Ford Supports U.S. Airlift A Strong Navy Shifts Bases NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - President mates to another -priscm facility and the By United Press International the federal government of enough food to Ford said today more congressional cuts other, safety for the rebel inmates. The United States shifted its airlift feed the newcomers, strict security for in defense spending will endanger national During the uprising one inmate was of Americans and endangered South the refugees and safeguards against security. killed, presumably by other convicts, and Vietnamese from the overburdened heaith hazards. “However good their intentions, those eight other persons injured. The dead in­ Philippines to the U.S. territory of In other Vietnam developments today: who claim that America is over-armed m ate’s body was discovered when Guam today. The evacuation from and over-spending on defense are dead authorities gained access to the convict- •An explosive device biew up in a Saigon brought complaints in both crowded Vietnamese market in downtown wrong,” he said in a speech for the annual held cellblock. destinations and reports of food hoar­ Navy League convention. Saigon at dusk today, killing or wounding ding. Ford said the Russians are challenging more than six persons and spreading panic School Violence The first group of 219 refugees arrived the U.S. Navy in waters where America in a city ring^ by Communist troops. 2 today at Andersen AFB on Guam aboard a The North Vietnamese army was so once ruled the waves. BOCA RATON, Fla. (UPI) - Black military-chartered DCS from Saigon. A close to the city that South Vietnamese “Soviet naval units now freely roam the students, enraged by a racial slur chalked spokesman said as many as 131,000 commanders moved the government’s last world’s seas, circumnavigating the State on a gymnasium wall, today battled white refugees were expected to pass through warplanes out of Bien Hoa today in ad­ of Hawaii in the Pacific and operating in students with fists, belts, and chains for Guam in the next few weeks. vance of an expected Communist assault the Gulf of Mexico. nearly two hours at the high school in this A U.S. official in Saigon said the number against the base, only 14 miles north of resort playground. of Americans left in South Vietnam should Saigon. Three students — all whites — and a city Heavy Tremor be down to around 1,500 today. President •South Vietnam appealed today for a policeman were treated for injuries at a Ford ordered the evacuation to get the cease-fire and negotiations to give the Viet MEXICO CITY (U P I)- A heavy earth local hospital, and police reported at least number down to about 1,000. Cong a share of power in the South Viet­ 3 tremor hit southwestern Mexico today four arrests before the brawling ended. with a force that rattled this capital. So far 7,000 refugees from Saigon — namese government. There were no immedite reports of Americans and their Vietnamese families Maj. Phuong Nam, the Viet Cong press serious damage or of casualties anywhere. Quints Arrive — have been handled at Clark AFB in the officer in Saigon, said he hadn’t yet seen All reports were that the force of the Philippines. About 4,000 evacuees arrived the government offer and that there would quake struck off Mexico’s Pacific coast CINCINNATI (UPI) - The latest in at Clark Tuesday in the heaviest day of the be no official comment until the Com­ airlift. and not on it. multiple births was quintuplets bom to a munists had studied it. woman taking fertility drugs. The three Three jetliners were flying to Travis •Intelligence reports of the number of girls and two boys were described by doc­ AFB, Calif., today with 778 persons, most enemy troops in Vietnam in 1967 were in­ of them Vietnamese or Cambodian Leader Ousted tors as “normal and quite lovely babies.” tentionally kept low even in reports to refugees. Another plane with 340 persons TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (UPI) - They were born late Tuesday afternoon President Lyndon Johnson, according to was scheduied to arrive at the base The man who ruled Honduras for more at General Hospital and are the first secret documents made public Tuesday in Thursday. than a decade was in disgrace today, children for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levy. New York. The ratio of South Vietnamese to stripped of his power for refusing to •For the first time in two years. North Americans aboard the evacuation flights answer questions about a bribe. Vietnam has announced the fate of some appeared to be running at about 20-to-l. Joint Committee American servicemen who disappeared The military’s supreme council ousted State Department spokesman Robert during U.S. combat missions in Southeast Gen. Oswaldo Lopez Arellano Tuesday and Egypt and Syria, buoyed by a pledge of Anderson said in Washington the Ford ad­ Asia. The three men named in a Hanoi named Col. Juan Alberto Melgar Castro as total support from Saudi Arabia’s King ministration was discussing with foreign radio broadcast Tuesday were all killed in the nation’s new chief of state. Khaled, announced in Riyadh, Saudi governments and international action. Arabia, today they have formed a high- organizations prospects for relocating level committee to coordinate military some of the South Vietnamese refugees Jail Uprising and political moves against Israel. evacuated. JOLIET, 111. (UPI) — A dozen hostages A communique stressing coordinated A Volunteer Effort On Guam, there were reports that many were seized and a cellblock taken over at action was issued in the royal capital at of the 85,000 residents of the island, which The Weather the Joliet Correctional Center Tuesday by the end of two days of summit talks in is only 30 miles long and 4 to 9 miles wide, which Khaled renewed his slain brother were hurriediy buying food and hoarding Cloudy tonight with a chance of showers more than 200 convicts. Five hours later Wanda Moore, 16, paints the radiator in the community room of the the hostages were released and the rebel King Faisal’s pledge of total support of it. developing toward morning; lows in the Crossroads drug advisory center at 33 Park St. Wanda organized a group of inmates surrendered, after the warden Presidents Anwar Sadat of E g ^ t and 'The Guam legislature expressed con- 40s. Periods of rain Thursday with highs in A agreed to two of their demands — one to Hafez Assad of Syria in their fight against about 10 youths to clean up and paint the largeroom. They finished the work cetii over the sudden influx of Vietnamese upper 50s. stop the scheduled transfer of three in­ Israel. Tuesday. (Herald photo by Barlow) refugees and demanded assurances from National weather map on Page 2. Tough Campaign Succeeds P WASHINGTON (UPI) - Former Connec­ most prestigious courts in the U.S. circuit.” Tunney raised the issue of the Senate Judiciary ticut Gov. Thomas J. Meskill has won the Tunney said it was the first time ever he opposed Committee’s investigation of a real estate leasing hardest campaign of his life — a lifetime ap­ a President’s judicial nomination. scandal in Connecticut during Meskill’s term. pointment to the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Sen. John 0 . Pastore, D-R.I., called Meskill’s He said the results of the inquiry into a scandal in Appeals. political background “exemplary.” which Meskill’s friends benefited from lucrative Sen. Lowell R. Weicker Jr., R-Conn., Meskill’s state real estate contracts were insufficient to The U.S. Senate Tuesday voted 54-36 to approve sponsor, Tuesday attacked for the second day in a prove the ex-governor did anything wrong or unfair. Meskill. The Senate Judiciary Commiittee had row the American Bar Association’s opposition to The scandal issue should be “put aside, as far as voted 8-6 March 12 in favor of the nominee’s ap­ the noniinee and the ABA’s "lobbying” against con­ I’m concerned,” said Tunney, who has been one of proval. firmation by the Senate. Meskill’s leading opponents during five days of Meskill’s supporters said his career as a small­ hearings by the committee scattered over the past “That’s prosecutor, judge and jury all rolled into town mayor, congressman, and governor qualified six months. one,” said Weicker, who proposed Meskill’s name him to sit on the federal court, which serves to former President Nixon. Arguing Meskill’s tack of legal experience, Connecticut, New York and Vermont. Sens. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., and Jam es Tunney termed him a “nice man,” a “good His opponents said Meskill was unqualified to Abourezk, D-S.D., both opposed Meskill. politician.” But he said the Second Circuit Court is serve on the court, which is regarded as second in “We know now he was preoccupied,” said Hart of no place for him to receive his training as a judge. importance to the U.S. Supreme Court. One reason, Nixon, urging Senate rejection of the nominee so “There are far better people for service on the they said was he had never argued a case as a President Ford could submit another name. Second Circuit, far better people;” said Tunney, lawyer at that level. who predicted that Meskill “would not be able to Former President Nixon nominated Meskill on “We say you can do vastly better than this, Mr. pull his weight.” Aug. 9, 1974, one of Nixon’s last acts of office. President,” said Hart, leading the opposition at Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D-Conn., said he had that point.
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