Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 208.10 PART 208—FLOOD CONTROL sponsible for the efficient operation REGULATIONS and maintenance of all of the struc- tures and facilities during flood periods Sec. and for continuous inspection and 208.10 Local flood protection works; mainte- maintenance of the project works dur- nance and operation of structures and fa- ing periods of low water, all without cilities. cost to the United States. 208.11 Regulations for use of storage allo- (3) A reserve supply of materials cated for flood control or navigation and/ or project operation at reservoirs subject needed during a flood emergency shall to prescription of rules and regulations be kept on hand at all times. by the Secretary of the Army in the in- (4) No encroachment or trespass terest of flood control and navigation. which will adversely affect the effi- 208.19 Marshall Ford Dam and Reservoir cient operation or maintenance of the (Mansfield Dam and Lake Travis), Colo- project works shall be permitted upon rado River, Tex. 208.22 Twin Buttes Dam and Reservoir, Mid- the rights-of-way for the protective fa- dle and South Concho Rivers, Tex. cilities. 208.25 Pensacola Dam and Reservoir, Grand (5) No improvement shall be passed (Neosho) River, Okla. over, under, or through the walls, lev- 208.26 Altus Dam and Reservoir, North Fork ees, improved channels or floodways, Red River, Okla. nor shall any excavation or construc- 208.27 Fort Cobb Dam and Reservoir, Pond (Cobb) Creek, Oklahoma. tion be permitted within the limits of 208.28 Foss Dam and Reservoir, Washita the project right-of-way, nor shall any River, Oklahoma. change be made in any feature of the 208.29 Arbuckle Dam and Lake of the Ar- works without prior determination by buckles, Rock Creek, Okla. the District Engineer of the Depart- 208.32 Sanford Dam and Lake Meredith, Ca- ment of the Army or his authorized nadian River, Tex. representative that such improvement, 208.33 Cheney Dam and Reservoir, North Fork of Ninnescah River, Kans. excavation, construction, or alteration 208.34 Norman Dam and Lake Thunderbird, will not adversely affect the func- Little River, Okla. tioning of the protective facilities. 208.82 Hetch Hetchy, Cherry Valley, and Such improvements or alterations as Don Pedro Dams and Reservoirs. may be found to be desirable and per- AUTHORITY: Sec. 7, 58 Stat. 890; 33 U.S.C. missible under the above determina- 709. tion shall be constructed in accordance with standard engineering practice. § 208.10 Local flood protection works; Advice regarding the effect of proposed maintenance and operation of structures and facilities. improvements or alterations on the functioning of the project and informa- (a) General. (1) The structures and fa- tion concerning methods of construc- cilities constructed by the United tion acceptable under standard engi- States for local flood protection shall neering practice shall be obtained from be continuously maintained in such a the District Engineer or, if otherwise manner and operated at such times and for such periods as may be necessary to obtained, shall be submitted for his ap- obtain the maximum benefits. proval. Drawings or prints showing (2) The State, political subdivision such improvements or alterations as fi- thereof, or other responsible local nally constructed shall be furnished agency, which furnished assurance that the District Engineer after completion it will maintain and operate flood con- of the work. trol works in accordance with regula- (6) It shall be the duty of the super- tions prescribed by the Secretary of intendent to submit a semiannual re- the Army, as required by law, shall ap- port to the District Engineer covering point a permanent committee con- inspection, maintenance, and operation sisting of or headed by an official here- of the protective works. inafter called the ‘‘Superintendent,’’ (7) The District Engineer or his au- who shall be responsible for the devel- thorized representatives shall have ac- opment and maintenance of, and di- cess at all times to all portions of the rectly in charge of, an organization re- protective works. 107 VerDate May<21>2004 02:29 Jul 18, 2004 Jkt 203128 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203128T.XXX 203128T § 208.10 33 CFR Ch. II (7–1–04 Edition) (8) Maintenance measures or repairs (vii) No action is being taken, such as which the District Engineer deems nec- burning grass and weeds during inap- essary shall be promptly taken or propriate seasons, which will retard or made. destroy the growth of sod; (9) Appropriate measures shall be (viii) Access roads to and on the levee taken by local authorities to insure are being properly maintained; that the activities of all local organiza- (ix) Cattle guards and gates are in tions operating public or private facili- good condition; ties connected with the protective (x) Crown of levee is shaped so as to works are coordinated with those of drain readily, and roadway thereon, if the Superintendent’s organization dur- any, is well shaped and maintained; ing flood periods. (xi) There is no unauthorized grazing (10) The Department of the Army will or vehicular traffic on the levees; furnish local interests with an Oper- (xii) Encroachments are not being ation and Maintenance Manual for made on the levee right-of-way which each completed project, or separate might endanger the structure or hinder useful part thereof, to assist them in its proper and efficient functioning carrying out their obligations under during times of emergency. this part. Such inspections shall be made imme- (b) Levees—(1) Maintenance. The Su- diately prior to the beginning of the perintendent shall provide at all times flood season; immediately following such maintenance as may be required each major high water period, and oth- to insure serviceability of the struc- erwise at intervals not exceeding 90 tures in time of flood. Measures shall days, and such intermediate times as be taken to promote the growth of sod, may be necessary to insure the best exterminate burrowing animals, and to possible care of the levee. Immediate provide for routine mowing of the grass steps will be taken to correct dan- and weeds, removal of wild growth and gerous conditions disclosed by such in- drift deposits, and repair of damage spections. Regular maintenance repair caused by erosion or other forces. measures shall be accomplished during Where practicable, measures shall be the appropriate season as scheduled by taken to retard bank erosion by plant- the Superintendent. ing of willows or other suitable growth on areas riverward of the levees. Peri- (2) Operation. During flood periods odic inspections shall be made by the the levee shall be patrolled continu- Superintendent to insure that the ously to locate possible sand boils or above maintenance measures are being unusual wetness of the landward slope effectively carried out and, further, to and to be certain that: be certain that: (i) There are no indications of slides (i) No unusual settlement, sloughing, or sloughs developing; or material loss of grade or levee cross (ii) Wave wash or scouring action is section has taken place; not occurring; (ii) No caving has occurred on either (iii) No low reaches of leave exist the land side or the river side of the which may be overtopped; levee which might affect the stability (iv) No other conditions exist which of the levee section; might endanger the structure. (iii) No seepage, saturated areas, or Appropriate advance measures will be sand boils are occurring; taken to insure the availability of ade- (iv) Toe drainage systems and pres- quate labor and materials to meet all sure relief wells are in good working contingencies. Immediate steps will be condition, and that such facilities are taken to control any condition which not becoming clogged; endangers the levee and to repair the (v) Drains through the levees and damaged section. gates on said drains are in good work- (c) Flood walls—(1) Maintenance. Peri- ing condition; odic inspections shall be made by the (vi) No revetment work or riprap has Superintendent to be certain that: been displaced, washed out, or re- (i) No seepage, saturated areas, or moved; sand boils are occurring; 108 VerDate May<21>2004 02:29 Jul 18, 2004 Jkt 203128 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203128T.XXX 203128T Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 208.10 (ii) No undue settlement has occurred examined, oiled, and trial operated at which affects the stability of the wall least once every 90 days. Where drain- or its water tightness; age structures are provided with stop (iii) No trees exist, the roots of which log or other emergency closures, the might extend under the wall and offer condition of the equipment and its accelerated seepage paths; housing shall be inspected regularly (iv) The concrete has not undergone and a trial installation of the emer- cracking, chipping, or breaking to an gency closure shall be made at least extent which might affect the stability once each year. Periodic inspections of the wall or its water tightness; shall be made by the Superintendent to (v) There are no encroachments upon be certain that: the right-of-way which might endanger (i) Pipes, gates, operating mecha- the structure or hinder its functioning nism, riprap, and headwalls are in good in time of flood; condition; (vi) Care is being exercised to prevent (ii) Inlet and outlet channels are accumulation of trash and debris adja- open; cent to walls, and to insure that no (iii) Care is being exercised to pre- fires are being built near them; vent the accumulation of trash and de- (vii) No bank caving conditions exist bris near the structures and that no riverward of the wall which might en- fires are being built near bituminous danger its stability; coated pipes; (viii) Toe drainage systems and pres- (iv) Erosion is not occurring adjacent sure relief wells are in good working to the structure which might endanger condition, and that such facilities are its water tightness or stability.
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