February 24, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3087 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FLAG PROTECTION AMENDMENT tions made to this country by distinguished Af- tional TRIO Day. National TRIO Day was des- rican Americans. It is a proud time for our na- ignated by concurrent resolution on February HON. RON PACKARD tion and although we traditionally reserve the 24, 1986 by the 99th Congress. National TRIO OF CALIFORNIA accolades for those African Americans who Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of Feb- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have gained public distinction and acclaim, I ruary each year as a day of recognition for the would like to pause today to honor this won- Federal TRIO Program. Wednesday, February 24, 1999 derful family for its greatness as a family, one The TRIO programs are Upward Bound, Up- Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in that is richly steeped in tradition and which de- ward Bound Math/Science, Veterans Upward support of the Flag Protection Amendment, in- fines, better than most, the true meaning of Bound, Talent Search, Student Support Serv- troduced by Congressman DUKE CUNNINGHAM family. ices, Educational Opportunity Centers and the (R–CA) and Congressman JOHN MURTHA (D– Loil, who has lived in Los Angeles since Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achieve- PA). This bill will ensure that our flag receives 1987 where he is one of the top car salesmen ment Program. These programs, established the utmost respect and Constitutional protec- in the industry for Mike Miller Toyota, has over the past 30 years, provide services to tion it deserves. shared with me an authoritative and com- low-income and potential first generation col- I strongly believe flag desecration is a slap prehensive manuscript compiled by his niece lege students and help them overcome class, in the face to all those who fought and died for and president of the Brown Family Reunion, social, cultural and physical barriers to higher our freedom. This symbol is more then a sim- Marion Joann Thomas. In it, Marion has education. ple matter of pride, the flag binds us together chronicled the history of the Brown family be- Currently 2,000 colleges, universities and as a nation. We pledge our allegiance to it, ginning with the births of great, great, great, community agencies throughout our nation many people are buried with the flag draping great-grandparents George, born in May 1839, sponsor TRIO programs. Over 780,000 middle their casket, the least we can do is protect it. and Josephine, born in February 1840. So im- school and high school students and adults According to a national survey conducted by pressive is From Generation to Generation, benefit from their services. Most of these stu- the Gallup Organization, three out of four 1825–1998 The Legacy of George Brown and dents represent the highest aspirations and Americans favor passage of the Flag Protec- Josephine Britton that a copy of the document best hope for the American dream. By lifting tion Amendment. We owe the passage of this is catalogued in the Institute of Texas Cultures these students out of poverty, the nation is lift- Amendment to every American. What better Library and the Carver Library in San Antonio, ed to new heights. There are 15 TRIO programs in my State way to do the business of the people, than to Texas. A copy is also on record with the His- which serve 6,000 aspiring students and protect our symbol of national unity. torical Society of Caldwell County Library in adults annually. I know these programs work. Mr. Speaker, this bipartisan Amendment is Luling, Texas. For example, last year I met Mark Crosby, a highly valued by a clear majority of Americans. Loil Ellison, Jr.’s extended family come from First Vice-President for Personnel for one of Forty-nine states have petitioned Congress for all over the United States. Last summer, on Maine’s most successful and fastest-growing a Flag Protection Amendment. The fact is July 17, 1998, the family held its annual re- employers, MBNA America Bank. Mark was a Americans want our flag protected. union, which drew more than 350 family mem- student in the University of Maine Upward The American flag is a national treasure. It bers. For three days, family members partici- Bound Program which he credits for his suc- is the ultimate symbol of freedom, equal op- pated in a range of activities celebrating their cess in completing high school, college and portunity and religious tolerance. Amending rich heritage. They held a reception and din- graduate school. As he told me, ‘‘I went to col- our Constitution to protect the flag is a neces- ner dance, a family picnic, and joined in a lege. My brother, who did not go to Upward sity. family worship service held at Trinity Baptist Bound, went to jail’’. f Church. What a glorious sight it must have TRIO graduates can be found in every oc- been to witness the group, 350 plus strong, TRIBUTE TO THE LOIL ELLISON, cupation; doctor, lawyer, astronaut, television marching into the church as they prepared to JR. FAMILY reporter, actor, professional athlete, state sen- give thanks for the spiritual blessings and leg- ator and Member of Congress. In fact, some acies bestowed by their ancestors George and HON. JULIAN C. DIXON of our colleagues today are graduates of TRIO Josephine. programs. The TRIO programs are a cost-ef- OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, the history of George Brown fective investment in our nation’s future. They IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Josephine Britton Brown, as told through help to ensure that no child will be left behind, Wednesday, February 24, 1999 the eyes of Marion Joann Thomas, is a poign- his or her aspirations unrealized. ant and inspirational story of love of family. It In closing, I would like to encourage my col- Mr. DIXON. Mr. Speaker, Merriam Web- is a rich narrative of a people filled with hope ster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, de- leagues to visit the TRIO Programs in their and a determined spirit to achieve as a legacy districts and learn for themselves how valu- fines family as ‘‘a group of persons of com- to their ancestors George and Josephine mon ancestry; a people or group of peoples able these programs are to our nation. I also Britton Brown. I commend Loil and his niece, want to say a warm hello to all of the Maine regarded as deriving from a common stock.’’ I Marion, for sharing their history with me and am proud today to recognize a group of indi- students currently participating in TRIO pro- convey my wishes that their future will be as grams and to remind them to keep reaching viduals who embody, in a very special man- rich as their past. ner, the principles inherent in Webster’s defini- for their dreams. tion of family. The extended family of my f f friend Loil Ellison, Jr. traces its history back CELEBRATING NATIONAL TRIO KATE MULLAY—350 EIGHTH nearly 174 years and counts amongst its DAY STREET, TROY, NY members more than 350 descendants of George Brown and Josephine Britton Brown. HON. JOHN ELIAS BALDACCI It is especially fitting that this tribute to the HON. MICHAEL R. McNULTY OF MAINE OF NEW YORK Ellison, Brown, Kyle, Brawley, Baker, Wright, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Watson, Boyd, Callaghan, Hughes, and Hub- bard families comes during the month of Feb- Wednesday, February 24, 1999 Wednesday, February 24, 1999 ruary, that time of the year traditionally set Mr. BALDACCI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to bring Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, John F. Ken- aside when Americans honor the rich contribu- my colleagues’ attention the celebration of Na- nedy once said: ‘‘A nation reveals itself not ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 14:32 Sep 27, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E24FE9.000 E24FE9 3088 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 24, 1999 only by the men it produces, but by the men I ask that my colleagues in the House sup- mination, and discipline to excel in figure skat- it honors, the men it remembers.’’ port H.R. 641. This is important legislation ing should be admired by all. I wish all of them Today I honor the life and work of a great which would properly honor and remember well and look forward to cheering for them in woman. Kate Mullany’s work and pay tribute to the sig- all their future endeavors! Down the hall, in the Rotunda of this mag- nificant contributions made by her and her fel- f nificent building—an incredible tribute to de- low laborers to the history of this great nation. mocracy—there is a statue of three great Mr. Speaker, we are all active participants in TRIBUTE TO JUSTICE BERNARD S. women, all American pioneers. Most historians telling the history of America. The responsi- JEFFERSON will agree that Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan bility of telling the stories of heroes like Kate B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott—because of Mullany is on our shoulders. HON. JULIAN C. DIXON their lifelong struggle for equality—deserve f OF CALIFORNIA that place of honor, in our Rotunda, with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO FIGURE SKATING statues of George Washington, Thomas Jef- Wednesday, February 24, 1999 ferson, Andrew Jackson and Dr.
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