i —. E#l- •:js. w*^ *** 'E^:- J f .« s . ' IJET uS'iJSTXE •_-•> J : -: BEWARE OF fCS ROADS ' Throujhout J9S5:*> ***** J Ji>rive.{ Slowly. Yon.Are KespuisLble TSortiviil*^A Better Kaie j- ' 1 For-Your soruwii F« Your Life AmJTh2torOt%«35 • • i-Jj^'^iii u ::jS*sL.Z. -:'.te= ^oi^64, SK; ;^> :¾^¾^ ^: - laSf--^----".-; Northville, Michigan, Friday, JSiiuiry. 4, 1935" $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE a.=^ ,-.,.-,. -..-^¾¾¾¾¾^ r+^ 4&S^ T .EEJiirfICYv ROADSit?r\-kiSQ , ^LDirrSift^TffiTT NORTHVlLLMH^TMV/TI f Eir 11^ U= ^HEC^tA3cE?i ~; H »1 ••" ••".-• • ' : 3 --• '•'''' - -"•: : ^ - -n ••:: • • = '" " -- ' : f IS DISCONTINUED i'c Will ; MH -E:^EE,E E^ d:- -. *:-t:.j-a::^^H-.--'.. :---41= I*- i' Warnier Weather Gomes; But Gives Way^To Predictions! E [E Formal' notice;.£as been., .received;. <-. '.'.' ..'."Of More Snow AndELbw Temperatures- .' EE i B f" -JDeposa'crs ^te;JBsd^,,tk3i; oh i>EE. Ur. -..' .-,--.. •-•* liiili iilsi •^/3i-- --:-..--=-- - •:>.-'--..-:"'%'<-. .- ,.. ... 0=?i--jcember;3i, Sertw^oeat federal taSci, Oil : \& allchecis was diSxffitiiued. -. |. i -... o:ChiU^blasts and^icy;stre.et^-that hacLprevailed ^or I jnea^lyEa^yreeki gave way^ednes^ay .and early Thursday { The twoseeht elSS-tax wasrlev-.! fto a:^n«ralJt&atv;i.;E-v•;-^5¾¾-E.-;E-:.EE-: i: -ft " I t :^::^-:¾¾¾¾¾ aadia its crg££al], # ilffi : - jfoA-sail^tb^fii^nfSi^ediintil; r- _ :-,-, .^ •-- "- - E- --- -'- -,| EE^oittyflie-^as-^KlyQmg^^ga|nEl^^^aV;-hdw-eve¥, j eiiit : t f iiulyl, 1955. ^Howevery'S-i .tlfe'-Iast • •'• E '"E^ r-. :.. - •"-. ~ . - - ; fSiEs-EE -::-E. „". -,; -. '•' iwhen a strong.^!ei-%pn^ng Mo^an^fur'ther indications- 'session of'Cosisress" "the closicsrdate if-. -• - --*:- -ts~ ^ '-- -ir> •• '• ' i93?r RoU ,bf $5d,^Jr:39 is Da g w Ra 0 5 ChiS'^ ]^a^T5 Be Fo>^ ; - E-- :•• E i Gaice In L<kal [Gyma&ixxim^s change :o the"Sst 3^¾ i^:i ° *^ : ^J ^^f*™ • Lower Thoa That Of .^'Annual Dabc^Sporisored 1.- The low^ tem^ei«rareJxecorded .during .the week' Termed- «»ic-.vi-^"Most Cruciali '• j^ norfc«-.iras 3ssBed.:tfirSs*h:tlie;-. Is:fc-I»»inated..Oli The B6.,^:^-1.0^:.1^y King's Daughter— * '•••-• • -------=-------------^-----^------ ---•--• - ; . Qne Year Ago I was imported ;by..Ge6r^e-'Siminbns otENovi 'towhsnfp. His Of Season" j Depannsent ."of .Internal Hefeaw:] Northville Road Ethermoraeterlead twoEaboS-e^zew at4:30 a. HI. "Wedges- (aisd TBI. cover, all ebeeis anffdrafa.l 1 : Northvilte* jropertj- ~<fxax£r have Korth^aiii-^KMce^^thanii #»>*• vS^bHly^ter^-a^^Ko^ever,- thS-mercury, began'to! ;-E " -;.'- -. ,E "f.- ~ "; j rnss-.new rniin^'Siii save the(, •tv^-.i-^Ui.i^ v«i ii^ -~, :been graEte^a'BX>^th>- «ttasjqa cither: Hunters.lsiaisai^SMyaraioanr" ; , -.*;£,-¾¾½ .^ V , . „K=K-vsf ^ii.-'5*E ''-V>- -•••;- •••*-' - < =~ ' f ^The Northiite high, school hasijeusKMaers-of" the r^oositiKs <sa-.'-- H*- ^=^5. completed ^ tee£,cn Bs-;Ban;?S«5a-tb5s-y«&. chr^^ac!mg;-^a^Ve ^7^^..- --^- v-. - ^r-;;- s vx {^^^.,^^ ^ar^tSP -^^,^=.-1SEE^_&. •^rPr^^TE^.-fthe new Pere Ma.-wtW-Viaductlat^ for UMT parent" cf^TaJl jjypship Mifs. "--- ----- -..-..i._*. - - Phc«jx iaie" and -180¾ ai; traffic tax&,.ltj\ras announced Jl£day,"Sy affair/i £ ^Mfe-J^fflie". CouEfas, foibSiJ? trei- fourth -*-see3 XoShrtSfi"and-.Hi-iKXith is- : .'*HH3;-Ji.?'f*'-E I"i'?'f.¾ j :/E?E"EJ cteck" tai." " - ~" :. •;-. ,u" tEe re^iait No-rthvil3e ri5GB."*cich ^jllfijdea^ii* f^tgSSstw F^ ;^.;Cfeder.r- raKe--eitra":¾¾.^t&].^ ?'^^"^ MWto.Bpj^j&t- (-ifiaijtij] fistMa "of" JaiJuai 10,* iiie biivesn' j the.. so»na{lanl<.e^PV>je«s'wa"he-- :-SiiaiiMited;??? E?4/E:-'. -.,:-. E*E',1--^-01•'" rfiate" pre-rtcsaly sit'fpr pajioit..'"A _ .... ^-*"• .^-.y^v. ~, ^..v.w^-voio uuui «ira ..ciuis. jure, ai 1 ?. Javte''M!s&» 1-¾ eod oi.-tfe'tai aaiis'toe! ^^^^^-5^3^1^ %a- i-Xocf p^cefit.PenaBy'raa iic£arg- ^>iend^and fe|=ety.r3^Eafcacttre f\£ jft «iSgaiiisirt^f« »JJS>"on ISruaiy i ^ ^'.^EP^>E*h^;;-rill <ie p- ^. .=,,.< •>_... :•';.:-.:...: -"^ 'V «--v-? ^-:E^Thectate^lksdeficiteiytafcea<ro;^ -v.;i>--?T:. .,^-,^. ' •_'•.'.--^- -=JtLt7'-•'•. - ^,-^---/-^:,,directly-acrt6, ...-.,-.C - are sttnjdainquent. " >:-.^'; "O oulfe 1 : 1 ; held m<the highschdol.gs:iaV,TrtUbe f ^v^¾^ E Ei-^tili»«v. V^^'-/ii5e.-^^--«;-rfi^,''the as>ect of a -revaise-^me!- "OTHEK WISE JIA.V GlVEX^••_• - |ti* traces, this was;tenned one cf .The tbTrnship,' tsat roa'- Jus' year c FIBE CHIEF FBED HICKS its ,w iiJoriality ahdltsEu^^ /-7 . li'sw.feoiJM,. 3¾ a^iiist awpgmate- na^^Nab^&sityfo^Sa^t^-I.arfy-^gerra^^ 2 Ti^_-» E..-. Jj? Wajne. «waty:='Trafficjs afa? Jy; ¢92.005 a?s«ar ago. Tbe'S rate j ;; Fred' Hicks j - has^wmrfetedTaii-: coat^-tc-Eiiis partj, gentiejnefi." But [road .were unable to cliinb' the gT=ade which begins 5ust ^-st;^"-^ ^^ J ^-. _ ^... J t-i i.—v *t- : ; ; '"fer'ta the-Oranse arid;' -^1^ Other Wise Mai.- the Ciaisi-'^P^^ «P as a resultof this nn- .Jor-»34iras'.<i7^i'i»wsi,oi* .- E . do conriA'prepaKd for a good fin».'E\of.th&vilia'ge, :.= --== E :<* -• -.,E - - '• ' .'- ^1¾^¾¾¾^ r v ' otiKrsuccessfuljiarasthe&ad cfforts to -Bin the Su-,'nias'steSr.by Henreiiry Van r>yke, was.-5 o *?i«?t- in'th<5 p3Stftee maiieuV- Decorations -BiX! consist largely of T^e low. ra^e, "touch liwr than ' of. 'iJ&timn&s. fire fighting"- :,.= ;T.h>^sve;p MileTdad: was also nearly impa^able, mo- iburfen'LcaEue eiP. This vear e^-y! Presented "in-th*e, forin :cf'an tlius-;EE?-'<^. i"*^ r'reisrhi' trains, .^ of tei |CSixistj;ias trees, ^wMcii" have', been J cratcd in th*.past,'ttcxp!ains ilrs.Cousins, "foicesEDfeng 1934, he has lead tprisfs taking thr^e. tjines as^UcK time as usua! to" cover 'man on the lexa! team has v'owed' -to: lecture. Sunday evening 13 the '^fJayed-fcotorists for periodsas'long jfound fo iiafee a.very effective - dis- is secmateA. for by the 6rt thst his department 31 timeC against "[Methodist ihiirch:'br the'Bcv. A. H-jS! SO-rciniites. ; playE Mrs. "CaVellasss tha.t.'every? the distance to Five Foints.- ;?e:. Parmington.' .iLhe 'debt sertioe -ias taacn Swer 'for Kaaes te .and .around *' ortiiville: [MalEnson. : : i one •ffho'ii.as a tree in his hd&e dur-r A SBOV? f&l} of approximately one-~irtbb, which canife The xbrthviije cwrt squad is at. :,- :-!Co2:9:et;on of the.i-iadfict-lje- th_e 1334 on schools. toxnsKp," '«d comi­ .Tte qufci and competent ser- ; j <hsTthe holid?:ysea«>n to nbfiiy her Iate Monday, afternoon, slightly improved driving coudi-iprescnt tied 'irith"'Maviw2aio fo-i .4 small crwrfi-ias in attebaanee; j railed car«seve^"-!ree&'aih&dcr ty/ Mrs. Coii^ns states ths pt^ic ' v!ee«ndereii by Chief Kicks and. ; j instead of iiestrpyins iv Anyone, de­ tions: - ''. E" '. '^'-: .4. " - ;- - " E •'' • • ;•• . --. - •=< first 'place.- -Its. record so far th^^t tfie Inline, and thcbeautifiuisihedule-.u sus' ssarted-.Sc'SejBw: -canliaraiy belie-re tljeirjiaes"are his den has -Rrntj-for them the WeS : siring to give their tree .to. this cause i? ' 'Sb*etstweresfiil,icS:,OTl*Wediiesdav when a he'awHiear js aie of.'repcatedketones. asE : "w?.cnwyed jfe..all. - ;ber. TEe. only pzn. it tie rtiad^. so I6rr, and Gfiat she oftei;^? to peaise of-alL =; ,,. rtop -sod explain; the sitci;cn to 'sSofild place, the tree on -• -•-.- ... .-..-:. • J . .--. ...... - •-..-» ,. ..... ... ... = •-. - .. • . ^ luoshed is • the turn, onto the-Rve. them in. isctail. She ftels b!sjs. a i porch" and phone her. All j \file; road; at the north i3e ct ihe.' '• good" indication that KorSrilie", is ; be picked up. '* lexcaTatioa.'-Gnly & slight tjcouni of Improving its fmafcciaJ^tateShe is-; : i-icrk Kcaains...j>n this connecring j:, Patterson's crcheslra a *erted that taxes .have'beer toming! !lin^. -arhich-a-ili he ^oce^hen the ES 1 the music- ',..—. : .'S^ tr*— . fim ttee in Jiistwy. 12 to'Jl; Van:' I weather becomes aore favoraKe. in xap!di? during the pist rsith. j There iriU be some old-tune dances j . ;•, Dyke fell "before the; team Decern- }• WiLL BACK REPORT The cp- strip of road"U CO f«t - "The township haj cndejrered lo Jin the program, in addition-t«= thei . ;t>er 14. «.tc^ 16. and on IXcembcr 21.J i(3? ; Jpre^-ailinF moderti dance rhythms, toi *.'' . ... —^ -- E i - 3and^pJctoids for 1,200 iert fcccv its e^pfesss dotr. in ffder to EFFEGTIVEJAN. 2 •.o=jthcy'iiy*ne<j''BcrH-3-, 21 to 11. ; ar(rvI d ph,5CDix : cut-Wxus to a iRlaJmun-i." Ais. Cou- .. " .- " jiifc-ure a good time to the older folisj fElilRS 1:,.-•' IB "ill see- th<-- thing throaiii to tb»; " lake'and -under the 1 : -Panningon has on average o! 5tf)'finish,; State Representativ•j.tive* Ed ralfsra* separation: The Wayrie county rXm, says. GCwrcat cxpecu T.iyst .The new S.gas rtte of the,wbo sHn-s«*VlI>rU: out of hearinqj IlinnrSftr III tnni • »,uuVtvu «« «M I>U<|{>; OI 3,/1. iHiuii.. o.ait.- jttpresentauve td-; ' ~. ^.«v t.oj^iyuaij s ln c,:lr anr,ers vcinru^n,M e 1<T ;be taken care of, find if pco;* trouid Oon5Uiner« Power" Compscy- becarne!" ^ J'>' P - J v'- „. f INilnrimr ilU V*\l\ E ? «* =" -'cstii? one came so »ard T. Mrhcrof l>srwjrn toM The' commission did .the actual road hot allow .their, taxes to tiecra^-de- effective .Wednesday, it was ^Sh-i Tickets ^1 go^or, wle during the, S lllUIILnUL HI lUUT fafar '^-Jt»fi The bo;-s of thcBlueiReccrd >-csterday. referring to 'hfs!b;jlMicf- ^^ ^1^ vrokct It was ncc- : ; 00 und r e and \>mw. are. however, reputed to minority report of the so-calie<Lie:. 6 ,1550 .. - ,,6 a rai_ , . Jin-juent. the torashlp »ou ;rot be caunced-'fotettUiy bj tw FrtaCcf l ^ .^^ , i ^ "^Ty**?*"^ ,, and \Vhitc!.
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