Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 1950 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1320 Questions. fASSEMBLY.] Supply. Hon. W. lli. MOORE (Merthyr) replied- '' This question indicates that the hon. member has failed to appreciate the answer given by me to the hon. member for Haughton. I would suggest that he re-rend that answer.'' PAPER. The following paper was laid on the table- ' Orders in Council (2) under the Aliens Acts, 1867 to 1948 (9 November) . SUPPLY. RESUMPTION OF COMMITTEE-ESTIMATES­ SIXTH AND SEVENTH ALLOTTED DAYS. (The Chairman of Committees, Mr. Farrell, Maryborough, in the chair.) ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF, 1950-51. DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Debate resumed from 14 November (see p. 1303) on Mr. Duggan's motion- " That £9,107,890 be granted for 'Southern Division'.' ' Mr. DONALD (Bremer) (11.4 a.m.): When I came into this Parliament many of my close friends warned me that I should be THUB!SDAY, 16 NOVEMBER, 1950. subjected to much temptation. (Laughter) . With the passing of years I found there was Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. H . Mann, Bris· no foundation for their alarm. However, bane) took the chair at 11 a.m. when I read the report of the Commissio~er for Railways I felt sorely tempted but ber.ng QUESTIONS. a patient individual I fortified myself wrth the thought that everything came to him who GOVERNMENT CARS AND TRUCKS. waited, and I was given strength to resist that temptation. It was left to my very Mr. LOW (Cooroora) asked the good friend, the Minister, to cause me to Treasurer- fall from grace when he produced the report " How many (a) cars and (b) trucks of the Commissioner and proudly displayed are there which are owned by the State the artist's impression of the proposed new Government and Government instrumen­ rail ·ay station at Rockhampton and even talities and are exempt from payment of­ added insult to injury, by Using my own copy registration fees under the Main Roads for that purpose. It was more than I could ActsW'' stand. (Laughter). Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Normanby-Secre­ I must confess, Mr. Fan·ell, that I was tary for Public Lands and Irrigation), for guilty of breaking the Tenth Commandment, Hon. V. C. GAIR (South Brisbane), for although it is true that I do not desire replied- the hon. member for Rockhampton 's wife­ " (a) 31; C. b) Trucks, including utilities, as we all know, he is a confirmed bachelor­ 1,258.'' neither do I covet his field or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox or his ass, but I do AMENDMENT OF POLICE ACTS. covet his proposed new railway station. (Laughter.) But I will forgive the hon. the Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the Minister i.f he assures the Chamber that he Secretary for Health and Home Affairs- will expedite the building of stations at '' With reference to his reply to the Cairns and Rockhampton and let us get on honourable member for Haughton on Tues­ with the building of a station that was begun day last regarding representations made by before 1929. I think Ipswich has the most some branch secretaries of the Queensland logical argwnent of any centre requiring a Police Union. tq members of Parliament, new station. After all is said and done, will he advise the House how a plaint filed Ipswich was the first rail centre in our State in the Arbitration Court by the Queensland and possibly is still the most important. It Police Union is retarding or preventing was from Ipswich that the first railway was the Government dealing with other matters built-the railway from Ipswich to Grand­ in dispute that are outside the ambit of chaster or as it was then known, Bigge 's such court, and in what respect the repre· Camp. All through the years Ipswich has sentations on these matters were considered maintained its pride of place in the railway improper?'' service. While there is some disagreement as Supply. [16 NovEMBER.] Supply. 1321 to wh ere the new station should be, eYery· stops. One would thi_nk that t~is Il:umber · one there is ce1·tainly desirous of having a 1r as sufficient but there 1s a very b1g ag1tatwn new station built. for two additional stops, one between Bell­ bank and Goodna and the other bet1rcen I was rather surprised that no-one touched Booral and East Ipswich. There is a grow­ on the benefits to the community generally­ ing- population in both these localities and not only to the Railway Department-that is there is a long distance between Reclbank being given by. the Railway Ambulance Corps. and Goodna particularly. The department This corps is giving a service not only to has given very sympathetic consideration to the travelling public but to everyone and it the demand for these additional stops but up ncquitted itself remarkably well on every one to the present has not been able to accede to of the few occasions when rail disasters the request. have occurred in this State. What the people do not generally know is that the railway As I have said, there are 23 stops between ambulance classes are open to everyone in the B risbane and Ipswich and taking into con­ community-every man and woman and sideration the time t aken up in making these e\·ery boy and girl who is willing and anxious stops the transport service between the two to study first-aid is tutored free of cost at points is not too bad after all. H :ere I the railway ambulance classes that are held should mention that the train crews of these throughout the State. In the Southern Divi­ trains on numerous occasions have held the sion we have successful ambulance teams that train, seeing people running for it, instead have brought credit to our district and to of rushing away from the platform. For the department generally. I feel that the this people should be grateful to the crews people who are tutoring the classes and the and not condemn them. people who are looking after the interests of There is a very strong agitation by passen­ the classes and sacrificing their leisure to do gers who travel to and from Booval to have so should receive some recognition for their the platform at that station raised. As it is, services. it is extremely dangerous because of the con­ During the debate on the Vote for the siderable distance to be negotiated between General Establishment, certain criticism was the floor of the carriage and the platform. levelled at the lack of service given to the The latest reply from the department on this people by the department. I do not know matter gives a quite logical reason for ;not how many trains enter the Bremer electorate doing anything at present. It is that owmg from Brisbane or pass through it during each to the cost of the conversion of the existing 24 hours, but I do feel that we have a fairly platform and the proposal to run electrio good service. If we take the number that trains it would be unwise to make any altera­ operate from 3 minutes to 4 o'clock till 23 tion to the platform at the present time as minutes past 6, we find that at least nine it would have to be altered when the electri­ trains leave Central Station to serve the fication was put into effect. I am quite people of Bremer and between 8 minutes to prepared to accept the reason, because I think 5 and 23 minutes past 6, six trains convey it makes the need for the electrification of passengers from the metropolitan area to our suburban services all the more urgent. Ipswich or to the Bremer electorate. In Representing as I do a number of railway addition there are about half-a-dozen trains men, I have frequently made personal con­ that go as far as Oxley or Corinda. At tact on their behalf with the Minister, the present most of these trains are crowded, Commissioner, Mr. Lingard, and other officers because we have some hundreds of New Aus­ of the department, an_d here I thank these tralians at Wacol. The Railway Department officers for the courteous manner in which has recognised that we need additional trains they listen to my requests and the thorough­ and has therefore made provision for them ness with which they go into the matters I as from the 26th of this month. That will be put forward on behalf not only of the travel­ to the benefit of everyone who use the rail­ ling public but on many occasions for the ways for the purpose of transport from Bris­ employees. I feel I . must pay a special bane to Ipswich and is appreciated by the tribute to Mr. Lingard because I must be travelling public. There will be two trains a source of great annoyance to him, but at running express to Goodna, the first stopping no time has he shown any annoyance. I only at Corinda, and the second stopping at have always received the greatest courtesy Corinda and at Wacol for the convenience from him and I take this opportunity of of the New Australians. thanking him publicly. Mr. Kerr: Outbound traffic? During the debate · on this Estimate last year I drew attention to the excellent ser­ ~Ir. DONALD: Only outbound traffic. I vice the people of Booval and all those who thank the hon. member for the interjection. travel to and from Booval receive from the I am not conversant with inbound trains.
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