NET PRESS RUX FoMcast br V. 8. Weather Bnreaa, AVERAGE DAILY OIRCULATIOX Nerr Harea OF THE EVENING HERALD for the mouth of December, 1027 ►i Conn. State Library Fair and slightly colder tonight; 5,079 Wednesday partly clondy* A- PRIC^ THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1928. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLIL, NO. 91. Classified Advertising on Page lU. ■V MOB STORMS JAIL THRONG CHEERS COOLIDGES PRESIDENT LEAVES A IS BUSY IN HAVANA AS ENVOYS TO GET KIDNAPER WASJNGTON Confessed Slayer of Five OPEN CONFERENCE BRISTOL MAN . Seventeen Fires and Many Year Old Dorothy Schnei­ False Alarms Keep Fire­ Coolidge Party Starts For SAYS HE SAW What^s One Foot der Is Hidden In Reforma­ men Working All Throngk Home at 7:45 a. m.— Pan- tory Cell. M i m C l R L the Night. More Or Less ? American Congress Gets Flint, Mich., Jan. 17.— Adolph Down to Business After Hotelling, confessed kidnaper and Lawyer Declares Girl He Washington, Jan. 17.— Police fiend-slayer of five-year-old Dorothy pressed a vigorous manhunt today Two Days of Festivities. Schneider, is hidden away in a Gave a Lift on Deerfield for the pyromaniac who started the strong cell at the state reformatory worst series of fires In Washington’s at Ionia, Mich., according to reports history. Road Was Miss Frances The city was kept in an uproar Havana, Jam 17. — President reaching here today. during the night and early morning Coolidge’s visit to Cuba came to an The 47-yc„;--old murderer, who St. John Smith, hours by seven major fires, ten less­ end today when he left for home on was arrested late yesterday at his er fires, and many false alarms. the cruiser Memphis at 7:45 home at Owo-vo, was rushed to Damage was estimated at more Lansing after a mob of 10,000 .en­ than $500,000 and the figure may o’clock. The President’s visit to raged citizens stormed the jail here Bristol, Conn., Jan. 17.— The go higher. this city to address the Pan Ameri­ and demanded his life. search for Miss Frances St. John Sixteen firemen were taken to can Congress proved a pronounced The move from Lansing to the Smith, missing Smith college fresh­ hospitals suffering from exposure success. Both Mr. and Mrs. Coo­ Ionia reformato. - was made when and smoke hut there was no loss man, shifted to this city today fol­ lidge were given continuous ova­ authorities learned another mob of life. was forming at the capital. lowing the statement of George All fire apparatus was on the run tions when they.appeared in pub­ Hotelling is married and the Ward, local attorney, that he had from shortly after 11 o’clock last lic. They were impressed by the father of five children, two of them seen a young woman here on Sun­ night. Ten companies and a deputy warmth of their reception both in married daughters. He was an elder chief from Baltimore and all avail­ this city and outside when they of the Church of Christ at Owosso. day afternoon who resembled the went sightseeing. vanished 18-year-old girl. able fire fighting units within 30 Hotelling’s crime was f'ne of the miles, were summoned to help. unspeakable atrocities that normal W’ard said that while driving All Reserves Out Havana, Jan. 17.—-The Sixtli human beings can only shudder at along the Deerfield road between All Washington fire and -police Pan-American Conference, which is hut never understand, in its details Hartford and Bristol, he offered a reserves were called out. fraught with enormous possibili­ are many striking parallels of the “ lift” to a well-dressed girl who was Not since' the Knickerbocker ties for good or evil so far as re­ notorious Hickman ca.e in Los An­ walking toward Bristol. According theater disaster, when about 100 lations with Latin-America are con­ geles. to Ward, she replied: lives ■were snuffed out under a snow cerned, got down to serious busi­ Makes Confession “Are you looking for me?” laden roof, has Washington experi­ ness today. The amenities, the Hotelling coni;ssed while en- Ward, somewhat surprlsdH, an­ toasts, the official courtesies,, are route with his captors from Owosso swered in the negative. Later, after enced such a night. The unending shrieking of sirens Ellery Walter ended. to his home, to e e Flint jail. He seeing Miss Smith’s picture in a and the clanging of bells aroused For two days temperamental said he had driven his car to Flint newspaper, he became positive that the city and thousands of people New York, Jan. 17.— One good Havana and, in fact, all Latin- to look for work and he was cruis­ the girl was the student for whom They went smiling through sunny Florida, did the Coolidges, on their way to Havana. In the upper left their beds to follow the fires. foot has carried Ellery Walter far­ America has rendered homage to ing through Mount Morris, a sub­ hundreds of persons have, been Hardly had apparatus been called ther than most 22-year-olds get. on urb, when he saw thepittle Schnei- searching near Northampton, Mass. photo you see them with Mayor and Mrs. Sewell of Miami; below, a close-up of a friendly wave of the the President of the United States president’s topper; between, part of the crowd which hailed the, executive and the first lady at Fort Pierce. to the first fire before another gen­ two. Ellery has just limped 40,000 In a manner without precedent in , der girl. Earlier in the afternoon two miles ’round-the-world to New V “ 1 don’t know why'I did it,” he clerks and a woman in a Hartford eral alarm came in, then another. international relations. President Fire Chief Watson realized he York. His cotopanlons were indom­ Coolidge has been feted and dined said^;__ drugstore noticed a girl resembling itable; courage .and e '.PaIr of "r to o k her in the machine and Miss Smith. Her clothing resembled couldn’t stop the blazes ■with his and acclaimed such as no man ever present force. A hurry call was sent crutches. drove around a while. Then I car­ that of the missing student in every DIVER DESCRIBES In 1924 he was a freshman at was in the queen city of the Cari- ried her into a thicket, cut up her detail, they said. 5,000 Trained Flyers to Baltimore. Ten companies drove bean coun(yy. Latin-American the 40 miles to Washington in an the University of Washington, pres- body and hid it down in the creek.” Detectives today began a thor­ ideut of his class, star pupil and statesmen have vied with e^ch Hotelling then told of coming ough search of the Bristol district. hour. As additional alarms poured other to do him honor. RESCUE OF FRIEND in to headquarters, appeal for help member of the Varsity crew— by back to his car and finding it stuck day. At night he served as a hotel Down to Business In the mud. A farmer, he said, SEARCHERS BAFFLED By The End O f 1928 went to nearby Maryland and Vir­ But that part of the Sixth con­ ginia suburb^. They responded clerk, stoked furnaces, and did oth­ helped him out, after which he re­ Northampton, Mass., Jan. 17— er janitor work to pay his way. ference of Pan-American states turned to his home at Owosso. Completely baffled in the search for promptly. ended today when President Coo­ Of Incendiary Origin Then a blister on the heel cost This farmer, Archie Bacon, who Miss Frances St. John Smith, New York, Jan. 17— By the end^in an excldaive interview today in Water Up to His Own Chin In him a foot. But he came out of the lidge stepped aboard the U- S. unwittingly aided the slayer was Police and fire chiefs agreed that golden-haired freshman at Smith of 1928 the United States will have which he outlined the remarkable the fires were of, incendiary origin. hospital with his buoyant courage cruiser Memphis on th . return trip the first to report the incident to cpllege and worth $2,000,000 in her 5,000 young civilian trained avia­ progress the country is making in intact. , to Washlngtonr. From now on as police after the girl’s body was Suit When He Saves His At three o’clock police sent,out a own right, authorities today sought tors. the air. force to bring in all suspicious per­ With his two new' crutches he one delegate phrased it, "The fight- found near his home. He has iden­ the motive beliind her disappear­ In the next five years the number 200 Aero Clubs sons.,.. started on a world tour. He wrote In’ begins.*' tified Hotelling as the man he ance for a “ lead’.J' to the discovery Two ItuD deed:. aero .^ubs have’ ne^wspaper articles, tutored chil­ That there will be plenty of con­ helped out of the mud. will be increased to 5 0,0 0 0. The maniac deliberately picked ftf her., wbereabonts, ■''■^ivlatian is ‘ making such rapid been organized in communities out highly inflammable buildings. dren, and did other odd jobs to get flicting opinion\ in this sixth con­ Had KHlfe Wlfh'Hhn,: money. A large blood-stained knife, With abduction and elopement as strides in America, what with throughout the country, he declar­ Most of the blazes were in the ference is generally antfeipated by the two most prominent theories In Italy, Mussolini gave him ,an which Hotelling is said to have ad­ thousands of youths trying to be ed.
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