20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Oct. 12, 1989 w a n t e d to f o T l CABS CARS [CARS CARS BUY/TRADE FOR SALE g J j M I I S 122J FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SUE BUYING Bseball Items: Parks Speciolis^j^ CHEVROLET^ 1980 "m o - 1983 CHRYSLER Le- Autographs, year­ CHEVROLET 1985 Celeb­ Much Ado llbu - 4 door, good Baron - 4 cylinder, 5 1984 HONDA Civic Wagon 1984 FORD Escort Wagon SATs books, cards, pro­ condition. $1,250. 643- rity wagon. Excellent - 646-0767 or 649-4554, - Auto, air, am/fm, speed, standard. Nice condition. V-6 auto­ grams, stubs, pins and 5484,_____________________ buy, $1,995. 646-1313, J o c k .____________________ power steerlng- other basebell Items. matic, power steerlng- /brakes. Excellent I Paying high prices! Rl- /brakes, air, cruise. 1986 JEEP Wogoneer Li­ Developers plan CHEVROLET 1974 Co­ C O R V E T T E 1971 S ting mited - Excellent con­ condition. $2,000. 646- San Francisco’s Kevin Mitchell chord Simon - 215 E. Ray, C.J.K. 84K origi­ $4,500 or best otter. 2079. Mixed results 80th Street, New York, moro - New paint, new 647-8894.________________ dition, 43,000 miles, foundation to help/3 vinyl top, 6 cylinder nal miles. 99 per cent automatic, air condl- O L D S A A O B IL E 1981 R e­ N Y 10021, (212)988-1349. s t e a l It. 1970 Camaro, wonders what’s the fuss about/11 automatic, $1,750. Ne­ restored. $25,000 In­ tlonlng, am/tm gency - Loaded, must on Bolton tests/4 COMPUTERS Bought vested asking $10,500. Berllnetta, fully cassette, leather Inte­ sell. 643-1364. and sold - All makes gotiable. 649-8944, loaded, excellent con- CARPENTRY/ leave message. Serious Inquiries only rior. $10,900. 643-2938. ELECTRICAL and models. Warranty 633-8560. rtltlon. $1,500 or best 1984CELEBRITY-4door, remodeling available on selected offer. Call 646-1050. fully equipped, excel­ DUMAS ELECTRIC Items. The Used Com­ lent condition. $3,500. Service changes, puter Exchange, 1800 CLYDE CARDINAL SCHALLER 1987 AAUSTANG LX - 4 cylinder, hatchback, 5 Get needed back-to- additional wiring and Post Road, Warwick, CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. BOB RILEY ACURA QUALITY Rl 02886. Telephone ROUTE 83, VERNON BUICK, INC. PRE-OWNED AUTOS speed, $6,500. 646-2392. I school money by sellino repairs on existing OLDSMOBILE I unneeded Items around (401)739-2120.___________ 82 Malibu 4 Dr $4,695 1988 Buick LeSabre Sedan $11,980 83 Ford Escort $1895 homes. Ouality work at i 1988 Buick Skylark Sedan $8,990 4 iY.A uI0.LowMIm I your home. Use o low-cost STEREO Camera, 84 Caprice Oassic Cpe. $6,895 259 Adams St., affordable prices. 1988 ChevS-tOPAJ Truck $7,495 83 0l(XCu<aMS<erim* H ptS TRUCKS/VANS lad In Classified for quick viewer, accessories 84 Buick Century Wag $5,995 Manchester VS. AT. AC. Low M m {re s u lts . Entirely owner operated. and literature. 649-2231. 1988 ChevS-tOExl Cab P/U $12,995 *7ToyolaT«rcal WptS FOR SALE 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 1988 Fbniiac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 4 cyt. AT. AC. Low M m 27 years exp. Call 649-1749 86 Honda Accord LX t108RS 85 Skylark 4 Dr $6,895 1987 Buick Park Are Sedan $11850 C H E V Y 1981 P ic k u p - 6 Joseph Dumas Cut laundry costs by de- 1985 Ford LTD $5995 SSpd.. Wt.LkaNow creoslng the amount of 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr $7,295 1987ChevS-10PAJ $6880 83 NItaan Slatua |X486 cylinder, standard, GCF HOME 646-5253. 1989Toronado $17,900 detergent used. Reduce 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $9,995 1987 Chev Conversion Van $13,999 5Spd../VC.SHtao am/tm radio. Good SERVICES 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14,995 1986Toronado $8,995 e7C«icaGTS | 11A8S by one-third and see 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 5 S(id.. Loaded. Rad running condition. iJIaiirfiPHlpr Mmlh Rempdellng, repair, decks, 1986 Buick LeSabre Coupe $8840 whether you notice a dif­ 1986 Olds Cutlass $8,495 SSPonliacSOOOLE $3886 Asking $1,900 or best trim work, small jobs. MISCELLANEOUS 86 CentU7 Wagon $7,495 1986 Buick Century Sedan $7,480 VS.Aulo.Loadad ference In the appearance 1986 Chevy Eurosport $6,995 otter. 742-7814. Senior Citizen Discount SERVICES 66 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,495 1986 Okfs Delta 88 Cpe $8,995 86CI)ovyNova o p ts of your wash. Add extra 1989 Olds Clera $11,999 Aide, StwM CHEVROLET 1979 Van. 66 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 1986 Chev Monle Carlo $8,490 aSBuUiCarduty $4,8« Customized. Runs 6 4 5 -6 5 5 9 dollars to your budget by 1966 Ronllac Sunbird $5,680 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo $6,995 88 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 Amo, AC good. Needs a little Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm selling "don't needs ' with 1968 Merc. Grand Marquis $9880 1987 Olds Clera $6,999 S3 Monday Accord LX S488S HAWKES TREE SERVICE a low-cost ad In Classi­ 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 1986 Olds Clera $5,999 5Spd..AC body work. Asking Newsstanci Price: 35 Cents Bucket, truck & chippar. 1966 Dodge 600 Sed ^895 PAINTING/PAPERING fied. 643-2711. 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr $8,795 1987 Pont. Bonneville $10,995 S30ldaCwa $8886 $2,000 or best otter. Coll Stump ramoval. Free 1986 Chev Conversion Van $9,980 Ve.Aido.AC otter 5p.m., 646-0692. •etlmatea. Special 67 Buick Electra 4 Dr $12,495 1985 Olds Clera $5895 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 840daCulaH $8866 contidaratlon lor elderly 87 Chevrolet Celebrity $9,495 1985 Buick Regal Coupe $6860 1987 Pont. Grand Am $7,495 Auto. AC. P.S. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR and handicapped. CARS MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM 81 Adams SL, Manchester 1987 Conversion Van $16,995 PAINTING FOR SALE 872-9111 345 Center SL Manchester I CARS 6 4 7 -7 5 5 3 649-4571 1986 Olds Delta Sedan $7,995 Heist victims Painting & light Caipentry, 6A7-i077 FOR SALE Driveway Sealed, Porches & Wholesale Hatchways rebuilt. I-89R. TREE Galllgan & Co. get counseling 649-1698/643-6386 REMOVAL T[668 tildiMitnJ and ramovad. NEW Cordwood sold. Seasoned and ' Y f l v “ JT'e can tell you unseasoned hardwood only. By James F. Henry Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 1990 hikes fuel what to look for... Crane Service Available. 1 9 9 0 Manchester Herald and what to look Call Car! 742-5986 CHEVROLET G tO Employees at a Main Street credit union robbed outforr SNOWPLOWING CARS at gunpoint by two masked men Wednesday will HarBro Commercial, residential. get coLmscling to help deal with the trauma, the inflation Bollon. Vernon, Coventry A LL N E W i i o o o credit union president said today. Painting area. Free estimates. - N E W 1 9 9 0 N E W 1 9 9 0 Meanwhile, police said Thursday they recovered Call Pete, GEO S T O R M R e b a t e o n on Spruce street the 1986 Toyota Corolla believed By Dave Skidmore of Manchester on CAVALIER S -1 0 PU 643-1213. 4 O r A/C, Auto Trans #3184 used by the robbers. The FBI has linked the robbery The Associated Press Quality Painting of the Northeast School Employees Federal Credit p u Union at 233 Main St. to a scries of similar heists WASHINGTON — Wholesale prices shot up 0.9 per­ Services GUTTER •Free Estimates that have taken place in the greater Hartford area. cent in September, fueled by a sharp rise in energy costs, •Senior Citizen Discounts CLEANING Panick Kelly, the president of the credit union, the government said today. $ 1 1 8 2 9 5 •Aluminum & Vinyl SERVICE $9 ,2 9 5 " said that a counselor from Child and Family Ser­ The climb in the Labor Department’s Producer Price Powerwashing for estimate call $ 7 3 9 5 vices met with employees Thursday afternoon. He Index last month wipwd out consecutive price declines of A LL N E W said the employees, who were forced to lie down on 0.4 picrccnL m August and July and 0.1 percent in June. 875-0634 or 875-9142. N E W 1 9 9 0 646-6815 CEO P R IZ M the floor during the crime, may need help coping. The Sepicmbcr reversal brought the annual wholesale We’re Here To Serve #3001 S-10 BLAZER “Jtist the fear of a repeat is the worst part about inflation raie for the first nine months of the year to 5.1 Tahoe, V-6, Auto, A/C #3176 it,” Kelly said. l a w n CARE percent and marked a return to the high inflation of the WEIGIFS PAMTMG CO. There were eight employees in the bank at the early part of the year. Quality work at a time of the robbery and one customer, police said. rsaaotMiUa prical Although wholesale inflation is not nearly as bad as Interior It Exterior The robbers got away with more than $100,000. feared after prices advanced at a 10.1 percent annual rate Free Estimates y a r d MASTERS $9,195 Although police first reported the take at in iiic first quarter, it is still significantly higher than the Call Brian Weigle Trees cut, Yards cleaned, $15,995 $107,000, Kelly has said that figure was inaccurate. 4.0 percent rate posted in all of 1988. 645-8912 Lawns, Truck & Backhoe However, without disclosing the correct figure, he Conmbuung to the big September jLimp was a statisti­ work available.
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