CLALLAM COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY SEPT. 2017 CCRP Fair Booth a Success! Dinner meeting set for Sept. 12th By Pete Heisel The Clallam County Republican Par- The Republican Booth at the 2017 Clallam ty will be having a dinner meeting on County Fair was a resounding success. Two Sept. 12, 2017 at Joshua’s Restau- themes filled the booth, The GOP Celebrates rant in Port Angeles. 2016 Elections & President Trump’s Accom- plishments in his first 200 Days. 18 X 24 signs heralded Trump successes in several policy The guest speaker will be Helena areas, including the Courts, Energy, Immigra- Paneyko from Venezuela. She will tion, Economy, Foreign Policy and Trade Poli- be sharing about Venezuela, its situ- cy. I extend a special thank you to Donnie Hall ation, how we got there (a little bit of for suggesting the theme and devising the for- recent history), statistics, who is mat for most of our signs. there now and why it is a real threat to the United States. The dinner One sign included a chart showing results from Clallam County’s 2016 presidential meeting will start at 6. election where Trump won with 47.6% of the vote. Clinton got 44.8% and Libertarians got 4.7%. Reservations need to be made by Another sign celebrated 2016 results for US federal offices, state offices and the WA Sept. 5th. Check your email or fill state legislature, including; The US House of Representatives has 241 Republicans vs out the form at 194 “others” and the US Senate has 52 Republicans vs 48 “others”. In state offices www.clallamrepublicans.org/ around the nation Republicans have 34 Governors, 31 Lt. Governors and 30 Secretar- upcoming-events/ to reserve your ies of State. Additionally, 69 of 99 state legislatures (70%) have a Republican majority, spot. Look forward to seeing you the most Republicans since the 1920’s. And, 26 states have Republican control of the there! governorship and both houses of the legislature. The WA State legislature is split, with 48 Republicans & 50 Democrats in the house and a Republican majority caucus in the senate, so we’re close to turning the tide. Fair-goers enjoyed taking pictures standing next to President Trump and Vice Presi- MARK YOUR CALENDAR! dent Pence. Although a few were camera shy, the Trump cutout motivated them to come up to the booth and express their support for him and Republican candidates UPCOMING EVENTS & MEETINGS and issues. Sept. 12, 2017 - Clallam County GOP We handed out flags, constitutions and buttons, a lot of buttons. A big thank you goes Dinner meeting—6 p.m., Joshua’s in to Ann Ricks and Bruce O’Rourke for making the buttons. Port Angeles. Over 50 new people signed up for our newsletter, a record. And ten people signed up to reserve 19 tickets for the 2018 Lincoln Dinner on February 24th at The Cedars at Sept. 23, 2017– RWCC breakfast meet- Dungeness. Call Jindy O’Donnell to get your reservations now, (360) 457-1672. ing at Joshua’s—11 a.m. Deserving of our thanks and gratitude are the 6 people who helped set up and take Watch for upcoming meetings with down the booth and all who worked 11 shifts over 4 days. Overall, 21 people volun- issues of interest on our website - teered to make the booth a success. The CCRP thanks you, appreciates your help www.clallamrepublicans.org and looks forward to your support in the future, not just with the booth but with all our events and activities. (Bookmark the website—it will Looking forward to next year, I’d like to hear from all of you regarding ideas for a booth help keep you current with issues & theme. It will be a big election year, so we’ll have much campaign material. Still, we upcoming events.) tend to concentrate on ideas. What subjects should we emphasize and how should we present them. Do you want to see The Wheel make a return? How do we attract peo- Email us with your upcoming events ple to approach our booth and engage in conversation? related to the GOP: [email protected] The fair committee is looking for new membership and leadership. Everyone’s ideas and participation is welcome. Call me with ideas or questions. Thanks again to every- one who helped, ~Pete Heisel [email protected] (360) 683-1229 SEPT. 2017 PAGE 2 Now, let’s look at liberal/progressive pect of our lives. From the Chair... ideology, shall we? The perfect example Greetings from the Chair! The Liberal believes that, at it’s core, of this is the tragic the government needs to do every- story of Charlie Gard. Things have been crazy on the political thing for everybody. The government This was the infant spectrum since the election of Donald should take care of us from the cradle that, due to a congen- Trump, haven’t they? to the grave. They believe in ital disease, the Eng- “redistribution of wealth”. If you make lish Government de- I am becoming familiar with a phrase more money than your neighbor, they cided that it was more cost effective to that I had never heard before the elec- think it is unfair, and the you should be let him die, rather than to allow the tion. This phrase is “Alt-Right”. forced by the government to subsidize parents to bring him to the United their living, so they have as much as States to receive treatment that could “Alt-Right” is used to describe those you do, no matter how little they work. have allowed him to live. that believe in the unacceptable. It is The GOVERNMENT decided that he used to describe Neo-Nazis, White The liberals of today, think that Social- should die. Supremacists, the KKK, and basically ism is the way to go. They believe any “other” that advocates violence to there should be so much government Now, we get to the main point of what others based merely on the color of that it controls who has what, and how I want to bring out. their skin, or their sexual prefer- much they should have. ences. (The term is used to label any- The Liberals want so much govern- one with whom the left disagrees and Socialism is defined as: “An economic ment that it even controls who lives to stifle debate and free speech. It has system in which goods and services and who dies. Who else thinks that? conveniently replaced, racist, sexist, are provided through a central system homophobe….) of cooperative and/or government Is it the Republican? Nope. ownership rather than through compe- I guess, by calling those groups “Alt- tition and a free market system.” Is it the Neo-Nazi, the White Suprem- Right”, they are supposed to be the acist, and the Klansmen? They be- fringe element of those of us who iden- I would say that is a pretty good defini- lieve that the government has failed tify as “conservative”. tion of today’s liberals. Forget competi- the white people, and think that all non tion, forget free market. -white people do not deserve to live. The main stream media would have Let the government decide every- They think the Government should be people believe those who are part of thing. so big, that it only allows white people the “Alt-Right” are what Republicans to be successful. REALLY want to be, but are too afraid Taken to the next level (and one that to express it. They would have people has been in the news lately-they are Correct me if I am wrong, but does think that it is only a matter of time the ones that have been responsible that not sound more like it aligns with before those who support President for the tearing down of statues from the liberal ideology? Trump are all out carrying rebel flags reports) is communism. and burning crosses. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Communism is defined as: “Economic “Alt-LEFT”. Let’s take a moment to think this out, and social system in which all (or shall we? nearly all) property and resources are Until next time— collectively owned by a classless soci- At our core, conservatives believe that ety and not by individual citizens.” Matthew Rainwater, Government only has a few responsi- Chair of the Clallam Co. GOP bilities. Those responsibilities are laid In other words, the government owns out in the Preamble to the Constitution: everything, and the government gives “We the People of the United States, in to those according to what it thinks Order to form a more perfect Union, they need. CCRP Office: establish Justice, insure domestic 509 So. Lincoln, Port Angeles - Tranquility, provide for the common Let’s let that sink in. The liberal wants Ph. & Fax: (360) 417-3035 defense, promote the general Welfare, the government to control EVERY as- and secure the Blessings of Liberty to pect of our lives. They want govern- Office Hours: ourselves and our Posterity”. ment so big, that it decides every as- Weekdays, 11 AM until 2 PM Good idea to call first! That’s it. Pretty simple, pretty straight Mailing Address: forward. Box 808, PA, 98362 www.clallamrepublicans.org E-mail: [email protected] The GOP Republican News is an educational outreach [email protected] of the Clallam County Republican Party. Editor: Sue Forde. Check out our blog: Send your news items to: [email protected] clallamrepublicans.org/blog SEPT. 2017 PAGE 3 Republican Women to hold breakfast meeting READ OUR PLATFORMS! The next meeting for the Republican Women of Clallam County (RWCC) will be held on Sept.
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