A Newspaper Devoted Complete Newsp Pictures • To the Community Interest •• • •#• v Presented Fairlyy.. Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially • Each Week VOL. XV—NO. 18 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Light Vote Addition Planned 4 Schools Adath Israel Cast in To J & J Center Cast Here RARITAN TOWNSHIP — An- Face Split Appoints nouncement has been made by F. Nason Manley, director of con- Tuesday struction, that a new addition to ession the ,Johnson & Johnson Shipping Center oh Route 27 is .being •rf Forbes.Favored Over planned. Double .Shifts, Nicklas 70 Men Now on Force in Troast by Local GOP; Mr. Manley said that work on Says, Are Inevitable the 200-by-300~foot building which Township; Plea Made- Democrats Back Wene will adjoin the^ present structure In Avenel, Colonia For Sewer in Colonia on its north side, •will start as soon RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Voting WOODBRIDGE — Classes in as the weather permits. The newSchools 2 and 16, Colonia and " WOODBRIDGE—Five addition- • in Raritan Township "was excep- building .will provide 60,000 addi- Schools 4 and 5, Avenel, will be on al men were appointed to the tionally light at the Primary elec- tional .square 'feet of space and a. part-time basis next year, ac- Woodbridge Police Department at tion Tuesday and only a compara- bring the combined floor space to cording to a proposed organization a meeting of the Town Committee 270,000 square feet. The addition last night. for the elementary schools sub- 1 4n ^ tive handful of-voters—2,274 out will cost $593,900 and will be ready of more than 13,000 registered mitted by Victor C. Nicklas, Super- They were: William C. Reid, 328 for occupancy on" October 31. intne'dent of Schools, to the Teach- De Soto Avenue, Woodbridge; Ar- voters—cast 'ballots. Mr. Manley said- that .shipping ers Committee. nold R. Houser, 476 Mereline Ave- Locally, the Republicans, favored from the center will be confined It is expected Mr. Nicklas' plan nue, Avenel;-Victor J; Balint, 535 Senator Malcolm Forbes over Paul to products made exclusively by will be adopted Monday: New Brunswick Avenue, Fords; Johnson and Johnson and not any vi L. Troast, who won out as candi- The part-time classes, Mr. Nick- *.,? Robert J. Thompson, 335 Colum- of its subsidiaries such as Ethicon las said,, will be necessary but to f bus Avenue, Woodbridge and date for governor, and the town- Sutures or Personal Products. the tremendous growth of : the George E. Taylor, 31 Vernon Street, ship Democrats backed Elmer H. The shipping cneter, opened in school system. He •. indicated that i Iselin. Wene over Robert B. Meyner. 1949, is a singterstory building of with the continued development •,-''! The new men will start as pa- Elected as County Committee- speedwall tile construction, with of the Township, part-time classes trolmen, fourth class at a salary of men and County Committeewomen blue-tinted plate glass windows. may be necessary even after the $3,000 per year. They will report were: It was constructed at a cost of completion of the Inman Avenue for duty to Police Chief George E. REPUBLICANS $3,500,000. School. Above is the east of "Detective Story," well-known Broadway Harriet Kaplan and Lou Strauss. Standing, Dr. Bert Eisenberg-, Keating on May 1 when they will District 1. Eltoert C Henderson The suggested time for the production to be presented by the Adath Israel Players Saturday director; Abe Winogrrad, Herbert Winpgrad, Jerry Fertig-, Sidney be sworn in by B. J. Dunigan, and Virginia Sarama; District 2, classes is as follows: Morning ses- and Sunday at the Woodbridge Jewish Community Center. Left LeBow, Miriam Chodosh, Leon Nedzella, Henrietta Melnick, Leon Township Clerk. The appointment Walter R. Bradstreet and Sue Bil-ILS. Allocates ion, 8 A. M., until- 12:10 P. M., to right, seated, are Al Cohen, Manny Groldfarb, Jerry Franken- Weingarten, Walter Ruderman, Leonard Ziegler, Milton Worth, of the five new men will make a lings; District 3, Stewart 'Straka afternoon session, 12:15 P. M., to stein, Jack Crottdenker, Mrs. Henry Belafsky, Lillian Cherensky, Br. Samuel Bernstein. roster of 70 men on the police de- and Elizabeth Ogilvie; District 4, 4:25 P.M. partment. However, there are two Sigvard Johnson and, Lillian $17,156 to Board "You will note," said Mr. Nick- men on sick leave. Sams; District 5, Richard Sattler las, "that during the winter Help Trickling la Carlsen Dad Count Before appointing the new men] and Norma Thorpe; District 6, RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Sena- months it will be dark when some a letter was read from James Si- Emil Anderson and- Veronica tor Robert C. Hendrickson this of the youngsters leave to go to 9 pos which read as follows: "Owing Leonhard. week notified the Fords Beacon school in the morning session and Seen as Mistake to illness in my family at the pres- District 7, Walter Chmura and that the Federal Office of Educa- it will be dark before some of the ent time, I would appreciate your tion has certified 'the Raritan Virginia Falkiewicz; District 8, youngsters get home from the WOODBRIDGE — Joe Rankin, WOODBRIDGE — Notices were posted today, in the WOODBRIDGE—"I can't un- accepting my waiver at this time Townsihp Board, of Education for afternoon session. for appointment to the Police De- Pearl Holcombe and Naomi Davis; top-flight, entertainer, who offers various schools that applications "will be taken until May derstand it," Mrs. Henrik Kurt District 9, Mrs. J. P. Moran only; immediate, payment of '$18,15'6 for "As per present plans, 19 classes 6 by Superintendent of Schools Victor C. Nicklas for three Carlsen, Alwat Street, said yester- partment: of the Township of District 10-, Raymond Conger and Federal assistance. The allocation, from grades 1 to 6 in Schools -2 a music-comedy, novelty, will be posts—a newly-created position of administrative assistant day when informed by an Inde- Woodbridge, in. accordance with Helen Prefach; .District 11, Charles for the second year in a row, is and 16 will be o-n*a part-time basis one of the featured stars at the pendent-Leader reporter that her Civil Service elegibility list for provided for in the law which aids and ten classes in Grades 1 and 2 to the Superintendent of Schools and for principal of this position, dated April 8, 1953. Bartow and Kale Wagner; District community-sponsored Woodbridge School 11, Woodbridge and the new Inman Avenue School. father-in-law, Martin Carlsen, who 12, Warren Voorhees and Bodil municipalities to educate children in Schools 4 and 5 will be on a High School senior prom to be held resides near Copenhagen, Den- From such information as I am "Whose parents have -moved to the parT-time basis. This number may There will be a vacancy in mark, had been denied a'visa to able to obtain, I understand this Gray. increase before School 17 is avail- at The Pines, May 19. School 11 in November, when Mrs. action on my part will enable trie District 13, Paul Combs and municipality because of work in Prom Entertainer United States because he is al- Nellie Maytas; District 14, John war industries. able. Even after School 17 (Inman Rankin has appeared in Milton Frank Edgar will retire. leged to be a Communist. She is to retain the No. 1 position." John J; Anderson, secretary to Avenue) is occupied there will be, Berle's Texaco Star Theatre, Ca- A leading contender for admin- certain 'there is a mistake.' ; An ordinance was introduced Chalupa and Mildred Silagy; Dis- from present indications, some trict 15, Oliver Jackson and Phyl- the board, stated that "when the sino Nacional, Havana; Radio City istrative assistant is Harry I. Se- Mrs. Carlsen's husband, Captain providing for curbs, gutter and time comes for actual distribution classes probably in Schools 4 and christ, head of the guidance de- necessary grading on Bergen lis Wood; District 16, Theodore 5 on a part-time basis." Music Hall and Olympia Theatre, Carlsen, skipper of the ill-fated Street. Hearing on the measure will Bomeisler, Jr., and Esther Worth- of the funds we expect about $14,- partment at the High School. Mr. ship, "The Flying Enterprise," is 20 Teachers Needed Miami. Others who have been en- be held at the next meeting, May Ington; District 17, John (Seherer 500, the approximate amount w6"\ Sechrist has done an outstanding now in Chinese waters aboard his 5. and Nellie Matson; District 18, received last year." Present plans indicate, Mr., gaged to appear on the program job in organizing that department new ship, "The Flying Enterprise Leonard Bautnann and Gertrude The money, according to law, Nicklas said, that 20 additional are the Two Mirths; Dietrich and and has worked closely with the II." A resolution was introduced au- will be earmarked for "current ex- teachers will be needed next year Diane, toys in technicolor: and offices of the Superintendent of "I know my husband-will be thorizing the readvertisement of Larsen; District 19, Ray Henry as follows: Elementary schools, 16; and Pearl Ertl. penses" in the school district's Fred and Sledge who vrere fea- Schools and the High School Prin- heartbroken when he hears the bids for gasoline for the third revenue account. The funds are high school, 2, manual training, 1; cipals in . conducting various sur- story," Mrs. Carlsen said. time. The first time the Commit- DEMOCRATS home economics, 1. tured in "Kiss Me, Kate." District 1, George E. Hojlingrs- granted pursuant '.to a law passed veys. He did a considerable part The plucky woman who went tee advertised incorrectly and the by- the 81st.
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