La Jolla High School • 750 Nautilus Street • La Jolla • 92037 !e Government Has Shut Down! Get all of the details at ljhitide.com Volume LXXXVIII Issue 1- October 4, 2013 in which the state and school districts would calculate API. “A request from California to STAR Tests not measure the achievement of millions of students this year is not something we could approve in good conscience,” Duncan told the By BenSupernova Allen U-T. News Editor "e federal government has also threatened to Governor Jerry Brown has said that he will be pull funding from the state if AB 484 is passed. signing statewide legislation—called AB 484— However, in an interview with Erin Gordon— that will o$cially end nearly all STAR Testing in San Diego Uni!ed’s Director of Assessment California schools, except for science testing in Services—she suggested that if any federal !%h, eighth, and tenth grade. "e change is part funding were to be pulled, it would a#ect the of the state’s adoption of the federal education administrative level of the school district and standards, CORE, and is designed to replace not the schools themselves. A !eld test of the what many believe to be an outdated testing sys- new electronic standardized testing system Photo courtesy of Creekstar Allan tem. may also be a way to alleviate funding concerns Despite having the support of teacher unions, this spring. However, Gordon felt a resolution state education o$cials, and school districts, the between the state and federal government is “AUD” FUTURE bill has come under !re from critics and federal very likely. education o$cials. U.S. Secretary of Education If the state’s funding is safe, the state’s API FOR LJHS Spirit Arne Duncan expressed his disapproval of the scores are not. Gordon con!rmed that API By Ana Gimber bill in an interview with "e Union Tribune. would be suspended for two years while the Sta! Writer Duncan’s objection comes from AB 484’s plan new CORE tests were !eld tested. Gordon re- La Jolla High ASB was au- to discontinue the state’s Academic Perfor- peatedly called the situation “muddy.” Still, dited in February of 2013. "e Update mance Index (API) for two years while CORE Gordon appeared optimistic. “It’s exciting,” she purpose of the investigation standards are being implemented. "e API is a said. “I would love to have a crystal ball to see was to make sure that ASB Hi Vikes! statistical analysis of schools’ performance and how this all plays out. It’s an exciting time to be accounting and expenditures School is in full swing, growth; the STAR test results used to be the way in education.” were done in regulation with and we have so many events San Diego Uni!ed School Dis- coming up to look forward trict policy. to. According to the district, an For starters, Friday Octo- LJHS clerk “removed more ber 4 is the Homecoming than $25,000 from student ac- A Fond Farewell By Ali Davallou he poured his entire heart English, had been in the tivity funds and used account- game. Make sure to come out and support your class Media Editor and soul into helping chil- hospital for about two weeks ing tricks to cover it up. dren and families for which prior to his death, due to a “More than $200,000 in by helping set up the Home- It is with great sadness he cared. His legacy in La serious infection and vari- spending was not backed up coming &oats! You can buy that we write about the un- Jolla will live on forever, and ous heart related issues. “He by receipts or other proper your homecoming game expected and was just a very documentation.” Tickets were tickets at the !nancial o$ce u n f o r t u n at e cool guy... he not numbered, and cash from for $3 with your SAC card, deaths of two had a wicked ticket sales were not given to or at the game for $7! important !g- sense of hu- all aspects of the school. "e Homecoming dance "is has a#ected both the ures in the La mor,” said Mrs. is October 5. "e theme this Jolla commu- Jennifer Nash, music department and sport- year is “Circus!” Friday the ing events. "e audit conduct- nity. For those Vice Principal ed by the District’s Internal 4th is the last day to buy who have not of Muirlands Audit Department revealed dance tickets. Make sure to yet heard, in Middle School, sixty ASB infractions. "e bring your ID so you can get the past cou- as tears !lled nature of the infractions in- into the dance. ple of weeks her eyes. It is cluded improper transfers of On Halloween, "ursday La Jolla lost a easy to say that money, inaccurate and under October 31, dress up in your heart-warming he was amaz- accounting of cash collections Halloween costumes! We doctor and an ing at what he and expenses, and mishan- will be having a costume amazing teach- did, and truly dling of funds. contest in the quad at lunch. er. Dr. Richard had a passion "e absence of a ticket log If you have any comments Walls, of Chil- for his students which included numbered and his job. A or suggestions for new drens Primary Photo courtesy of Misha Kabbage tickets and cash collected from Care, died in tree dedicated sporting events was one of the events or activities, make his home on to Mr. Gold- infractions. sure to stop by room 304 September 13 as the result of his “Tiger” and “Princess” man has been planted out- "e Drama Club was greatly and let us know! a heart attack. An alumni of greetings will be missed im- side his room, with a bench impacted by the loss of funds. We are looking forward to mensely. and plaque awaiting arrival. "rough March 15 -17, 2012 a great year! La Jolla High School, he was the Drama Club presented GO VIKES! only 64 years old at the time Mr. Craig Goldman, an A memorial service for Mr. Grease. According to the fac- Sydney Moses, of his passing. Dr. Walls was English teacher at Muirlands Goldman was held at Muir- Middle School, also had his lands on September 27 at ulty advisor, each show had a ASB President a familiar face and a familiar name to plenty of students life cut tragically short, on 2:30PM, which was followed full capacity audience. Audi- Jordyn Reardon, here. Considering he was September 18. Mr. Gold- by a lantern lighting at Win- Spirit Advisor continued on page 10... in practice for over 30 years, man, who taught Advanced dansea Beach. Opinions Features Student Focus Sports A&E “Babes of Wrath” Fall Preview Who are We? New Athletic Director Lorde 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 11, 12 2 HI-TIDE OPINIONS October 4, 2013 The La Jolla High School H!-T!"# Editors-in-Chief SyRIA-SLY Laura Derickson Two writers face off on Amanda Menas an important question: should we support an armed strike in Syria? News Editors Ben Allen Lilly Glenister PROs CONs Opinions Editor Hannah Orr By Sara Espinosa sad think twice about using By Kaitlin Wheeler hamed El Baredie has led to Sta# Writer chemical weapons again. Many Sta# Writer a return of “the oppressive Features Editor Syria is currently in a state people think that Obama wants Currently, the United States is tactics of the Hosni Mubarak Katie Allen of emergency. Families have to attack innocent people, like indecisive as to whether or not era.” !e United States put a Student Focus Editor $ed the country, fearful of be- Assad is, but this action would military force should be used lot of time and e%ort toward just be a warning. helping Egypt create a bet- Mae Goodjohn ing attacked by Israel, which against Syria to dispose of their has already taken initial steps Assad is not unstoppable, may- chemical weapons. According to ter government, but in the Sports Editor to prepare for a Syrian attack. be a little senseless, but that can Fox News, U.N. inspectors said end the country went back Izzie Melvin What Syria is doing right now be #xed with our help. With ev- there is “clear and convincing to its original state of cor- to their own people is com- erybody’s support in the deci- evidence” that chemical weap- ruption. !ere are still too A&E Editor pletely wrong. What kind of sion to strike, the Syrian attacks ons were used on a relatively many deep-rooted problems Zoe Hildebrand human being would kill with- can come to an end. Russia and large-scale attack two months present in Syria, and Ameri- out mercy or regret? Syria’s France have stepped up to help ca can not a%ord to keep us- Media Editor ago in Syria. president, Bashar al-Assad, has with the strike that would force Although Syria is in a bad posi- ing large amounts of money, Ali Davallou no answer as to why he is an- Syria to ban chemical weapons tion at the moment, the decision troops, and time. !e United Business Manager nihilating people, or to what he in joining the Chemical Weap- to send American troops will States needs to realize there’s Jordan Bowman might do next. ons Convention. only result in another war. !e only so much we can do to If Syria is a warzone, can any- Congress has been working United States should not feel ob- help before even more prob- Webmaster body imagine what it might do on an answer to whether or not ligated to help Syria, especially lems arise.
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