INDEX PAGE Aberdeenshire: see Ardiffiiey, Crudeii; Amber Object s: Necklace s :— Barra HillMeldrumd Ol , ; Belhelvie; from Dun-an-Iardhard, Skye, . 209 Birse; Broomend, Inverurie; Cairn- ,, Huntiscarth, Harray, Orkney5 21 , hill, Monquhitter; Cairnhill Quarry, ,, Lake near Stonehenge, Wilt- Culsalmond; Castlehill of Kintore; shire, .....5 21 . Colpy; Crookmore, Tullynessle; Cul- ,, Lanarkshire (amber and jet) . 211 salmond ; Culsalmond, Kirk of; Fy vie; Amphora, Handle of, found at Traprain Gartly; Glenmailen; Huntly; Huiitly Law, Haddingtonshire, ... 94 Castle; Kintore; Knockargity, Tar- Amulet, Stone, foun t Udala d , North Uist land ; Leslie; Logie Elphinstone; (purchase), ...... 16 Newton of Lewesk, Eayne; Rayne; Anderson, Archibald, death of, ... 3 Slains ; Straloch; Tarland; Tocher- Anderson , presentG. , . RevS . sR . Roman ford ; WMteside; Woodside Croft, melon-shaped Bead, .... 256 Culsalmond. Anglian Cross-shaft, Inscription 011, from Aberfeldy, Perthshire Weeme ,se . Urswick Church8 5 , Yorkshire . , Abernethy, Fife Castle se , e Law. IslesAnguse th f , o Sea , ...lof 1 6 . Adair's Maps, ....... 26 Animal Remains from Traprain Law, Adam, Gordon Purvis, presents Tokef no Haddingtonshire, Report on, . 142 Lead, ........ 152 Anne, Silver Coins of, found at Montcoffer, Advocates' Library, Edinburgh . Map,MS s Banffshire, ...... 276 in, .......5 2 . Anniversary Meeting, ....1 . Adze, Stone, from Nigeria (donation), . 63 Antonine Itinerary, Roads in, . 21, 23, 32, 35 Ainslie, County Maps by, .... 28 Antoninus Pius, Coi , nof ...9 13 . Airieouland Crannog, Wigtownshire, Per- Antony, Mark, Coin of, ..... 137 forated Jet Ring from, .... 226 Anvil Stone foun t Mertouna d , Berwick- Alexander III., Long single cross Sterling shire, . ' . .312 of, (donation) .....5 25 . Aqua Vitae in Scotland, Note on the Early Alexander, W. Lindsay, death of,..3 . Us , e......of 7 25 . Almond River, Midlothian and Linlithgow- —— in Ireland, Use of, .... 262-63 shire, Ferr5 4 Bridgd yan . e over . , (?) Arcadius, Coin of, ..... 137 Alves, Elginshire, see Newmill. Archerfleld, Haddingtonshire, Bone Button Amber Objects:— found at, . .233 Beads:— Ardiffney, Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Necklace from Balmashanner, Forfarshire5 21 . , Ambed an associate d t orfJe an d Relics „ Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, 110 foun , ....dat . 211, 2156 ,21 „ Valtos. 1826 . ,18 , Lewi . s Arduthy, Kincardineshire, Roman Camp Buttons from Barrow near Sarum, Wilt- at, ....... 320, 322 shire, ......0 22 . Argyllshire: see Beacharra, Kintyre; Necklaces:— Dunadd; Duntroon; Islay; Kintyre; from Ardiffney, Cruden, Aberdeen- Lochan Dughail Crannog; Melfort; shire (ambe jet) . d 211,21,ran 6 t Oran'S s Chapel, lona. 360 INDEX. 361 Armlets:— Awls:— Bronze, foun t Melfortda , Argyllshire. , 216 Bone, from Udal, North Uist, (purchase6 1 ) Glass, from Traprain Law, Haddington- (or Chisel) Iron, from Traprain Law, shire, ....... 104 Haddingtonshire, ..... 118 —— from the Continent, .... 108 Axes:— —— Method of Manufacture of, 107 Bronze:— Gold, from Coulter, Lanarkshire, (pur- from Burgie, Elginshire, now in the chase) ....... 16 Falconer Museum, Forres, . 207 Jet:— ,, Cambusmore, The Mound, from Airieouland Crannog, Wigtown- Sutherland, .... 306 shire, ...... 226 „ Findhorn, Elginshire, . 207 ,, Bar Hill, Dumbartonshire, 227 , , locality unknown, (donation2 1 . ) ,, Birrenswark, Dumfriesshire, 227 Flint, from Ardiffney, Cruden, Aber- „ Birse, Aberdeenshire. , 224 deenshire, ..... 6 21121 , ,, Buston Crannog, Ayrshire, 226 Stone:— ,, Camelon, Stirlingshire, 227 from Nigeria, (donation) ... 63 ,, Castle Law, Abernethy, Perth- „ Port William, Wigtownshire, shire, ...... 225 (donation) ....3 6 . ,, Dunagoil, Bute, .... 225 „ Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire4 13 , ,, Dunrobin, Sutherland, Broch Ayrshire: see Ashgrove Crannog; Buston near, ...... 227 Crannog; Dairy; Dubbs, Stevenston; ,, Glastonbury, Somersetshire, 226 Lochlee Crannog; Lochspouts Cran- ,, Glenluce, Wigtownshire, . 223,234 nog Mosside, Loudon; Seamill, West ,, Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, . 228 Kilbride; Shewalton Sands; Steven- ,, Keiss Broch, Caithness, . 226 ston Sands. ,, Keiss Moor4 23 , Caithness . , Ayton9 , 3 Berwickshire, 38 . , Roa , dby ,, Kildonan, Strath of, Suther- land, ...... 227 Badg f o 79te h Cameron Highlanders, ,, Kirkmaiden, Wigtownshire, . 224 (purchase) .....1 15 . ,, Lochan Dughail Crannog, Bain, George, elected, ....2 . Argyll,. ..... 226 Balblair, Edderton, Ross-shire, Jet Necklace ,, Tents Muir, Fife, . 223, 234 and Flint Knif . .21e . foun , 2 dat ,, Traprain Law, Haddington- Balelone, North Uist, Inverness-shire, Frag- shire, .... 104, 224, 234 men Hand-madf to e Vessel found near, ,, Wroxeter7 ,23 Shropshire . , (donation)......2 1 . in Elgin Museum, ....4 23 . Balgay, Newport, Fife Tayflelde se , . Ami, Nam , inof e Saga Literaturn i d ean Balivanich,Benbecula,se«Bruthach-a-tuath. Iceland, ....... 59 Ballamooar, Kirk Patrick, Isle of Man, —— Rune-cutter, ..... 57, 60 Cross-slab found at, .... 51 Arraii Whitine se , g Bay. Ballaquayle Glen, Isle of Man, Cross-slab Arrow-heads:— and Site of Keeill in, .... 52 from Ardiffney, Cruden, Aberdeenshire, 211 Balls :— ,, Mertoun, Berwickshire, . 308 Clay, from Traprain Law, Haddington- ,, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, . 134 shire, .......0 13 . Artillery, Ancient, with some Noten o s Glass, from Cairnhill, Monquhitter, Aber- MonsMeg, .....1 19 . deenshire, ......5 22 . —— Earliest, in Scotland, .... 197 Shale, from Broomend, Inverurie, Aber- Ashgrove Crannog, Ayrshire t RinJe , g deenshire, ......9 22 . from, ........ 226 Stone, from Traprain Law, . 128 Assynt, Old House of, Ross-shire, Jet Neck- Balmashanner, Forfarshire, Bronze Age lace from, ....... 213 Hoard foun , ....at d 5 21 . Auchencairn, Closeburii, Dumfriesshire, Balmerino, Fife, see Greenhill. Beake fromn 2 rUr 15 , (donation . ) Balneil Lucew ,Ne , Wigtownshire, Notn eo 8 26 . Auchinbowie . • . , Bruc . , eof 2 30 . Discovere . th . Grava f y o , eat 362 INDEX. Balneil, Relics from partially Incinerated Beads: Jet:— Interment found at, (donation) . from England, associated with Banffshire: see Cairn Riv, Inverkeithney; Vitreous Beads, . 215 Montcoffer; Newton of Auchingoul, ,, English Bronz1 Gravese 21 eAg . , Inverkeithney. ,, Glenluce Sands, Wigtownshire1 21 , Bantaskine, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Frag- ,, Kintore, Aberdeenshire, . 229 ment Latf so e Celtic Pottery foun, dat ,, - Lanarkshire, .... 211 (donation)....... 255 ,, Mouswald Place, Dumfries- —— Coarse Hand-made Pottery found with shire, .....1 21 . Late Celtic at, (donation) 255 ,, Pencaitland, Haddingtonshire, 211 Hillr Ba , Dumbartonshire, Ditches of Roman Scalpsie, Bute, ...0 21 . Camp at, ....... 333 „ Shewalton Sands, Ayrshire, . 211 —t Armle—Je t foun , dat .... 227 ,, Skene Loch, Dumfriesshire1 21 . , Barbour, John, author of The Bruce, parson „ Slains, Aberdeenshire, . 229 of Rayne, ....... 279 ,, Stevenston Sands, Ayrshire, . 211 Barhapple Loch Crannog, Wigtownshire, Tents Muir . .22, . Fife9, t RingJe s foun , ...in d . 226 ,, Traprain Law, Haddington- Barlockhart Crannog, Wigtownshire, Jet shire, ...... 229 Ring found in, ..... 226 in Elgin Museum, ..... 214 Barra HillMeldrumd Ol , , Aberdeenshire, Sandstone, from Glenluce Sands, Wig- . 350 . , . •. Por , at t 351 townshire, ...... 218 Bathgate, Linlithgowshire, . Roa , dby 45 Beakers, Fragment Romaf so n Glass, found Bawbe f Charleo e . founII s n Hoari d f do at Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, . 110 Coin t Montcoffera s , Banffshire, 277 Bedford, J. G. Hawkesley, death of, . 3 Beacharra, Kintyre, Argyll, Belt Fastener Belhelvie, Aberdeenshire, Bone Rings found of Jet from, ...... 221 at, ........ 228 Beads:— Belt Fasteners:— Amber:— Jet :— from Ardiffney, Cruden, Aberdeen- from Beacharra, Kintyre, Argyll, . 221 shire, . 211 ,, Hallrnyre, Newmains, Peebles- ,, Balmashanner, Forfarshire, 215 . .22 . 1. shire . , ,, Huntiscarth, Harray, Orkney, . 215 „ Skye, Inverness-shire . .22 . , 1 ,, Lanarkshire,..... 211 ,, Yorkshire, ....1 22 . ,, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire 110 Benbecula Bruthach-a-tuathe se , . Valtos, Lewis, . 182, 189 3 6 , 38 Berwick. ,. Road . s from . , Bone, from Greenhill, Balmerino, Fife, . 210 Berwickshire: see Ayton; Channelkirk; Glass:— Cockburnspath; Coldingham ; Cold- from Balneil, New Luce, Wigtown- stream ; Duns ; Earlston; Edin's Hall shire, ...... 303 Broch; Greenlaw; Harden's Hill, ,, Cairnhill, Monquhitter, Aber- Duns; Juniperbush, Moorhouse; deenshire, . ... 225 Lauder; Mertoun; Oxton; Pease „ Galdenoch Farm, New Luce, Defile; Westruther. Roman, melon-shaped, (dona- Biggar, Lanarkshire, Roa . ..dby 3 4 . tion) ...... 256 See also Bizzieberry Hill. ,, Traprain Law, Haddington- Binding, Bronze, from Traprain Law, Had- shire, . .69, 71,84,6 10911 , 11 . 0 . dingtonshire . , Jet:— Birrenswark, Dumfriesshire, Jet Armlet from Ardiffney, Cruden, Aberdeen- found at, . 227 shire, .... 211, 215 Birse, Aberdeenshire, Jet Armlet, . 224, 228 Balmashanner, Forfarshire, 215 Bizzieberry Hill, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Jet Bizzieberry Hill, Biggar, Bead found at, ..... 211 Lanarkshire, .... 211 Black Loc Myretof ho n Crannog, Wigtown- Burgle, Elginshire, . 203, 204, 215 shire, Jet Rings found at, . 226 Culbin Sands, Elginshire. , 211 Black, William, elected, ....0 19 . INDEX. 363 Blackburn, Liddesdale, Roxburghshiret Je , Bowls, Fragments of:— Ring found at, ..... 223 Roman Pottery from Traprain Law, Blade, Bronze Dagger-, from Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire6 9 , , 95 , ..90 , 68 . Haddingtonshire, ....7 13 . Stone, Dun Telve Broch, Inverness- Blaeu's Atlas,
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