September 2, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9847 not before the year 2003, before North Mr. COATS. I would be more than In his 45 years in this body, Senator Korea would come into full compliance pleased to. THURMOND has fought passionately to with its obligations under the NPT. Mr. LOTT. I know other Senators fulfill that responsibility as he has un- The whole idea of the Agreed Frame- may want to speak briefly also on this derstood it. His tenacity and dedica- work was in fact to bring North Korea subject. tion to the causes in which he believes into full compliance with the NPT and f are legendary. to go beyond the NPT’s requirements He fought for 20 years to require by requiring North Korea to freeze and SENATOR STROM THURMOND warning labels on alcohol. In 1988, then dismantle its plutonium produc- CASTS HIS 15,000TH VOTE thanks to Senator THURMOND’s unwav- tion facilities, and to place all its spent Mr. LOTT. Madam President, I ering leadership, the Senate finally nuclear fuel in canisters safeguarded speak, I am sure, for the entire Senate voted to do just that. and monitored by the IAEA and even- in extending congratulations to Sen- Five years later, in a tragic irony, tually remove that spent fuel from ator THURMOND, a great Senator from Senator THURMOND’s family experi- North Korea. These represent signifi- South Carolina, for having just cast his enced the kind of agony known to too cant security gains for the United 15,000th vote in this Chamber. many American families. States and we should honor our com- An occasion like this reminds us of His beloved daughter Nancy was lost, mitments under the agreement to real- the continuity and the stability which killed by a drunk driver. She was only ize these gains. the framers of the Constitution sought 22. Nothing can heal the pain of losing We should not give North Korea an to establish in the Senate. I am sure someone so dear. excuse to walk away from its obliga- that they had Senator STROM THUR- tions under the Agreed Framework and But I hope that this distinguished MOND in mind when they sought that. to resume the production of plutonium Senator takes some comfort in know- In the person of Senator THURMOND ing that, thanks to his tenacity, per- for nuclear weapons. I believe that is their intent was most notably fulfilled. what the McCain amendment would do, haps another father, somewhere in I am sure that if our distinguished America, will tuck his own little girl and that is why I voted to table the President pro tempore were to ask McCain amendment. safely into bed tonight, instead of which of those 15,000 votes he considers AMENDMENT NO. 3526 mourning her too-early death at the his most important, he would probably hands of a drunk driver. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, respond, even though I am sure he was is the Senator from Kentucky correct Senator THURMOND truly is an insti- proud of the vote he just cast, that the that the pending amendment is the tution within an institution. most important one is the next vote, Hutchison amendment? His long and distinguished career is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for STROM always looks ahead. remarkable for its many successes— ator is correct. Today, we join him in looking ahead, both in and out of the Senate. Mr. MCCONNELL. It is my under- not recounting the tremendous record In addition to being the longest-serv- standing Senator HUTCHISON may want that he sets with this vote and all the ing U.S. Senator in history, he has also to modify her amendment. votes of the past but, rather, counting served as a senator in the South Caro- Mrs. HUTCHISON addressed the on his future votes for what is good and lina State legislature and as Governor Chair. right for the country he has served so of that great State. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- long. He has been a senior member of both ator from Texas is recognized. Madam President, this is a mile- the Democratic and Republican parties Mrs. HUTCHISON. Madam President, stone. This is a magnificent gentleman and the Presidential candidate of a I would like to offer a modification to who brings tremendous credit to his third party. How many more people my amendment that will be argued and constituency, his State, to the U.S. can say that in this country? offered by Senator COATS from Indiana. Senate, and to America. I am very He volunteered for service in World It is acceptable to me as a modification proud to call him a colleague and to War II and, on June 5, 1945, at the age of my amendment. commend him for this 15,000th vote he of 43, took part in the first drop of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- has just cast. D-Day invasion—the air drop of Amer- ator has a right to modify the amend- I yield the floor. ican troops on Normandy Beach. ment. Mr. DASCHLE addressed the Chair. I am told that Senator THURMOND Mr. COATS addressed the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The wanted to parachute onto Normandy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Democratic leader is recognized. Beach. But another officer—who clear- ator from Indiana. Mr. DASCHLE. Madam President, I ly did not know who he was dealing Mr. COATS. There is apparently join my colleagues in congratulating with—decided Senator THURMOND was some question about clearing this today the distinguished Senator from too old to jump out of an airplane. So amendment, which we believe is not South Carolina. he piloted a glider instead, landing, objectionable to anybody. But I have With the previous vote, Senator with the rest of his company, behind enemy lines. just been informed it is cleared. I THURMOND joins the extraordinary Sen- Senator THURMOND is today a retired would like to—— ator ROBERT C. BYRD, as one of only Mr. LEAHY. I tell the Senator from major general in the Army reserves. two U.S. Senators in the history of our Indiana he is correct on that. He is also a member of the South Nation to cast 15,000 votes in this insti- Mr. COATS. I thank the Senator. Carolina Hall of Fame, and a recipient I would like a brief amount of time in tution. of more honors and awards than any of which to explain what the modification People outside of the Senate may not us can name, including the prestigious is, because it is relevant to the action understand how astounding an achieve- Presidential Medal of Freedom. that was just taken by the Senate and ment that is. Years from now, when we look back I think important and determinative Let me put it this way: If this were on this summer, millions of Americans perhaps of action that will be taken baseball, Senator THURMOND and Sen- will tell their grandchildren what it subsequent to the disposition of this ator BYRD would be Mark McGwire and was like to watch Mark McGwire and bill by the Senate in the conference. I Cal Ripken rolled into one. It is un- Sammy Sosa chase Roger Maris’ home am willing to do that at whatever time likely any of us will ever see their likes run record. is appropriate. I know the majority again. If I am lucky enough to have grand- leader is here, and I defer to him on But this is not baseball. children, I will tell them about a mile- that or to any other business that This is something even more funda- stone that was reached this summer for the—— mental to who we are as Americans. a second time, another record that peo- Mr. MCCONNELL. Would the Senator This is the United States Senate. ple thought would remain forever un- yield? This is the place where we make the challenged—15,000 votes in the U.S. Mr. COATS. Yes. laws for a nation dedicated to the rule Senate. Mr. MCCONNELL. The majority lead- of law. And I will tell them, ‘‘I was there. I er would like to make a few comments, To serve here is a great honor—and got to work with both of those men. if you would just withhold. an even greater responsibility. And they were truly amazing.’’ VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:30 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S02SE8.REC S02SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 2, 1998 So, Mr. President, on this day when after 1938, he left his promising judicial mittee. Those children are the crown- Senator THURMOND enters the record career behind to volunteer—volun- ing achievements of Senator THUR- books yet again, I congratulate him on teer—for service in World War II. He MOND’s career; among all of his historic behalf of Senate Democrats for his his- was soon flung directly into the eye of votes and all of his honors and awards, toric achievement. And I thank him for the storm, landing at Normandy on D– they are the accomplishments of which his many contributions to this body Day with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Di- he is most proud. and to this Nation. vision. The distinction with which he The sheer number of votes that he I yield the floor. served in World War II earned him five has cast is a wonderful achievement for Mr. BYRD addressed the Chair.
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