the FALL/WINTER 2004 AMERICAN Volume 38, No. 4 PSYCHOANALYST Quarterly Newsletter of The American Psychoanalytic Association Enthusiasm Runs High at First INSIDE TAP... Annual Psychoanalytic Research Winter Meeting . 4 Training Program in New Haven Geriatric Rachel Z. Ritvo and Linda Mayes Psychoanalysis . 10 Recognizing the need to accelerate the program offered intensive training in empiri- Katzenbach Partners . 16 development of serious empirical psychoana- cal approaches to psychoanalytic research lytic research, the Anna Freud Centre reached through faculty presentations of ongoing re- Publishing in the across the Atlantic to collaborate with the search, one-on-one consultations with faculty Yale Child Study Center and the Western on the fellow’s project, and fellow presentations Trade Book Market . 18 New England Psychoanalytic Institute and of their work in progress for discussion by Society to mount the first annual New Haven the entire group. Proposed New York Psychoanalytic Research Training Program Faculty members were Sidney Blatt, Elizabeth State Regulations . 21 (NH-RTP) April 20-24. Thirteen nascent Brett, John Clarkin, Peter Fonagy, Stuart Hauser, researchers from the U.S. and the U.K. came as Shmuel Shulman, Mary Target, Robert Wadlinger, APsaA Fellows . 24–26 “fellows” to consult with a faculty of psycho- and Linda Mayes. analytic research scholars on issues of study The fellows’ design and implementation. career experiences Modeled on the successful summer ranged from senior Research Training Programme at University practicing analysts College London, now in its 10th year under to child psychiatry the sponsorship of the International Psy- fellows just com- choanalytical Association, the New Haven pleting their training. The fellows, inter- ested in psychody- Rachel Z. Ritvo, M.D., assistant clinical namic perspectives, professor of psychiatry at George Washington brought their curi- University Medical School, is a board certified osity, creativity, and child and adolescent psychiatrist on the faculty eagerness to learn of the Baltimore Washington Center for the how-to’s of Psychoanalysis and is in private practice. research to sustain Linda Mayes, M.D., Arnold Gesell Professor them through the four-day marathon of of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Child consultations, presentations, dinner meet- Psychology in the Yale Child Study Center ings, and lectures. The topics of their and chairman of the directorial team of the research projects reflected a remarkable Anna Freud Centre, London, is also a faculty diversity of interests and the reach of member of the Western New England Institute psychoanalysis. (See sidebar, page 9.) for Psychoanalysis. Continued on page 8 THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYST • Volume 38, No. 4 • Fall/Winter 2004 1 CONTENTS: Fall/Winter 2004 THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION President: Jon Meyer 3 Strategic Planning—Part Two Jon Meyer President-Elect: K. Lynne Moritz Secretary: Prudence Gourguechon 4 January 2005 Meeting Offers Wide World of Theory and Practice Treasurer: Warren Procci Kathryn J. Zerbe Executive Director: Dean K. Stein 5 Abandonment, Divorce, or Separation: The Fate of BOPS’s Functions in the Reorganization of APsaA Eric J. Nuetzel THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYST Newsletter of the 6 How to Dine Fine Solo—Just Like New Yorkers Do Dorothy M. Jeffries American Psychoanalytic Association Editor 7 Privately Owned Public Spaces: Indoor Parks for Light Bites Michael Slevin Dorothy M. Jeffries Member, Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals Geriatric Psychoanalysis: New Insights from Old Patients 10 National Editor John R. Whipple Prudence Gourguechon Poetry: From the Unconscious Sheri Hunt Editorial Board 12 Thomas Bartlett, Brenda Bauer, A Site Visit to Forge a Vision of a Psychoanalytic Center Vera J. Camden, Maxine Fenton Gann, 13 Sheri Hunt, Jack Miller, Richard Lightbody and Sydney Arkowitz A. Michele Morgan, Caryle Perlman, Marie Rudden, Hinda Simon, 14 The Strategic Planning Survey: Putting Shoulder to Wheel Gittelle Sones, Julie Tepper, Michael Slevin Jane Walvoord, Robert S. White, Dean K. Stein, ex officio Reorganization Task Force Focuses on Governance Options 15 William D. Jeffrey, Consultant Stephanie Smith Paul Mosher, Consultant Michael and Helene Wolff, 16 Katzenbach Partners: Catalyst for Change for APsaA Michael Slevin Technology Management Communications, Manuscript and Production Editors 17 Science and Psychoanalysis: Is That My Hand? Mervin Stewart, Photo Editor Tracking the Sense of Self-Ownership Robert Michels The American Psychoanalyst is published quar- Psychoanalysts Publishing in the Trade Book Market terly. Subscriptions are provided automatically 18 to members of The American Psychoanalytic Dorothy M. Jeffries Association. For non-members, domestic and Canadian subscription rates are $32.50 for indi- 20 The Association Responds to the Regulations of the New York viduals and $75 for institutions. Outside the U.S. State Licensing Law and Canada, rates are $52.50 for individuals and $95 for institutions. To subscribe to The American Proposed Regulations for New York State License Withdrawn Psychoanalyst, visit http://store.yahoo.com/ 21 americanpsych/subscriptions.html, or write TAP for Revision Fredric T. Perlman Subscriptions, The American Psychoanalytic Association, 309 East 49th Street, New York, 22 Politics and Public Policy: The Perfect Storm Robert Pyles New York 10017; call 212-752-0450 x18 or e-mail [email protected]. APsaA’s Excellent New Fellows for 2004-2005 24 Copyright © 2004 The American Psychoanalytic Letters to the Editor Association. All rights reserved. No part of this 27 publication may be reproduced, stored in a Jacob A. Arlow, M.D., 1912-2004 retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by 28 any means without the written permission of The American Psychoanalytic Association, 309 East 29 Bird’s-Eye View of Psychotherapy Training Reveals 49th Street, New York, New York 10017. Broad Differences Mae E. Kastor ISSN 1052-7958 30 Welcome to the New World of Psychoanalysis Steven J. Wein The American Psychoanalytic Association does 31 APsaA Members Weigh in on Time and Place of National Meetings not hold itself responsible for statements made in Dean K. Stein The American Psychoanalyst by contributors or advertisers. Unless otherwise stated, material in Membership: Send Us Your E-mail Address and Sign on The American Psychoanalyst does not reflect 32 the endorsement, official attitude, or position of to the Benefits Debra Steinke The American Psychoanalytic Association or The American Psychoanalyst. 32 TechNotes: PDF—Portable Document Format Paul W. Mosher 2 THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYST • Volume 38, No. 4 • Fall/Winter 2004 FROM THE PRESIDENT right takes thought and time and we want to Strategic Planning—Part Two do it right. I look forward to receiving your Jon Meyer ideas, compiling, and collating them. I am sure you will be thoughtful and creative. Our profession FACTS OF LIFE I am sure you realize that priority setting does not provide In my first TAP column, I laid out the “facts of and strategic planning is essential for our many opportuni- life” confronting our profession: future. At the January meeting we will have a ties for collabo- 1. Industrialization of mental health care chance to meet together and explore where rative dialogue. devalues psychoanalysis and denies psy- we are in the process, and at the Friday morn- Establishing and chodynamic treatments. ing Meeting of Members, I will deliver a status nurturing the 2. The educational marketplace is competitive. report. The Meeting of Members is usually psychoanalytic 3. The psychoanalytically minded seeking thought of as a dull business meeting.Thanks frame requires recognition and affiliation have choices. to the richness and variety of the issues we hours alone with These facts are our challenges. face, this “state of the union” will be anything Jon Meyer patients, assisting We need to do everything in our power to but bureaucratic and dull. in private self-exploration. We dedicate our- increase access to psychoanalysis and psycho- An open discussion forum will follow (its selves to that task because we have daily evi- dynamic psychotherapy at all income levels. We time and location will be in an invitation dence of the effectiveness and transformative need to reach the audiences who will respond included with your registration materials).The value of psychoanalytic understanding. positively to the messages of psychoanalysis, open forum will follow up on my state of Recently, I met with other analysts about psychotherapy, and APsaA. We must encour- the union and be a chance for you to join the clinical issues, technique, and theory. While age new members through enhanced, attrac- Executive Committee, Steering Committee, we did not always agree on smaller points, tive membership and association. We need and me in frank, honest dialogue about prior- there were common threads: respect for to push for educational standards that recog- ities and planning for organizational objec- human complexity and the mind’s capacities, nize, acknowledge, and encourage diversity, tives. Any comments or questions can be the power of the unconscious, and the unique- creating different entry points and welcoming addressed directly to me and to the leadership. ness of the psychoanalytic relationship. Colle- different pathways to psychoanalysis. We need I know your schedule is busy, but please drop gial exploration of clinical issues was a reminder an articulated message and mission of valued,
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