a § i $ f p m m ? . ? v . m Tin Collection Apt^pO - Spring Scrap Drive May 1 A$lEDFORCES NUMBER VOI. No. '965 JJIL4SIOE, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943 PRICE FIVE CEN TS' Horse Meat Sale Master Snnrisp Completing Plans For Bristol-Myers Purchase Board Of Health Metals, Rubber And Passes Ordinance Rags Are' Included1 vide additional equipment for Service Sunday tense units. Previous scrap drives Sentimental lovers of the equina Final preparations lor Hillside’s have netted the- council a total of Doubles Hillside Quota Divident Hill Scute quadruped are about to be protected spring scrap collection which takes $2,500. Of Second Wartime in Hillside with the passage on first place Saturday May 1 are being __This time, however, the Salvage $1,000,000 War Bond Church To Unveil reading of an ordinance by the local made by the local Salvage Com­ Committee is reconciled to toe MILLION DOLLAR BOND PURCHASE Easter Service Board of Health restricting and mittee of the Hillside Defense probability cif a smaller return from Purchase Credited regulating the sale of horse meat. A devastating war In Its second Council. Arrangements have al­ the drive, since there is probably To Hillside Member’s Canvas This aettan was/token at the meet- ready been completed, through the less scrap lying around and tos- year with the hope of victory and ing Tuesday night at the Municipal generosity of several. Hillside in­ The purchase of $1,000,000 worth peace will be in the minds of church­ price quoted by dealers Is lower ■Christ At Gethsemane’ Building. The ordinance contains dustrial concerns, to furnish trucks than in the previous M e last fall _of War Bonds by Bristol-Myers goers as they Join in the twenty, twenty sections and requires a for the collection. Trucks will be company. alone~ practically douDfed^ second annual Easter Sunrise JServ- The best price received thus far ' Finished By Hanson written permit from toe health offi­ provided by The Hell Company, for the May 1 collection is $11.76 a -Hiijslde’s quota of $545,000 in the loe Sunday. This year for the sec­ cer. The ordinance appears on page Edgcomb Steel Corp., Hatfield Wire Second War Loan. It was announced ond time It will be conducted un­ An original canvas of “Christ at ton compared to $15 last October. four of this issue. & Cable Co., Ironbound Box & Lum­ This Is attributed to government today *by Frank Scott, Jr., chair­ der the auspices- o f the south end Gethsemane,” a,4x5 foot painting by man of the War Finance Committee Building Inspector Charles Hanson,' Identification of horse meat is ber Co. Inc., Bristol-Myers Co. .and ceilings on scrap metal Protestant churches of Newark and required by restaurant; and stores *oi the Second Federal Reserve Dis­ will be unveiled tonight at toe Ferdon Equipment Engineering Co. To Circularize Town of Hillside. The time, 6 AO a, handling ft, on packages, J n ice trict, Region 12. the place, Divident Hill, Weequahic candlelight communion service at Appeals for Volunteers Next week circulars will be dis­ boxes or oin menus. Horse meat . Each concern will furnish a driver William M. Bristol, Jr., vice presi­ Park. the First Baptist Church, o f which tributed to every house in Hillside dent of Bristol-Myers, which has its must not be transported In the same with- toe truck, but since, each truck urging residents to get all their scrap An unusual attendance is he It A trustee. Tile painting truck with other , meat, and it .shall plant, here, personally tendered the Hanson's latest and most ambitious requires a crew to ’ load It with out at toe curb try 9 a. m. on toe Booted this year at the services that not be cut on toe same blocks or scrap placed at the curb by the cneck to the Hillside National Bank. were inaugurated by the Elizabeth effort since he started- painting in day of the collection. The circulars In making * this million dollar pur- with toe same Instruments used for residents, an appeal for, volunteers will point out that all types of Avenue Presbyterian Church, oils as a , hobby some years ago. other meats. chase of War Bonds, Mr, Bristol It has attracted such favorable at­ to man the trucks was issued this metal, rags and rubber will be taken, The board also considered toe: week by Robert Kaplan, Salvage said "Bristol^Myers.has 33 per cent Rev. Northwood will pre- tention that it will now receive a but anything else wtH not be col­ ol its male employees in the armed problem of chicken raising by rest- Committee chairman. ’’ Volunteers lected, Tin, the regular monthly permanent place in his church. dents. Members favored this prac­ services and is anxious to do every*7] The public is cordially Invited to are requested tb communicate with collection Of whloh takes place Frl The Program tice during the war provkling sani­ him at Waverly 3-2465, or with other thing it can to help give these and Call to Worship—“All". Hall attend. day April 80, Is not Included In toe ail our fighting men the supplies tary regulations are met. Some members of the atountttee, whose scrap drive. Power of Jesus’ Name” (brass Working on plywood from residents ‘ are opposed , to. having they need to win a speedy victory* names and telephone numbers are Committee members have been miniature reproduction by another chickens in neighboring lots. "We would like to make it clear,” artist, toe painting portrays Christ as follows/}, Kenneth M Ross, hard at work distributing posters, Hymn—"Welcome Happy Morning “The attorney will Inquire fato toe Waverly 3-9277}/~lHianuel M. Rei­ he continued, "that this is a com­ Scripture Lesson—Reverend Donald just prior 'to toe Crucifixion, kneel­ throughout the township on con­ pany purchase and does not include case of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hynda, ter, Waverly 3“Mf7’,..Sidney Sllver- tributing scrap to toe drive. Con­ Williams. ing in communion with God; His of 1512 Franklin Street, who alleged purchases by our individual em­ three disciples asleep nearby. It siderable advertising space has been Hymn—"Jesus Christ Is Risen. To< ly have been keeping chickens after trlcla McNulty, ployees, 100 -per cent of whom are ’ day”. is toe picturization of a.scene from sold to local business firms to help regularly toveating-*T0--per cent or being ordered to dispose of them. Kaplan has also,MHfoaled to Frank toe campaign and arrangements are prayer—Reverend George M. Run­ the Book of Matthew, with Christ Hugo 8. Gensel and Harry R. Vogel more of their^ pky in War Bonds." ( in purple robe, a golden aura about Collins, Vjoe. qh $ ^4 $t of the De­ being made to have a sound truck ner. will Investigate premises at Sw fense Council arm chief of Jjhe Air Mr. Bristol also said Bristol-Myers his head against a dark night sky. tour the township streets on toe Selection—“Come Ye Faithful, Raise Locust avenue to decide whether' Raid Precautions: dW|rvice, for as­ .Company "had no intention of re^ the Strain” (brass ensemble) Hanson has had practically no eve of the collection. lievtog patriotic citizens o f their Mrs. William Gilling should be given sistance from as m um air raid war- Another meeting of tod* comrhiti ( Address—Reverend G. Horace Wood professional instruction.' He turned a permit to keep chickens there: A privileges and duties—'the supplying to oils after he became quite pro. ■ f I w m . tee will be held this evening at 8:15' [Hymn—“America the Beautiful. protest'was received that the chick­ from the sate of theVscrap will be of men in the armed services with Sclent in sketching as a result of o’clock at toe chairman’s office, the materials of war," Bristol- ens would bring noise and odors. turned over to the. sj&unct! to pro- 1443 North Broad street. •Brass ensemble under the leadership his own gtjidy of perspective In his The resignation of Mias ■ Marion Myers' action is intended to en­ • of Mr. Frank H. Johnson. Office. The -painting was done at -I* Gawlick, child hygiene nurse em­ ' i courage these citizens, he said. Song leader—Mr. Philip J. Schaub his home, 47 Hollywood avenue, ployed here .for toe last^SBH In announcing this large purchase, Calvary Lutheran jifter months of efforts. , months was regretfully acoStfHB Gardening Advice Mi*. Scott stated that "this great The Lenten program at Calvary' Rev. Gedrge S. Miller, of the First She . will enter toe Army Nuril company is making a great invest­ Lutheran Church will be concluded! Baptist Church of Irvington, will be Corps and expeotsto leave for active ment in the greatest business in-the ! with services on Thursday and Fri- toe speaker tonight. duty next month. ' For Hillside Soil OVER THE TOP—The quota for Hillside, New Jersey, of $656,- world.* I am confident that this evenings. The Holy Thursday Plumbing Inspector Hugo W. Bo*1 000 in the Second War Loan was almost twiee-subscribed when subscription is the forerunner of M il pd a Communion Serv- William M.' Bristol, Jr., vice president of the Bristol-Myers Com­ many others by companies located bertz told of problem*, that toe Clay Requires Close pany, which has its plant at Hillside, presented check for $1,000,000 TBe topic Is “The Two Lord's Samuel Fee -dairy hr Kenwood ave­ in this area. This service, as well as worth of war bonds to James A. Oneil, executive vice president of "Our boys at the frorit," he oou- Town Withdraws nue is having because a brook is Cultivation Often the Hillside National Bank.
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