Joint Annual Meeting - Congrès annuel conjoint Navigating Past & Future Change Naviguer les changements du passé et de l’avenir Volume 34 Abstracts - Résumés Abstracts - Judi Pennanen, water colour / aquarelle, 56 cm x 75 cm University of Ottawa/Université d'Ottawa May 25-27 mai TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRES ABSTRACTS / RÉSUMÉS.............................................................................................................................. 1 AUTHOR INDEX / INDEX DES AUTEURS ............................................................................................ 241 Abstracts can also be searched using this link / Les résumés peuvent aussi être consultés sur le site suivant : http://gac.esd.mun.ca/gac_2011/search_abs/program.asp Abstracts Volume 34 / Volume des résumés 34 ISBN: 978-1-897095-55-3 ISSN: 0701-8738 ttawattawa 20112011 Printed in Canada / Imprimé au Canada Publisher / Éditeur: Geological Association of Canada / Association géologique du Canada © 2011 GAC®/AGC® - MAC/AMC - SEG - SGA ABSTRACTS / RÉSUMÉS TRACE ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRY OF MAGNETITE migrating domal uplift of western Quebec leading to the erosion AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO MINERALIZATION IN of overlying Cambrian-Devonian platform sediments that are still THE GREAT BEAR MAGMATIC ZONE, NWT, CANADA preserved in the Ottawa Valley where they were downfaulted into — PRELIMINARY FINDINGS the OBG (similar rocks are preserved by downfaulting at the north Acosta Góngora, P., [email protected], Gleeson, S.A, University of end of Lake Timiskaming, and seismicity suggests that the OBG Alberta, Saskatchewan Dr., Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Ootes, L., structure might extend 400+ km NW of Mattawa to include a lin- Jackson, V.A., Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, 4601-B St., Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R3, Samson, I.M., University of Windsor, 401 ear cluster of deep earthquakes near Cochrane). There was ~1 km Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, and Corriveau, L., Geological of uplift and erosion at Montreal (evidence: xenolithic Devonian Survey of Canada, 490 De la Couronne St., Quebec City, QC G1K 9A9 rocks in Monteregian volcanic throats) and the domal uplift is hy- The Paleoproterozoic Great Bear magmatic zone is the focus of pothesized to have caused extensional reactivation of existing pre- ongoing exploration for iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) mineral- Cambrian and early rifting faults near its NW-SE path ~110 m.y. ization. Examples include the Sue-Dianne and NICO deposits. ago. Carbonatite dykes were intruded into Ottawa limestones at This project aims to characterize the nature and geochemistry of that time, and the regional uplift may have reactivated the OBG the fluids responsible for the mineralization in these deposits and structures, as evinced by a 102 ± 3 Ma date on vuggy calcite and other similar prospects in the southern part of the region. 100 ± 1 Ma date on pyrite/calcite (both dates by Pat Smith, Univ. Petrographic and hand specimen descriptions of 45 samples Toronto) in multiphase joint-controlled veins in the Ordovician provides a preliminary paragenetic sequence for the DAMP, FAB, limestone. Sub-horizontal slickensides on some of the vein fillings and Nori prospects and the NICO and Sue Dianne advanced ex- in the Ottawa area indicate a period of strike-slip faulting on the ploration projects. Mineralization at DAMP, FAB and Sue Dianne normal faults; if the sheared veins postdate the dated vuggy veins (Cu±Ag, U) are hosted by brecciated felsic volcanic rocks and they indicate this strike-slip period was Cretaceous or younger characterized by an early stage of hematite and magnetite, fol- (the sheared calcite itself has not yet been dated). Stress relief is lowed by the deposition of chalcopyrite, bornite, and chalcocite ongoing, as shown by earthquakes, pop-ups, quarry floor buckles, as the main Cu ore minerals. The FAB showing contains two gen- and offset bore holes in Ottawa-area excavations. While indirect erations of magnetite; an older phase disseminated on the breccia (shaking) evidence for postglacial paleo-earthquakes is known lithoclasts and a younger phase found as the matrix to the breccia from the Alfred region (Aylsworth) and from near the north end and veins. At Nori (Cu-Mo-U), tourmaline-biotite-uraninite veins of Lake Timiskaming (Adams), and there have been some postu- crosscut the Treasure Lake metasedimentary rocks and also have lated young faults (Eyles, Fenton/Adams) at the north end of Lake two generations of magnetite; early phase disseminated in the wall Timiskaming, no seismogenic postglacial fault has yet been rock and a later phase occurring in veins with K-feldspar coeval proven. Understanding the origin and evolution of the OBG would with molybdenite, uraninite, and chalcopyrite mineralization. At be beneficial to contemporary hazard estimation. Current models the NICO (Au-Bi-Co-Cu) deposit, the ore minerals are hosted by for seismic hazard estimation consider that the current clustered hydrothermally altered metasedimentary rocks of the Treasure activity will continue, but that large earthquakes will occur (and Lake Group. Several generations of magnetite have been recog- therefore have already occurred!) anywhere along the OBG. nized and include pre- (strata bound magnetite replacement), syn- (magnetite in arsenopyrite-bearing veins, vein selvages and CONSTRAINING THE ORIGIN OF METAL breccias, and/or strongly overprinting the host metasedimentary ENRICHMENT IN THE BUSHVELD COMPLEX, SOUTH bedding) and post-mineralization (late-stage magnetite veins) AFRICA: A FLUID AND MELT INCLUSION STUDY OF episodes. Thus, magnetite is found in all the mineral showings and PEGMATITES BELOW THE MERENSKY REEF advanced exploration projects within this area, and it is often Adlakha, E.E. and Hanley, J.J., Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS closely related to mineralized rocks. B3H 3C3, [email protected] Pegmatites in the Bushveld Complex occur as veins and pipes com- We present the results obtained by an electron microprobe prised of quartz-andesine-biotite intergrowth. Mineral thermome- analyses and suggest that the trace elements in magnetite, espe- try indicates minimum equilibration temperatures of 610-740ºC, cially V, have a significant variation between the different corresponding to the recrystallization (or alteration) of the sur- prospects and advanced exploration projects. Furthermore, local rounding cumulate wall rocks during pegmatite formation. Moss- variations in V and Co, can be used to distinguish between pre- bauer spectroscopy and wet titration determination of the Fe3+:Fe2+ and syn-mineralization magnetite. This study indicates that the ratios in biotite grains constrain the ƒO during biotite crystalliza- trace element signature of magnetite may be a suitable tool for 2 tion to ΔFMQ±1. The δ37Cl values for biotite range from -0.15‰ mineral exploration in the GBmz. Future analytical investigations to 0.84‰, consistent with a mantle source for the Cl. Laser utilizing ICP-MS will be carried out to constrain the results re- 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite grains indicates that the pegmatites crys- ported here. tallized from 2044 (±23) Ma to 2023 (±12) Ma. The range in crys- THE INFLUENCE OF THE OTTAWA-BONNECHERE tallization age indicates that late stage volatile activity persisted in GRABEN ON NEOTECTONICS, CONTEMPORARY the intrusion for a considerable period of time. The cores of the SEISMICITY, AND SEISMIC HAZARD pegmatites may contain base metal sulfides with inclusions of pre- Adams, J., Canadian Hazards Information Service, Geological Survey cious metal minerals including melonite [(Ni, Pd) Te2] and hessite. of Canada, 7 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa, ON K1A 0Y3 Normative abundance patterns for the pegmatite sulfides are most The Ottawa-Bonnechere Graben (OBG) is a major weakness in similar to those of the Platreef, showing a marked enrichment in the integrity of the Canadian Shield and influences the contempo- Pd and Au relative to Pt (Pd:Pt > 8), Cu enrichment relative to Ni rary pattern of seismicity. The largest historical earthquake was (Cu:Ni > 20) and significant depletion in Ir. magnitude 6.2 at Timiskaming in 1935. One of the younger tec- Quartz and plagioclase within the pegmatites contain primary tonic disturbances near the OBG was the passage of Western Que- fluid inclusions, ranging from early low salinity two-phase aque- bec over the Great Meteor hotspot. This likely caused the ous to late, ultrahigh salinity (nearly anhydrous; >98 wt% NaCl 1 equivalent) halide melt inclusions composed of NaCl-CaCl2. 9.35±0.52 Ma (MAPL). These ages are congruent to those derived Later generations of secondary halite-bearing inclusions [28.4- for other sections in the profile of the flowstone. Future work will 35.3 wt% NaCl equiv.; Th=115-259ºC (by halite dissolution; be focused on refining the procedure to improve the chronology n=58)] and halite-undersaturated [15.4-20.5 wt% NaCl equiv.; on the BC1 flowstone. Nevertheless, preliminary data from the 4 Th=128 and 320ºC (by vapour-out; n=7)] were observed. Silicate present study support a revival of the U-Th- He chronology and melt inclusions containing a high K rhyodacitic liquid are also its applications in paleoclimatic reconstructions of other Tertiary- present. Co-entrapment of halide and silicate melt in single in- aged speleothems. clusions was observed, confirming that the silicate melt was sat- urated in a saline volatile phase. Trace element modeling shows FORMATION OF THE CENTENNIAL UNCONFORMITY- that the pegmatites formed by very low degrees
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