallagher as pro- f education and president of The City College, and ii; WHEREAS,in accordance with the resolution of the Board, the Special Commit- ht the advice and assistance of elected representatives of the instructional of the Alumni A.ssociation, and AS such representatives unaninlously endorse the recommendation of the ommittee, and s the Administrative Coinrrlittee of The City College unanimously ap- ation of the Special Coininittee; therefore be it , That Dr. Buell Gordon Gallagher be appointed as professor of edu- president of The City College effective September 1, 1952 at a salary 000 per annum, subject to action by the Board of Estimate on the re- e Board for a salary of $20,000 for each of the presidents of the four Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the above resolution was adopted. Mrs. Shoup asked to be recorded as voting in absentia for the appointment of Dr. Buell G. Gallagher as President of The City College. B. Hearing on Dean Lenz's Reassignment: (cf. Cal. No. 44). The Board granted the request of the following persons to be heard with respect to the reas- signment of Dean Lenz of Queens College. Communications were filed and the following appeared and asked that an impartial investigation be made: Dr. Theodore Friedman, Parents' Committee Mr. David Yudow, Jewish War Veterans of the City of New York Mrs. Alice Benston, Queens College Committee for Dean Lenz Mr. Robert Davidson, Queens Alumni Association Dr. John M. Currie, Queens Citizens Committee for Dean Lenz Mr. Hubert Armstrong, Public Education Association Mr. Mark Starr, Liberal Party and Queens Citizens Committee for Dean Lenz Mr. Thomas G. Sweet, parent of Queens graduates Mr. Harry L. Wechsler, a parent of a Queens student No. 1. Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made, ~e~ondedand carried, the minutes of the B.oard meeting held April 21, 1952 were approved with Cal. No. 100 amended to change name of Henry Moore to H.arry Moore and title of Joan Wagman to Stenographer Grade 3, Prov. No. 2. Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws in relation to tenure for full-time positions in Schools of General Studies and the Evening Session of the School of Business and Civic Administration: At the meeting of the Board held 4/21/52, Cal. No. 6(b), Mr. Murtagh on behalf of the Committee on Legislation and Bylaws, served notice of the introduction of an amendment to the bylaws in relation to tenure for full-time positions in the Schools of General Studies and the Evening Session of the School of Business and Civic Administration. A text of the proposed amendment was circulated to the Board under date of 6/6/52. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following amendment to the by-laws was adopted: AMENDMENT TO THE BYLAWS OF THE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCA- TION IN RELATION TO TENURE FOR FULL-TIME POSITIONS IN THE SCHOOLS OF GENERAL STUDIES AND EVENING SES- SION OF THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND CIVIC ADMINISTRA- TION. Section 1. Paragraph (2) of subdivision a of Section 112 of the Bylaws of the Board is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) all other persons employed on an annual salary basis in the day sessions of the educational units under the jurisdiction of the Board in the grades of pro- fessor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, tutor, registrar, librarian, associate librarian, assistant librarian, library- assistant except as provided in subdivision d of this section; instructor, assistant teacher, critic teacher, or teacher, who, after serving on an annual salary in any of the grades or positions enumerated in this paragraph for three full years continuously, have been ap- pointed or shall be appointed for a fourth full year, except as provided in sub- divisions b and c of this section; the membership of such persons on the permanent instructional staffs shall become effective on the first day of Septem- ber following their reappointment for the fourth full year. Persons appointed initially to the rank of professor, associate professor or assistant professor may, MINUTESOF PROCEEDINGS,JUNE 16, 1952 295 however, be placed on the permanent instructional staffs by the Board in its dis- , cretion after one year of satisfactory service. Persons appointed to full-time posi- tiom, on an annual salary basis in the Schools of General Studies and in the Evening Session of the School of Business and Civic Administration in the above -- grades, shall be eligible to attain tenure in the following manner: Nominations for appointments and recommendatioizs for reappointments, tenure, promotions and salary shall be made by the departments and the Director of the School of General Studies or the Director of the Evening Session of the School of Business Civic Administration; they shall be submitted to the college personnel and budget committees and shall follow regular procedures set forth in these Bylaws for full-time day session appointments. Q 2. This amendment to the Bylaws shall take effect immediately. Note: Matter in bold is new; matter in brackets [I is old Bylaw to be omitted. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolutions, ap- proved by the members of the Executive Committee on 6/5/52, were adopted (Cal. Nos. 3 and 4) : No. 3. Additional Work-Contract-The City College: WHEREAS,the Board of Estimate approved the plans, specifications and contract documents for an expendi- ture of $104,500. chargeable to Capital Budget HN-58 for repairs to The City College roof with Standard Waterproofing Corporation, and WHEREAS,the contract was awarded to Standard Waterproofing Corporation ror this roof repair on July 3, 1951, and WHEREAS,the contractor has substantially completed work according to his con- tract, and WHEREAS,the masonry work on the copings and adjacent areas is badly in need of repair, and WHEREAS,it is advantageous to have the present contractor's guarantee include all of the conditions which might affect the roof, and WHEREAS,this work is beyond the scope of the original contract, and it is urgent that it be done immediately, and WHEREAS,the Architectural and Engineering Unit has certified that the manu- facturer's proposed specifications are proper and that his estimate of $4,870.00 of the cost thereof is reasonable and just, therefore be it RESOLVED,That the present contractor, Standard Waterproofing Corporation, be awarded the aforementioned additional work without public letting on a time and material basis, the total not to exceed $1,870.00, the cost thereof to be charged to Code 43-408-52, and be it further RESOLVED,That the Board request the Board of Estimate to approve the afore- mentioned action. This resolution was requested because the Standard Waterproofing Corpora- tion had just completed repairs to the City College roof for a total of $109,507.39. In order to adequately insure the guarantee, it was essential that the adjacent masonry be repaired and that this work be done immediately. No. 4. Instructional Fee Budget-The City College: WHEREAS,the Board has i approved The City College Instructional Fee (43-1-12) Budget in the amount of ,. --$ , A* $355,516 for Personal Service, and ..b 't; 83.3 z s WHEREAS,actual unavoidable expenditures for the current year are estimated ,$,""iJ krY+. to be in excess of the aforementioned total of $355,516 by $15,000.00, and ;&$. ;&$. 7- ,.$# WHEREAS,this expenditure is required in order to meet current payrolls, there- RESOLVED,That the Board approve an increase in the amount of $15,000.00 in excess of the Personal Service Budget, thereby changing the $355,516.00 Personal Service Budget to $400,516.00. The increase of $45,000.00 is due to underestimated expenditures in the in- structional costs of the Evening Session and A.dult Education programs. Since it has been the custom to have the June payroll checks ready for disbursement near the middle of June, Executive Committee action was requested. ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolutions, ap- proved by the Administrative Council on 5/26/52 and 6/1,3/52 were adopted or action was taken as noted (Cal. Nos. 5 through 7): No. 5. Bureau of Administrative Research-Method of Payment: Cf.
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