OFFICE OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT, OVERSIGHT AND RECOVERY Summary of State Board of Education Agenda Items February 20-21, 2014 OFFICE OF CONSERVATORSHIP 05.A. Report from the Commission on Starkville Consolidated School District Structure The Commission on Starkville Consolidated School District Structure has completed the report as required in HB 716 and delivered the report to the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, Senate Education Chair, and the House Education Chair on January 28, 2014. No Action: Discussion Only Back-up material attached 1 MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE REGULAR SESSION 2013 By: Representative Barker To: Education ---- HOUSE BILL NO. 716 (As Sent to Governor) 1 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A COMMISSION ON STARKVILLE CONSOLIDATED 2 SCHOOL DISTRICT STRUCTURE TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE 2014 3 REGULAR SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE REGARDING THE METHOD FOR 4 CONSOLIDATING THE COUNTY INTO ONE SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH ONE LOCAL 5 SCHOOL BOARD; TO PROVIDE THAT IN OKTIBBEHA COUNTY THERE SHALL BE 6 AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONSOLIDATION INTO ONE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO BE 7 DESIGNATED AS STARKVILLE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT, WHICH SHALL 8 BE A COUNTYWIDE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICT EFFECTIVE JULY 9 1, 2015; TO PROVIDE THAT UNTIL SUCH TIME CONSOLIDATION BECOMES 10 EFFECTIVE, THE OKTIBBEHA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SHALL REMAIN UNDER 11 CONSERVATORSHIP OF THE MISSISSIPPI RECOVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT; TO 12 PROVIDE FOR THE COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE NEW 13 STARKVILLE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT; TO DIRECT THE STATE BOARD 14 OF EDUCATION TO ADMINISTRATIVELY CONSOLIDATE ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 WHICH DOES NOT VOLUNTARILY FOLLOW THE CONSOLIDATION ORDER; TO 16 ABOLISH THE FORMER SCHOOL DISTRICT FOLLOWING THE ADMINISTRATIVE 17 CONSOLIDATION AND PROVIDE FOR THE TRANSFER OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 18 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES; TO PROVIDE FOR EXECUTION OF TEACHER AND 19 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYEE CONTR.~CTS AND THE PREPARATION OF A SCHOOL 20 DISTRICT BUDGET IN THE NEW SCHOOL DISTRICT; TO DIRECT THE STATE 21 BOARD OF EDUCATION TO PROMULGATE REGULATIONS TO IMPLEMENT SUCH 22 ADMINISTRATIVE CONSOLIDATION; TO PROVIDE A TWO-YEAR WAIVER FROM 23 ACCOUNTABILITY AND STATE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NEW 24 STUDENT POPULATION; TO AMEND SECTION 37-7-103, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 25 1972, IN CONFORMITY; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES. 26 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI: 27 SECTION 1. (1) There is hereby created and established an 28 advisory council to be known as the Corrunission on St;:irkville 29 Consolidated School District Structure. It shall be the H. B. No. 716 lllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllUlllll!lmllllllllllllllllll # deleted text version # G3/5 13 /HR4 0 /R962 SG PAGE 1 (DJ\BD) 30 responsibility of the Commission on Starkville Consolidated School 31 District Structure to review the current structure of the school 32 districts and schools in Starkville, Mississippi, and in Oktibbeha 33 County, Mississippi, and make recommendations on future actions of 34 the provision and transition of service of the newly consolidated 35 school district in order to improve both the quality of education 36 and the efficiency with which it is delivered. The commission 37 shall not decide the issue of whether or not the districts shall 38 be consolidated. The commission shall be composed of seven (7) 39 members as follows: 40 (a) The State Superintendent of Education, or his 41 designee, who shall serve as Chairman of the Commission; 42 (b) Three (3) representatives of the Starkville School 43 District appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Starkville 44 School District and who may be members of the board or the 45 Superintendent of Schools; 46 (c) One (1) resident of the former Oktibbeha County 47 School District to be appointed by the State Superintendent of 48 Education; 49 (d) The Conservator for the Oktibbeha County School 50 District appointed by the State Board of Education; and 51 (e) One (1) representative of Mississippi State 52 University appointed by the President of Mississippi State 53 University. H. B. No. 716 1w1111111111m111~11111~11111111m~111am111111111111111 # deleted text version # 13/HR40/R962SG PAGE 2 (DJ\nDJ 54 The Commission on Starkville Consolidated School District 55 Structure shall meet within thirty (30) days of passage of this 56 act upon the call of the State Superintendent of Education and 57 shall hold hearings and meet as necessary and develop a report to 58 the Legislature, the Governor and the State Board of Education on 59 or before March 1, 2014, with recommendations to accomplish the 60 following: 61 (a) Review the current structure of school districts 62 and the location of schools in Starkville, Mississippi, and 63 Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, and recommend how they can be 64 consolidated into one (1) school district in order to improve both 65 the quality of education and the efficiency at which it is 66 delivered. 67 (b) Review the capital facility needs of both school 68 districts and recommend methods of financing necessary 69 improvements, including the possibility of pledging Mississippi 70 Adequate Education Program funds for capital improvement purposes. (c) Detail in the report how best to implement 72 consolidation and make any other recommendations on how to 73 maximize education quality in Starkville and Oktibbeha County 74 while eliminating duplicative and wasteful administrative 7 5 spending . 76 (d) The commission shall also be authorized to 77 recommend that pu.rLlo11s of the Oktibbeha County School Dist.ri r.r. be 78 merged into districts in adjoining counties. H. B. No. 716 IUllllllllllllllW~lllll~llllllilllllllllllMWll!IUlllll # deleted text version # 13/HR40/R962SG PAGE 3 (DJ\BD) 79 The commission shall have the authority to raise and to 80 expend nonstate funds. The State Department of Education shall 81 provide staff and such other support as the commission deems 82 appropriate. After submitting its report on or before March 1, 83 2014, the commission shall be dissolved. 84 SECTION 2. ( 1) In Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, in which 85 are located, as of January 1, 2013, two (2) school districts, 86 there shall be an administrative consolidation of all of those 87 school districts in the county into one (1) new countywide 88 municipal separate school district to be designated as Starkville 89 Consolidated School District which shall consist of the territory 90 of the former Oktibbeha County School District and the Starkville 91 School District, effective on July 1, 2015. Until June 30, 2015, 92 preceding the effective date of the required administrative 93 consolidation of school districts in the county, the Oktibbeha 94 County School District shall remain in conservatorship, under the 95 authority and control of the Mississippi Recovery School District 96 of the State Department of Education. At such time that the 97 administrative consolidation becomes effective, the central 98 administrative office of the Starkville Consolidated School 99 District shall be located in Starkville, Mississippi. 100 (2) On or before July 1, 2014, the State Board of Education 101 shall serve the local school board of the Starkville School 102 Dl~LLlcL with notice and instructinns regnrding the timetable for 103 action to be taken to comply with the administrative consolidation H. B. No. 716 11111m llllll Ill Ill~ Ull Illllllll~ 11111111111111111m1111 IUI # deleted text version # 13/HR40/R962SG PAGE 4 (DJ\BD) 104 required in this section. In the new consolidated school district 105 there shall be a countywide municipal separate school district 106 board of trustees, which shall consist of the existing members of 107 the Board of Trustees of the Starkville School District serving as 108 a member on July 1, 2015. However, upon the first occurrence of a 109 vacancy on the board as a result of an expired term of an 110 appointed board member, that vacancy shall become an elected 111 position and shall be filled by the election of a board member by 112 the county board of supervisors in the manner prescribed in 113 Section 37-7-203(1) for the election of a member who resides 114 outside of the incorporated municipal limits. The Board of 115 Supervisors of Oktibbeha County shall thereafter publish the same 116 in some newspaper of general circulation in the county for at 117 least three (3) consecutive weeks and after having given notice of 118 publication and recording the same upon the minutes of the school 119 boards of each school district in the county. Any school district 120 affected by the required administrative consolidation in the 121 county that does not voluntarily consolidate as ordered by the 122 State Board of Education shall be administratively consolidated by 123 the State Board of Education, to be effective immediately upon 124 action of the State Board of Education. The State Board of 125 Education shall promptly move on its own motion to 126 administratively consolidate a school district which does not 127 voluntarily consolidate 1n order to enable the affected school 128 districts to reasonably accomplish the resulting administrative H. B. No. 716 IHllllllllllllllllll/Ulllillll/llU/l/Ulllll~IU/llmOllOI # deleted text version # 13/HR40/R962SG PAGE 5 (DJ\BD) 129 consolidation into one (1) consolidated school district by July 1 130 following the motion to consolidate. The affected school 131 districts shall comply with any consolidation order issued by the 132 State Board of Education. 133 (3) On July 1, 2015, following the motion of State Board of 134 Education to consolidate
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