1 THE MALTESE PRESENCE IN NORTH AMERICA E-NEWSLETTER Issue 19 OCTOBER 2020 56th ANNIVERSARY OF MALTA’S INDEPENDENCE OBSERVED WITH A FLAG-RAISING CEREMONY AT MALTA PARK, TORONTO, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th (Courtesy of the Consulate General of the Republic of Malta to Canada) 2 The Maltese Presence 25.) Fair warning, you might wish to Once more, I can be reached in North America have a tissue close by as you read through [email protected], be Issue No. 19 October 2020 this account. it ideas you wish to share, etc. Editor Congratulations go to Lisa LiGreci. I would like to wish a Happy Dan Brock She had her October submission in Thanksgiving on Monday, October to me before the September news- 12th to all those living in Canada. To Copy Editor letter was even sent out! (See our American readers, should the Mona Vella Nicholas pages 5-6.) November issue not appear before I also wish to publically recognize November 3rd, my wish is that the Contributors to This Issue Dr. Raymond Xerri, Consul General most capable individuals are elec- CANADA of the Republic of Malta for Canada. ted at all levels of government Ontario He has his finger on the pulse of the Dr. Bazil Brown Maltese in Canada and continually CONTENTS Consulate General of Malta to keeps me abreast of what is hap- 2. Editorial Comment Canada webpage pening within the Maltese Commu- 3. Pastor’s Thoughts… Richard S. Cumbo nity in Canada, especially within the 4. Letter to the Editor of This Fr. Mario Micallef, MSSP Greater Toronto Area. I would en- Newsletter Brian Muscat courage other representatives of 4. Mark Caruana Awarded the Joseph Muscat Malta in North America to share Medal of the Order of Austra- USA with our readers what is happening lia… Finally California within their jurisdictions. 5. Ħut Lampuki Fil-forn Bil-Patata Dennis & Evelyn Simmons This month I’m grateful for the u T-Tadam (Roasted Lampuki Michigan information received from the Mal- with Potatoes & Tomatoes) Lisa LiGreci tese Canadian clubs in both Hamil- 7. Edward Mercieca Was Also on North Carolina ton and Windsor. At the same time, the Sobieski Sr. Paula Diann Marlin, RSM I would like to reach out to the 9. Heritage Language Teacher Pennsylvania Maltese Center, NYC. This is about 10. Monthly Message of the Maureen Skorupa Keyes the only club in North America I Consul General of the Republic AUSTRALIA have not heard from since this of Malta to Canada New South Wales newsletter was initiated. As for the 13. Joseph Muscat: Visual Artist/ Mark Caruana others, I realize little or nothing is Art & Exhibition Consultant MALTA taking place at present owing to this 15. The Women from Malta Who Dr. Charles Farrugia coronavirus pandemic. Joined the Sisters of Mercy in Martin Hampton I wish to thank the readers for their Jamaica comments regarding the newsletter 18. Activities within the Maltese EDITORIAL COMMENT in general and the last issue in Communities The past several weeks have cer- particular. Letters to the editor are 20. The Maltese Canadian Social tainly been busy ones as far as this also most welcomed and we have Club Guelph Inc. Celebrates newsletter has been concerned. another one in this issue. (See page Malta Night Much has been learned concerning 4.) It goes without saying that 21. Press Release by the Consu- certain individuals who came to opinions expressed by the reader- late General of the Republic of North America from Malta. Perhaps ship are not necessarily those of the Malta for Canada the most significant has been editor. 22. Reader Comments Relating to further information concerning the Once again, I have had an oppor- the September Issue women who went to Jamaica. (See tunity to profile a living Maltese per- 22. Regarding the Newsletter pages 15-18) A close second would sonality. In this case it is Joseph 23. Carmelo Borg: Part III Going be the account of the Mercieca Muscat who is both a visual artist Home family members who settled in and art and exhibition consultant 26. Maltese Organizations in North Detroit. (See pages 7-9.) living in Canada. (See pages 13- America Without a doubt, the most touch- 14.) 28. Feast of Our Lady of Victory, ing and agonizing article is the final I’m always grateful to receive the September 8, 1945, Toronto, instalment of the account of Carme- weekly bulletins from St. Paul the Ontario lo Borg as written by his daughter Apostle Church and appreciate the 28. Malta Day Dinner/Dance at the Carmen Borg. She has done an thought Fr. Mario puts into his Maltese Canadian Club of Lon- amazing job in handling a very reflections, which I in turn share don, Ontario, September 14, sensitive situation. (See pages 23- with you. (See page 3.) 2013 3 GLEANINGS FROM THE SUNDAY BULLETIN Forgiveness PASTOR’S THOUGHTS… Let’s face it, we all go through difficult times in our relationships. Whether it’s at work or college, within the family or with friends, sometimes we are going to either hurt the other person or get hurt by them. We all have different characters, and have different ideas, desires and priorities. We act differently and, above all, we all have our weaknesses which tend to get us into trouble. Without trying to trivialize the issue and make it sound simple, we can safely say that basically, when someone wrongs me, I have two options: harbor resentment or forgive. When speaking about this issue, I often hear Fr. Mario Micallef, MSSP, is pastor of St. Paul the Apostle, Toronto, the only Maltese national parish in North America. people telling me, “but he/she does not deserve my These “Pastor’s thoughts…” are extracts from his commen- forgiveness”. Granted, but I believe that is where many taries on the Sunday readings which are published in the people go wrong. Because, in reality, it is you who Parish’s Sunday Bulletin. deserve to forgive the other person. Because unless you forgive, you cannot find peace; you are still under There Is no Greater Love Than the power of the other person’s evil action. You are not to Lay Down One’s Life for the One You Love free! Humanly speaking, forgiveness does not come easy. ….Jesus’ steps took him to Jerusalem, and eventually Indeed, it is not something for the faint-hearted! Our up on the Golgotha. It was the greatest act of love, as instincts tell us to seek revenge (which we sometimes he told us: there is no greater love, than to lay down disguise as justice), to get back at the one who hurt us. one’s life for the one you love. No wonder that Jesus “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth”, was the dictum in then continues to teach the disciples about what being olden times. Jesus had a different policy. He, whose his follower means: it entails carrying the cross and interest was in the whole human person and not just the losing one’s life. I know that very often our under- spiritual aspect, knew that resentment never helped standing of “cross” is not what Jesus intended. anyone. He lived forgiveness, and then he preached Speaking of one’s cross, Jesus never had in mind a it…. sickness, a problem or lack of money. The cross Jesus ….Forgiveness brings peace and freedom first and carried on his shoulders, and the one we are expected foremost to the one who forgives….we all need to carry, is whatever it takes to live out a life of total self- forgiveness. I know that I have wronged and hurt other giving love. Because, ultimately, it is only this that can people in my life, knowingly or unknowingly. I need to lead us to real life. It is important to notice that Jesus be forgiven and, as we ask God every time we pray the does not speak only of losing one’s life or of dying. Our Father, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those These are not the end but, rather, a means for who sin against us”. something better. It is losing one’s life so that we will truly find it. It is dying so that we can experince the joy God’s Love Can Never Be Earned of the resurrection. ….From the very beginning Matthew wants us to We Are One Body, the Body of Christ understand that the God of his Gospel is a God who …when someone is in sin, he is not in communion with gives us sunshine and rain not because we deserve it the rest of the community. Remember that I can never or because we do something to earn it, but simply be a Christian on my own That’s why the Eucharist, the because we need it. And since God is a good God who sacrament of “communion” as we call it, is so central to loves us, he gives us what we need, irrespective of how our lives. Because in it we celebrate what we really are: we live our lives. This is, indeed good news. Unfor- one body, the body of Christ. Ultimately this is what tunately, very often people tend to forget the fact that makes our prayer effective…. the gospel is good news. They turn religion into what The image used by the prophet Ezekiel…is very we might call a meritocracy: I do good so that I can earn beautiful. “I have made you a watchman for the house God’s love and God’s favors.
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