Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1965-10-22 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1965). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 191. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/191 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Edgecliff Vol. XXXI Our Lady of Cincinnati, "Edgecliff," Cincinnati, Ohio, Octobe r 22, 1965 No. 2 Fifth Annual EUNA Opens Today Representatives from the Do­ of the colJege's social science divi­ serve as chairman of the General minican Re public today prepared sion, presided at the opening con­ Assembly. a proposal to the United Nations fe rence. The EUNA was formulated and demanding an apology from the The delegates then adjourned to organized in 1961 by Mr. W . Vin­ United States for its inte rvention meet with advisors and consultants cent D elaney, associate professor in the governmental affairs of the from various areas regarding their of history at Edgecliff. island. respective "countries." The two­ To facilitate the functioning of The delegates participating in day agenda also includes commit­ this " little UN," the Stud e nt Friday's meeting, however, were tee meetings, an awards luncheon C o u n c i I has formed a Steering not in New York but on the Committee. The chairmen of the Edgecliff campus as part of the committees are J eanne D ete r s annual Edgecliff United Nations (Hospitality), Ly nn Radford Assembly, sponsored by Our Lady (Luncheon), J ean O 'Connell (Dec­ of Cincinnati College. orations), Pat Donovan (Secre­ The Dominican Republic dele­ tariat) , E laine Vorherr (Political gates are from Purcell High School. and S ecurity) , Martha Foley (Ec­ Notre Dame Academy, repre­ onomical and Financial) , Josefina senting the USSR proposed that Miyar (Cuban Demonstrations) , economic aid by the UN be with­ and Nancy Vonderheide (Peace drawn from warring countries that D emonstrations) . Others include refuse to negotiate a settlement of Mary Ellen Littleman, Dorothy the dispute, or at least a cease­ Cruse, Margherita Siciliano and fire. According to the resolution, Christine Fair. aid would not be continued until During the wee k, poste rs we re the country agreed to cooperate made by 70 freshmen to publicize with the aim of the UN - to keep the UN or one of its agencies. ' peace. Dr. Raymond F. McCoy Twenty-eight high schools from and the climactic Gene ral Assem­ three states have sent more than bly Saturday. Edgecliff Faculty 100 delegates to the EUNA to rep­ Propositions on the agenda are resent thirty-three countries. concerned with establishing gov­ To Participate In The Edgecliff UN coincides with ernment departments for peace, the founding of the United Nations for prevention of conflicts and for 20 years ago. This year has also disarmament. Othe rs will debate NCEA Convention been declared International Co­ inte rnational s pace exploration, Faculty members from Our Lady Dorothy Pohlkamp, EUNA student chairman, confers with operation Year. establishment of a United Nations of Cincinnati College will attend Thailand delegates Peggy Gray, Janet Puchert and Peggy Scherer Sister Mary Virginia, R.S.M., university, and formation of Peace the Coll ege and University De­ of St. Ursula Academy, and Dominican Republic delegates David college president, welcomed the Corps in other countries, as well as partme nt Convention of the Mid­ high school delegations today. other current topics. west Unit of the National Catho­ Kruse and Bill Olson of Purcell High School. (Left to right.) lic Educational Association at the "Our Lady of Cincinnati is The order of business for the Unive rsity of Dayton in Dayton, happy to take part in the celebra­ EUNA is closely aligned to that Ohio, Nov. 5-6. tion of so many events and at the of the United Nations in New The theme of the convention, Liturgical Arts Group Meets same time to join the metropolitan York. The "countries" formulate according to Dr. Siegmund Betz, community in the observance of resolutions which are submitted to professor of English and chairman United Nations Week," said Sister committees. Committee members for Lecture and Discussion of the classics department at Edge­ The Liturgical Arts Group of mony, Confirmation and Fi rs t Mary Virginia. then vote on whether or not to cliff, will be " the problems of gen­ the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will Communion. Father Aidan said "It seems proper," she added, place it on the agenda. If it is e ral education at the coll ege level." hold its first meeting of the sea­ he will welcome discussion. "that our college assume leader­ accepted, the General Assembly For the past year Dr. Be tz has son Oct. 25 at Our Lady of Cincin­ The meeting, which is open to ship in giving youth an opportu­ discusses the measure with the been chairman of the Midwest nati College. The program will the public, begins at 8 p.m. Admis­ nity to study problems confronted powe r to ame nd it. The entire Unit's College and University D e­ begin with a 7 p .m. dinner. sion is $1.00. Sister Mary Rosine, everywhere as well as their rela­ Assembly then votes on it. partment. Father Aidan Kavanagh, 0 .S .B., R.S.M ., associate professor of art tions with others in the pursuit of Dr. Raymond F . McCoy, dean At the convention the "case will discuss " Sacraments and Sac­ at Edgecliff, may be contacted for peace." of the Xavie r Unive rsity Graduate method" technique will be em­ ramentals in the Family Life." further information. The Rev. Alfred G. Stritch, head School, wiJJ be the guest speaker ployed to discuss the theme of the Father Aidan, professor of sacra­ at Saturday's luncheon. meeting. mental theology and liturgy at Visit During World War II he was a Saint Meinrad Archabbey, is an Three Edgecliff Executives special agent for the Army's Coun­ associate editor and frequent con­ ter Intelligence Corps and served tributor to Worship. He is a mem­ Principal Ohio Cities For OFIC in the European Theatre in Nor­ Dads Fete be r of the board of directors of the Three membe rs of the admin­ 340 private and non-tax supported mandy, northe rn France and the Liturgical Conference. istrative s t a ff of Our Lady of colleges in the state. Each mem­ Rhineland and in the central Euro­ Daughters There will also be a display of Cincinnati College will visit major be r college provides a team of pean campaigns. sacramentals used in the home. Ohio cities during November on soli citors to vi sit busi ness and in­ Dr. McCoy is past president of Special emphasis will be placed behalf of the Ohio F ederation of dustry in the state and is com­ the Catholic Association for Inte r­ At Brunch on tho e connected with Matri- IndependPnt Colleges. mitted to contribute nine days of national Peace, havi ng served three Dad's "best girl" Sunday, Oct. They are: Sister Mary Virginia, solicitation each year. The over­ successive t e rm s in this office. 24, win be his college daughter. R.S.M., president; Sister Mary all goal this year is $2,500,000. Prese ntly he is serving a fourth The Edgecliff Fathers Club an­ Edgecliff Hosts Edmund, R.S.M., vice-president in The money will be used solely for term as the representative of the nually sponsors a Father-Daughter charge of financial affairs, and operating expenses and faculty National Catholic Educational As­ Communion Mass and Brunch . Noted Authority Mr. Robe rt Otto, administrator of salaries. sociation on the United States Na­ This year's event begins at 11 a.m . public relations. They will visit Since its affiliation with OFIC tional Commission for UNESCO. with Masses celebrated in the On Shakespeare business I ea d e r s in Cincinnati, more than nine years ago, Our Dr. M cCoy is also a noted author. Chapel and in the Edgecliff Thea­ Columbus, Dayton and Toledo. Lady of Cincinnati College has re­ Mr. Ronald Watkins, not e d William J . Dammarell , former tre. OFIC is the " united appeal" of Engli sh author and authority on ceived more than $250,000. Common Pleas Court Judge, wi ll "The purpose of the occasion," S hakespeare, will be in reside nce related Mr. Fred H . Deters, presi­ at Our Lady of Cincinnati from dent of the Edgecliff Fathers Club, Nov. 11 to D ec. 2. " is to bring fathers and daughters Educated at Eaton Coll ege and together under wholesome and at­ at King's Coll ege, Cambridge, Mr. tractive circumstances. It is one of Watkins a lso attended the Univer­ the most popular events of the sity of Basel. He h!is been, from year." 1932 to 1964, a sixth-form master The fee, he added , is $3 a couple. at Harrow School, teaching C las­ If an Edgecliff father has more sics and Engli sh. The author of than one daughte r among students Moonlight On The Globe and On or alumnae, the second daughter Producing Shakespeare, Mr. Wat­ attends for $1. kins produces Shakespearean plays Following the Mass and break­ under conditions similar to those fast, the stude nts and their fathe rs in Shakespeare's own time. will tour the campus.
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