..... I· ...., .. T.... .... /~t .. favorite with most of your Radio Lifers. I wonder what is wrong with ~lte me, as I just can't take them. For eor Inspires tlte Pelt my money I'll t~ke the Ink Spots. MilS Louise LOII!O, OriS!" Idaho. Life for over two years, and I enjoy As lor the commercials, we just Slrs: I have been receiving Radio it very much. I like especially your think they are funny and laugh autographed pictures and those en­ about them. Why grumble about a commercial when the announcer is t1tled "One for the Album." Why just doing his job-and he deserves couldn't you eliminate those articles credit. at the front of the magazine like lV~ hum",,, ilp(JIt'{lI:, In .111.1.1 -'Iann "Something New," and "No More antl.lo I",. 1l;tl~"~"II. SlIr ill. intlud• Roamin'."? . ."lll h~ard tr.t un 1"ltl1rol m.mb~,. of fiull ."t~~Il' .. hnPlJfl "8r.ak/0 .• ' r.h,b­ But really, I'm no reformer, and h,r.• :· I don't mean to run you down. How· ever. hi my opinion, "Teel Variety Edith C. Bond, 1435 Alyarado Terrace, Los Hall' Is a Saturday night· program Aft!l:lc., Calif. * hlghlfght, and should be listed as one among the other highlights of Sirs: I am writing to say how very Saturday night. I "love "Truth or Con· much weare enjoying Evelyn Bigs­ by's new radio program. As I'm a sequences," Judy Canova, "Mayor of real fan. you might know her newsy the Town," "Date With Judy," "Fib· talk Is my delight. Only have one ber McGee and Molly," and numer. complaint to make. Her time on the ous other programs, but I do think air is too short. ' ' Everyone enjoys success and you CO" depend upon that "Teel Variety Hall' should go on the highlight list. Thank you very What has become Qf Joan Blaine a succenflli . go,dc" when you plan. Aggele, & much. of the "Mary Marlin" proltram? .1 am such an admirer of her be-autituI MUlier ~ eeds. The Itind .he disc,iminoting growers ("T~~l \'01'1.11/ lIa"" i~ hl"hlfght,." a .. "l'u"/~'u }Jail.") speaking voice. have been using fo, over half a century. "s~ for . 'WlIh Ih~ di:lt"ontinllan~" ,,' "-'1ur" .\tlfrU" .. Jail" lIIal", dr('ld~d 10 fakr. a "9gele, & Mlluer seeds by flome A. your GAItt)E N hri~, i~t" frolll th,. "'rion'., If h IIkrlli J. L Kennedy, I J 29* East" California Strut, .th, u.ill bt bar-I: at a 1II1""op"(m~ ',.,.~ SUPPLY DEALERS. Glendale 6, Calif. Inlll1_ Sirs: Enjoyed: the story about Marfon Mann, but someone fs wrong Jack Owens Fan Club: 64 S.,mmlt An"v~ , AGGElER vMUSSER 1 think. You stated that Marion was North Dartmouth. *Mas •. SU:D COM PANY 45 1 .... AT .. O 5,. ., . , Hf)o ... .. ... 1a c ... ' formerly with 'Don McNeill's "Break~ Sirs: Will 'you please 'publish a fast Club." Wen, this morning, story on Jack Owens In a near issue? bright as you please, Marlon sang We' enjoy your magazine veT)' much, her good morning greeting on the but believe you're unfair to Jack and I "Breakfast Club," Can there be two an his friends. We believe that al, ·------~---------. I singers having the same name? I though Jack has never had ~e pub. Four Hits for You in . sure would like to' know. licity that Sinatra has had, more The King Cole TrIo seem to be a people want more stories about Jack THE BROADWAY'S RADIO UFE BROADWAY HEWS • • • hot • oFF the wire • • • KHJ, every" day at 12 noon and the night edition 10:15 p.m. Monday thru Friday•. KMPC, every day at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. SEWING SCHOOL OF THE AIR . commentary on· fashion news by Sally SpinnerJ KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. HOME CHATS • • • for the homem.,lcer by Miriam Lane. KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday No bod odor­ thru Saturday. thot~ not a II FELIX DE COLA and His Musi. Won·t $toin fabrics, cal Notebook. KHJ, 1 :15 p.m., drapes. o r.woll, Saturday. ~~~Me DOWNTOWN I BroAdway, , 4th. and Hill W',,·r.. '.n~ An.calcaR Sh~"R ""'th Conllcl." ... Page 'Two • and less about Sinatra. Ir you can't publil$h a story on Jack Owens soon, please satisfy us with a pin.up pose to gaze upon. Swoonecrt'ly. "Chained P.S. We would appr~late it very much if you mention the fact ro your readers, that there's a big fan club for Jack which has his full support, and they are cordially invited to -.-.. join. w.. dOll't make a habll 0/ plllQginU To A (lUI dub,. 06 " would .11''''11 b .. a bu./· n.... In II.~/'-bll.t / .... ,I" u'an' II'~" III knOll' thql IV.. h,li'.. ,.', nl'glrt",." I/O,,' ("lIOrU.. , ."u Hadio I.if.. , U • .,.. of Jllnt! l.19U. Lilli." M. Card, 116l* G,.".,III. A.., ..uc. Typewri~r" Los A.,.lcs 24, c:.lif. Sirs: r can't agree with a recent correspondent in the last issue of Radio Life's "Ear Inspires the Pen," regarding Mark Breneman and Gene By Evelyn 'Bigsby Baker. I don't think there Is any comparison. Baker'S songs were all .... WRITIR-PRODUCER Helin Mo)ISu so very good. r trust we have him II.. ttun .Itctn.tcly .(cu,cd o' back soon on a program where he rUlmttlill! Irene Dunnc, G'lcr GUion, ,lid brlngs a smUe. Jo.n D."i,. But her Il:vcly prcm,turcly After moving to Los Angeles trom S"y h,i, j, her didingui$hinS future. Glendale I find my Radio We every week at my Roberts' market, and BC W R I T E R • producer H e len M 0 r g a n ("One I always buy two. one for myself. Woman's Sec ret") has page. with sips of brandy and coffee and one for a trJend. Your magazine . • been alternately accused bolstering her determined. but flag· is still tops with me. • '}z ging morale: As fast as a page was of I 0 0 kl n g like· Irene P .s,-Slx ladles here vote for Gene Dunne, Greer Gar son. and Joan completed. it was snatched from her Baker, Davis, but her distinguishing feature typewrltter-the I a s t sheet being is her naturally curly. prematurely pulled out just in tlme to rush It to Cantor. After the broadcast, the comic A.rcfl O.CII., Loa A_!Jcle.. C.II,. gray hair which frames an alert, * youthful face. lost no time hustllng into the con­ Sirs: If It 1s not considered deslr· trol room to give his writer a vigor­ able to withhold it. will you please Helen calls herself a "hack writer" ous hug for her phenomenal work. let us know who plays little "Mar· and says she's '''chalned to .a type­ garet" on "One Man's Family"? She writer," but those familiar with her Helen's current air series was born c~rtalnly Is outstanding In a most In· work know her as the enterprising during an extremely sad time in teresting program. By the way, Isn't originator of more than halt a her life-a year ago Christmas. She Grandfather Barbour that sterling ac· dozen air shows, with "loads of and her husband, Actor· Producer tor, Philip Merlvale? ideas for more" coursing her cranuim Ivan Green. had just m 0 v e d • to IJuum . 8~nd,.r p1411' Mar/1lfr.. ,: J. .4 n­ Her current program, "One Woman'!> Hollywood when she was summoned lhonll Smlllhr portral/' "lira'" Ba.r­ Secret," is heard five times weekly back north by her father's illness. baur." at 4 p.m. over NBC·KFI.. Her temporary quarters there boasted Miss Morgan, an ex· newspaper a bed of box sprlngs--and-no type· RADIO LIFE wOman who ran a semi-weekly at writer. Her father was critically ill Carmel, california, broke into radio in the hospital; Helen and her hus· Julll* 15.* 19·$5 • Vulilnor t I, .'Ii'ulllbr,* * 19 "cold" in San Francisco by reading band were spending the holt days I'IIbU.hf'CI \\,... k" "l Lo. " .....1". II, t~.II'''''DI •. an audition part for. "One Man's apart; it was Christmas Eve-which &.111., .. orn«lI: ... \\'t:!Jt \\'.... larleD btw., all added up to a very depressing ~ IUl'hmond «ta. .:ctllorlaJ Oflleea, 145a Family" and to ber great amazement ~orlh ''IDe, 1I.. 1I)' .... ...cI U. ""one ..t:...p ­ getting the role. She carried over . situation. • 1... 1016, her writing ablllty from paper to Sad Time Radio Lit...... " ....,,,"'" ... I'«on4 ('1 ... N ..n .... M"7 .. IN!. .t 1_ Anli~"', aDdu AI'1 ., microphone, gradually adding pro· Helen left her father's bedside and Ma ...... S. UI'7I1......... Id 9nbwn ..tI0.", $%.11 duction to her abilities; but she'd JIM", 011 ...... walked out the hospital doors to ,1.0- .1,. month•• 8h.Kle t·....... prefer to write rather than produce .t It'lldltle Ind"1M'llC!_' Gr_. 1110 t4<tath .. .... confront a f 0 uri n g rain. There ('.lItornl•• 1 Ik' .....h. R .........II.r I..... hol" or any day. wasn't a tax within a radius of five In IHOI'1 "!Jthuu' ........"'. "I .. let" , ...bhldM. Exdting Writing •.,.hlla"e .. , ('.n If. 1I11(IIb),: 1'1oI1Ior, F"Y'I". A. mUes. Her eyes wet with tears and Uhf',b),; Balli..... ."nacer. VI1'''01I ,·... .mll .. ; One of her most eXCiting assign· her feet wet from sloshing around in 01,lre M.n"I1""'" GHrlfl.
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