V- X V / ,. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2«, 1988 Vv'-' PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT K The WMther' #aitflTgBtgr Stthting Ijgy^ Fanaaat af U# •. Waotfetr Di light raia aadlag, giadait < •rV., lag, Uttle aaotor toofght. Law 88- 12,666 88. Friday maafly p i t , Mioibor af tfeo Audit eaaL High naor M. X Boiooa of dreolattoa "Hjotich^iUtr^A fiity of Viflage Chifrm 'll (I AdvwHtlag aa Faga M) PRICE FIVE CBNTfl yOL. LXXVII, NO, 150 (TWEMlY-fOUR ;PACEj|i~T^ Se Ct IONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ ‘CHURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1958 /*■ l/eS. Captures Cuban Rebels^ a m n s PS TOMORROW With AH Cash Sales Arms in Boat Brownsville, Tex., March 27 (fl>>_U,S. authorities rammed a boat loaded with 36 uni­ Washington, Mbriph 27 (/P) formed, armed Cuban rebels DrttMs by Special^hursday Only! Special Sale Pioturt Your Littlo 8irl w-AFLrCIO President George in a pre-dawn attack today. ■\ 'Mesny cialled on Congress to­ 'Iliey captured'the men and a Ik This Eostor Outfit day to apply any anticorrup- large quantity of arms and NEW tion.eurbs to business as well ammunition. JEWELRY 1 as labor- He roidntained there Mn an Interview with a newsman N HOSIERY SPRING for the Aasociated Preu, the lead­ m derella^^^ has been “far more embeszle- er of the expedition bitterly de­ R e d L e a t i ^ Russia May 0 e<;^re REGULAR $1.00 PAIR "nBfhafrTtSwrstylea In atone-set Jewelry. Paatel ment" of corporate funds than clared the United States had no shades in pins, earrings, bracelets aqd necklacea Sheer nylon hoalery in new iprini; ahadeS—SO of union money. right to seiea the boet, the "El Colorift Malr.e. pink, blue, tangerine and green. Val­ U aaay told Uia Sansta Labor aub- gaujre dark seam hoalery. All first quality with re­ ues to 82.98! Orion." ' S u r p id ^ s e inforced heel and toe for e.\tra wear.. Nylon and organdy fancy i dommlttea too -Uiat If Coograaa The capture appeared like the wanta to legialate to improva highly effective World War U and fashion dresses for the damocracy Ip union aleCUona , it Korean War combined operation!. $3.98 to $7.98 BUY SEVERAL PAIRS kj young ones, styled;with ahould do tha aama for alaeUona Taking part'ivere the Coast Guard, Chiefs SIZES 8 to •« Special each full skirts, attached petti*^ for mambera of Xkwgraaa. border patrol.and cuetome agente. Berlin, March 27 (/P>—Commuhist East Germany’s goy»Yern- THIS SPECIAL SALE PRICE\ -- With raajMCt to paraltoi nilaa for The seizure took place 8 to 8 By JOHN M. jHnGOTt>WER *-■-— ' jC(»tA,*nd flowerltiimtf^^^ tmiiai “itij maffiliiWW, rnller’Off^BHWMtovme, the cU^ a ment', i^ io announced today .that SUYlfil. BABY and TOT SHOP good selection of colors, . aald: the louthemmost Up of Texas,/ Washington, March 27 (/P) Andrei Gromyko wi^ deliver a ’’statemeht on the endinf of . MAIN FLOOR Sires 7 to 14. Priced ■ “If unlona ara to ba raqulrad to In HavaiA, meanwhUe,^-d«bel —United States leaders were experiments with nuclear weapons” at the afternoon’s joint oiaka full .public dtocloaun with laader Fidel Castro declared today C indbbella gives a startled toelay by the news ses-sion of the Soviet Parliament. No details were disclosed. raapact to all aapacta of thetr fl- a general etrike will te ^ lle d *‘at that Soviet Communist boss girl such feminine IWicaa, eertaliuy amployara any moment" In aiuAn-out effort By HAROLD K. MILKS ahould. at Uia leaat, b t required to to overthrow ths/^vemment of Nikita Khrushchev had In­ charms—with touches maka atmtlar public dtocloauraa of come premier of thjs, Soviet Moscow, March 27 (/P)—Nikita S. Khrushchev became pre­ thair axpandituraa Jh the field of (Cootinmd^^ ipage Three) Union. It appeared to be,a re­ mier of the Soviet Union today, replacing Nikolai Bulganin, of lace, of ribbons, later relatione: “If an ampkqrer Cbooaaa to hire turn to the Stalinist pattern the shift makes Khrushchev head of both the Soviet govern­ and bows. Each dress has its HANDBAGS a profeaalonai union boater to of power. ment and the Communist party and invests him with a power own endearing ways. break a union or prevent hto am- The move put Khriuhehev to comparable to that of Joseph Stalin. 1.98 ployao- from Joining one, ha ahould es Predicts position to negotiate directly with Bulganin, as had been expected, submitted his resignation to at the leaat be required to maka President Elsenhower and other For Spring Wear full public diacloaura of what he western leaders at a summit j:on- as Premier to a joint session of the two Houses of the Supremo Right: flowers blooming on a Chooae from a large aasortment of styles paya In hto efforta to t^atroy the Peril in Trade ferenca—if one is ever arranged. Soviet (parliament). Bulganin had held the job since Feb-'' pastel woven plaidy In patent plestic, plaetic, genuine leather, 6 IBL8’ DEFT.—SECOND FLOOR union. This could have been one reason ruary 1955. imported straws and decorated baakete. All “If tha United Auto Workera for the Soviet Communist leader’s Khruehchev’e elevation to the In the latest wanted spring colors. Union la to ba compelled to revat^ Agreement Cut decision to take over the premier premiership was announced to the bow much to spent supporting sti ' ship. parliament by *Marehal Klementl Nikita’s Power aiw ln the Kohler sjUlke, the Kohler Washington, March 27 (B—Secre­ But U.S. experts on Soviet af­ PREMIER NIKITA.KHRUSHCHEV Voroahllov, chatrtnoiv of the Su­ CHICOREN'S HATS tary of State Dullea' aaid today that fairs saw the development as of preme Soviet'* Presidium and the to <CMittaa«4 M Pmge T ^ ) IE MCAHY profound significance to . terms of Crab Seen as Chooae from flowered each If CongreU doesn’t renew and equivalent of Soviet president. and wide bripi^ ityles. * 1 . 9 8 t . » 3 . 9 8 Russia's internal polltlral system. Voroshilov, 77. had been r^ lected strengthen the trade . agreements They saw it aa evidence of a to hie poet a few minutet eaclier. law, iu action would "endanger vast Increase in Khrushchev’s Khrushchev .received the' aCtjoa Now or Never our republic and each and every personal power which had hereto­ Z7.5. Set to Attempt modestly. He stood with bowe^ Children's BOUFFANT SLIPS Wof^ward/Ouinness, peraon In It.” fore been assumed by many for­ Adlal E. Stevenson Joined DuUee head and did not Join In tha depu- By WILUAM L. BY AN In yronderful tio-iron nylon. < 1 QQ SA Oft eign observers but which had not Uee’ applause, but when It subsid­ \JA P Foreign News Analyst) ilte wUy. Sliee 3 to 8. tq 'v e it.'y Q / and other administration bfftclato been demonstrated by the actions in pluggbig- for Oongreaslonai ap- ed he responded by clasping hto ^ e Soviet people have a new of the Soviet leaders themselves- Moon Area Probe hiuids Steve His head in a geature one^an dictatorship today—^but \i Receive Oscars proml ot President Eisenhower's The resignation of Premier TOILETRIES Etc. toea for a 5-year extension of the ......... •' reminlecent of S pugilist’s salute not yet s new Btslln. Nikolai Bulganin had been ex­ to the crowd. Nikita Sergeyevich KhrUahehev,' -r'-....•■r-M Mxwr Reciprocal T rad a AcU . Foe—Cim-. pected kut-there was surprise, that. - Waahingtnn...Jdand)-Jrr. («t=33io}’^ofia,wiit^^ in the grees to reject the request, Steven­ viclhlty of the ‘ moon, ' Yo^ b^^ ■""•Thenr •with: -S' sm lltor-Bulganto lees -than -S' immtii-.«woy~f«oin~Mo- Caty Face Powder With > Hollywood, r t tAs—Jo- Khrushchev was, assuming the United States aaid today it will seated behind hliii, Khrushchev 64th birthday, has moved boldly son said, would be “Folly and'un­ premiership. useful data concerning the moon, to take into hla hands a power Lipstick ...............................82.00 sane Wo came to thinkable.” . The idea that Khrushchev might make up to five attempts to aend and provide a cloec look at the moVed to the epeskere' microphone HoUywoodli fanctoat p a i^ of the' Dulleq said only U.8. cooperatUm unmanned space vehicles to the and told the deputies. comparable to that held by Joseph take over hhd been heavily dis­ moon. In technical terms these Stalin in the laet 15 years of that V s Large La CO Shampoo.,............... R9c, GOATS By any bTHER NAME ARE NOT THE SAME ' drees she sewad herself, vrith other nations around the world counted because Of the divlaton be­ vicinity of the moon. programs are eulleu ‘lunar probes.' "You have-Just expressed great cats block “Soriet armed aggres­ confidetK* to ine by your derision dictator’s reign.. Britain's "Man-of-t.opo- tween party controls Md govern­ The White House and Defense "Authority to undertake onj, By pushing aside hto courtly and $1.57 Valuib Charles Anfell Alsc Guinness, today sion,’' which he said could wreak ment controls whieli the post- and you hava done toe a great w Departn^ent issued separate an­ and poBsibly tvvo, Itinar probes was honor. 1 wUl do averything to Juatl' goateed ahadow. the Inconsequen­ Shampoo ......................... 98c __moviadom's top Oscara. '' “major devastation" <m American Stalin leadership in Moscow has nouncements of the plana. given the Army's Ballletlc Miesiic tial Marahal NUfblai. Bulganin, and * ^ a Bridga on tiff River Kwal" communiUea with' weapons carefully cultivated and main- fy your, confidence and ahall not Secretary ot Defense McEllrey Agency (ABMA) a t Huntsvrllle, ■pare strength, health or Ufa lo atepplng himself Into the role of New Lilt Home Permanent .
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