·. 1\ ~( The 'Newark Post , NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 23, 19~ NUMBER 39 IUS CAESAR BRINSER NAMES FOOTBALL FANS TO IRA VEL PROF.j.S.GOULD MANY NEW BE PRESENTED LEADERS FOR TO NEW BRUNSWICK SATURD~~Y BLAMES FIRMS NAMES ARE RE ON .OCT. 28 TEACHERS MEET Best Routes to Delaware--Ru-tg-ers Contest Are Listed for \' FOR_ID_LENESS R_E_G_ISTERED - - --- Shake speare Players of New Committees Formed for Con- Benefit of Followers of the Game; Short Route, Says Unemployment Due to Heaviest Registration Day in Yor k to Give Play on Col- vention Here on Novem- 104 Miles Failure to Plan Ahead in Local History; 7000 Added Ie ge Hour Program her 13 and 14 The University of Delaware foot- miles, there turning right off con- Business in State - -- --- ball squad will journey to New Bruns- crete road onto a good macadam road, --- wick, New Jersey, on Saturday, Oc- unnumbered to White' House, junction SUGGESTS SOLUTION HAS NOTED CAST 1 ,000 EXPECTED tober 25, to battle with the gridiron U. S. 22, State route No. 28. Turn ___ CONTESTS EXPECTED -- --- stars of Rutgers College. As many right on these routes and follow in S.ata ••lI\nl . The Shnkespeare P layers of New Plans for the annual convention of Delawareans from Newark and Wil- detail through Somerville to Bound That unemployment in this country The heaviest registration day ever F====~" York City who are presenting Julius the Delaware State Educators' Asso- mington are planning to motor there, Brook. is largely due to the failure of large experienced in recent years in New- I CR! sar at MiLchell Hall on Tuesday, ciation, to be held in Newark on No- the Travel Bureau of the Delaware Enter Bound Brook on Union ave- units to plan ahead, was the opinion ark was held Saturday, when the resi. .====-1. October 2 , have sent advance 110tices vember 13 and 14, are rapidly taking Motor Club A. A. A. has outlined a nue to Hamilton street, right on Ham- of Professor J . S. Gould,. of the Uni- dents of this town who are eligible ..IIIDIIIIIDD ....... to the loca l authorities sponsoring shape, Superintendent of Newark route which avoids pRictically all ilton to Main, thence left to Cook's versity of Delaware, who spoke Mon- turned out "en rna's" to enroll thei their appearance here, and a distin­ Schools Ira S. Brinser, president of heavy traffic and although this is Garage. day night at the _ meeting of the names on the permanent reg1st1'ation gui shed cast is promi sed. This pres­ the association, announces, and it is twenty miles longer than the regular At this Garage right fork on New Knights of the Round Table at the lists, prior to the general eleoUon entition is the thi rd of the series of expected that more than 1,000 teach.. route through Philadelphia, motor- Brunswick turnpike to Landing Y. M. C. A., in Wilmington. His sub- which will be held November 4. treats off ered ewark residents by the er s and other interested parties will ists will be able to make much faster Bridge. Turn right across bridge over ject was "The Unemployment Prob- More than 100 additional voters TRE official s of the Co llege Hour at the attend the convention. time under safer conditions. Roads Raritan River and left to P. R. R. lem." were placed on the book~ in Newark University of Delaware. Committees have been appointed by leading into Philadelphia are expected bridge. Do not go under railroad, but Professor Gould declared that a cer- in the two local districts. This makes The company is headed by James Mr. Brinser, and all are working on to be pretty well congested next Sat- turn right three blocks to Rutgers' tain portion of the population is al- nearly 2,500 voters registered in th Hendrickson and Claire Bruce. Mr. their portions of the arrangements urday because of the game in the Stadium. Total distance from New- ways out of employment. In times of two districts of tl1is town-the larges 18- Hendrickson who is the director of for the convention. The chief idea Penn Stadium with Lehigh. ark, 124 miles. prosperity when business is good number in the history of the town. the players has had a long experience back of the convention is to raise the Leaving Newark through Marshall- For those who desire to follow the there are usually about 1,500,000 who Throughout the entire state, th in Shakespearean repertoire having excellence of teaching of the youth of ton to Price's Corner, co,tinue short route through Philadelphia, are unemployed. In cases of industrial registration was very heavy, and it i played in the co mpanies both of Fritz the state to the same level of the ex- straight at Price's Corner on the Fer- U. S. 13 from Wilmington to Darby, depression this number increases to estimated that more than 7,200 addi Leiber and Robert B. Mantell. Miss ceIlency of the school buildings in ris road passing the du Pont airport t here left on City Belt Line through 5,000,000 or more. To solve the prob- tional names were placed on the books Bruce has also had several years o~ which the students will very soon be on t he right to Kennett Pike. Choice Lansdown, Llanerch, Overbrook, cross- lem of unemployment, he saW, it John Biggs, Jr., chairman of th Shakespearean repertoire as well as attending school. of roads lead to Concord pike (U. S. ing Schuylkill River and right along will be necessary for the larger units Democratic county committee report numerous engagements with New Tht: executive officers of the asso- 122) and West Chester, however, by Park Drive to Huntington Park ave- of producti6n to make more definite ed that in rural New Castle County York companies suc h as Penella's ciation are, besides Mr. Brinser, the turning left on the Kennett pike to nue to Roosevelt boulevard, thence plans of producliion. according to activities' at the polls it Spani h opera, "The Wildcat," the president; princi pal, D. A. P etry, Hamorton, there right on U .. S .. 1 U. S. 1 into Trenton. Entering Tr~n- The speaker told of two concerns in was esti~ated that 1,400 names wer Theatre Guild's "Peer Gynt," etc., etc. F elton; secretary, Harold Barker, through Chadds Ford to Concord pike ton on ~ arren street t~ Brunswick this country which map out a definite added to the. books.. John C. Hickey is one of the finest Newark; assistant secretary, Miss or U. S. 122. avenue, .rlght on No. 26 direct to N~w plan of production. In case t he pro- ~oth. maJor political parties .wer rharacte r actors on the American Hannah LindeIl, Newark; directors, Turn left on U. S. 122 a nd follow Brunswick. Enter New BrunswlCk duction in one month exceeds the de- active m Kent County and though n stage and hi s ex pe ri ence dates back to R. W. Heim, Newark; Mi ss PhyIlis in detail through West Chester, Paoli, on Livingston street to George; left mand it is stored. The result of this definite figures are available it is be his beginnings as proper ty boy in the Mason, rural New Castie Cou nty; ~orri sto wn, Doylestown to Lambert- on George street under R. R. br.idge ca r ef ~1 planning is that these con- lieved that about 2,000 registered. Re fa mou company of F rederick Warde Charles P. Helm , Laurel. ville, .N. J. F .ollow No. 29 from Lam- a nd t~rn left three blocks to stadIUm. cerns are able to guarantee their men ports are t hat there was a large num and Loui s James and Marie Wain­ Among the Newark educator s on ber tvllie to Ringoes; No. 30 for seven 104 miles f rom Newark. 48 weeks of work in a year, the other ber Of. tra~sf e rs. wr ight. MI'. Hickey appeared last sea­ committees are: time being taken up in making inven- EstimatIOns py polltlCal workers 0 so n on Broadway in hi s orig inal role Dr. E. B. Crooks a nd Mi ~s Greta tories and in vacations for the em- Sussex County .place t he number 0 of Salmon P. Cha'e in the reviva l of McKin ey, on the Co mmittee of Pro- ployes. In this wa y the concerns se- registrations at 1,000. They also re Drinkwater's "Abraha m Linco ln." fe 'sional Ethics; Profe SO l' W. A. THREE BOYS ARE YACHT CLDB IS cure a high grade of labor. because p.ort t hat t he number of transfers wa Stan ley Cobley has just co mpleted Wilkinson, a past president of the T . the employes ar e sure of being kept Ili ght: . n sutce"ful summer engagement at a ssociation, on the Committee of Res- HELD FOR THEF BURNED SUNDAY at work. He also cited how t he tele- Wllmmgton expel'l enced a much Sea Wolf"; the celebrated Maverick Theatre in olutions. MI'. Charlcs Boo ne heads' a phone company· had mapped out work heavi er r eg i ~trat i on .Satur.day than on the Cat. kills at Woodstock, N. Y. , new co mmittee of t he association , --- --- in advance and managed to keep its the t.wo prevIOUS r egistration days, ac (Continued on Page 4.) which has been organized under the, Offi C . ngham Nabs Fire Truck, Answering CaiI, cmployes at work.
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