t ' Youths Get The Weather Gold Frishee Fair and warm tonight; low near 78. Tomorrow continued 'Page 10 warm, humid, hazy; high near 90. Wednesday’s outlook . Manchester— A City of Village Charm more of same. VOL. XCI, NO. 244 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 17, 1972 (OUuMltled AdrertiaiiiK on P afa IT) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Heat Court Convicts Blamed In Riot Airport Killer BOSTON (AP) _ Police blame “ the heat and two much LOD, Israel (AP) __ An Army, would continue Us at- yond all reasonable doubt,’* the beer drinking" for a rock- Israeli 'army court convict- tacks in the cause of world rev- Judge added. ‘”rhey represent Owwlng rampage Involving an esUmated 2,000 vvdUch broke out ed Japanese radical Kozo Okamoto todav for his nart president of the court, charged. We therefore Wlowlng a Spanish-speaking festival here. - - - - Okamoto s declaraUon was ‘ a ““ onses. Nineteen persons were re­ ^ • mixture of unrlpened Ideas. I " the early stages of his In- ported Injured and at least 36 tenced him to life imprison- concerning his and his friends’ terrogatlon before the trial, persons were arrested In the m en t. frustraUon" with the modem Okamoto asked repeatedly to ftinday night disturbance, po­ The 24-year-old defendant world. Us social structure and t*® executed or to be allowed to )Urer- lice said. Of the Injured, six stood and listened Impassively regimes. commit suicide. The military doo- veere policemen. Including one M the verdict of the three lieu- zatlon vdio mffered a broken arm teant colonels was read. __ Renavam Zeevi aOon- when struck by a Ure Irtm. After It was translated Into ^ a ^ e m e n t with Oka­ Df the ............................. In full consciousness. Two Injured persons were Japanese, he sighed dMply. ..^^6 deeds attributed to the moto promising him the gener- y Bd- hospitalized In criUcal condi­ He was found guilty o* accused have been proven be- (See Page Seven) td an tion. Police said numerous, oth­ four charges filed against him. Lward, er persons suffered minor In­ Death Is the maximum penalty ------------------------------------------------ sn oar juries mainly from thrown for three of them, but Israel ’a Na- rocks. has executed but one person, a Sup- Die dlstrubance broke out In Nazi war criminal Adolf Bich- Serv- a wide area of the Roxbury and mann. And the prosecution South End sections following asked for a life sentence. Blast Damages the festival, which was attend­ lototly Okamoto had pleaded guilty ed by 8,000 to 10,000 persons. hards, in court and before the trial A police car and a cab were ta De­ signed a confession admitting ad Dr. overturned and set on fire. A that he and two other Japwese Montreal F orum I coni tavern and a branch O ty Hall attacked the crowd in Israel’s were set on fire with fire o(B d- international airport on May 80 MONTREAL (A P )— An explosion early today heav- bombs, but the flames were with machine guns and gre- ily brought under control quickly, damaged the north side of the Montreal Forum. The Mdes, acting on of a DUter- police saild. Rolling Stones, a British rock group, were scheduled to Police said the disturbance f H perform in the arena tonight. 1 clas»' Izatlon -^enty-elght persons mjuries were reported. ------------------------------------------------ broke out about 7 p.m. when ate to were killed, including the other poUca Mid thev did not know . meth- two factions attending the sec­ two terrorists, and 70 wAm __ a*.. ________ I could see was a cloud vldual- ond day of a two-day festival whether the explosion twk smoke and glass lying all wounded. place Inside or outside the » j e film marking Puerto Rican Inde­ over the street.’ Mrs. 9er. pendence Day engaged In a fist In a statement Diursday at bulldliw, which covers an en- vr^r-i^iian „ the end of the four-day trial, tire b l^ k and Is also the home .a t avail- tight. - i j wi a aj ^ Av. A 1 rH- a 1116110 Oowii U16 stTcet oJid she state Approximately 75 police offi­ ^ ^ ^<uens of ^ 1 tUm cers, some with dogs, were Franklin Relics Inspected In Japan, the United Red tte National Hockey League apartment were broken.’’ c a ll^ to quell the disturbance, Archaeologist Barbara Liggett stands in the midst jamin Franklin’s home, built in 1768, say the fa- Authorities said toe cause of ^ occurred In oto- but the outbreaks of rock of the Franklin Court diggings in Philadelphia. Re- mous statesman and inventor was among the first toe blast was not k n o ^ . cities where toe Stones have throwing, looting and fire searchers picking through the foundation of Ben- to have an indoor bathroom. (AP photo) A coup^^e Uvlng on toe street ^eld concerts as part of their bombing continued out of con­ ^curred ^a^rent six-week North Ameri- trol until about 10:80 p.m., po­ Catholics sald, “ Dlls Is definitely a ,jan tour bom b." lice said. In San Diego, Calif., several Scattered Incidents were re­ Q uit H om es However, no police spokes' persons were arrested June 14 ported Into the early morning man would cMiflrm this. when rioting broke out after hours. Mr. and Mrs. RRobert < holers of counterfeit tickets to D ie festival, sponsored by the W hat’s N ew in ‘N ew Politics’? In B elfast McClellan sold they were sit­ a Stones’ concert were turned ting on their front porch when away^ city In Blaokstone Park In the By DON MEIKLE McGovemites, to head off a politicians o l toe old school dest voices in toe General As­ South End, concluded an une- BELFAST (AP) — Nearly 4,- they heard toe bltist. sembly in favor of ITie next night, police in ’Tuc- ventfid day of parades. HAR’TFORD,MAnTliVKU, Conn.Uonn. (AP) — ??**l**'^, *^**K*'*in^ V* hi ■ . h 1 ——-—.i — — — -a ----------liberal ooo .vumcuiRoman \^t>.uiuiu:Catholic women anaand sicv-ieiianMcClellan saiasaid metoe explosion a_i_ used tear eas to dls- Police said firemen were pelted with rocks as they an­ National Convention, you begin ^ ~ v rora was out mai mcvAovem lootoall field after leaving their truck parked at me nacK en- ddw-breaklne vouths who tried to wonder what’s^ new ab«U did not want to be embarrassed homes In a Belfast battle zone trance of toe Forum. ’Die truck swered calls. One of the Injured .. j j , . .... .7 . 7 - ^ m oiiuni a uoiivci. taken to Boston City Hospital toe <^w PoS^cs.^ endorsed McGov^; ,7" by platform planks that ml^t to. protest toe British Army’s had brought .in equipment for % ^ th e ^ ^ appeared at L in e u T ’-new DOllticlans’’ acquiesced In Bar- to klU an abortion reform plank bo^ him Into positions he did* occupation of toe area. the rock cmicert. was a fireman. occupation of toe area. toe rock ccsicert. some Of me new pouuci^ blert’s continued leadership of offered as a minority report to „ot want to have to defend. Five more deaths Sunday (See Page Diirteen) Police said those arrested Aowed they were as 8^^ the New Haven organization, toe national platform. I went down to toe sidewalk pushed Northern Ireland’s toll were charged with various of­ backroom conniving, trading washed the other, as Stolberg was one of toe lou- (See Page Eight) fenses, Including assault with a principle for tactical advantage this year to 236 killed, already dangerous weapon, disorderly, and whipping their troops as toe worst since 232 died In sec­ conduct and dninkeness. any cigar-chewing boss o f the tarian battling dn 1922. A land old sctuxd. ’The faces may have mine killed two British soldiers been new, but toe methods at Crossmaglen; a policeman Planes, Naval Forces were as old as toe Machiavel­ and a civilian were shot In Bel­ lian philosophy that toe end Dr. Schairdt Fully Convinced fast, and an 18-year-old youth In Major BomBardment Am nesty Justifies toe means. died in a riot in Strabane. Some of toe short-sighted she­ ’Die Catholic women and dill- SAK30N (AP) — Nearly 100 yards of toe Citadel, toe 19th nanigans of toe Mc(3ovem en­ dren followed their priest. -Fa- A U.S. B62 bombers and a naval century fortress In toe heart of O utlined toer Jack Fit^mmons, out of t^an a dozen toe city. thusiasts were probably toe re­ McGovern Heads for Victory sult of being newcomers to toe destroyers blasted ’The government has maln- scene. It Is axiomatic in politics Vietnamese positions on tained that Its strategy is to de- B y N om inee that new hands combine na­ By SOL R. COHEN Dr. Schardt was a Connecticut toe power structure,” but he is ” enaangenng uieir ^ demilitarized stroy North Vietnamese forces ivete with an excess of clever­ (Herald Reporter) delegate to last week’s conven- quick to odd, “’That’s what poll- h n »n tha *®"® ®°"*® ***® •*®®'’’ around toe city before attempt- WASHINOTON (AP) — As ness. ’The naivete soon wears 11 TA_ w .,1 Miami Beach. Now back tics is aU about. It’s a constant ™ t7 >ps gunmen « me bombcudments of the war. Ing an all-out assault against president, Sen. George One can Manchester, he Is more con- change. Now, It’s out of the Republic^ Th® were In support of the largo and heavlly-arined McGovern would grant amnes­ off. Die cleverness outsmarts ty on a case-by-case basis and Itself In lU quest for Immediate OT*'“^ L ^ " s t o ^ - e L d McGov- hands of a few and Into toe ^ ® " “ 20,006-man South Vietnamese forces reported entrenched In limit it to draft reslsters, his success at toe expense ^ long ^ m L y ~ S f e ^ that the L odus was c «m te j^ e lv e on t o ^ o r t o e m b t ^ r e to toe city, Democratic running mate says.
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