[Inten�onally Blank] Diocese of Exeter Clergy Handbook: Office Holders Terms and Condi�ons of Service Contents Page Welcome from the Bishop of Exeter 3 Introduc�on 4 Sec�on 1: Diocese of Exeter – Who We Are 6 Sec�on 2: Appointment and Office 13 2.1 Varieties of Tenure 13 2.2 Key Documents 15 2.3 Nominated Officers 16 2.4 Fixed Term Appointments 17 2.5 Priests Over 70 18 2.6 Other Requirements 19 2.7 Housing 22 Sec�on 3: Managing Finances in Office 25 3.1 Grants 25 3.2 Expenses 26 3.3 Stipend and Pensions 26 3.4 Payroll and Tax 28 3.5 Financial Help 29 Sec�on 4: Day to Day Working Arrangements 31 4.1 Personal Details 31 4.2 Rest Periods and Annual Leave 31 4.3 Sickness 32 4.4 Other Types of Leave 35 Sec�on 5: Health, Safety and Security 37 5.1 Health and Safety 5.2 Personal Security 5.3 Safeguarding Sec�on 6: IT and Communica�ons 38 6.1 IT Security and Data Protection 38 6.2 Giving Professional and Personal References 40 6.3 Working With the Media 41 6.4 Social Media Guidelines 42 September 2020 1 Sec�on 7: Ongoing Ministry 44 7.1 Growing in Ministry 44 7.2 Ministerial Development Reviews 44 7.3 Continuing Ministerial Development 45 Sec�on 8: Welfare and Wellbeing 46 8.1 Clergy Wellbeing Covenant 46 8.2 Support During Sickness Absence 46 8.3 Pastoral Care and Counselling 47 8.4 Relationship Support 48 8.5 Retirement support 50 Sec�on 9: Work Life Balance (Family Friendly Policies) 52 9.1 Legal Entitlement to Statutory Leave and Pay 52 9.2 Maternity Leave and Pay 54 9.3 Adoption Leave and Pay 56 9.4 Paternity Leave and Pay 58 9.5 Shared Parental Leave and Pay 59 9.6 Parental Leave 60 9.7 Time Off to Care for Dependants 61 Sec�on 10: Moving On and Re�rement 63 10.1 Ending a Clergy Role 63 10.2 Resignation 64 10.3 Retirement 65 Sec�on 11: Dignity in Ministry – Concerns and Conduct 66 11.1 Responding to Issues and Concerns 66 11.2 Clergy Disciplinary Measure 67 11.3 Disclosure of Public Interest (Whistleblowing) 69 11.4 Professional Conduct 70 Sec�on 12: Dignity in Ministry - Bullying and Harassment 71 12.1 General Information 71 12.2 Raising a Complaint 72 12.3 Dealing with Complaints 73 Sec�on 13: Dignity in Ministry - Performance and Capability 76 13.1 Capability Procedure 76 13.2 Capability Process 77 Sec�on 14: Dignity in Ministry - Grievances 80 14.1 Grievance Principles 80 14.2 Grievance Procedures 80 Appendix 1: Guidance for Curates, House for Duty and SSMs 82 Appendix 2: Applica�on Form for Special Leave 87 September 2020 2 Welcome from the Bishop of Exeter Dear Colleagues, The face of the Church of England and the landscape of ministry has changed enormously over the last forty years. The days of ‘one man bands’ is over. Increasingly, ministry is collabora�ve with clergy and laity forging crea�ve partnerships in our service of Christ. Ministry today blends the pastoral and the missional in new and exci�ng ways. It is demanding, peppered with unexpected challenges, but life-giving. It is a privilege to live in this beau�ful county and to be called by God to share the Gospel with the people of Devon. Our vision as a Diocese is to ‘Grow in Prayer, to Make New Disciples, and to Serve the People of Devon with Joy’. I hope that you will allow it to shape your priori�es in ministry as you reach out to your local community in the name of Jesus Christ. In February 2020, the General Synod approved a Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing, which states that: “In its formularies, the Church of England recognises that God calls men and women to serve as deacons, priests and bishops to build up and equip the whole People of God. Conscious that such a calling is both a privilege and a demand, we as the Church of England commit together to promote the welfare of our clergy and their households in terms expressed in the Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing. We undertake to work together to seek to coordinate and improve our approach to clergy care and wellbeing that ordained ministers flourish in their service of the mission of God within and beyond the Church. “ As a Diocese, we embrace this Covenant for Wellbeing wholeheartedly. As part of our commitment, we set out in this handbook as clearly as possible the terms and condi�ons of service that will enable you to be effec�ve in your ministry. We have gathered into one place important policy statements, signpos�ng you to more detailed guidance and informa�on as and when you need it. I am grateful to all who have contributed to this handbook and commend it to you. I hope that it will be a valuable resource. With my thanks for our partnership in the Gospel, + Robert Exon The Right Reverend Robert Atwell Bishop of Exeter September 2020 3 Introduc�on This Clergy Handbook summarises the terms and condi�ons of your service as an office holder in the Diocese of Exeter. It amplifies the Statement of Par�culars which, under the Ecclesias�cal Offices (Terms of Service) Regula�ons 2009, the majority of beneficed and licensed clergy, and some lay ministers, are en�tled to receive. It forms part of the legal framework for ministry in the Church of England known as Common Tenure. This Handbook should be read in conjunc�on with the latest Bishop’s Guidelines for Ordained Ministry: June 20201. The Guidelines dis�l good prac�ce and endeavour to help clergy understand beter their obliga�ons and responsibili�es as office holders. Some of the content is drawn from Canon Law and Measures and Acts of Parliament. The Guidelines may also be helpful to those clergy and laity who are not subject to the terms and condi�ons of Common Tenure as set out in this Handbook. Taken together, these three documents cons�tute the legal framework for your service as an office holder in the diocese. They are set within the broader context of the na�onal Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy2 and the Five Guiding Principles3 commended by the House of Bishops, which all clergy are expected to adhere to and to work in ways that are consistent with it. The terms and condi�ons of service summarised in this Handbook apply to all parochial office holders in the diocese unless stated otherwise. Excep�ons may apply in some cases; for example, to clergy who are Self Suppor�ng Ministers, who hold a freehold office, or whose appointment has been extended beyond the age of 70. Where there is an excep�on to a specific term or condi�on this will be indicated in the text. Some clergy in the diocese do not hold a parochial office, but instead are employed by the Exeter Diocesan Board of Finance (EDBF) or operate in a chaplaincy or advisory capacity under another organisa�on. For clergy who are employed by EDBF, there is an Employee Handbook which sets out their terms and condi�ons of employment. This is a useful resource and reference guide for everyone who is employed to carry out du�es on behalf of EDBF and provides informa�on on employee working condi�ons, employment benefits and the policies affec�ng their employment. As a significant number of clergy serve under a contract of employment with the EDBF. Where the terms and condi�ons set out in the current EDBF Employee Handbook are more generous than the provision of the previous (2018) edi�on of this Clergy Handbook, the diocesan provision for parochial office holders has been extended to give parity between office holders and EDBF employees, except where differences are unavoidable due to the legal requirements of Common Tenure. Clergy employed as chaplains or advisers will have similar rights and responsibili�es conferred within their employment contracts, which will provide for relevant maters including line management, appraisal, �me off work, etc. September 2020 4 Clergy who exercise ordained ministry in pursuance of a contract of employment will usually hold the Bishop’s general License under Seal. Such clergy are subject to the terms and condi�ons set out in their contract of employment rather than the provisions of Common Tenure. However they are invited and encouraged to par�cipate in Ministry Development Review (MDR) and Con�nuing Ministry Development (CMD) as appropriate to their circumstances. Where clergy are employed by EDBF or another employer and, at the same �me, hold the Bishop’s License to a specific parochial office (for example, as an Associate Minister in a benefice), they are subject to the provisions of their contract in respect of their employment and to the provisions of Common Tenure in respect of their parish ministry. All Church of England clergy, whether or not they hold the Bishop’s authorisa�on to minister in any form, remain subject to the Clergy Discipline Measure. In order to keep this Handbook to a manageable length, the terms and condi�ons have been summarised and are supported with signposts to where further informa�on can be found online. This is par�cularly so for the sec�ons rela�ng to Performance and Capability (Sec�on 13) and Grievances (Sec�on 14).
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