numerative ombinatorics A pplications Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications ECA 1:2 (2021) Interview #S3I7 ecajournal.haifa.ac.il Interview with Larry Guth Toufik Mansour Larry Guth received a B.S. in mathematics from Yale University in 2000, and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2005 under the supervision of Tomasz Mrowka. After getting his postdoctoral position at Stanford, he moved to the University of Toronto as an assistant professor. In 2011, Guth was appointed as professor of mathematics at the Courant Institute. Since 2012, he is a professor of mathematics at MIT, and in 2020 he was made a Claude Shannon professor. Guth's research interests are in metric geometry, harmonic analysis and extremal combinatorics. In 2010, Guth won an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. In 2013, the American Mathematical Society (AMS) awarded him the Salem Prize in mathematics, for outstanding contributions to analysis. In 2014, he received a Simons Investigator Award. In 2015, Guth received the Research Prize of the Clay Mathe- matics Institute and was awarded the New Horizons in Mathematics Prize \for ingenious and surprising solutions to long-standing open problems in symplectic geometry, Riemannian ge- ometry, harmonic analysis, and combinatorial geometry." In 2020, Guth received the B^ocher Memorial Prize of the AMS and the Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in mathematics. He is a Fellow of the AMS. Mansour: Professor Guth, first of all, we students can understand. In my opinion, this would like to thank you for accepting this in- is an important part of the culture of the field. terview. Would you tell us broadly what com- Mansour: What do you think about the de- binatorics is? velopment of the relations between combina- Guth: Combinatorics is about studying finite torics and the rest of mathematics? objects, like finite (abstract) sets, or a finite set Guth: Personally, I did not start out study- of numbers or a finite set of circles in the plane. ing combinatorics, and the only way I became Questions from number theory, like questions involved was because of some relations be- about prime numbers or questions about in- tween combinatorics and other parts of math. teger solutions of equations, are finite in this For instance, the Szemeredi-Trotter problem sense, but partly for historical reasons, they is a combinatorial problem about the inter- are considered a separate field. In the 20th section patterns of finite sets of lines in the century, people realized that there are many plane, and the solution to the problem turns other interesting questions about finite objects out to involve topology. This connection be- outside of number theory. These questions and tween combinatorics and topology is one of the community of people working on them are my favorite parts of combinatorics. The prob- combinatorics. lem Szemeredi and Trotter solved is analogous People in combinatorics have made a partic- to some problems in harmonic analysis. Tom ular effort to seek out questions that are easy Wolff discovered that analogy, and he learned to state. There are many really difficult open ideas from the combinatorics community and problems in combinatorics which high school applied them to study solutions of the wave The authors: Released under the CC BY-ND license (International 4.0), Published: January 15, 2021 Toufik Mansour is a professor of mathematics at the University of Haifa, Israel. His email address is [email protected] Interview with Larry Guth equation. Along the way, he introduced a cir- go through when I am doing it. Sometimes, cle of problems and ideas from combinatorial they are in a mood where they really want the geometry to people working in harmonic anal- tower to be tall. In that mood, they get frus- ysis. I learned about these problems and ideas trated when it falls down. But other times from Nets Katz. That had a big impact on they build in a more curious mood, and when my work. There are many other examples of the tower falls down, they laugh and they start connections between combinatorics and other again. In the more curious mood, their hands parts of math. are steadier and the towers are taller. Connections between one field and another I also learned a lot from my father about are always interesting and important, but I writing and teaching. I remember, when we think this may be especially true for combi- were talking, some times he would write down natorics. On the one hand, combinatorics is what we were talking about, and sometimes I distinguished by searching for questions that would write down what we were talking about. are very simple to pose. When those questions When he wrote down what we were talking get connected to other branches of math and about, you saw the first thought and then the to more abstract structures, then I think it is second thought and then the third thought. a good sign for both the question and the ab- The pages were numbered and you could read stract structure. It shows that the question it over later and see just what we thought. leads us somewhere and it shows that the ab- When I wrote down what we were talking stract structure connects to things. about, the second thought was in the bottom Mansour: We would like to ask you about right corner and the third thought was diago- your formative years. What were your early nally across the top left and the fourth thought experiences with mathematics? Did that hap- was sideways along the right margin... It took pen under the influence of your family, or some me something like ten years to learn how to other people? write thoughts down one at a time. Guth: I was incredibly fortunate with the Mansour: Your father, Alan Guth, is an mentors I had growing up. My father, Alan eminent theoretical physicist and cosmologist. Guth, is a physicist and very interested in Have you ever hesitated when choosing be- math, and we would talk a lot. He is a wonder- tween mathematics and physics to pursue your ful teacher. He taught me many things, and he research career? was also happy to talk about questions he did Guth: I did not actually. We talked about not know the answers to. We would guess what physics too, but I remember our math conver- the answer might be, and then we would try to sations more vividly. Our conversations mostly prove it. If that did not work, we would try to followed what I was interested in talking about, disprove it. If that did not work, we would and my interests went in a more mathematical try to prove it again. Now I teach students direction. myself, and it is very common that someone Mansour: Were there specific problems that tries to prove something, and it does not work, made you first interested in combinatorics? and they get frustrated. Of course, it happens Guth: When I was a postdoc, I learned about to me too. But sometimes, when we are in the the Szemerdi-Trotter theorem1;2 from Matt right mood, we can say to ourselves, \That did Kahle, and I found it very interesting. I was not work. That is interesting. I wonder why interested in the Kakeya problem from har- it did not work..." I learned this mood when I monic analysis. Around that same time, Zeev was a kid talking math with my father. Dvir3 proved the finite field Kakeya conjec- Now I am a father. My children are four ture. The argument used ideas from error- years old and two years old. When I watch correcting codes, and it was connected to com- them building a block tower or working on a binatorics. I was very interested in that and I jigsaw puzzle, I often think about doing math spent a long time trying to adapt those ideas research and about the different moods that I to other problems. I met Nets Katz around 1E. Szemer´ediand W.T. Trotter, Extremal problems in discrete geometry, Combinatorica 3(3{4) (1983), 381{392 2E. Szemer´ediand W.T. Trotter, A combinatorial distinction between the Euclidean and projective planes, European J. Combin. 4(4) (1983), 385{394. 3Z. Dvir, On the size of Kakeya sets in finite fields, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (2009), 1093{1097. ECA 1:2 (2021) Interview #S3I7 2 Interview with Larry Guth that time, and he introduced me to a bunch my thesis about them. of problems in combinatorial geometry that Mansour: What would guide you in your re- have some analogy or connection to the Kakeya search? A general theoretical question or a problem. These problems included the joints specific problem? problem, the unit distance problem, the dis- Guth: In that thesis research, I was guided tinct distance problem, and analogues of the by analogies. There is a lot known about map- Szemeredi-Trotter theorem using other kinds pings that decrease all 1-dimensional lengths. of curves in place of lines. Those are the prob- I would work through those ideas and try to lems that got me into combinatorics, and I still adapt them to mappings that decrease all the think they are very interesting. 2-dimensional areas. For example, there is a Mansour: What was the reason you chose fundamental theorem in the area called the MIT for your Ph.D. and your advisor, Tomasz Lipschitz extension theorem, which says that Mrowka? if S ⊂ Rn is any set, and f : S ! R is a Guth: I liked the atmosphere among the stu- distance-decreasing map, then f extends to a dents at MIT, and I also liked being in Boston length-decreasing map from Rn to R.
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